offline Gematria Calculator — 777codes

$ 3,7



This gematria calculator works with Hebrew, Greek and English. It will also handle accents and iota subscripts correctly. But it will not handle all accents in Greek yet. 
– The gematria systems used are: reduced, ordinal, standard, reverse reduced, reverse ordinal, reverse standard, Full reduced, Full ordinal & Full standard.
– Uses Soft gematria systems if you input the Final forms of Hebrew: ךםןףץ or this Greek letter: ς.
– This gematria calculator uses the 24 letters of the Greek Alphabet by default.
– To use the 27 letters of the Greek Isopsephy Alphabet, input iso to switch to Isopsephy mode. 
– The gematria calculator has a text file named input in the main folder that lets you input large amounts of text to calculate.
– The gematria calculator is fast and strong making it possible to calculate the whole Old Testament in a few seconds.
– The gematria calculator will do word & letter counts. Input c to toggle word & letter counts on or off.

The Gematria calculator will show Hebrew input in reverse in version 1.0 which is inconvenient. This will get fixed in the next version.



Images of the gematria calculator




Enabling word & letter counts




Calculating the whole Old Testament (original WLC version)




Using Isopsephy mode




Examples of Soft gematria systems being used




Right click on the top of the command line window and click on properties to enter settings in order to enable the display of Hebrew text




Select the Liberation Mono Font




Click on the colors section to customize the layout if you do not like the black and white theme




Here is how it will look if you select yellow background and black text


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