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Diverse calculators/Gematria tools


There are eight different diverse calculators or gematria tools here. And one gematria converter which converts letters to values.

1. Combination permutation calculator: finds all possible combinations in all permutations using the same combination no more than once. (If you input over 20 units here then your browser might crash) [Input values like this: 913,203,86]

2. Combination pair permutation calculator: finds possible combinations only in pairs adding between orders using the same combination no more than once.
(I do not recommend any input over 150-200 units in this calculator) [Input values like this: 913,203,86]

• You can also hit the
“Only Result” button to remove the calculations and only show results on calculators 1 & 2.
• You can also search for specific factors when using calculators 1 & 2.
• You can hit the “Include input” on calculator 1 to include the singular values in the list of combinations.
• If you are going to copy results into a document then I do not recommend using the “Copy to clipboard” button, but rather mark the text with the mouse pointer and copy-paste by pressing CTRL+C.

3. Sum between orders calculator: input values in the left field and in the right field you enter orders you want the values to be added between including rotation by cycles by the number of words or letters. (take note that adding more than 44444 digits can have problems and give the wrong answer that is around 50-200 times lower than what it should be, if so just try to hit result again) [Input orders like this: 1,2 or like this: 1, 2]

4. Sum up to orders calculator: input values in the left field and in the right field you enter orders you want the values to be added up to including rotations by cycles. (take note that adding more than 44444 digits can have problems and give the wrong answer that is around 50-200 times lower than what it should be)  [Input values like this: 37]

5. Orders calculator: Add specific orders either by rotation or not. [Input orders like this: 1,3,7 or like this: 1, 3, 7]

• Calculators 3, 4 & 5 have the option to select the forward and reverse mode. I will use the Sum up to order calculator to explain how this works:
If I enter 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 into the Input of this calculator and enter number 3 in the Sum up to order form then it will add 1+2+3 in forward mode.
If I enter 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 into the Input of this calculator and enter number 3 in the Sum up to order form then it will add 9+8+7 in reverse mode.

6. Gematria converter lets you enter a verse from the Bible in either Hebrew, Greek or English and it will return values in 9 different gematria systems that you can copy-paste into calculators here to find/check codes.


7. Equidistant Letter Sequence or ELS tool adds skips of letters. If you pick the single count option and input 3,7 it will add skip of 3 + skip of 7 like this:

Selecting combined count and then entering 3,7 adds like this:


8. Get gematria methods for verse(s) calculates the methods like total values, first, last words, center words… e.c.t in a Hebrew, Greek or English verse of the Bible. Input verse, select language and gematria system.
If you enter several verses then they will get integrated and all methods are added which are used in this type of calculator.
Word orders added in arithmetic progression is when you input several verses which then adds words of these verses in a natural progression from nr 1, 2, 3… e.c.t. Showing as Combo 1, 2, 3… in the results. This function was made for verse integrations only so it will show the values of every word in a verse instead if you only input one verse.
• This calculator will work with calculators 3, 4 & 5. So when you input a verse or verses in this calculator, those calculators (3, 4 & 5) use this input to get results when you input the order(s) you want to find into calculator 3, calculator 4 or calculator 5).
There is also a dropdown menu next to those calculators where you can choose to calculate words or letters in the verse(s) you have input in this calculator.
Verses with less than 7 words should not have the 3 L. surr. CL + 3 W. surr. CW but it’s hard to get it correct programmatically so you understand that it should be 0 as long as the 3 FLL + 3 FLW = 0 & 7/8 CL + 7/8 CW = 0.
if you integrate verses and one of them has less than 7 words the methods using:
3 FLW, 3 FLL + 3 FLW, 7/8 CW, 3 FLW + 7/8 CW, 7/8 CL + 7/8 CW,  3 FLL + 3 FLL + 7/8 CL + 7/8 CW, 3 W. surr. CW & 3 L. surr. CL + 3 W. surr. CW will be incorrect. 
It is your responsibility to check if a verse has less than 7 words when doing verse integrations.
I take no accountability if you mess up these methods when integrating a verse with less than 7 words.
And please remove all commas from English & Greek verses since they can mess up word counts.

Ultra calculation method is simply (number of letters x by the product of letters)/(number of words x product of words). Ultra calculations can be used on a word, phrase or verse of the Bible.
The dropdown menu in the end, lets you choose between division (/), Plus (+), minus (-), or multiply (*). It will only affect the ultra calculation when using more than one input. Here are some examples of how it works:
Ultra calculation tutorial

The ultra calculation method tends to mess up the decimal point in large numbers. 
So for example if the result is 31415123456789 then it will show it as 3.1415123456 +4.
So, you have to copy-paste the calculation given to you into the Precise calculator tool to get the correct result regarding the decimal point. In-fact the ultra calculation tool on this website only gives to 10 digits correct and sometimes you need up to 15 or more digits to get the important meanings of the number. To get as many as 15 or more digits of an ultra calculation you just have to copy-paste the calculation into the
Precise calculator.

Throwing many verses in the tool can mess up the ultra calculation. However, you can just copy-paste the calculation that will be displayed into the
Precise calculator that will calculate it correctly.
And it can even show wrong results when calculating a verse alone by showing the value of 0, 1, or infinity. If so, then click the “Result” button again to compute it once more. And there are certain long Greek verses that are too big/long for the calculator to compute; so it will say “infinity” or even 0. But it is nothing that the Precise calculator can’t fix for you. 


The diverse calculators/gematria tools will also show you the factors of the results but if it is a prime number then it will not have factors.
This does not apply to calculator 8 as it will not show the factors of numbers.


If any of the functions or buttons do not work here, then just change the internet browser to Google Chrome or some other internet browser to fix it.


If you are doing a lot of copy-paste from this page, then you might get the problem I get by getting an unwanted paragraph break after each line.
Go here: Remove line breaks with paragraph restoration online ( and only select the “remove empty lines” option after you copy-pasted the text you want to remove paragraph breaks from into the input area.





About the diverse calculators/gematria tools


The main purpose of this is to find Bible codes and these diverse calculators/gematria tools are used for:
1. is for finding possible combinations in all permutations of a set of words in a verse. [This tool was used to find the word combinations of Gen 1:1].
2. is for finding all possible combinations between letters & words when adding between orders in pairs. [This tool was used to find the letter combinations of Gen 1:1].
3. is for finding combinations between orders of letters & words in verses.
4. is for adding letters & words in verses up to a specific order. You can add digits of α, e, π & φ with this tool, please use the links provided below as I made them ready for the calculator:
The 12 digits of inverse α: 1,3,7,0,3,5,9,9,9,2,0,6
The 13 digits of α: 0,0,0,7,2,9,7,3,5,2,5,6
Get the 100,000 first digits of e here

Get the 100,000 first digits of π here

Get the 100,000 first digits of φ here

Get the 100,000 first digits of Ω here

Get the 100,000 first digits of inverse Ω here
5. is for adding orders by rotation or not of letters & words in verses.
6. To get the values needed from a verse and then use them on calculators 1 to 5 here.
7. Finding ELS codes
8. is for getting the general methods of verses of the Bible.



The values of words & letters in Genesis 1:1

The values of words & letters in John 1:1

Diverse calculators/Gematria tools

Import Bible verse by verse order from the Hebrew/Greek Bible database

Find all possible combinations in all permutations

Find specific factors or number

Find possible combinations in paired permutations

Find specific factors or number
Sum between orders
Sum between orders
Sum up to order
Sum up to order
Sum orders
Sum orders

Equidistant Letter Sequence.

Import Bible verse by verse order from the Hebrew/Greek Bible database on this website

Text Autofill

Use Bible text from above to fill inn the input below

Get gematria methods for verse(s).

777 codes