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Gematria calculator


This multi-language gematria calculator calculates letters/words into numbers. Select language and input words.

only Hebrew letters in the Hebrew gematria calculator
only Greek letters in the Greek gematria calculator 
only English letters in the English gematria calculator
The table has the dragging property, giving it the infinite potential of width.
If you hover the mouse pointer over the table and hold shift you can drag it to the end by scrolling down with the mouse.

It can be used outside of this page in full-screen mode showing more letters than here.
Link for full-screen mode: 

Gematria Calculator

Click Here to see the explanations of the gematria systems used in the gematria calculator + the Hebrew & Greek alphabets.
Hebrew, Greek & English alphabets that you can copy-paste into the gematria calculator:
Hebrew alphabet: אבגדהוזחטיכלמנסעפצקרשת — ךםןףץ
Greek alphabet: αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρσ(ς)τυφχψω — ΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΘΙΚΛΜΝΞΟΠΡΣΤΥΦΧΨΩ
English alphabet: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz — ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ

standard system of the gematria calculator

Begins with the first letter being 1, then the next letter is 2, then 3, and upwards up to 10.
The next letter after 10 is then 20, followed by 30 and so forth up to 100.
The next letter after 100 is then 200, followed by 300, then 400, 500, and so forth.
The standard gematria value of the English word “gematria” is then 7+5+40+1+200+90+9+1 = 353 = “God” Θεος (r+o+s).

ordinal system of the gematria calculator

This is the placement value of the letters, so the first letter has the value of 1, then the next letter equals 2, then 3, 4, 5… up to either 22, 24 & 26
depending on which alphabets you use of the Hebrew, Greek & English languages.
The ordinal gematria of the English word “gematria” is then 7+5+13+1+20+18+9+1 = 74 = “Jesus” (E o) = “and” (E o+s).
reduced system of the gematria calculator

The reduced gematria system uses the same values on the letters as the standard system, but with zeroes removed.
So the first letter equals 1, then the next letter has the value of 2, then 3 so forth up to 9, and then it starts over on 1 and repeats the cycle.
The reduced gematria of the English word “gematria” is then 7+5+4+1+2+9+9+1 = 38 = “reveal” גלה.

Full standard system of the gematria calculator

The Full standard gematria system uses the standard values on the letters fully spelled out.
Only Hebrew & Greek letter can be fully spelled out, all full spellings of letters are displayed in the alphabet table seen when you Click Here.

The Full standard gematria of the Hebrew word “gematria” גימטריא is then 83+20+80+419+510+20+111 = 1243 = “the seven seven seven” השבע שבע שבע (o+s). 

Full ordinal system of the gematria calculator

The Full ordinal gematria system uses the ordinal values on the letters fully spelled out.
The Full ordinal gematria of the Hebrew word “gematria” גימטריא is then 38+20+26+41+51+20+30 = 226 = “the Alpha and Phi” (H & G Fr) [האלפא ופי — το Αλφα και Φι].

Full reduced system of the gematria calculator

The Full reduced gematria system uses the reduced values on the letters fully spelled out.
The Full reduced gematria of the Hebrew word “gematria” גימטריא is then 11+11+8+14+6+11+12 = 73 = “wisdom” חכמה.

reverse standard system of the gematria calculator

The reverse standard gematria system reverses the standard system so that the first letter equals the last letter instead.
And instead of going up in values, it always starts with the highest value on the first letter and ends with the last letter being 1.
The reverse standard gematria of the Greek word “gematria” γεματρια is then 600+400+50+800+7+9+80+800 = 2000 + 746 “In the beginning” בראשית (rs).

reverse ordinal system of the gematria calculator

The reverse ordinal gematria system reverses the ordinal system so that the first letter equals the last letter instead.
And instead of going up in values, it always starts with the highest value on the first letter and ends with the last letter being 1.
The reverse ordinal gematria of the Greek word “gematria” γεματρια is then 22+20+13+24+6+8+16+24 = 133 = 13 “In the beginning” בראשית (r) with an extended last digit.

reverse reduced system of the gematria calculator

The reverse reduced gematria system uses the same values on the letters as the reverse standard system, but with zeroes removed.
The reverse reduced gematria of the Greek word “gematria” γεματρια is then 6+4+5+8+7+9+8+8 = 55 = “In the beginning” בראשית (Fr).

Soft gematria systems are only used on Upper-case Hebrew letters: ךםןףץ

Soft standard values of these five letters: 500, 600, 700, 800, 900
Soft ordinal values of these five letters: 23, 24, 25, 26, 27
Soft reduced values of these five letters: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Starter gematria feature

Starter gematria is only used on Hebrew, Greek, English, Norwegian & Swedish Alphabets.
Input several starter systems into the gematria calculator like this: 1,2,3 to add them.

English starter 7 is A=7 B=8 C=9 — English starter 37 is A=37 B=38 C=39 — English starter 73 is A=73 B=74 C=75
Greek starter 3 is α = 3 β= 4 γ = 5 — Greek starter 137 is
α = 137 β=137 γ=138

Example: “In the beginning” בראשית (sr913) = 5548 = (548 = 4x 137 “In the beginning” (E o)) w. ext…
Example: In the beginning” Εν αρχηι (sr774) = 5485 = Happy(137+731)
Example: “thirty seven” (E sr37) = 561 = Tri(33 = 3 w. ext…) = Hex(17 “seven” επτα (r)) 

Latin gematria calculator

I=1 V=5 X=10 L=50 C=100 D=500 M=100
(Only used on Latin words/phrases)

Nordic gematria calculator


ASCII gematria calculator

Click here for more info and incredible ASCII codes of gematria

Words/Phrases/Verses that can be used in the gematria calculator

137 “In the beginning” (English ordinal) = center word of verse number 913 “In the beginning” בראשית (Hebrew standard) of the Bible
=  First, last & center words added of verse number 411 in ordinal.
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” (English ordinal) = 411 = 3x 137 “In the beginning” (E o).
First, last & center words added of this verse = 164 “a hundred and thirty and seven” מאת ושלשים ושבע (o) [Gen 25:17].
“gematria codes” (E s) = 525 = 411 + 114 (mirrors).
“hide” צפן has the standard value of 220 “Bible codes” (E s).
Check numerical values of words & verses in the Bible database here:

This gematria calculator was made for the Bible codes in my book and this website. Be sure to read them or you will miss out big time!

Link for Introduction to gematria on this website which is chapter 1:

Link for Genesis 1:1 & John 1:1 codes on this website which is chapter 2:

Link for Physics codes on this website which is chapter 3: Physics codes

Link for 777 codes which is chapter 7:  Chapter 7. Number 777 (
Navigate to other chapters here:


Information about the multi-language gematria calculator

The Greek gematria calculator uses the Isopsephy system.
This multi-language gematria calculator will work with accents in either Hebrew or Greek.
iota subscripts are accounted for when using the Greek gematria calculator so an iota is included in the calculation.

It will also show the orders of letters in the word/phrase you input.
You can input verses from the Hebrew Bible in the Hebrew gematria calculator.


You can also input verses from the Greek Bible in the Greek gematria calculator.
In addition, you can throw in English Bible verses in the English gematria calculator. I can recommend the King James version.
You can throw in a chapter of the Bible in it, but it’s not strong enough to calculate a whole book from the Bible.
I hope you will find good use of this as it is a very good tool.


General information about gematria:
The tradition where letters were used for numbers goes way back to ancient times as the earliest records of 8th century B.C with the Assyrians.
The ancient Hebrews were familiar with gematria, even the disciples of Jesus knew about it. 
The Hebrew & Greek alphabets are the only two alphabets that have the same numerical system (standard).
The Greek alphabet comes from the Hebrew alphabet.
The English alphabet comes from the Latin alphabet; which again comes from the Greek alphabet.
So the Hebrew alphabet is the mother alphabet.
All numbers in the Bible are spelled out, but number 666 in the book of Revelation is in fact written with gematria (χξϛ = 600+60+6).
That gives us a clue that 666 is found in the name of the antichrist through the use of gematria.

The meaning of the word gematria can be read here: gematria | Etymology, origin and meaning of gematria by etymonline



777 codes