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Chapter 3. Physics Codes

Constants of Physics
Dimensionless constants
Bohr model

Fine-Structure Constant (α)

Number 137 (inverse α)
Verse# 676 (first verse that mentions number 137)
Verse# 18778 (137×137)
Integration of Vs(199) and Vs(2333)
John 3:16
100000 + 729 (α)
reduced verse# 13
Number 729 (α)
Verse# 137 (inverse α)
Verse# 729 (α)

High energy α
the fine-structure constant and the Golden Angle
Alpha Holograph
The Speed of Light (c)
The Natural Logarithm (e)
Pi (π)
The Golden Ratio (φ)
Omega constant (Ω)
Particle physics
What is Matter made up of?
The Standard Model of Particle Physics Decoded
Radiation and the Alpha Particle

The Amino Acids
proton-to-electron mass ratio & human anatomy

Physics Holograph series

Decoding the Periodic Table of Elements


In this chapter, we dive into the constants of the universe, and we will go into other aspects of physics ranging from particles, amino acids and human anatomy also.

Sir Isaac Newton (1642 – 1726) was a mathematician, physicist, astronomer, theologian, and author in his time.
He was a key figure in the scientific revolution. His book “Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica” (Mathematical
Principles of Natural Philosophy), was published in 1687 and it laid the foundations of classical mechanics. It touches on concepts
of physics like gravity. He also built the first practical reflecting telescope and developed a theory of color based on the observation
that a prism separates white light into the colors of the visible spectrum. His work on light was collected in the book “Opticks”
(1704). He also formulated an empirical law of cooling, made the first theoretical calculation of the speed of sound, and introduced
the notion of a Newtonian fluid. He was born in year 1642 = 913 “In the beginning” + (729 (α) = (ro) “e” 22-gonal(9 “Pi” (r)) = Squ(27 “Phi” פי (o)))
And he died in the year of 1726 = Pri(46 “codes” (E o)) + Pri(172 “codes” (E s)) + Pri(37 “of wisdom” (H o)) + Pri(73 “of wisdom” (H s))


The first word of the Hebrew Bible is “In the beginning” which is one word in Hebrew, two in Greek & three in English.
Hebrew spelling of בראשית “in the beginning” = 913 – – – Greek spelling: εν αρχηι = 774
913+774 = 1687 (The year Philosophica Naturalis Principia Mathematica is released)
                = 1000 + CW of Vs(37) + CW of Vs(73) – – – 37+73 = 110 “Alpha” (E s) = 1000 + 687 “Phi” (H, G & E s)
                = TV of Vs(2937 = 2000 + Pri(160 “codes” קודים))
                = TV of Vs(6155 (615 = ה “of ” 5 x 123 “seven seven seven” επτα επτα επτα (o)))
               = TV of Vs(7719 = 719 “the beginning” αρχηι w. ext…)
               = “one thousand six hundred and eighteen” (H & G Fo) [אלף שש מאות ושמונה עשרה – – – χιλια εξακοσια και δεκαοκτω]




Constants of Physics


2746 “the constants of physics” οι σταθερες της φυσικης = 2000 + 746 “In the beginning” בראשית (rs).
9103 = 913 “In the beginning” בראשית with 0 removed = “constants of physics” σταθερες της φυσικης (Fs).
Ultra calculation of “the constants of physics” οι σταθερες της φυσικης (Fo) = 2.913… – – – 2000 + 913 “In the beginning” בראשית.

The first constant you probably learned about was Pi (3.14…) in school as this constant is easy to understand.
But there are many different constants of the universe and we have some special ones called fundamental constants.
A very known fundamental constant is the speed of light (c), but there are others like Planck constant (h), Boltzmann constant (k)
and Newton’s gravitational constant (G).
The speed of light (c) is very known and it hits precisely 299792458 m/s (meters per second). It is so precise that we use the speed
of light to define 1 meter.
Planck constant (h) is of fundamental importance in quantum mechanics. A photon’s energy is equal to its frequency multiplied
by the Planck constant. Due to mass-energy equivalence, the Planck constant also relates mass to frequency.
It has the exact value of = 6.62607015 × 10−34 J-Hz−1
Gravitational constant (G) is simply gravity and it has the value of 1 (defined by humans and not nature).
And do not mix the Planck constant with Planck units. Those are different things.
Planck units deal with the smallest units possible in physics since you can’t divide stuff into an infinitely small size; there is a limit to
how small things can get in our universe. It also accounts for how hot it can get.
Plank Length = 1.616255(18) x 10−34 m [meters] ((18) here means 18 more decimals) = shortest possible length
Plank Mass = 2.176435(24) x 10−34 kg [kilograms] (or you could say 0.0000(30)2176…) = tiniest possible mass
Plank Time = 5.391247(60) x 10−44 s [s = seconds] = shortest amount of time
Plank Temperature = 1.416785(16) x 1032 k [k = kelvin] = highest possible temperature
Physicians use these units in nuclear physics, particle physics, and quantum gravity.
If some (maybe even all) of these fundamental constants were to be changed then life could not exist in the universe.
That makes them a big deal, but their dimensions (units, not 3-D space) can be changed like for example the speed of light.
We can term it as a different number if we use miles instead of kilometers for its dimension. The value is then 186282397.05 mph.
And this looks very ugly to physicists as we use different types of dimensions to measure stuff in the world today.
The USA uses the dimensions of feet, inches, miles, ounces & pounds. While Europe uses the metric system where we use meters, liters,
kilo & kilometers. So you see this can cause headaches for the physicist who wants things to be as simple as they can get.
But if you measure the relation between something you get a dimensionless number that is independent of any units.
Since the size of the sun is always approximately 1.3 million times greater than the earth either we measure with miles or
kilometers. And therefore we have something called dimensionless constants.

Dimensionless constants

The most famous example of a dimensionless constant is the “fine-structure constant” which can be found with the calculation:
e2/ℏc. e is the electron charge, ℏ is Planck’s constant, and c is the speed of light.
If you work out the units in the calculation above then you see it’s dimensionless, and experiments show that its value is about
1/137.03599. Nobody knows why or can explain exactly why it equals this.

Other popular dimensionless constants are e (electric charge = 1.602176 x 10-19 C) & φ.

How many of these dimensionless fundamental constants are there? Well, it turns out there are 26 of them that physicist likes to list
when you google this stuff up. Don’t ask me why they did not include φ here, but I am quite sure it is because they think these dimensionless constants are fundamental enough to be included in this list. We will examine most of these constants later in this chapter in the
particle physics section.

the mass of the up quark
the mass of the down quark
the mass of the charmed quark
the mass of the strange quark
the mass of the top quark
the mass of the bottom quark
4 numbers for the Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix
the mass of the electron
the mass of the electron neutrino
the mass of the muon
the mass of the mu neutrino
the mass of the tau
the mass of the tau neutrino
4 numbers for the Pontecorvo-Maki-Nakagawa-Sakata matrix
the mass of the Higgs boson
the expectation value of the Higgs field
the U(1) coupling constant
the SU(2) coupling constant
the strong coupling constant (a.k.a the fine-structure constant)
the cosmological constant (Λ) describes the energy density of empty space. Λ = 1.1056 x 10-52 m-2.
An issue with this constant is the fact that its theoretical value, obtained through quantum field theory (QFT), is nowhere
near the value obtained from the study of type Ia supernovae and the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB).
This constant should tell us how old the universe is and our theoretical result of that is approximately 13.7 billion years.
But we do not really know how old the universe is, because the theoretical and practical side of this constant does not align.

You may ask, are we supposed to consider all these 26 constants in the Bible codes and connect the 3, 4 or even 5 first digits of them to codes
there? The right answer to that is both yes and no. No, because most of these constants will not have any central place in the Bible codes. You will probably find references to them if you search deep and long in the verses of the Bible. But there are a few of these dimensionless constants that frequently comes up in the Bible codes.

The most important dimensionless constant found in the Bible codes and connected to number 777 is without a doubt the
fine-structure constant. It describes the strength of the electromagnetic force between elementary particles in the standard model
of particle physics which makes it central to the foundations of physics.
its inverse is approximately 137.03… and the standard of “a hundred and thirty and seven” מאת ושלשים ושבע [Gen 25:17]
= 1505 = 2 FLW + 4 CW of Vs(13703 (i. α)) = 155 “the Alpha particle” (E o) w. 0 rem.


Bohr model

All matter is made up of molecules. Molecules consist of groups of even smaller things called atoms.

All atoms are also made up of three particles called Electron, Proton and Neutron.
The electron orbits the nucleus of the atom near the speed of light, while the proton and neutron are found in the nucleus of the atom. The nucleus is about 1/100 000 of the size of the atom, while the electron is approximately 1/1836 of the mass of the proton.
The electron is tiny compared to the proton and neutron which have almost the same mass.
Most of the atom actually consists of empty space, just like the universe.
These particles have an electric charge that can be either positive or negative. The proton has a positive charge and the electron has a negative charge, while the neutron has no charge, as it is neutral. When you take a balloon and rub it on your hair; it stands up since your hair is getting charged. Opposite charges attract each other while equal charges repel (just like magnets).
They also have something called spin which is not a rotational spin but just a metaphor for it, since this can imply phasing back and forth or vibrating extremely fast.
In physics, an electronvolt (eV) is the amount of kinetic energy gained by a single electron accelerating from rest through an electric potential difference of one volt in vacuum. When used as a unit of energy, the numerical value of 1 eV in joules (J) is equivalent to the value of the charge of an electron in coulombs (C).
1 eV = 1.602176634 x 10− 11 J. 1 million eV = 1 MeV (M = Mega). 1000 MeV = 1 GeV (G = Giga). 1000 GeV = 1 TeV (T = Terra).
Electrons behave more like waves and we know that they can only orbit the atom in certain orbits and not in between them.
The electron can only orbit these orbits at certain energy levels.
The electron can emit a photon to move down an energy level or it can absorb a photon to move up an energy level.
This was made known to us in classical physics through the Bohr model displayed below.

Bohr Model-<>-

The green dot with the plus sign is the nucleus, while the electron is the blue arrow.
The glowing curved line with an arrow is the emission of a photon (light/energy) from the electron that jumps down an energy level.
The atom absorbs or emits light in small units called photons, each photon has a specific amount of energy. Only a photon with an energy of exactly 10.2 eV can be absorbed or emitted when the electron jumps between the n = 1 and n = 2 energy levels.

The energy that a photon carries depends on its wavelength. Since the photons absorbed or emitted by electrons jumping between the n = 1 and n = 2 energy levels must have exactly 10.2 eV of energy, the light absorbed or emitted must have a definite wavelength. This wavelength can be found from the equation E = hc/l, where E is the energy of the photon (in eV), h is Planck’s constant (4.14 x 10-15 eV s) and c is the speed of light (3 x 108 m/s).


Fine-Structure Constant (α)

The fine-structure constant represents the strength of the electromagnetic force between two charged particles like
an electron and a proton, In other words, it represents the strength of the interaction between two charged particles.
So for example the higher value it has the greater strength of attraction between an electron and a proton,
and equally, the greater the strength of repulsion between two of the same charged particles, such as two electrons.
Electromagnetism - attraction/repulsion
Quantum electrodynamics (QED) explains that the
exchange of a photon is the reason for the attraction or repulsion
between two charged particles. And that α is related to the probability that an electron will emit or absorb a photon (energy/light).
Because of this, we can say this constant is seen in the probability of interaction between light and matter.
And this means that this constant is everywhere in the universe.

(inverse α) 1/137.035999206 = 0.00729735256… (α)
13 = Pri(7) – – – 703 = Tri(37) merged with 359 = Pri(73) – – – 99 “physics” (E o) – – 26 “codes” (E rr)
137 = “In the beginning” (E o) = Pri(34 “Alpha” Αλφα (o) = “the” το (o))
35999 = 359 “Torah” (E s) w. ext… = Pri(3825 “fine-structure constant” (E rr+ro+rs))
206 (26 “codes” (E rr)) = 137 + its midpoint = “Triangle number one hundred and thirty seven” (E rr)
= “Hexagon number 666” (E rr) = “Square number 777” (E rr) = “Triangle number 888” (E rr) = “Octagon number 888” (E r)

7 – – – 29 = Pri(11 = Lucky-o(37)) – – – 73 – – – 5256 = 5000 + Squ(16 “codes” קודים (r)) = (352 = midpoint of Tri(37))-gonal(6)
729 = Lucky(118 “seven hundred seventy seven” (E rr)) = Squ(27 “riddles” חידה) – – – 73 “of wisdom” חכמה
5256 = Comp(4558 “the speed of light” η ταχυτητα του φωτος) = Rec(72 “riddles” (r+o+s)) = (352 = midpoint of Tri(37))-gonal(6)
2701/703/28 0.137  הפוך אלפא inverse Alpha” 223/1625 “seven hundred seventy and
seven” שבע מאות ושבעים ושבע
starter 73 of the 777 first letters/starter 37 of the 777 first letters/starter 7 of the 777 first letters (in the Bible) 1.37
CW of Vs(137) = 428 = 400 + (Tri(7) = FLW of reduced Vs(137))
W. up to CW of ordinal Vs(137) = 230 = Happy(37) – – – The number of words of Vs(137) = 11 = Lucky-o(37)
TV of Vs(137) = 3022 = 3000 + Pri-o(73) – – – Words added ordered at 3 & 7 of ordinal Vs(137) = 73
CW of Vs((G s) “Alpha” 532 x 10 “and” (E r)) = 400 + Tri(37) – – – 3 CW of Vs(25000 + 873 “the speed of light” (H s)) = 400 + Tri(73)
Integration of reduced Vs(28 = Tri(7)), ordinal Vs(703 = Tri(37)) & standard Vs(2701 = Tri(73)):
TV = 2893 “mathematical evidence” (E sr137) – – – FLW = 701 = Pri(127 (high energy i. α)) – – – CW = 185 “seventy and three” (E o)
= 886 “Triangle” שלושמ (Fs) – – – 2 FLW = 1298 “riddles of physics” (E s) – – – 3/4 CW = 1078 (178 = Comp(137 (inverse α)))
Integration of rev red Vs(28 = Tri(7)), rev ord Vs(703 = Tri(37)) & rev std Vs(2701 = Tri(73)):
TV = 2992 (292 “one hundred and thirty seven” (E o)) – – – 3/4 CL = 217 = 7×31 (731 = mirror of 137)
2 FLW = 400 + 729 (α) – – – 3/4 CW = 1307 (137) – – – 2 FLW + 3/4 CW = (H o) “a hundred and thirty and seven” 164-gonal(6)

TV of Full red Vs(Tri(7)) + TV of Full ord Vs(Tri(37)) + TV of Full std Vs(Tri(73)) = Tri(111 “inverse” ךופה = “Alpha” אלפא (Fo))

In verse# 3432 (Tri(7) + Tri(37) + Tri(73)) [כי כל הנפש אשר לא תענה בעצם היום הזה ונכרתה מעמיה] we see:
TV = 2698 “In the beginning seven hundred seventy and seven codes” (H s) = 2500 + 198
195 “seven seven seven” (E o)
CW of this verse = 525 = 137×3 (13703 = 5 digits of i. α) + its mirror
= 720 “riddles” חידות (sr7+sr37+sr73)
2 FLW = 500 +
תוך “midst” 426  – – – 3 CW = 758 “divine codes” (E s) – – – 2 FLW + 3 CW = 1500 + 184 “thirty and seven” (E o)
Word# 7 added with word# 37 by rot. of this verse = 703 = 73 w. 0 rem. = “inverse Alpha” ךופה אלפא (Ss)
And the ultra calculation of this verse = 3.6536 – – – 36536 = perimeter of Squ(9135 = 4 last digits of Tri(1370 (i. α)))
In verse# 137 we see that the UC of words from order 3 to 7/UC of words from order 7 to 3 in reverse direction
0.111749 – – – 11749 = 5457 (TV of Vs(28 = Tri(7))) + 4311 (TV of Vs(703 = Tri(37))) + 1981 (TV of Vs(2701 = Tri(73))

UC of Vs(13)/UC of Vs(703)/UC of Vs(359) 1.17 (117 = 7+37+73)
Square root of 137 11.7 2333/199 UC of “777” (H rs)/UC of “753” (G ro)
inverse Alpha” αντιστροφος Αλφα = 2333 (std) = 199 (ord)


If we look at inverse α and separate this number into groups of three digits and add them, we get
137+035+999+206 = 1377 = 137 with extended digit! = 100×6 ו “and”  + 777.
Do the same with α 0.00729735256 and we get 000+729+735+256 = 1720 = 10x 172 “codes” (E s).
Sum = 3097 (397 = PP(37 “of wisdom” (H o)))

Arnold Sommerfeld (1868-1951) was the first person to discover α in nature back in 1916. He found it as the proportion of the speed of the electron (e) in its first orbit around a hydrogen atom nucleus & the speed of light (c) in the theoretical Bohr model.
The speed of the electron orbiting the atom is approximately 2.2 million m/s, which is about 137th the speed of light.

he first verse that has a word with an ordinal value of 137 is ordered at = 23000 + (212 “physics” פיזיקה = “codes” קודים (o+s)).
The second verse that has a word with an ordinal value of 137 is ordered at = 23000 + 246 “the speed of light” (E ro).

The third verse that has a word with an ordinal value of 137 is ordered at = 23000 + 299 (c).
The first word of verse# 299792458 (c) by rot. = 34 = Pri-o(137 (i. α)).
CW of Vs(38 “inverse” (E r) = “Alpha” (E o)) = 159 “the speed of light” (E o).


Count Vs(280 “physicsהקיזיפ (o+s)) by rotation in cycles by the number of verses in the Bible & it hits the order of 299792458 (c).
And the TV of Vs(299792458 (c)) by rot. divided by TV of Vs(137 (inverse α)) is 4391/3022 = 1.453…
1453 = Pri(232 “Let there be light” יהי אור) = PP(113 “universe” (E o)) = “codes of God” (E sr137)
= 3 CW of Vs(1868 = the year that Arnold Sommerfeld was born) + 4 CW of Vs(1951 = the year that Arnold Sommerfeld died).
The same done to the FLW instead is 498/487 = 1.022 – – – 1022 (102 “Genesis one one” בראשית אחד אחד (o)).
And same done to the CW is 1030/428 = 2.406… – – – 2406 (246 “the speed of light” (E ro)).
Finally, the same done to the FLCW is 1548/915 = 1.6699… – – – 16699 = Pri(1933 (193 “and 137” ואת מאת ושלשים ושבע (o))).
The first verse that has a word with an ordinal value of 137 is ordered at = 23000 + (212 “physics” פיזיקה = “codes” קודים (o+s)).
The second verse that has a word with an ordinal value of 137 is ordered at = 23000 + 246 “the speed of light” (E ro).
The third verse that has a word with an ordinal value of 137 is ordered at = 23000 + 299 (c).

Letter# 137 of the Bible is found in the 12th word “the light” האור of verse# 4 which describes the division of light & darkness.
The number of atoms in a chlorophyll molecule is 137. Chlorophyll is critical to plant photosynthesis which in turn gives CO₂.
Plants use photosynthesis which is the process in which light is converted to energy in the form of sugars.
56 = “the universe” (E r) = “light” (E o), & the molecular weight of the 56th element of the Periodic Table of Elements = 137.327.
Arnold Sommerfeld saw that the Bohr model of the atom was too simple, and he was able to show that there were
finer energy
levels within the Atom.
He incorporated these finer-energy levels into the hydrogen atom as a factor that was the ratio of the
electron velocity to the speed of light (which is α)
. These finer energy levels are known as fine-structure energy levels.


fine-structure energy levels and the fine-structure constant


fine-structure energy levels” (E s) = 2785 = 285 “fine-structure constant” (E o) + 100×25 “codes” κωδικοι (r)
= TV of Vs(21779 = 21000 + 779 “of wisdom” (E s)) = TV of Vs(29172 = 1000×29 “and” ואת (o) + 172 “777” (H Fr)).
fine-structure energy levels” (E rs) = 3000 + 137 (inverse α) + 729 (α) = 3866 “seven hundred twenty nine” (H & G r+o+s).
fine-structure energy levels” (E ro) = 347 “a hundred and thirty and seven” (H & G o)
= prime factor of Vs(318 “the fine-structure constant” (E o)).


Frequency of Electron Waves in Hydrogen Atom


Hydrogen is element 1 “α” of the Periodic Table of Elements. And now remove the decimal point to read the values as:
9133 (Φ) = 913 “In the beginning” (H s) with an extended last digit                                  = 3777… eV
1315 (Φ) = “the mystery of” (E rr+ro+rs)                                                                               = 5400 + (38 “inverse” (E r) = “Alpha” (E o))… eV
2055 (Φ) = 205 “Genesis one one” (E ro) w. ext…                                                                 = 849 “mystery” תעלומה (Fo+Fs)… eV
3653 (Φ) = 3000 + Pri(120 = Tri(15 = PP-o(137 (i. α))))
822 (Φ) = “inverse Alpha” אפלא ךופה (Sr+So+Ss)
3288 (Φ) = 328 “fine-structure energy levels” (E o) w. ext…

We have to understand that this constant is the big riddle of physics, and there is no accepted theory of why it has this value.
This book can’t give you a good overview of all its occurrences in the laws of physics. Read the book The Mysterious 137”.
α also “governs the finer laws of atomic physics”.
And α combines the elementary charge (e), Planck’s constant (ħ) & the speed of light (c).
When integrating verses ordered at
1602 (e), 6626 (ħ) & 2997 (c) we see the following results:
– No.W = 47 “inverse Alpha” αντιστροφος Αλφα (r) – – – No.L = Squ(14 “midst” לב
(o)) – – – No.W + No.L = 243 “light” אור (r+o+s)
– TV = 14790 = 14000 + Happy(110 “Alpha” (E s))
– FLW = 1348 = 1000 + 348 “riddles” (E r+o+s) = “of knowledge” γνωσις (o+s)
– CW = 1963 = Lucky(271 (the natural logarithm e))
– FLCW = 3311 = (311 = Pri(65 “physical constants” (E r))) w. ext…
– W. surr. CW = 1938 = 938 “Planck’s constant” (E s) + 100×10 “and” (E r) = “the speed of light” (E sr37+sr73)
– Combo 1 = 916 = 416 “riddles” αινιγματα + 100×5 “of”
ה = “codes of” κωδικοι του (rr+ro+rs) [α was discovered in 1916]
– Combo 2 = 1318 = 1000 + 318 “the fine-structure constant” (E o)
– Combo 3 = 1389 = 1000 + 389 “the fine-structure constant” קבוע המבנה הדק

ultra calculation of Vs(1602 (e))/ultra calculation of Vs(6626 (ħ))/ultra calculation of Vs(2997 (c))
= 1.3737… (5 digits of inverse α when zero is removed from i. α)
The most incredible coincidence about this number in nature is that the age of the universe is calculated to be 13.77 billion years.
The temperature of the cosmic microwave background radiation, which is thought to be a remnant of the Big Bang,
is approximately 2.725 K. 2725 = Happy(405 “Alpha and the speed of light” (E ro)) = “riddles of physics” (E rs).

“universe” (E s) = 959 = 7x 137 (inverse α), and the CW of Vs(194 “inverse Alpha” (E ro)) = 156 “universe” יקום
Words added in Vs(959 “universe” (E s)) ordered at 13 & 7 = 1061 = 161 “the universe”
היקום with 0 removed.
The first verse with an ordinal value of 137 is ordered at = 4956 = 100×48 “universe”
םוקי (o) + 156 “universe” יקום.
And the second and last verse with an ordinal value of 137 is ordered at = 10315 = 10000 + Pri-o(2083 = Happy-o(13703 (i. α))).
“It is the “coupling constant” or measure of the strength of the electromagnetic force that governs how electrically charged
elementary particles (e.g., electron, muon) and light (photons) interact.” (
“It has been a mystery ever since it was discovered more than
fifty years ago, and all good theoretical physicists put this number up on their wall and worry about it.) Immediately you would like to know where this number for a coupling comes from: is it related to pi or perhaps to the base of natural logarithms? Nobody knows. it’s one of the greatest damn mysteries of physics: a magic number that comes to us with no understanding by man. You might say the “hand of God” wrote that number, and “we don’t know how He pushed his pencil.” (Richard P. Feynman, QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter).

There is stuff here that is not correct according to the real world. The Bohr model is flawed, but the energy levels part is correct.
You have to understand that we came to different important theories in the last hundred years, and with those theories came certain constants of physics. And God has taken these theories and constants into account when He encoded the Bible.
In other words, God likes Newtonian physics and physics from the 20th century. And it is simple & understandable for you & me.
“Only three constants are significant for star formation:… the fine-structure constant” (Ian Stewart, a professor in physics)
“all the quandaries of quantum mechanics would shrivel up when 137 was finally explained.” (Werner Heisenberg)
“When I die my first question to the Devil will be: What is the meaning of the fine-structure constant?” (Wolfgang Pauli)
Laurence Eaves (Physicist) said 137 is the number to signal aliens in order to let them know that we know atomic physics.




Number 137

This constant is also known as the “electromagnetic coupling constant” which has a reduced English value of = 137 (inverse α)!
Vs(2645 “secret riddles in the” (E sr137)) is the first verse in reverse standard with a CW of 729 (α).
a hundred and thirty and seven” מאת ושלשים ושבע [Gen 25:17] = 1505 = 2 FLW+ 4 CW of Vs(13703 (inverse α))
= 1000 + W# 137 by rot. & its mirror in Vs(1 “α”)
Full standard value of Vs(137 (i. α)) = 5507 = Pri(729 (α))
1000 + 1505 “a hundred and thirty and seven” מאת ושלשים ושבע
= 2505 “seven hundred and twenty nine” שבע מאות עשרים ותשע (r+o+s)
137 = “seven hundred and twenty nine” επτακοσια εικοσι και εννεα (rr)
1505 “a hundred and thirty and seven” מאת ושלשים ושבע with an extended last digit = 15055 “729” (G Fr+Fo+Fs)
Richard Amiel McGough discovered that these words & phrases equals 137:
The God of Truth” אלהי אמן , “count” ηγεομαι, “pillar/image” מצבה , “Tittle” κεραια, “miracle of The Lord” יהוה אלט , “Go forth” .אצומ
I discovered that these words & phrases equals 137: “let us make” נלבנה , “the ultimate” ο τελευταιος (o), “brick” הלבנים
of your power” כוננהו , “establish thou it” והננוכ , “energy” ενεργεια (Fr), “and the speed of light” ואת מהירות האור (o),
the light” (E sr7), “holy codes” (E ro), “is” (o+s), “of God” (E s),
everything” (E ro), “In the beginning Alpha and Phi” (E r), “and riddles of God” (E o).
One side of the mystery of the fine-structure constant Alpha is the fact that it is connected to the English ordinal Genesis 1:1.
The 3 first digits of inverse α = 137 “In the beginning” (E o) = CWof Vs(913 “In the beginning” (H s)).
The 3 first digits of α = 729 = 100x(3 = Lucky-o(7)) + CW of red+ord+std Genesis 1:1.
The English ordinal value of Genesis 1:1 = 411 = 137×3 (1373 = 5 digits of inverse α when 0 is removed from inverse α).
Tri(4) + Tri(11) = 76 “In the beginning” (H o).
Squ(4) + Squ(11) = 137 “In the beginning” (E o).
Tri(4) + Tri(11) + Squ(4) + Squ(11) = 213 “seven hundred seventy seven” επτακοσια εβδομηντα επτα (o).
The ordinal value of English Genesis 1:1 = 411 = Comp(330 “the fine-structure constant” (E ro)).
While the standard value of Hebrew Genesis 1:1 = Comp(2307 = 3x(769 “inverse Alpha” (E s) = Pri(137))).
An incredible fact is that the first verse in reverse ordinal with a CW of 137 (inverse α) is Vs(525 = 411 + 114 (its mirror))!
And we see that the first verse in reverse standard with a CW of 137 (inverse α) is Vs(1656 = 729 (α) + 927 (its mirror))!
The second and greatest mystery about number 137 is its relation to number 777 the seal of God.
137 = PP(15 “the” (E r)) = 100 + 37 “seal” (E o) = “of God” (E s)
731 (mirror of inverse α) = 500 + Tri(7+7+7)
137 = Pri(34 “inverse Alpha” הפוך אלפא (r) = “Alpha” Αλφα (o) = “and Phi” (E r)).
34×137 = 1500 + 731 (mirror of inverse α) + 1500 + 927 (mirror of α) = Comp(4000 + 27 “and” δε (r+o+s) = “Phi” פי (o))
= TV of Vs(4310 = 10x Pri(84 = Tri(7) + Tri(7) + Tri(7))) = TV of Vs(9663 = 963 “wisdom” תושיה (Fr+Fo+Fs))
Total value of Vs(4658 = 34×137) = 729 (α) + 100×18 “riddles” (H r)
Integration of verses ordered at: 1, 3, 7, 3, 5 & 9
TV = 14077 = C.Hex(69 = midpoint of 137 (inverse α))
FLW = 10x Tri(25 “codes” (G r))
CW = 1819 “seven hundred seventy and seven” שבע מאות ושבעים ושבע (o+s).
FLCW = 5069 = (E o) “seal” 37×137 “of God” (E s).
Combo (13 = Pri(7)) = 1505 “a hundred and thirty and seven” מאת ושלשים ושבע
(1/37)x(1/137.035999206) = 0.0001972… – – – 1972 “mystery of God” (E s).
(1/37)x(1/137.035999206)x(1/777) = 0.00000025382978756781577625573
2538 “In the beginning seven hundred seventy and seven” בראשית שבע מאות ושבעים ושבע = TV of Vs(20000 + 137)
297 אוצר “treasures” – – – 875 In the beginning” εν αρχηι (r+o+s) – – – 678 = 500 + Comp(PP(15 “the” (E r)) = 100 + 37 “seal”…)
1577 = 800 + 777 – – – 625 = Squ(25 “codes” κωδικοι (r)) – – – 573 = 500 + 73 “of wisdom” חכמה
Thanks to for the next few points up to and including using 137 and π in a Pythagorean triangle.
π = 3.141592… α ≈ 1/(cos(π/137)/137) 99.9999% accuracy.
3² + 1² + 4² + 1² + 5² + 9² + 2² = 137 α ≈ 4π³ + π² + π 99.999% accuracy.

Inverse Alpha is found down to an accuracy of 99.9999% using 137 and π in a Pythagorean triangle:
fine-structure constant and Pi in a Pythagorean triangle

1 “α” = π” (rr) – – – 223 “inverse Alpha” אפלא ךופה = value of the first word of Vs(314 (π))
2x Pri(38 “Alpha” (E o)) = 314 (π) – – – perimeter of Tri(1048 = 148 “Alpha” (E o+s) w. 0 rem.) = 3141 (π)
(3143 = 3000 + 143 “Alpha” (H o+s))-gonal(5)
= 31415 (π)
(523600 = 100x(5000 + reduced Vs(729 (α))))-gonal(4 “and” και (r)) = 3141592 (π)

Concept of Duality in inverse α & α



The only verse that mentions number 777 is ordered at = 137 “In the beginning” (E o).
The first verse that mentions number 137 is ordered at = 676 “triangle” משולש = Squ(26 = Pri-o(97 “number” νουμερο (o))).
And these two verse orders added = 813 = midpoint of 1625 “seven hundred seventy and seven” שבע מאות ושבעים ושבע [Vs(137)].
Now we are going to take a look at the reverse standard version of verse number 676. Taken from the Bible database on my website.
Verse# 676 of the Hebrew Bible
Verse order = 676 “Triangle” משולש = Squ(26 = Pri-o(97 “number” νουμερο (o)))
No.W = 15 = PP-o(137) – – – No.L = 59 “God said” (E o) – – – No.W + No.L = 74 “gematria” (E o)
TV = 4106 = 416 “riddles” αινιγματα w. 0 rem. = 1084 (184 “thirty and seven” (E o)) + TV of Vs(137)
= 1000 + 695 (English ordinal of John 1:1) + TV of rev std Vs(137)
FLW = 727 = Palin(82 “inverse Alpha” (H So)) = W. surr. CW of Vs(137) – – – W# 9 “and” = 389 “the fine structure constant” (H s)
CW = 101 = PP(12 “and” ו (Fs) = 2x 6 “the” ה (Fs)) – – – W# 9 “and” δε = 389 “the fine structure constant” (H s)
FLCW = 828 = Palin(92 “electron” (E o)) = “physics” (E rs)
2 FLW = 1198 (198 = all primes added up to number 37 “wisdom” (H o))
3 CW = 644 “Alpha” (H & G s) – – – Words added from order 13 to 7 = 1777 “Alpha” Αλφα (Fo+Fs)

Inverse α is hidden in prime numbers when we organize them in their 10s:
1, 2, 3, 5, 7,    12357 = (5 digits of i. α when 0 is removed from inverse α) 1373 x (9 “and” δε = “Phi” יפ (r))
1, 13, 17, 19,     11131719 = (137 (i. α)) 1307 x (1000 + 243 “light” אור (r+o+s))                               1379 = “Sommerfeld’s constant” (E o+s)
3, 29,    2329 = 729 (α)… + 100×14 “midst” בל (o) = “the seal of God” η σφραγιδα του Θεου (r+o+s)                     39 = 3 x Pri(7)
1, 37,    3137 = 3000 + 137 (i. α) = find” (E sr777)                                                                                                        17 = “the universe” היקום (r)
1, 43, 47,    414347 = Pri(34943 = Palin(449 = rev ord value of Vs(137 (i. α))))                                                        137 (inverse α)
3, 59,    5359  = (r) “riddles” 23 x 233 (23 “riddles” (r)) = 1000×5 “of” ה + Pri(73 “wisdom” חכמה)
1, 67,    6167 = 7x(881 = Happy.Pri(34 “inverse Alpha” (H r)) = Pri(153 “the golden ratio” (E o)))
1, 73, 79,    717379 = (H, G & E r) “inverse Alpha” 139 x (5000 + 161 “the universe” היקום)                                       139 “inverse Alpha” (r)
3, 89,    8389 = 8000 + 389 “the fine-structure constant” קבוע המבנה הדק                                                                         “one” אחד (r+o+s) = 39
7,    97 יחס הזהב “the golden ratio”                                                                                                                                          7 = Pri(5 “φ” (r))
1, 103, 107, 109    101103107109 = (1 “α” + 500 “φ”) x Pri(11173245 = (265 “e and Pi” (E sr37)) 2265 x 4933 (400 + 93 “7-7-7”))
3     113 “universe” (E o)
7    127 (high energy inverse α)
1, 137, 139    131137139 = (2351 = 2000 + 351 “proton” פרוטון) 23051 x (5689 = Pri(750 “neutron” Νετρονιο (rr+ro+rs)) = PP(366 “riddles” (H rr+ro+rs)))
179 = Pri(42 “of knowledge” תעד (o))
– Primes in the 40s and 70s are the only two groups having three primes below 100.
40+70 is the value of 110 “Alpha” (E s).
The first group having three primes between 100 & 200 is the 130s. 130 is the value of “inverse Alpha” (E o).
The second and last group having three primes between 100 & 200 is the 190s. 190 is Tri(19 “codes” (E o) = “of wisdom” (H r)).

Some other great fine-structure constant code is seen in the Full standard version of Vs(866 = 137 (inverse α) + 729 (α)):
TV = 13703 (5 digits of inverse α)
FLW = 1212 = 1000 + (212 “physics” פיזיקה = “codes” קודים (o+s))
CW = 2178 = 2000 + Comp(137 “of God” (E s))
FLCW = 3390 = 10x 339 (39 “one” אחד (r+o+s))
2 FLW = 2602 “thirty and seven” (E ro+rs)
4 CW = 2655 “the fine-structure constant” (E r+o+s)
2 FLW+ 4 CW = 5257 = Happy(769 “inverse Alpha” (E s) = Pri(137 (inverse α)))
Words added from order 13 to 7 = 4080 = 10x perimeter of Tri(137)
The 7th word = 722 = ordinal value of Vs(729 (α))
Ultra calculation = 4803422273… – – – 480 “finger of God” (E r+o+s) – – – 342 = 100 + 242 “riddles” (E s) – – – 73 “of wisdom” (H s)
Inverse Alpha squared by itself gives 137.035999206×137.035999206 = 18778.8… – – – 18778 “God’s mystery” (E sr7+sr37+sr73).
Now take a look at the standard version of verse order 18778.
Verse# 18778-<>-

TV = (91 = Tri(13 = Pri(7))) x 19 (mirror) = 1000 + 729 (α) = CW of Vs(25592 (2592 “physics” (H, G & E o+s) = 2500 +
(92 “riddles of” (E o) = 2 x 46 “God” (G o))))
= 3 CW of Vs(1200 + 83 “wisdom” (E o) = Pri(209 “and knowledge” (E ro)))
   = starter (76 = reduced value of Vs(7297352 (α)) by rot.) of Vs(7297352 (α)) by rot.
   = 1500 + ordinal of Vs(7297352 (α)) by rot. which is Vs(19484 = 1000×19 “and” (E o) + ordinal of Vs(729735256 (α)) by rot.)
   = FLW of Vs(115 “one” (E s)) + FLW of Vs(2398 “one hundred and thirty seven” (E s))
   = W. surr. CW of Vs(33857 = Pri(3627 = 39×93)) + W. surr. CW of Vs(24281 = Pri(2701 = 37×73))
FW = 61 “Alpha” אלפא (ro) – – – LW = 152 “a hundred thirty seven” מאת שלשים שבע (o)
CW = 407 = 11×37 (1137 = 137 with extended digit)
FW + CW = 468 = 400 + 68 “inverse Alpha” (E rr)
LW + CW = 559 = 59 “a hundred and thirty seven” εκατον και τριαντα επτα (r) w. ext… = 9-gonal(13) [913]
W. up to CW = 1100 = 10x 110 “Alpha” (E s) = Pri-o(8821 = prime factor of 1370359992 (i. α))
W. from CW = 1036 = 1000 + 36 “physics” (E r) = (136 = Tri(16 “codesקודים (r) = “of wisdom” σοφια (r))) w. 0 rem.

As Genesis 1:1 this verse has 120 possible word combinations. And there are
17 “the universe” (H r) combinations made up of 7:
5. 61+37 = 98 (7×14)
14. 614+37 = 651 (7×93)
16. 407+440 = 847 (7×121)
21. 37+152 = 189 (7×27)
22. 61+18+614 = 693 (7×99)
26. 61+18+152 = 231 (7×33)
40. 18+614+152 = 784 (7×112)
42. 18+407+37 = 462 (7×66)
71. 61+614+440+152 = 1267 (7×181)
73. 61+407+440+37 = 945 (7×135)
87. 614+407+440+37 = 1498 (7×214)
91. 407+440+37+152 = 1036 (7×148)
92. 61+18+614+407+440 = 1540 (7×220)
97. 61+18+614+37+152 = 882 (7×126)
99. 61+18+407+440+152 = 1078 (7×154)
108. 18+614+407+440+152 = 1631 (7×233)
120. 61+18+614+407+440+37+152 = 1729 (7×247)

There are 4 “and” και (r) word combinations made up of 29 in this verse:
25. 61+18+37 = 116 (4×29) – – – 25 = “Alpha” (E rr)
63. 61+18+407+152 = 638 (29×22)
77. 18+614+407+440 = 1479 (29×51)
118. 61+614+407+440+37+152 = 1711 (29×59) – – – 118 = Lucky-o(729 (α))
The orders added of the combos made up of 7 & 29 is
= 1307 = 137 with 0 removed.
In addition to this, we see that the number of word combinations made up of
13 = 7:
3. 61+407 = 468 (13×36) – – – 3 = “α” (r+o+s) = “c”
18. 407+152 = 559 (13×43)
53. 407+440+37 = 884 (13×68)
60. 61+18+614+152 = 845 (13×65)
95. 61+18+614+440+37 = 1170 (13×90)
110. 18+614+440+37+152 = 1261 (13×97) – – – 110 = “Alpha” (E s)
120. 61+18+614+407+440+37+152 = 1729 (13×133) – – – 120 = Tri(15 = PP-o(137 (inverse α)))
The orders out of the 120 possible word combinations added up the combos made up of 13 & 7 here is
= 1483 = Pri(236 = Happy(38 “inverse” (E r) = “Alpha” (E o)) = reduced value of Vs(729 (α)) = Primes from order 3 to 14).

Here are some codes to number 37 in this verse:
No.W + No.L = 37
W# (3 = Lucky-o(7)) = 614 = 2x(307 = 37 w. 0 rem. = ordinal value of this verse)
W# (6 = Tri(3 = Lucky-o(7))) = 37
Adding all words from order 3 to 7 = 1650 “Alpha” Αλφα (Fs)
Adding words ordered at 6 & 7 (67 “codes of” (E o)) = 189 = Lucky(37 “wisdom” (H o))
Ultra calculation of this verse = 1.196… – – – 1196 “riddles of wisdom” (E o+s).
Verse# 1729 [Ex 8:18]
No.W =
13 “In the beginning” (H r)
No.L = 58 “inverse Alpha” (E r)
No.W + No.L = 71 “riddles” (E o) = Pri(21 “of” (E o))
TV = 2284 (284 “God” Θεος)
FLL = 11 = 1 “α” w. ext…
CL = 25 “codes” κωδικοι (r)
FLCL = Squ(6 “and” ו) = “physics” (E r)
2 FLL = 61 = Pri(19 “codes” (E r))
4 CL = 475 “Alpha” אלפא (sr112)
2 FLL + 4 CL = 400 + Tri(16 “codes” (r))
FLW = 452 “a hundred and twelve” (H s)
CW = 125 = Pri-o(7) x Pri-o(7) x Pri-o(7)
FLCW = 500 + (77 (7) = Tri(7) + Squ(7))
2 FLW = 569 = Pri(105 “7-7-7” (H Fr))
3 CW = 563 = 500 + 3 x Lucky(7)
2 FLW + 3 CW = 1132 (132 “7-7-7” (o))
3 FLW = 996 (96 “knowledge” (o)) = Octa(6 “and” ו)
7 CW = 1288 (128 “thirty and seven” (H o))


inverse Alpha” αντιστροφος Αλφα = 47/199/2333. Displayed below are the two verses ordered at 199 & 2333:
וידבר אלהים אל נח לאמר [Gen 8:15]                          ושבצת הכתנת שש ועשית מצנפת שש ואבנט תעשה מעשה רקם [Ex 28:39]
Integrating the
reverse ordinal Vs(199) with the reverse standard Vs(2333) gives some breathtaking results seen below:
No.W = 15 = PP-o(137 (inverse α)) – – – No.L = 58 “inverse Alpha” (E r) – – – No.W+ No.L = 73 “wisdom” חכמה
TV = 2003 “inverse” αντιστροφος (r+o+s) = 7×29 [α] w. 0 rem.
          = (100×13 “one” אחד = Combos ordered at 1, 3 & 7 when integrating rev std Vs(133) & rev std Vs(77))
          + (703 = 500 + 203 “a hundred and thirty seven” (G o) = Combo 137×3 by rot. of Vs(133) & Vs(77) integrated in rev std)
          = PP(20 “Alpha” (E r)) + PP(38 “Alpha” (E o)) + PP(110 “Alpha” (E s)) = Happy(299 (c)) = CW of Vs(1 “α”) + 1602 (e)
= TV of rev std Vs(2627 = Pri(21) x 37 = “riddles of God” (E rs)) = TV of rev std Vs(4101 (411 = 137×3))
FLL = 110 “Alpha” (E s)
CL = 38 “Alpha” (E o) – – – L. surr. CL = 46 “codes” (E o)
FLCL = 148 “Alpha” (E o+s)
2 FLL = 139 “inverse Alpha” (H, G & E r)
4 CL = 84 = Tri(7) + Tri(7) + Tri(7) – – – 2 L. surr. CL = 80 “codes” κωδικες (o)
2 FLL + 4 CL = הפוך אלפא “inverse Alpha” 223 = 23 “riddles” חידות (r) w. ext…
FLW = 524 = Lucky-o(777) + 100×4 “and” και (r)
CW = 68 “inverse Alpha” (E rr) – – -W. surr. CW = 1067 = Pri(150 “understanding” (E o)) = 1000 + 67 “codes of” (E o)
FLCW = 592 = 500 + 92 “riddles of” (E o) = difference of 137 (i. α) & 729 (α)
2 FLW = 862 = 100×8 “The” η + 62 “Torah” (E o)
4 CW = 1135 = (חידה “riddles” 27) 227 x 5 ה “of” – – – 2 W. surr. CW = 1000 + 73 “wisdom” חכמה
2 FLW+ 3/4 CW = 1997 = PP(147 = Squ(7) + Squ(7) + Squ(7))
W. up to CW = 864 “the universe and the earth” היקום ואת הארץ
W. from CW = 1172 “the universe” (E s) = 600 + 572 “and the earth” (E s)
2 FLW divided by FLW = 1.645… – – – 1645 “a hundred thirty seven” מאת שלשים שבע (o+s)
3/4 CW divided by CW = 16.69… – – – 1669 “a hundred and thirty and seven” מאת ושלשים ושבע (o+s)
2 FLW+ 3/4 CW divided by FLCW = 3.373…- – – 3373 = PP(223 “inverse Alpha” הפוך אלפא) = Pri(477 “electron” אלקטרון (o+s))
TV divided by CW = 29.45588235294118 – – – 29 “and” ואת (o) – – – 4558 “the speed of light” η ταχυτητα του φωτος
82 “inverse Alpha” (H So) – – – 3529 = 2800 + 729 (α) – – – 4118 = 4000 + Lucky-o(729 (α))
ultra calculation of rev std Vs(2333) divided by ultra calculation of rev ord Vs(199) = 1122048449.7700078
(H, G & E r) “inverse Alpha” 139 x (8072291 = Pri(544329 = 100x(5000 + 436 “and” ואת (o+s)) + 729 (α)))
+ 0.(7700078 = 7700000 + 78 “the speed of light” (E r))
Full integration of reverse ordinal Vs(199) & reverse standard Vs(2333) gives stunning word combos:
Combo 1 = 461 “In the beginning” (E s)
Combo 2 = 205 “Genesis one one” (E ro) = “nuclear physics” (E ro)
Combo 3 = 37 “wisdom” חכמה (o)
Combo 4 = 154 “of the Torah” (E ro) = 2x 77
Combo 5 = 77
Combo 6 = 77
Combo 7 = 913 “In the beginning” בראשית = Happy(130 “inverse Alpha” (E o))
Combo 8 = 133
Combo 9 = 133
Combo 10 = 63 = Pri-o(293 “inverse Alpha” הפוך אלפא (o+s))
The fact that the first words of these two verses equals the standard value of the English spelling of “In the beginning” is amazing!
Inverse Alpha is seen in the four combinations surrounding the 7th combo here, as the two before it has the value of 77, and the
two after it equals 133. And we see that reading backwards from the last word that we get two combos of 133 & two of 77.
The reason for it being reversed like this is because we are dealing with the inverse/reverse of Alpha here.
The combos that forms these codes are ordered at 5 & 6 (56 “the universe” (E r)), and 8 & 9 (89 “codes” (E ro)).
These orders are identical to the word orders that form the spelling of number 777 in Vs(137)!
The values added gives 133 (13) + 77 (7) + 133 (13) + 77 (7) = 420 “knowledge” (E sr37 “wisdom” (H o)).
Adding all combos from the last combo that equals 133 to the first combo that equals 77 = 1333 (13 = Pri(7)).
Combo 6 + Combo 7 [67 “codes of ” (E o)] = 990 “physics” (E s) = 10x 99 “physics” (E o).
Adding combos ordered at 1, 3 & 7 is 461+37+913 = 1411 = 1000 + 137×3 (1373 (inverse α when 0 is removed from it)).
And adding combos ordered at 7, 2 & 9 = 1251 “hundred and twenty seven” שבע ועשרים ומאה (r+o+s).
Adding the reverse standard values of Vs(133) & Vs(77) is 1701+2765 = 4466 = 46 “codes” (E o) with extended digits.
133 = “thirty and seven” (H & G rr) [ שלושים ושבע – – – τριαντα και επτα] – – – 77 = “thirty and seven” (E rr) – – – 37 “of wisdom” (H o).
Acts 13:7 is verse order = 27370 = 10x(137 (i. α) + 100×26 “codes” (E rr)), & this is also Vs(137035999206 (inverse α)) by rot.
No.W + No.L = 133 = Octa(7) = Happy-o(931 = Pri-o(7297 (α)))
rev std TV = 20003 = TV of rev ord Vs(199) + TV of rev std Vs(2333) w. 0 rem. – – – FLW = 553 “Triangle number 777” (E ro)
Ultra calculation in reverse standard = 9.7601… – – – 97601 = (137 (inverse α)) 1337 x 73 “wisdom”

John 3:16 is one of the most quoted verses from the N.T. it reads: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
Original text: Ουτω γαρ ηγαπησεν ο Θεος τον κοσμον ωστε τον υιον αυτου τον μονογενη εδωκεν ινα πας ο πιστευων εις αυτον μη αποληται αλλ εχῃ ζωην αιωνιον

This verse is truly marvelous in the reverse standard system! Here are its codes:
Verse order = 137 (inverse α) + 1000×26 “codes” (E rr)
No.W = 26 “Alpha” Αλφα (rr)
No.L = 113 “universe” (E o)
No.W + No.L = 139 = Pri(35 “riddles” (E r)) [Factor of English ordinal John 1:1 instead of English ordinal Genesis 1:1]
TV = 17937 = 100x(178 = Comp(137 (i. α))) + 137 (i. α)
10000 + (7937 = TV of Vs(115 “one” (E s)) + TV of Vs(2398 “one hundred and thirty seven” (E s))
= Happy primes added from order 7 to 29 [729 (α)])
FLW = 1094 = 194 “inverse Alpha” (E ro) w. 0 rem.
CW = 2781 = perimeter of Tri(928 = 500 + 428 “riddles”
FLCW = (
ה “of” 5)gonal-389 “the fine-structure constant” קבוע המבנה הדק
W. up to CW = 100×58 “inverse Alpha” (E r) + 1625 “seven hundred seventy and seven”
שבע מאות ושבעים ושבע
W. from CW = 10512 = 10400 + 112 “Alpha”
W# 13 + W# 7 = 1578 = 1400 + Comp(137 (i. α))
Words added from order 13 to 7 = 3000 + (110 “inverse” αντιστροφος (ro) = “Alpha” (E s))
Words added ordered at 1, 3 & 7 = 2499 = 249 “the finger of God”
אצבע אלהים w. ext…
Ultra calculation = 6.643… – – – 6643 = 7 x Pri-o(37) x 73
= (E r) “fine-structure constant” 87-gonal(13)
= (E o) “the fine-structure constant” 318-gonal(7)
This verse has two center words
First CW = 1370 (4 digits of i. α) = W# (13 = Pri(7)) of this verse
Second CW = 1411 = 1000 + 137×3 (English ordinal value of Genesis 1:1)
The word before the first CW = 67 “codes of” (E o)
The number of possible letter combinations in paired permutations of this verse = 6328 = Tri(112 “Alpha”
– The number of letter combos here made up of 13 = 461 “In the beginning” (E s)
– The number of letter combos here made up of 7 = 950 = CW of Vs(6328 = Tri(112 “Alpha”
– Sum letter combos made up of 13 & 7 = 1411 = 1000 + 137×3 (13703 (5 digits of i. α))
– There are 41 “universe” (E r) letter combos made up of 137
– When these 41 combos are ordered after how they occur, we can add their orders and get 123490
= (2746 “gematria” γεματρια (rs) = 2700 + 46 “codes” (E o))-gonal(10)
And in the reverse ordinal of John 3:16 we see:
Total value =
1434 = 1400 + Pri-o(137 (i. α)) = “seven hundred and twenty nine” επτακοσια και εικοσι εννεα (r+o+s)
CW =
206 = 137 + its midpoint = 3 last digits of inverse α as of this date [1/137.035999206]
W. from CW =
769 “inverse Alpha” (E s) = Pri(137 (i. α))

If we take a look at the Full ord + Full std version of verse# 25580 of the Bible we see some incredible codes in the TV & CW:
Original text:
Ει τις ερχεται προς με και ου μισει τον πατερα εαυτου και την μητερα και την γυναικα και τα τεκνα και τους αδελφους και τας αδελφας ετι δε και την εαυτου ψυχην ου δυναται μου μαθητης ειναι
Verse order = 25580 = 10x 2558 “fine-structure constant” σταθερα λεπτης υφης (r+o+s)
No.W =
37 – – – No.L = 152 “and seven hundred seventy and seven” (E rr) – – – No.W + No.L = 189 = Lucky(37 “wisdom” (H o))
TV = 100729 = 100000 + 729 (α) = Pri(57) x Pri(77) – – – 57×77 = 4000 + 389 “the fine-structure constant”
קבוע המבנה הדק
= Full ord + Full std of Vs(729 (α)) + (89879 =
רואה תוריהמו “and the speed of light” 879 + 1000×89 “codes” (E ro))
= Star(37) x PP-o(73) + Full ord & Full std values added of verses ordered at 7, 2 & 9
FLW = 6423 = 1000×6
ו “and” + 423 “proton” פרוטון (o+s)
CW = 1307 = 137 (i. α) w. 0 rem. – – – W. surr. CW = 4913 = 4000 + Happy(130 “inverse Alpha” (E o))
FLCW = 7730 = Primes ordered at the Greek ord (81) & std (934) values of “codes” κωδικοι
2 FLW = 11726 = Happy(1744 “the universe and the earth” (E s))
3 CW = 6620 “seven hundred seventy and seven riddles of wisdom” (E sr137)
2 FLW + 3 CW = 17946 = 17000 + 946 “was confirmed” εβεβαιωθη (r+o+s) = 15000 + TV of Vs(913 “In the beginning” (H s))
W# 21 = 1956 “Bible codes” κωδικοι της βιβλου# 37 = 4318 = 1000×4 “and” και (r) + 318 “the fine-structure constant” (E o)
W# 21 + W# 37 = 6274 = 1000×6
ו “and” + 274 “intelligent design” (E ro) = 2x 3137 “find” (E sr137)
– Ultra calculation of the Full ordinal version of this verse divided by the ultra calculation of the Full standard version
5.0658… – – – 50658 = 49000 + 731 (mirror of i. α) + 927 (mirror of α)
And the square root of number 89879 =
299.79… (5 digits of c)

In the reduced Vs(13 = Pri(7) = Pri-o(37)) we see:
No.W =
6 “and”
ו – – – No.L = 22 = Pri-o(73)
TV =
64 “wisdom” σοφια (o)
24 “universe” συμπαν (r)
CW =
18 “riddles”
חידה (r) – – – W. surr. CW = 22 = Pri-o(73 “of wisdom” חכמה)
42 “of knowledge”
דעת (o)
2 FLW =
46 “seven seven seven”
שבע שבעה שבעת (rr)
4 CW =
40 “Bible codes” (E r)
2 FLW + 4 CW =
86 “of God”
137 (i. α) = 100 + W. up to CW
127 (high energy i. α)
= 100 + W. from CW
Letters added from order 3 to 7 = 7 = Lucky(3)
Word# 1 = 13 = Pri-o(37)
Word# 2 =
11 = Lucky-o(37)
Word# 3 =
13 = Pri-o(37)
Word# 4 =
5 = PP-o(37)                                             37 = “inverse Alpha”
הפוך אלפא (Sr)
Word# 5 = 11 = Lucky-o(37)
Word# 6 = 11 = Lucky-o(37)

Reduced of ברא “created” = 5 “the” ה.
Ordinal of ברא “created” = 23 = Pri(10 “Alpha” Αλφα (r)) = “Alpha” (H & G r).
Standard of ברא “created” = 203 = 7×29 [α]. While 729/203 = 3.59 – – – 359 = Pri(73 “wisdom”).
23+203 = 226 “seven hundred twenty nine” שבע מאות עשרים ותשע (o) – – – 729 (α).
5+23+203 = 231 = Tri(21 “φ” (o)).
Greek standard value of “create/build” κτιζω = 1137 = 137 (i. α) w. ext…
English standard value of “created” = 308 = 38 “Alpha” (E o) w. 0 rem.
English 4 basic (red, ord, std & base 6) of “created” = 729 (α).
Number 777 = Lucky(124 “In the beg. universe” בראשית יקום (r)). And the 3 digits of Alpha: 729 = Lucky(118 “riddles” (E ro)).
Lucky orders added of Alpha & 777 is 118+124 = 242
= Palin(34 “Alpha” Αλφα (o) = “and Phi” (E r)) = “riddles” (E s) = 37+73+39+93 = “codes” (H, G & E ro) = “God’s mystery” (E sr7).
English ordinal of “fine structure constant” has the value of 285 = 3 x Comp(70 “seven” (E ro))
Lucky orders added off 729 & 285 is 118+54 = 172 “codes” (E o).
137/777 = 1.065 – – – 1065 “understanding”/”intellect” συνεσις.
729/137 = 5.32… (532 “Alpha” Αλφα).
729/271 (e) = 2.69… – – – 269 “Bible codes” κωδικοι της Βιβλου (Fr).
729/3.14 (π) = approximately 232 = 23 “physics” פיזיקה (r) merged with mirror.
729/1.618 (φ) = 451 = 400 + 51 “seven seven seven” επτα επτα επτα (r) = “Everything” את כל = “the deep” תהום.

Hebrew standard of “Alpha” אלפא = 112, and Alpha divided by “Alpha” is 729/112 6.50 – – – 650 “Alpha” Αλφα (Fs).

Triangle 112 “Alpha” אפלא divided by 729 (α) is 6328/729 8.68 – – – (868 = 137 (i. α) + 731 (mirror) = 800 + 68 “777” (H r)).

The standard value of “Alpha” Αλφα = 532, and lo and behold: 729/532 1.3703 – – – 13703 (5 digits of inverse α).

The standard values of “Alpha” in both Greek and Hebrew added with Alpha is 112+532+729 = 1373 (13703 w. 0 rem.).

Add “Alpha” in English standard (110) = 1483 “miracles” δυναμις (rs).

Hebrew of שבע מאות ושבעים ושבע “seven hundred seventy and seven” 68/194/1625
729/68 = 10.72… – – – 1072 “universe” (E o+s)
729/194 = 3.75… – – – 375 “seven seven seven” העבש העבש העבש (Fo)
729/1625 = 0.4486… – – – 4486 = 486 “the seal of God” (E s)) w. ext…
Tri(729) = 266085 = (Fr+Fo+Fs) תישארב אפלא הדיח “In the beginning Alpha riddles” 3645 x 73 “of wisdom” חכמה
Squ(729) = 531441 = Centered Hexagons added up to order 81 “codes” κωδικοι (o)
729 = Comp(599 = Pri(110 “Alpha” (E s))) = Cube(9 “and” δε) = Squ(27 “Phi” פי (o)) = 500 + 229 “riddles from God” (E ro)
= “Alpha and Phi”
אפלא תאו יפ (r+o+s) = “Alpha riddle” Αλφα αινιγμα (o+s) = “understood they” συνηκαν [Mat 16:12]
= “and I will settle” והושבתי [Eze 36:11] = “had laid” επιθεντος [Act 19:6] = “physics riddles” פיזיקה חידה (rr+ro+rs)
= “increase” αυξησιν [Eph 4:16] = “salary” μισθου [Luk 10:7] = “may rejoice” χαιρηι [John 4:36]
= “are justified” δικαιουσθε [Gal 5:4] = “had sent them out εκβαλουσα [Jam 2:25] = “they repented” μετενοησαν [Mat 11:20]
= “seven, thirty and seven, seventy and three” שבע, שלושים ושבע, שבעים ושלשה (Fo) – – – 7+37+73 = 117 “777” (E r)
2098 (298 “universe” יקום (Fs)) = Squ(27 “riddles” חידה (s)) + Squ(37 “of wisdom” חכמה (o)).
Tri(27 “riddles” חידה (s)) + Tri(37 “of wisdom” חכמה (o)) = 1081
= TV of Vs(1126 = Happy numbers ordered at the Eng red (20), ord (38) & std (110) values of “Alpha”) = Tri(46 “codes” (E o)).
6058 “The Lord God created the fine-structure constant” (E sr137) = Squ(27 “riddles” חידה (o)) + Squ(73 “of wisdom” חכמה (s))
= 658 “the golden ratio” יחס הזהב (rs) w. 0 rem. = “understanding” κατανοηση w. 0 rem.
= “The Genesis one one and John one one” ο γενεσις εις εις και Ιωαννης εις εις (ro+rs) = 658 “riddles from God” (E o+s) w. 0 rem.
= TV of Vs(6328 = Tri(112 “Alpha”)) + (100×27 “riddles” + 37 “of wisdom” = TV of Vs(3123 = Lucky.Pri(523 “777” (H Fo))).
729 (α) = 500 + 92 “riddles of” (E o) + 137 (inverse α). 92 “riddles of” (E o) + TV of Vs(137) = 3114 = 314 “777” (E o) [m] w. ext…
TV of Vs(821 = 92 “riddles of” (E o) + 729 (α)) = 3775 = 92 “riddles of” (E o) + TV of Vs(729 (α)).
“seven hundred and twenty nine” (H, G & E r+o+s) = 7209 = 3 digits of α w. 0 rem. [7772209 = 7 last digits of Squ(13703 (i. α))]
6000 + FLW of Vs(1 “α”) = CW of verses ordered at the prime numbers reflecting the values of the 7 words of Genesis 1:1
= TV of Vs(26398 = 26000 + 398 “universe”
םוקי (Fo+Fs)) = TV of Vs(26517 = 26000 + 517 “the earth” (E s)).
UC of standard Vs(7885 = C.Tri(73))/UC of ordinal Vs(1999 = C.Tri(37))/UC of reduced Vs(64 = C.Tri(7))
1.387209… – – – 138 = 100 + (38 “inverse” (E r) = “Alpha” (E o)) = 1 + 137 (i. α) – – – 7209 = 3 digits of α w. 0 rem.
TV of Vs(411 = English ordinal Genesis 1:1 = 137×3)
= 3829 = 3000 + (CW of Vs(1) + CW of Vs(137) = 100 + 729 (α)).
So what the physicists did not spot was that Alpha is all about Bible codes.
It is clearly connected to the English ordinal Genesis 1:1 as its total value = 3x 137. And “In the beginning” (E o) = 137.
Alpha is in fact the key to understanding a large part of the numerical codes of the Bible & it opens up number 777.
Because we see clear connections between Alpha and 777. One of many is the square root of 137 which equals 11.7… – – – 117 “777”.
So α is 1/137… = 0.00729… & the 3 first digits are very important since 3 has the meaning of completion.
The main connection to this number opens up a great mystery since its inverse value = 100 + 37 “seal” (E o) = 137 “of God” (E s).
Alright so let’s understand that Alpha is everywhere in the universe & it concerns how particles interact and it was discovered in
relation to the electron, & the speed of light. The electron is foundational to light as it interacts with photons.
If we check out word# 37 “seal” of the Bible which is the 10th word of Vs(4), we see it starts with Letter# 137 “of God”.
This word is the word “the light” האור. The value of this word is 212 “and behold” וראה = “physics” פיזיקה = “codes” קודים (o+s).
Gen 1:1: בראשית ברא אלהים את השמים ואת הארץ
Gen 1:2: והארץ היתה תהו ובהו וחשך על פני תהום ורוח אלהים מרחפת על פני המים
Gen 1:3:
ויאמר אלהים יהי אור ויהי אור
Gen 1:4: וירא אלהים את האור כי טוב ויבדל אלהים בין האור ובין החשך


137 = Pri(34 “Alpha” Αλφα (o)) [The first letter of Greek fully spelled out]
729 = Squ(27 “riddle” חידה ) = Alpha riddle” Αλφα αινιγμα (o+s)
27 = “In the beginning” εν αρχηι (r) = lightאור (o) = riddle(s)” חידה (s)
God created light on the first day which is written in verse# 3 “And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.”
If we check verse# 3 “α” (r+o+s) we see:
No.W = 6 “and” ו = “Phi” Φι (r) – – – No.L = 23 “riddles” חידות (r) – – – No.W + No.L = 30 “of” ל
TV = 813 = 500 + center of gravity in Tri(37 “wisdom” (H o))
Verse# (31 “Alpha” Αλφα (o) = “and” και) וירא אלהים את כל אשר עשה והנה טוב מאד ויהי ערב ויהי בקר יום הששי
No.W = 15 = PP-o(137 (inverse α)) – – – No.L = 50 “riddles” חידות (o) – – – No.W + No.L = 65 “midst” (E o)
TV = 3065 = ה “the” 5 x Pri(113 “universe” (E o))
FLW = 832 = 2x 416 “riddles” αινιγματα = 800 + 32 “midst” בל
CW = 17 “the universe” םוקיה (r) [31 is also the value of “the universe” ο συμπαν (r)]
FLCW = 849 = 500 + (349 = Lucky.Pri(21 = 7+7+7) = Pri(71 “seal” (E ro) = Pri(21 “of” (E o)) = “God” (E s)))
Verse# 34 “Alpha” ויברך אלהים את יום השביעי ויקדש אתו כי בו שבת מכל מלאכתו אשר ברא אלהים לעשות
No.W = 16 “Alpha” (H rr) – – – No.W = 61 “Alpha” (H ro) – – – No.W + No.L = 77 = 7 w. ext… = Tri(7) + Squ(7)
TV = 4928 = 4500 + 428 “riddles” חידות (r) 
FLW = 1044 = 104 “of wisdom” (E o)
CW = 38 “inverse” (E r) “Alpha” (E o)
FLCW = 1082 “codes of knowledge” (E o+s)
Verse# 38 “Alpha” (E o) וייצר יהוה אלהים את האדם עפר מן האדמה ויפח באפיו נשמת חיים ויהי האדם לנפש חיה
No.W = 16 “Alpha” (H rr) – – – No.L = 62 “physics codes” (E r) – – – No.W + No.L = 78 = Tri(12 “and” ו (Fs)) = “the speed of light” (E r)
TV = 2999 = 299 (3 digits of the speed of light) w. ext…
FLW = 339 “energy” אנרגיה (r+o+s)
CW = 159  “the speed of light” (E o)
FLCW = 498 = 100×4 “and” και (r) + 98 “proton” (E o) = perimeter of Tri(167 = Pri(40 “Bible codes” (E r)))
Verse# 10 “Alpha” Αλφα (r) ויקרא אלהים ליבשה ארץ ולמקוה המים קרא ימים וירא אלהים כי טוב
No.W = 12 “and” ו (Fs) = “Phi” Φι (rr) – – – No.L = 49 “universe” (E rr)
No.W + No.L = 61 = Pri(19 “codes” (E r))
TV = 2074 = 2000 + 74 “the seal” σφραγιδα (o) = 2x 1037 (137 “of God” (E s))
FLW = 334 = 34 “Alpha” Αλφα (o) w. ext…
CW = 396 “seven hundred seventy and seven” (E ro)
FLCW = 667 (67 = Pri(20 “riddles“ αινιγματα (r)))
Verse# 13 “Alpha” אלפא (r) ויהי ערב ויהי בקר יום שלישי
No.W = 6 “and” ו = “Phi” Φι (r) – – – No.L = 22 = 1 “α” (o) + 21 “φ” (o) – – – No.L + No.W = Tri(7) = Happy(7) = … – – – 2x2x5 = “7”
TV = 1342 = 1000 + perimeter added of Triangles ordered at 7, 37 & 73
FLW = 681 “knowledge” (E s)
CW = 333 “seven hundred seventy and seven” (E o)
FLCW = 1014 “the seal” σφραγις = 1000 + 14 “of God” אלהים (r)
Integration of Vs(10 & Vs(13)
TV = 3000 + 416 “riddles” αινιγματα
FLW = 1015 = 1000 + PP-o(137 “of God” (E s))
CW = 729 (α)
FLCW = 1744 = 1600 + 144 “7-7-7” שבעה שבעת שבע (o)

FLCW of Vs ordered at the red, ord & std values of “Alpha” (13/31/112) is 1014+849+838 = 2701 = TV of Vs(1 “α”)

TV of Vs(532 “Alpha” (G s)) + TV of Vs(1625 “seven hundred seven and seven” (H s)) is 2311+3196 = Pri(729 (α))

Luke 13:7

Jesus answered and said unto him,What I do thou knowest not now; but thou shalt know hereafter.”


532 = 500 + Pri-o(127 (i. α)) = “Alpha” Αλφα = (4 “e” (E rr))gonal-90 “Pi” Πι = (o) פיPhi” 27-gonal(Lucky-o(3) = 7)
= Pri-o(223 “inverse Alpha”
הפוך אלפא) + Pri-o(2333 “inverse Alpha” αντιστροφος Αλφα) + Pri-o(769 “inverse Alpha” (E s))

729 (α) = (ro) “e” 22-gonal(9 “π” (ro)) = Squ(27 “Phi” פי (o)) = Cube(9 “and” δε) = mirror of 927 “7-7-7” שבע שבע שבע (rs)
= “reward” μισθοῦ [Acts 1:18] = 100 + CW of Vs(28 = Tri(7) = Happy(7) = Pri(2) x Pri(2) x Pri(5) — 2x2x5 = 20 “seven” (E r))
= 400 + CW of Vs(164 “a hundred and thirty and seven”
מאת ושלשים ושבע (o)) = W. up to CW of ord verses ordered at 21 & 37
= “physics riddles”
פיזיקה חידה (rr+ro+rs) = rev std words ordered at 703 & 2701 of the Bible = 700 + Lucky-o(37) + Lucky-o(73)
= Comp(Pri(110 “Alpha” (E s))) = 7 + ord of Vs(729 (α)) = (386 “seven” (G s) = ord of Vs(1618 (φ))) + 7x7x7
= 100 + W. surr. CW of Vs(814 = 37 + 777 = 500 + 314 “seven hundred seventy seven” (E o))
= 400 + ord of Vs(1 “α”) + (31 “and” και = Pri(12 “Phi” Φι (rr)) = CW of Vs(72973 (α)) by rot. + (100×6 “and”
ו = “Phi” (H & G s))
= FLW of Vs(14 “Heart”
לב (o)) + FLW of Vs(37 “of Wisdom” המכח (H o)) = FLW of verses ordered at: 37, 73 & 207 “light” רוא
= FLW of Vs(113 “universe” (E o) = Pri(31 “and” και)) + FLW of Vs(986 = 400 + 1 “α” + 5 “e” + 80 “π” + 500 “φ”)
= FLW of Vs(117 “seven seven seven”
שבע שבע שבע (o)) + FLW of Vs(2499 “seven seven seven” שבעת שבעת שבעת (o+s))
= CW of Fr+Fo+Fs Vs(37) = CW of Genesis 1:1 & John 1:1 + (270 = Tri(3) x Tri(9) = “Phi” (E rr+ro+rs))
= CW of Vs(110 “Alpha” (E s)) + 29 “and Phi” (E rr) = 8 CL of Vs(53 “the universe”
היקום (o)) = 8 CL of Vs(5533)
= CW of Vs(112 “Alpha” (H s)) + (282 = Palin(38 “Alpha” (E o))) = 8 CL of Vs(944 = 94 “codes” κωδικοι (ro) w. ext…)
= CW of Vs(137 “In the beginning” (E o)) + CW of Vs(682 “the heaven” (E s)) = 7 CL of Vs(2300 = A.W.E CW of Vs(1 “α”))
= CW of Vs(10 “Alpha” (G r)) + CW of Vs(13 “Alpha” (H r)) = 8 CL of Vs(800 + 1618 (φ) = 1000 + 3 FLW of Vs(13703 (i. α)))
= CW of Vs(112 “Alpha”
אלפא = “and Phi” ואת פי (Fo)) + CW of Vs(903 = Tri(42 = Comp(7) + Comp(7) + Comp(7)))
= CW of Vs(37) + CW of Vs(73) + CW of Vs(1618 (φ) = 1000 + 8 CL of Vs(1460 = 10x FLW of Vs(729 (α))))
= CW of Vs(31 “Alpha” Αλφα (o) = “and” και = Pri(12 “Phi” Φι (rr))) + CW of 777 Holograph
= CW of Vs(1 “α”) + FLW of Vs(1618 (φ)) = CW of Vs(3) + CW of Vs(4) [34 = Pri-o(137)] + CW of Vs(137 (i. α))
= ord of Vs(2738 = molecular weight of the 20 amino acids = TriPenta(37) = TV of Vs(194 “777” (H o))
= 3 CW of Vs(3112 = 31 “Alpha”
אלפא (o) merged with 112 “Alpha” אלפא (s) = 37×73 (Heb std Gen 1:1) + 137×3 (Eng ord Gen 1:1))
= 318 “the-structure constant” (E o)) + (411 = Comp(330 “the fine-structure constant” (E ro))
= CW of Vs(2022 “fine-structure constant” (E s)) + Comp-o(777)
= 323 “the Alpha” (E s) + (CW of Vs(2235 “the fine-structure constant” (E s)) = Tri(28 = Tri(7)…) = 406 (46 “codes” (E o))
= CW of (31 “Alpha” Αλφα (o) = “and” και = Pri(12 “Phi” Φι (rr))) + (500 + (212 “physics”
פיזיקה = “codes” קודים (o+s)))
= 117 “seven hundred seventy and seven” (E o) + CW of Vs(382 “in the firmament”
= 509 (59 = Pri(18 “riddles”
חידה (r))) + CW of Vs(428 “riddles” חידות) = 301 “atom” (E s) + 428 “riddles” חידות
= CW of Vs(532 “Alpha” Αλφα) + (294 = perimeter of Tri(99 “physics” (E o)) = perimeter of Hex(50 “riddles”
= (322 =mirror of 223 “inverse Alpha”
הפוך אלפא) + ordinal value of Vs(777)
= 334 (34 “Alpha” Αλφα (o) = Pri-o(137 (i. α))) + (385 = Lucky(68 “riddles” αινιγματα (o)))
= CW of Vs(32 “Heart”
לב) + CW of Vs(5 “of” ה) + (352 = midpoint of Tri(37 “Wisdom” חכמה (o)))
= “the” (E sr15) + “seal” (E sr37) + “of God” (E sr137)) + CW of Vs(183 “seven seven seven”
שבעת שבעת שבעת (o))
= (532 “Alpha” Αλφα = (o)
פיPhi” 27-gonal(7)) + FLW of Vs(777) = 400 + 13 “In the beginning” בראשית (r) + CW of Vs(777)
= 216 “universe”
יקום (r+o+s) + FLCW of Vs(777) = 240 “seven seven seven” (H & G o) + FLW of Vs(1625 “777” (H s))
= word# 777 by rot. added of Vs(777) + word# 777 by rot. added of Vs(1625 “seven hundred seventy and seven” (H s))

CW of verse# 729 (α) = 777
1000 + CW of Vs(726) =
1625 “seven hundred seventy and seven” שבע מאות ושבעים ושבע
1000 + CW of Vs(745 = 729 + 1+6+1+8) =
1584 “seven hundred seventy and seven” επτακοσια εβδομηντα και επτα
TV of verses ordered at 729 & 726 =
6305 “seven hundred seventy and seven” (H, G & E s)
Integration of verses ordered at 729 & 726
Letters ordered at 7, 2 & 9 =
Words ordered at 21 & 37 =
100 + 777
Letters ordered at 21 & 37=
325 (30225 = 5 digits of Tri(777))
Words & letters ordered at 1, 3 & 7 =
2332 = 777-C.Gonal(3) = word# 777 by rot. of Vs(777) w. ext…
Integration of verses ordered at 729, 726 & 777
TV =
8619 = 7000 + 1619 “seven hundred seventy and seven” שבע מאות שבעים ושבע [modern spelling]
CW =
100 + 1618 (φ)
3/4 CW = 3025 (30225 = 5 digits of Tri(777)) = TV of Vs(13703 (5 digits of inv. α))
3rd words added =
766 = 76 “In the beginning” (H o) w. ext…
4th words added =
729 (α)
5th words added =
100 + 777
6th words added =
724 = 3 digits of Tri(777) + 3 digits of Heptagram(777)
7th words added =
1357 = 1000 + 357 “seven seven seven” שבע שבע שבע (Fo) = Semiprime(401 = Pri(80 “codes” κωδικες (o)))
Letters added from order 21 to 37 =
4278 = Tri(92 “riddles of” (E o)) = 3000 + 1 “α” + 500 “φ” + 777
Letters ordered at 7, 2 & 9 =
100 + 888 — UC of verses ordered at 137, 173 & 777 = 1.278… — 1278 = 1 “α” + 500 “φ” + 777
TV of verses ordered at 137 & 173 = 7000 + 492 “Triangle number seven hundred seventy and seven” (E o)
= 7492 “Star number seven hundred seventy and seven” (E s)


Verse order = 137 (inverse α) – – – This verse has the only mention of number 777 in the Bible. The Value of this spelling is 1625.
No.W = 11 “and” ואת (r)
No.L = 39 = Pri(7) + Pri(7) + Pri(7)
No.W + No.L = 50 “riddles” חידות (o) = 37 “of wisdom” חכמה (o) + Pri-o(37)
TV = 3022 = 4 digits of Tri(777)
= C.Hex(31 “and” και) + Tri(7+7+7)

= 1000 + C.Hex(7) + C.Hex(7) + C.Hex(7) + TV of Vs(3022)
= 10×237 “codes” (E r+o+s) + CW of Vs(3022)
= (2121 = 7+7+7 + 100x(7+7+7)) + FLW of Vs(302) + FLW of Vs(253)
= 1000 + 137+731 + CW of Vs(302) + CW of Vs(253)
= Pri(164 “137” (H o)) + FLCW of Vs(302) + FLCW of Vs(253)
= 1625 “777” + FLCW of Vs(37) + FLCW of Vs(137)
= 2000 + words in Vs(37) ordered at 1, 3 & 7 + CW of Vs(1625 “777”)
= 1000 + std Vs(37 “seal” (E o)) + ord Vs(137 “of God” (E s))
= 2000 + (726 = 729 (α) with upsidedown digit = “codes” (E sr137)) + ord Vs(37 “of wisdom” (H o))
= 2800 + 156 “universe” יקום + FLW of Vs(37)
= 2606 (26 “codes” (E rr)) + CW of Vs(37)
= C.Hex up to order 13 & 7 + FLCW of Vs(37)
= TV of Vs(1) + 2 FLW of Vs(37)
= Pri(2) x Pri(241) – – – 2×241 = FLCW of Vs(37)
= 1588 “Triangular number seven hundred seventy and seven” (E sr28) + 2 FLW + 3 CW of Vs(37)
= 857 “energy” (E s) + TV of Vs(428 “riddles” חידות)
= 2669 (269 “energy” אנרגיה) + FLW of Vs(428 “riddles” תודיח)
= Happy(337 (37)) + 777
= 708 (78 “the speed of light” (E r)) + TV of Vs(777)
= 10x Tri(7+7+7) + CW of 777 Holograph
= 2000 + 531 “Alpha, e, Pi and Phi” (E r+o+s) + CW of Vs(Tri(777))
= 1000 + FLCW + FLCW of 777 Holograph
FLL = 406 = Tri(28 = Tri(7) = Happy(7) = Pri(2) x Pri(2) x Pri(5) – – – 2x2x5 = 20 “seven” (E r)) = 3 CL of Vs(Tri(777)) by rot.
CL = 10 “α” (Fr) = “e” (o+s) = “π” (rs) = Tri(4 “and” και (r)) = Comp(5 “φ” (r)) – – – L. surr. CL = 110 “inverse” (G ro) = “Alpha” (E s)
FLCL = 416 “riddles” αινιγματα = CW of Vs(37) – – – 3 first letters + 7 last letters = 832 = 800 + Pri-o(127 (i. α))
2 FLL = 456 “Alpha, e, Pi and Phi” (E o+s) – – – 3 first words + 7 last words = 2932 = 729 (α) + 271 (e) + 314 (π) + 1618 (φ)
3 CL = 120 = Tri(15 = PP-o(137 (i. α))) – – – 2 L. surr. CL = 412 = Pri(2) x Pri(2) x Pri(28) – – – 2x2x28 = (112 “Alpha” אלפא)
2 FLL + 3 CL = Squ(24 = 8+8+8) = 500 + 76 “Bible codes” (E o) – – – W#1 = 31 = C.Tri(5 = PP-o(37)) – – – W#8 = 378 = Tri(27 “riddles” חידה)
3 FLL = 471 “Torah” Τορα = 400 + Pri(7+7+7) 
7 CL = 772 (72 “riddles” חידה (r+o+s)) – – – 3 L. surr. CL = 762 = perimeter of Hex(128 “thirty and seven” (H o) – – – 37 “of wisdom”)
FLW = 487 “Square number seven hundred seventy and seven” (E o)     [727 = Lucky(117 “seven hundred seventy and seven” (E r))]
CW = תודיח “riddles” 428 = 12 “of” (E r) + CW of Vs(37) – – – W. surr. CW = 727 “of God” (E sr137) = CW of Vs(729735256 (α))
FLCW = perimeter of Penta(184 “thirty and seven” (E o) – – – 37 “of wisdom”)
             = ordinal values added of Vs(302) & Vs(253) [302253 = Tri(777)]
2 FLW = 500 + (392 “Triangle” (E s) = perimeter of Squ(99 = Comp(73 “number” (E o))))
3 CW = 1155 = (E r) seven hundred seventy and seven 117-gonal(5) – – – 2 W. surr. CW = 1195 (195 “seven seven seven” (E o))
2 FLW + 3 CW = 2047 “riddles of wisdom and knowledge” (E o+s)
3 FLW =
1399 = Pri(223 “inverse Alpha” הפוך אלפא = CW of Eng ord Vs(137) w. ext…
7 CW = 2000 + 130 “inverse Alpha” (E o) – – – 3 W. surr. CW = 1702 (172 “codes” (E s)) = factor of (17020 = Tri(184 “thirty and seven” (E o)))
3 FLW + 7 CW = C.Tri(49 = Pri-o(223 “inverse Alpha” הפוך אלפא)) = 2800 + 729 (α)
FLL + FLW = 893 = Tri(19 “the Heart” הלב (o)) + Tri(37 “of Wisdom” חכמה (o))
CL + CW = 400 + (38 “inverse” (E r) = “Alpha” (E o)) = CW of Vs(703) + CW of Vs(2701) – – – L. surr. CL + W. surr. CW = 800 + 37
FLCL + FLCW = 1331 = C.Hepta(20 “Alpha” (E r) = Rec(4 “e” (rr)) = “π” (rr+ro+rs) = “and Phi” ואת פי (r))
2 FLL + 2 FLW = 1348 “Alpha, e, Phi and Phi” אלפא הא פאי ואת פי (Fs) – – – Eng ord Vs(137) = 5×139 “inverse Alpha” (H, G & E r)
3 CL + 3 CW = 1275 (127.5 ≈ high energy inverse α) = Tri(50) – – – 2 L. surr. CL + 2 W. surr. CW = 1607 = Pri(254 = 2x 127 (i. α))
2 FLL + 2 FLW + 3 CL + 3 CW = 2623 “inverse Omega” (E ro+rs) – – – 3325 “inverse Alpha” (H, G & E s) = Lucky(428 “riddles”)
3 FLL + 3 FLW = 1870 = (313 = center of gravity in Tri(37 “the Heart” הלב))-gonal(4) = Deca(22 = Pri-o(73 “of Wisdom” חכמה))
7 CL + 7 CW = 2902 (292 “one hundred and thirty seven” (E o)) – – – 3 L. surr. CL + 3 W. surr. CW = 2464 = 2300 + 164 “137” (H o)
3 FLL + 3 FLW + 7 CL + 7 CW = 4772 = perimeter of Squ(1194 = 194 “777” (H o) w. ext…) = 400 + 72 “riddles” חידה (r+o+s) w. ext…
W. up to CW = Pri(174 = Comp(100 + 33 “the” (o)) = 37 “seal” + 137 “of God”) – – – W. from order 3 = 2941 = Heptagram(7+7+7)
W. from CW = 2419 = Lucky(325 (30225 = 5 digits of Tri(777))) – – – W. up to order 7 = 1386 = Exterior Star(7+7+7)
Verse# = 137 (i. α) – – – Vs & Chp. = 531 “Alpha, e, Pi and Phi” (E r+o+s) – – – 137+531 = 668 (68 “777” (H r) = “riddles” (G o))
L. from order 3 to 7 = 75 “seven seven seven” (E rr) = CW of Vs(5 “the” ה) = PP-o(37 “seal” (E o)) x PP-o(137 “of God” (E s))
W. from order 3 to 7 = 1305 “seven hundred seventy and seven” (E sr37) – – – 1625 = (E o) “Pi” 25 x 65 “seven” (E o) = 1337 + 16×18
W. ordered at 2, 56 & 5 (1625 = 25×65) = 1222 = TV of Vs(618 (φ)) = CW of verses by rot. ordered at 2718281 (e) & 3141592 (π)
W#777 = 355 “riddles” חידה (ro+rs) = “of wisdom” 37-gonal(5) – – – L#777 = 6 “and” ו
W. & L. by rot. ordered at 777 = Squ(19 “codes” (E r) = “of wisdom” (H r)) – – – CW of Eng std Vs(137) = 1000 + 7+7+7
L. by rot. up to order 777 = 3001 (31 “Alpha” אלפא (o) = “and” και) – – – הברית השנהי The Old Testament” = 987 = 500 + FLW
W. by rot. up to order
777 = 1386 = 1000 + ordinal Vs(1618 (φ)) – – – הברית החדשה The New Testament” = 939 = 500 + rev std CW
W. & L. up to order 777 = 4387 = 4000 + (387 = 38 “Alpha” (E o) <> 87 “Phi” (E s)) – – – 987+939 = 1926 = 1000 + (39x9337x73)
L. up to 37 = 2582 = Happy(391 “seven seven seven” שבע שבעה שבעת (Fo)) – – – rev std CW = 439 = Pri(86 “Triangle” (E o)… “num.”)
W. & L. up to order 37 = 2813 = C.Squ(38 “inverse” (E r) = “Alpha” (E o)) 4439 = Triangles from order 7 to 29
15 is also W#37 with the value of = 90 = Rec(9 = Squ(3)) – – – W#137 = 372 “seven” שבע – – – W#37 + W#137 = Rec(7+7+7)
Tri(21) = words by rot. up to order 37 “wisdom” חכמה (o) – – – W#3 + W#4 (34 = Pri-o(137)) = 150 “understanding” (E o)
Tri(66 = FLW of Vs(37))
= words by rot. up to order 42 “knowledge” דעת (o) – – – 3 first words + 4 last words = 1777 “Alpha” (Fo+Fs)
W. by rot. ordered at the values of all words in Vs(777) = C.Hepta(26 “inv.” (rr) = “Alpha” (rr)) = Tri(23 “riddles” חידות (r)) w. ext…
Letters instead = 905 (95 = 73 “of wisdom” חכמה + Pri-o(73)) – – – Sum = 3181 = 4 last digits of Star(1370 (i. α)) = TV of Vs(Tri(180))
W. & L. ordered at the values of all W. & L. in Vs(7246 = C.Tri(70) = C.Hepta(46)) = 10x(316 = C.Tri(15) = C.Hepta(10)) = Tri(79)
Orders added of the 7 Triangles in this verse is 4+15+21+27+28+50+66 = 7+7+7 w. ext… = 127 (i. α) + Tri(7) + Tri(7) + Tri(7).

15 “the” (E r) – – – 37 “seal” (E o) – – – 137 “of God” (E s)

Pythagorean prime number 15 “the” = 100 + 37 “seal + 137 “of God”

Words of the Bible ordered at 729, 271, 314 & 1618 = 500 + 15+37+137


Verse# 729 of the Hebrew Bible-<>-
Verse order = 729 (α) = (ro) “e” 22-gonal(9 “Pi” Πι (r)) = Cube(9 “and” δε) = Squ(27 “Phi” פי (o))
No.W = 18 “riddles” חידה (H r) = Lucky-o(73 “of wisdom”) – – – No.L = 70 “the seal” (E o) – – – No.W + No.L = 88 “of God” (E ro)
TV = 3683 = 3500 + (183 “seven seven seven” שבעת שבעת שבעת (o) = Combo 729 by rot. of the 777 Holograph) = C.Hex(7) x 29
= 777 + 2906 (296 “Bible codes” (E o+s)) = 411 (Eng Gen 1:1) + 2701 (Heb Gen 1:1) + FCLW of Vs(13687 = Pri(1618 (φ)))
= mirror of “inverse Alpha” (H, G & E r+o+s) = 729 (α) + 2954 “seven hundred seventy seven” (G sr37+sr73)
4 digits of Pri(31415 (5 digits of π)) = 333 “seven hundred seventy and seven” (E o) + 10×335 “riddles” חידה (Fo+Fs)
= 3000 + FLL + FLW of Vs(Tri(777)) by rot. = “Crown seven hundred seventy seven” στεφανοω επτακοσιες εβδομηντα επτα
= TV Vs(112 “Alpha” (H s) = “and Phi” (H Fo)) + Palin(68 “seven hundred seventy and seven” שבע מאות ושבעים ושבע (r))
= 800 + Pri(20 “Alpha” (E r)) + TV of Vs(27 “Phi” פי (o)) = TV of Vs(3 “c”) + TV of Vs(207 “light” אור)
= CW of Vs(21 = 7+7+7) + 100×36 “7-7-7” (H r) = W# 16 + W# 18 of Vs(1618 (φ)) + 1101 “codes of wisdom” (E o+s)
= 3000 + 297 “treasure” אוצר + TV of ordinal Vs(1618 (φ)) = 1000 + 46 “codes” (E o) + TV of Vs(1618 (φ))
= TV of Vs(6 “and” ו) + TV of ord + std Vs(1618 (φ)) = 3355 “seven hundred seventy seven” (E o+s) + FLW of Vs(1618 (φ))
= 3000 + Pri(117 “the seal of God” (E o)) = CW of Vs(1618 (φ)) = 3313 (313 “riddles” (E o+s)) + FLCW of Vs(1618 (φ))
= CW of Vs(153 “The Golden Ratio” (E o)) + 3462 “seven hundred seventy seven” (E r+o+s)
= Squ(37) + TV of Vs(777) = (3486 = Tri(83 “wisdom” (E o)) = Hex(42 “knowledge” דעת (o))) + FLW of Vs(777)
= Hepta(37) + CW of Vs(777) = 10x Pri(67 “codes of” (E o)) + FLCW of Vs(777) = 3007 (37 “wisdom”) + 2 FLW of Vs(777)
= (2708 = 7 + 37×73 = “the riddle of Alpha and Phi” το αινιγμα των Αλφα και Φι) + 3 CW of Vs(777)
= ואת שבע מאות ושבעם ושבע “and seven hundred seventy and seven” 2032  + 2 FLW & 3 CW of Vs(777)
L = 16 “seal” חתם (r) – – – CL = 10x 47 “of God” (E o) – – – FLCL = 400 + 86 “777” (G r) [m] – – – L. surr. CL = 7x 43 “seal” חתם (o)
2LL = 76 “In the beginning” בראשית (o) – – – 4 CL = 771 “universe” συμπαν
2 FLL + 4 CW = 847 = Happy(118 = Lucky-o(729 (α)) = “riddles” (E ro))

FLW = 146 “the universe” (E o) – – – Word# 1625 by rot. = 491 = CW of Vs(302253 = Tri(777)) by rot.
CW = 777 = 349 “the seal” (E s) + CW of Vs(137 “of God” (E s))
= 461 “In the beginning” (E s) + CW of Vs(777)
= CW of Vs(112 “Alpha” אלפא) + 330 “the fine-structure constant” (E ro)
= CW of Vs(532 “Alpha” Αλφα) + 342 “treasure(s)” אוצר (o+s)
= (737 = Palin(83 “In the beginning” (E r))) + CW of Vs(318 “the fine-structure constant” (E o))
= CW of Vs(43 “seal” חתם (o)) + FLW of Vs(86 “of God” אלהים (s))
= Squ(19 “the Heart” הלב (o)) + TV of Vs(37 “of Wisdom” חכמה (o))
= 506 “Genesis one one” (E s) + CW of Vs(73 “wisdom” (H s))
= CW of Vs(110 “Alpha” (E s) = “and Phi” (E ro)) + (77 (7) = Tri(7) + Squ(7))
FLCW = 923 = Happy(132 “seven seven seven” שבעה שבעה שבעה (o))
W. surr. CW = 375 = ה “the” 5 x PP-o(37 “seal” (E o)) x PP-o(137 “of God” (E s))
2 FLW = אפלא ךופה “inverse Alpha” 223 
4 CW = 1152 = Happy(166 = 16 “codes” (r) w. ext… = 100 + 66 “of” (E s)) – – – 2 W. surr. CW = 1058 “thirty and seven” שלשים ושבע
2 FLW + 4 CW = 1375 (The Golden Angle) = 1000 + 375 “seven seven seven” שבעה שבעה שבעה (Fo)
FLL + FLW = 162 “speed of” ταχυτητα του (o)
CL + CW = 1247 = 1000 + 247 “light” מאור [Gen 1:16] = 4 CW of Vs(302253 = Tri(777)) by rot. – – –  L. surr. CL + W. surr. CW = 676 = Squ(26 “Alpha” Αλφα (rr))
FLCL + FLCW = 1409 (149 = Pri(36 “physics” (E r))) = 1000 + Pri(81 “codes” κωδικοι (o))
2 FLL + 2 FLW = 299 (c) – – – 4 CL + 4 CW = 1923 “one” (H, G & E rs) – – – 1 “α”
2 FLL + 2 FLW + 4 CL + 4 CW = 2222 “Planck’s constant” (E sr137)

W. up to CW =
2422 “the constants of physics” οι σταθερες της φυσικης (rs)
W. from CW = 1261 = C.Hex(7+7+7) = 1200 + Pri(19 “codes” (E r)) = Star(15 = PP-o(137 “of God” (E s)))
W# (7 = Pri(5 “the” ה (r))) by rot. hits the order of (43 “seal” (H o) = Pri(15 = PP-o(137 “of God”))), its value = Pri(117 “777”).
W# (86 = 2x 43 “seal” (H o) = “of God” (H s)) by rot. = 47 = Pri-o(37 “seal” (E o)) + Pri-o(137 “of God” (E s))
W# 37 “seal” (E o) by rot. = 31 “of God” אל – – – W# 137 (i. α) by rot. = 58 “inverse Alpha” (E r)
W# 777 by rot. = 157 = Pri(38 “Alpha” (E o) = Pri(2) x Pri(9) – – – 2×9 = 18 “and Phi” יפו (rr))
W# 43 “seal” חתם (o) by rot. + W# 86 “of God” אלהים (s) by rot. = 688 (68 “seven hundred seventy and seven” (H r))
W# 74 “seal” σφραγιδα (o) by rot. + W# 1254 “of God” του Θεου (s) by rot. = 72 “riddles” חידה (r+o+s)
W# 37 “seal” (E o) by rot. + W# 137 “of God” (E s) by rot. = 89 “codes” (E ro) = “the seal of God” חתם האלהים (o)
W. by rot. at the orders of: 43, 86 & 777 = 800 + Tri(9 “and” δε) = CW of Vs ord. at: 86, 395 & 296 (86+395+296 = 777)
W. by rot. at the orders of: 37, 137 & 777 = 246 “the speed of light” (E ro)
W. by rot. at the orders of: 43, 86, 37, 137 = 777 – – – Add W# 777 by rot. to this = 934 “codes” κωδικοι
W. by rot. ordered at: 43, 86, 74, 1254, 37 & 137 = 849 = 500 + (349 “the seal” (E s) = Pri(71 = Pri(21 “of” (E o)) = “God” (E s)))
W. by rot. at the orders of: 43, 86, 74, 1254, 37, 137 & 777 = 1006 “The Torah” תורת [Ezr 7:10] = 16 “codes” קודים (r) w. 0 rem…
Verse order = 729 (α) – – – Vs & Chp. numbers joined = 271 (e) – – – 729+271 = Cube(10 “Pi” פאי (r) = “and Phi” και Φι (r))
Ultra calc. = 1709… – – – 1709 “Electron, Proton, Neutron” Ηλεκτρονιο, Πρωτονιο, Νετρονιο (rs) = Pri(268 “riddle” (E sr37))
= TV of Vs(28073 (2873 = 2000 + 873 “the speed of light” מהירות האור)) = TV of Vs(29102 (2912 = perimeter of Tri(729 (α))))


High energy α


At high energy α changes, the effective value of α given at an energy scale of 91 GeV
(inverse α) 1/127.5 = 0.007843137… (α). Some YouTube videos just say 1/127 and then the value becomes = 0.00787401…
Arvin Ash has a very good YouTube channel about physics where he explained that α had this value in the first minutes after the
big bang occurred. And after a few minutes into the big bang, its value became ≈
127 (inverse α) = “Alpha” Αλφα (Fo) = Lucky(27 “and” δε (r+o+s) = “Phiיפ (o)) = Pri(32 “midst” בל)
787 (α)
= Lucky.Pri(39 = Pri(7) + Pri(7) + Pri(7)) = Pri(139 “inv. Alpha” (H, G & E r) = Happy.Pri(11 “and” (r)) = “729” (H & G r))
= Lucky(126 “God and” (E s)) = “Aleph Tav”
ות פלא (Fs)
127 (inverse α) + 787 (α)
= 914 “proton” (E sr137) = 500 + Palin(51 “electron” (G rr)) – – – CW of Vs(914) = 314 “proton” (E sr37)


TV of Vs(1) + TV of Vs(127) = 5419 = C.Hex(43 = Pri(15 = PP-o(137 (i. α)))) = Pri(717 “the speed of light” (E s))
= Lucky.Pri(137 “In the beginning” (E o)) = Lucky(652 “Genesis one one” (E o+s))
= 19 “codes” (E r) + 100x(54 = Comp(37 “of wisdom” (H o)))
דחא = 13/13/13 “a hundred twenty and seven” האמו םירשעו עבש = 51/150/1050.
13/1050 = (80 “universe” συμπαν (o) = “codes” κωδικες (o)) + 0.(769 = Pri(137 “of God” (E s)))
Integration of Vs(13) [ויהי ערב ויהי בקר יום שלישי] & Vs(1050) [ואלה תלדות עשו אבי אדום בהר שעיר] in reverse standard:
– No.W =
13 אחד  “one”
– – – 1 “α” – – – No.L = 48 “universe” יקום (r) – – – No.W + No.L = 61 = Pri(19 “codes” (E r))
– TV = 4007 = 407 “and”
ואת w. 0 rem. = TV of rev std Vs(10752 = 10000 + 752 “the fine-structure constant” (G Fo))
– FLW = 996 = 96 “knowledge” (E o) w. ext… = 500 + Tri(31 “and” και)
– CW = 1297 = Pri(212 “physics”
פיזיקה) – – – W. surr. CW = 1119 = 19 “codes” (E r) w. ext…
– FLCW =
2293 = 293 “inverse Alpha”
הפוך אלפא (o+s) w. ext…
– 2 FLW = 2031 = Tri(7+7+7) w. 0 rem.
– 3/4 CW = 2416 = 2000 + 416 “riddles” αινιγματα – – – 2 W. surr. CW = 2068 = 2000 + 68 “inverse Alpha” (E rr)
– 2 FLW + 3/4 CW = 4447 = 47 “of God” (E o) w. ext…
– Ultra calculation = 0.00006638 – – – 6638 = TV of Vs(1602 (e))

Here is verse# 127 (inverse α) of the Bible: חלשותמ תא דלויו הנש םיששו שמח ךונח יחיו. let’s take a look at it:
– No.W =
8 “φ“ (ro+rs) – – – No.L = 32 “midst”
בל – – – No.W + No.L = 40 “Bible codes” (E r)
– TV = 2718 = 2400 + 318 “the fine-structure constant” (E o) = TV of Vs(1 “α”) + 17 “the universe”
םוקיה (r)
= TV of Vs(3840 = 10x 384 “fine-structure constant” (H s) = 2215 “729” (H s) + 1625 “777” (H s))
= TV of rev std Vs(744 = CW of Vs(137) + CW of Vs(777))
= FLW of Vs(1 “α”) + 1509 “intelligently designed” (E s) = 2000 + CW of Vs(1 “α”) + Pri(67 “codes of” (E o))
= FLCW vs(1 “α”) + 1108 (118 = Lucky-o(729 (α)))
– FLW = 818 = 500 + 318 “the fine-structure constant” (E o)
– CW = 1011 = 111 “Alpha”
אלפא (Fo) w. 0 rem. = “God said” (E sr137) – – – W. surr. CW = 404 = Palin(50 “riddles” חידות (o))
– FLCW = 1829 = 1800 + 29 “and”
ואת (o)
– 2 FLW = 1303 = Happy(194 “inverse Alpha” (E ro)) – – – 4 CW = 1415 = 1400 + PP-o(137 (inverse α))
– 2 FLW + 4 CW = 2718 = 2500 + 218 “codes” (E o+s)
– W. up to. CW = 1122 (112 “Alpha
אלפא) – – – W. from CW = 100x12 “and” ו (Fs) + 396 “seven hundred seventy and seven” (E ro)
– Ultra calculation = 4201… – – – 4201 = 1500 + TV of Vs(1 “α”) = 1000 + TV of Vs(46 “codes” (E o)) + TV of Vs(172 “codes” (E s))

The difference of the total values in Vs(729 (α)) & Vs(787 (α)) is 3810-3683 = 127 (inverse α).
The rev red, rev ord & rev std values added of Vs(13703 (i. α)) is 317+929+5447 = 6693 = Lucky(787 (α)).
Integration of
Vs(787 (α)) & Vs(1618 (φ))
No.W =
34 “inverse Alpha” (H r) – – – No.L = 100 + 25 “codes” (G r) = Cube(5 “of”
ה) – – – No.W + No.L = 159 “the speed of light” (o)
TV =
5000 + 447 “and”
ואת (r+o+s) = (547 = Pri(102 “the fine-structure c.” (E r))) w. ext… = 100×31 “and” και + 729 (α) + 1618 (φ)
FLW = 727 = Pri(130 “inverse Alpha” (E o))
CW =
127 (inverse α) – – – W. surr. CW = 532 “Alpha” Αλφα
FLCW = 854 “wisdom” (H & G s)
2 FLW =
1307 = 137 (i. α) w. 0 rem.
4 CW =
659 = Pri(121 “fine-structure energy levels” (E r) = “electron” ηλεκτρονιο (o)) – – – 2 W. surr. CW = 1104 (104 “wisdom of”)
2 FLW + 4 CW =
1966 = 100×11 תאו “and”
+ 137 (i. α) + 729 (α) = (4 “and” (r))gonal-(329 “energy equals mass times…” (H Fr))
Ultra calculation =
21658… – – – 21658 = 20000 + 729 (α) + 927 (its mirror)
Verse# 7843 (α): ויבא אל גדרות הצאן על הדרך ושם מערה ויבא שאול להסך את רגליו ודוד ואנשיו בירכתי המערה ישבים
No.W = 18 “riddles” (H r) – – – No.L = 73 “of wisdom” (H s)
No.W + No.L = 91 = 13×7 = Tri(13 = Pri(7))
TV = 4637 = 100×46 “codes” (E o) + 37 “of wisdom” (H o) = 4500 + 137 (i. α)
FLW = 381 “Alpha” (H Fs)
CW = 356 “one hundred and thirty seven” (E ro) – – – 137 (i. α) – – – W. surr. CW = 430 = 10x Pri(15 = PP-o(137 (i. α)))
FLCW = 737 = Palin(83 “wisdom” (E o))
2 FLW = 732 = starter 137 (i. α) of “codes” קודים
4 CW = 786 = Pri(2) x Pri(3) x Pri(33) – – – 2x3x33 = (198 = Primes up to number 37 “of wisdom”) = ord Vs(302253 = Tri(777))
2 FLW + 4 CW = 1518 = 1400 + Lucky-o(729 (α)) = “the mystery” (E sr137)
Ultra calculation = 2012269743… – – – 2012 (212 “physics” פיזיקה) – – – 269 “energy” (H s) – – – 743 = Pri(133 (13) = Octa(7))
And we see the only verse with a total value of 7483 (α) is Vs(12717 = 127 (i. α) merged with 717 “the speed of light” (E s)).


The fine-structure constant and the Golden Angle

A beautiful relationship between
the fine-structure constant (α) and the golden ratio (φ) is seen with the golden angle (Φ°).
The golden angle is seen in the placement of many flower leaves and the arrangement of the seeds found on the Sunflower.
The leaves of the flower will grow in a rotation of 137.5° to get the maximum amount of sunlight.
The remaining degrees of a circle when we remove 137.5° is then 222.5°.
137.5° (a) 137 (inverse α) 100 + 37 “inverse Alpha” הפוך אלפא (Sr)           [6179 is a number seen starting at the 7th digit of mα
in u]
222.5° (b) 222 “and Alpha” (E o+s) – – – 2225 = Squ(5 “e”) w. ext… = 4 last digits of Squ(31415 (π))

The Golden Angle physics codes-<>-
Alpha Holograph-<>-


The Speed of Light (c)


The speed of light is represented by the English lower-case letter c & it has a speed of 299792458 m/s in a vacuum.
This value was established to a precise measurement in the year 1975.
1975 “Triangular number seven hundred seventy and seven” (E sr37) = 1000 + 3 CW of Vs(777)
“c” is the third letter and in verse# 3 “c” of the Bible, it reads “And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.”
The speed of light enables us to communicate instantly through electronic communication.
God told Job that this was possible in Job 38:35
“Canst thou send lightnings, that they may go, and say unto thee, Here we are?”
I don’t think Job understood what God meant here since it was meant for people in
modern times.
This is because electrons & light are the same things in different forms.
299792458 (c)
= (102 “Genesis one one” בראשית אחד אחד (o)) 1022 x 293339 (2939 = 2000 + 939 “Genesis one one” בראשית אחד אחד (s))
= (29792458 = (54 = Comp(37 “seal” (E o)))) 554 x 53777 (537 = 400 + 137 “of God” (E s))) with an extended digit
3 first digits of c = 299 = 29 “and”
ואת (o) w. ext… = TV of English reduced John 1:1 = CW of Vs(3251 = Pri(459 = Tri(17 “seven” (r)) + Tri(17 “seven” (G r)) + Tri(17 “seven” (r))))
= “one hundred and twenty seven” (E o) = “seven seven seven codes” (E ro)
3 middle digits of c = 792 = 3 digits of α with mirrored two last digits = (731-137) + (927-729) = “reward” (E r+o+s)
3 last digits of c = 100×4 “and” και (r) + (58 “inverse Alpha” (E r) = Comp-o(81 “inv. Alpha” (H & G r)) = Pri-o(269 “inv. Alpha” (H & G o))).
2 first & last digits added of c is 29+58 = 87 = Lucky(21 = 7+7+7).
3 middle digits of c = 792 = 3 digits of α with mirrored two last digits [4 digits of the UC in Vs(C.Hex(777)) by rot. = 2000 + 792]
2 first & last digits added with the 3 middle digits of c = 879 “and the speed of light” ומהירות האור = 500 + 379 “riddles of God” (E s)
2 first & last digits joined into one number is 2958 = perimeter of Tri(987 = 500 + 487 “Square number 777” (E o))
3 middle digits of c = 792 = 400 + (392 “Triangle” (E s) = perimeter of Squ(99 = Comp(73 “number” (E o))))
2958 + 792 = 3750 = 10x 375 “seven seven seven” שבע שבע שבע (Fo)
2958 = 2 FLW of Vs(26217 = Lucky(2632 “and (H & G Fr+Fo+Fs))) – – –792 = 4 CW of Vs(428 = CW of Vs(137 (i. α)) = “riddles”)
792 = perimeter of Tri(265 “key” κλεις = ה “of” 5 x 53 “the universe” היקום (o)) = TV of Vs(13259 = Pri(1577 = 800 + 777))
= CW of Vs(252 = (7+7+7) 21×12 (mirror)) = CW of Vs(1880 = 10x 188 “777” (H o)) = CW of Vs(4577 = 3800 + 777)
3599 (4 middle digits of inverse α) = W. from CW of Vs(12777 (127 (high energy inverse α)) = 12000 + 777)
792+3599 = 4391 = TV of Vs(280 “physics” פיזיקה (o+s)) which is verse# 299792458 (c) by rot.
299792458/2 = 149896229 = 14989500 + 729 (α)
Square root of the speed of light is √299792458 ≈ 17314 = 15000 + TV of Vs(777)


299792458/TV of Vs(137 (i. α))/FLW of Vs(137 (i. α)) ≈ 203.7029 – – –203 (7×29) – – – 729 (α)
299792458/TV of Vs(137)/FLW of Vs(137)/CW of Vs(137) ≈ 0.(4759 = 1000×4 “and” και (r) + Star(7) + Star(7) + Star(7))
299792458/(3022 = TV of Vs(137))/(487 = FLW of Vs(137))/(428 = CW of Vs(137))/(915 = FLCW of Vs(137)) ≈ 5.201
= 1000 + TV of Vs(46 “codes” (E o)) + 1000 + TV of Vs(172 “codes” (E s)) = 2500 + (o) “of wisdom” 37 x 73 “of wisdom” (s)
299792458/(3683 = TV of Vs(729))/(146 = FLW of Vs(729))/(777 = CW of Vs(729)) ≈ 0.(717 “the speed of light” (E s))
TV of Vs(729 (α)) = CW Vs(29979 (c)) + TV of Vs(777) = CW of Vs(299792458 (c)) by rot. + 7×379 “riddles of God” (E s)
76 “In the beginning” תישארב (o) = “the speed of light η ταχυτητα του φωτος (r) = “Bible codes” (E o)
In Vs(76): ויקרא האדם שם אשתו חוה כי הוא היתה אם כל חי
red TV = 114 “and the speed of light” ומהירות האור (o) – – – ord TV = 312 “and the speed of light” ואת מהירות האור (Fo)
std TV = 2004 “the speed of light” מהירות האור (r+o+s) = L. by rot. from order 729 (α) to 4558 “the speed of light” (G s) in Gen 1:1

the speed of light” in Hebew & Greek → מהירות האור (H) = 36/108/873 → η ταχυτητα του φωτος (G) = 76/266/4558
reduced is 36+78 = 112 “Alpha” אלפא – – – ordinal is: 108+266 = 100 + 37 “seal” (E o) + 100 + 137 “of God” (E s)
standard is 873+4558 = 5000 + Pri(84 = Tri(7) + Tri(7) + Tri(7) = “seal of God” (H o)) = TV of Vs(11619 (1619 “777” (H s)))

Integration of Vs(159 “the speed of light” (E o)) & Vs(717 “the speed of light” (E s))
Verse# 159:  ואתה קח לך מכל מאכל אשר יאכל ואספת אליך והיה לך ולהם לאכלה
Verse# 717: וירא אליו יהוה בלילה ההוא ויאמר אנכי אלהי אברהם אביך אל תירא כי אתך אנכי וברכתיך והרביתי את זרעך בעבור אברהם עבדי
No.W = 35 “riddles” (E r) = 3-D.Tri(5 “of” ה) – – – No.L = 138 “inverse” αντιστροφος (Fr) = 100 + 38 “Alpha” (E o)
No.W + No.L = 173 “seal” (E o+s)…
TV = 6990 = 6000 + 990 “physics” (E s) = 10x(400 + 299 (c))
FLL = 27 “riddles”
CL = 400 + 17 “of the universe”
היקום (r) – – – L. surr. CL = 320 = Happy(50 “riddles” חידה (o))
FLCL = 444 = 4 “and” και (r) w. ext…
2 FLL = 72 “riddles”
חידה (r+o+s)
3/4 CL = 737 = 73 “of wisdom”
חכמה merged with mirror – – – 2 L. surr. CL = 422 = 400 + Pri-o(73 “of wisdom”)
2 FLL + 3/4 CW = 420 = Rec(20 “and” και (o)) = 3-D.Squ(7) + 3-D.Squ(7) + 3-D.Squ(7)
FLW = 801 = 81 “codes” κωδικοι (o) w. 0 rem. = 8 CL of Vs(1013 = C.Squ(23 “
את(o))) = 7 CL of Vs(10000 + 391 “jesus” יהושע)
CW = 703 = Tri(37 “of wisdom”
חכמה (o)) [CW of Vs(29979 (5 digits of c)) = Squ(37)] – – – W. surr. CW = 1111 (111)
FLCW = 1000 + 504 “speed of light” (E s) – – – W. up to CW = 2393 “a hundred thirty seven”
מאת שלשים שבע (Fs) – – – 137 (i. α)
2 FLW = 1000 + 285 “fine-structure constant” (E o) – – – W. from CW = 4658 = 4000 + (111 “inverse”
הפוך = “Alpha” (H Fo))-gonal(4)
3/4 CW = 1500 + 314 “seven hundred seventy seven” (E o) – – – 2 W. surr. CW = 1932 = 729 (α) + 271 (e) + 314 (π) + 618 (φ)
2 FLW + 3/4 CW = 3099 = 309 “codes of God” (E s) w. ext…


If we divide the speed of light by inverse α we get the rounded sum of 299792458/137
2188266 = perimeter of Tri(729423 = Lucky(53787 = 53000 + 787 (α))) + 0.(116788 (1678 “The Golden Ratio” (G r+o+s)))
(21826 = Happy(3349 = Pri(7+7+7) w. ext…) = 21000 + 826 “Alpha”
אלפא (rs) = 7x 3118 (318 “the-fine-structure constant” (E o)))
Alpha added with the speed of light:
729 (α) + 299792458 (c) = Pri(16241748 = (Fs)
ו “and” 12 x (1353479
= Pri(103800 = 100×1380 “triangle number” (E o+s)) = Happy.Pri(14683 = 14500 + 183 “seven seven seven”
שבעת שבעת שבעת
The 4 first digits of prime order of this value hits right under 1625 “seven hundred seventy and seven”
שבע מאות ושבעים ושבע מאות.
While inverse Alpha (1/137.03599) hits right over number 137 = 100 + 37 “seal” (E o) = “of God” (E s).
Now we will calculate the accuracy of how close inverse Alpha is to number 137: 137/137.035999 0.99737 Accuracy: 99.737%
And let us see how close the prime order of α added with c is to 1625: 1624/1625 0.99938 Accuracy: 99.938%

Integration of verses ordered at 137 & 1625:
No.W = 25 “the seal” (E r) – – – No.L = 91 = Tri(13 “of God”
אל (o))
TV = 6218 = 6000 + 218 “codes” (E o+s) = Pri(2) x Pri(444 “Jesus” (A=6 B=12 C=18)) – – – 2×444 = 888 “Jesus” Ιησους
FLL = 400 + 32 “midst”
לב – – – CL = 51 “seven seven seven” επτα επτα επτα (r) – – – FLCL = 400 + 83 “wisdom” (E o)
FLW = 800 + 76 “the speed of light” η ταχυτητα του φωτος (r) = “the speed of light” (E o+s)
CW = 1000 + 299 (c) – – – W. surr. CW = 939 = Palin(103 “universe” (E ro)) = 800 + Pri(35 “riddles” (E r))
FLCW = 2000 + 175 “science” (E s) = Happy(324 = Squ(18 “riddles”
חידה (r)))
2 FLW = 1516 = 400 + 1116 “seven seven seven”
שבע שבע שבע
3/4 CW = 2238 (238 = 13-gonal(7))
2 FLW + 3 CW = 3754 = 3000 + 754 “Alpha” (H, G & E s) = TV of Vs(20000 + 1511 “and a hundred and thirty and seven” (H s))


There are 31102 verses in the Bible. And if we count by rotation in cycles to verse# 299792458 (c)
we get to verse#
280 “physics” פיזיקה (o+s).
TV of verses ordered at 207 אור “light” & 299792458 (c) by rot. = (o) םוקיה the universe” 53 x 137 (inverse α).

Verse# 280 of the Hebrew text-<>-

Verse order = 280 “physics” פיזיקה (o+s)
No.W = 14 “midst” לב – – – No.L = 58 “inverse Alpha” (E r) – – – No.W + No.L = 72 “riddles” חידה (r+o+s)
TV = 4391 = Pri(599 = Pri(110 “Alpha” (E s))) = 4000 + FLW of Vs(112 “Alpha” (H s)) = 100×13 “Alpha” (H r) + TV of 777 Holo.
FLL = 406 = Tri(28 = Tri(7) = Happy(7) = … – – – 2x2x5 = 20 “7” (r)) – – – 3 FLL = 10x 48 “Bible” (E s) = 400 + 80 “codes” κωδικες (o)
CL = 10x 35 “riddles” (E r) – – – L. surr. CL = רקי “precious” 310 – – – 3 first words added with the 7 last = 2961 = 4 digits of Star(703)
FLCL = 756 = 500 + Squ(16 “of wisdom” σοφια (r)) = 7x 108 “the speed of light” מהירות האור (o) – – – 8 CL = 1036 (Tri(16 “Alpha”))
FLW = 498 = perimeter of Tri(167 = 1618 (φ) – 314 (π) – 271 (e) – 729 (α) – 137 (i. α)) – – – 3 FLL + 8 CL = 1000 + 516 “Golden R.”
CW = 1030 = 10x 103 “universe” (E ro) – – – W. surr. CW = 100×5 ה “of” + 117 “777” (E r)
FLCW = 1528 = Happy(227 = Pri(50 “riddles” חידות (o) = 37 “of wisdom” חכמה (o) + its prime order))
2 FLW = 1205 “number” (E rs) – – – 3 FLW = 1480 “Christ” Χριστος – – – 8 CW = 2911 (291 “earth” ארץ) = 1000 + TV of Vs(13777)
3 CW = 1647 = 1500 + Squ(7) + Squ(7) + Squ(7) – – – 2 W. surr. CW = 1465 = 1000 + Tri(30 “codes” κωδικους (r))
2 FLW + 3 CW = 2852 = 2800 + 52 “codes” קודים (o) – – – 3 FLW + 8 CW = 4391 = 4000 + 391 “Jesus” עשוהי
W. up to CW = 2288 (28 = Tri(7) = Happy(7) = Pri(2)x Pri(2)x Pri(5)- – – 2x2x5 = 20 “7” (E r)) [Primes up to order 39 & 93 = 22808]
W. from CW = 2103 = 213 “seven hundred seventy seven” επτακοσια εβδομηντα επτα (o) w. 0 rem.
8 CW = 2911 = 1000 + TV of Vs(13777 = 137 (i. α) merged with 777 = Octagram(42 “knowledge” דעת (o) = Rec(6 “and” ו)…))
Ultra calculation = 3365… – – – 3365 = midpoint of 729 (α) w. ext… = “729” (H & G s) = 800 + 729 (α) + 1836 (mp/me)
FW = 34 = Pri-o(137 (i. α)) – – – LW = 464 “Star number seven hundred seventy and seven” (E o)
The reduced value = 215 “one” εις – – – 1 “α” = 23-gonal(5) [235 = mirror of 532 “Alpha” Αλφα]
The ordinal value of this verse = 620 “crown” כתר – – – ord CW = 112 “Alpha” אלפא
The standard value of this verse = Pri(599= Pri(110“Alpha” (Es))) – – – red CW =
22 “e” (ro)

Natural Logarithm (e)

Is not related to geometry like Pi, but it represents maximum growth. It is noted by e and its value is 2.71828182845904…
271 = 7 (prime order of the COG in Tri(7)) + 66 (prime order of the COG in Tri(37)) + 198 (prime order of the COG in Tri(73))
828 = Palin(92 “riddles of” (E o)) – – – 182 “seven hundred seventy seven” שבע מאות שבעים שבע
845 = CW of verses ordered at 86 “God”
, 395 “the heaven” & 296 “the earth” – – – 94 “codes” κωδικοι (ro)
The concept of the natural logarithm was worked out by Gregoire de Saint-Vincent and Alphonse Antonio de Sarasa in 1649.
But the mathematics teacher John Speidell had already made a table of what were natural logarithms in 1619.
This is a mathematical constant, unlike the other constants in this book which are physical constants.

So, to get this value, let us say we have one dollar & turn it into a bank that gives us 100% growth (interest) in one year.
That gives us 2 dollars at the end of one year.
Now let us say the bank gives us the opportunity to get 50% growth every six months instead.
Then we have 1.50$ after 6 months & we get 1.5 x 50% the next 6 months (+ 0.75). Now, we have a total of 2.25$ at the end of
one year. We saw that getting interest in smaller periods was beneficial from the analogy.
Getting interest on our money every day instead gives us a total of 2.71$ a
fter one year.
Leonard Euler cracked the equation of what e is now with finding the result if we got interest all the time for 1 year, he came to this number 2.7182… (e) using a new method of calculating this equation.
The natural logarithm appears in mysterious places like:
Wave mechanics, Electrical theory, advanced math and the distribution of prime numbers.
C.Hex(10 “Alpha” Αλφα (r) = 271 (e) = “Pi”
פאי (r) = “and Phi” και Φι (r))
= mirror of 172 “seven hundred seventy and seven”
שבע מאות ושבעים ושבע (Fr) = Pri(59 = Pri(18 “riddlesחידה (r)))
= FLW of Vs(321 = mirror of 123 “seven seven seven” επτα επτα επτα (o)) = CW of Vs(73 “Natural Logarithm” (E r))
TV of Vs(127 (high energy i. α))
= 2718 (e)
27182 (e)
= Pri(2) x Pri(1608) – – – 2×1608 = 3216 “Genesis one one and John one one” Γενεσις ενα προς ενα και ο Ιωαννης ενα προς ενα (o+s)
= 182 “seven hundred seventy seven”
שבע מאות שבעים שבע (o) + 1000×27 “riddles” חידה
= 2x(100x(105 = Tri(14 “midst”
לב (o))) + TV of 777 Holograph)
= 100×214 “the universe”
היקום (o+s) + TV & CW of Seven Seven Seven Holograph
is the 5th letter of the English Alphabet, and the 5th word (
ריע) of Vs(271) has the value of = 280 “physics” פיזיקה (o+s).
The Natural Logarithm” (Eng) = 88/233/1330. Integrating reduced Vs(88), ordinal Vs(233) & standard Vs(1330) gives a
FW + CW of
271 (e), and a FLCL + FLCW of 1000 + 271 (e). Even the W. up to CW & L. up to CL both equals Pri(271 (e)).
W. from CW in
standard Vs(27183 (e)) = 4051 = TV of reverse standard Vs(271 (e)).
The first word with a value of 271 (e) in the Bible is found in verse order 22 = Pri-o(73 “Natural Logarithm” (E r)).
The next word after this is the 271st word of the Bible which has a value of 286 = 100 + 186 “Euler’s constant” (E o).
The Full ordinal value of the 5th Greek letter ε [Greek equivalent of e] = 314 (π).
And the
words surrounding the CW of the Full standard version of Vs(5 “e”) = 865 “ε” (Fs).
The Natural Logarithm” (E ro+rs) = 3865 = 3000 + 865 “ε” (Fs).
“Natural Logarithm” (E rs) = 3608 = CW of Vs(401 = Pri(80 “π”)) with 0 removed.
And he last word of
Vs(401 = Pri(80 “π”)) = 271 (e).


Euler’s constant is something else that is defined as the limiting difference between the harmonic series and the natural logarithm,
its value is
5721 = Happy(800 + 46 “codes” (E o)) = 1000×5
ה “of” + 721 “wisdom” הישות
566 “Alpha” Αλφα (o+s)
– – – 490 = “e”
אה (rs) = 90 “Pi” Πι + 100×4 “and” και (r) – – – 153 “the golden ratio” (E o)
286 = Pri-o(37 “wisdom” (o)) x Pri-o(73 “wisdom” (s))
– – – 66 “of” (E s) – – – 651 = Penta(7+7+7)


Euler’s constant” (E o+s) = 1380 “Natural Logarithm” (E r+o+s).
“Euler’s constant” (E r+o+s) = 1431 = 1000 + CW of Vs(271 (e)).
TV of Vs(5772 (Euler’s constant)) =
4134 “number 777” (E r+o+s) = TV of Vs(2718 (e)) + 70 “physics” הקיזיפ (ro).
CW of Vs(5772) =
314 (π).
W. up to CW in Vs(5772) =
2331 “Euler’s constant” (E rr+ro+rs).
W. from CW of Vs(5772) =
2117 = 1000 + 1117 “Natural Logarithm” (E s).
Word# 5 “e” of Vs(3975 “The Natural Logarithm” (E rr+ro+rs)) = 271 (e).

here is a intimate relationship with Alpha and e like we have seen with Alpha and Pi:
729 (α) = Squ(27 “riddles”
חידה (o/s)) – – – 271 (e) = Pri(59 = Pri(18 “riddles” חידה (r)))
729 + 271
= 1000 = Cube(10 “and” (E r)) = Happy(143 “Alpha”
אלפא (o+s))
15.05 – – – 1505 “a hundred and thirty and seven”
מאת ושלשים ושבע
Verse# 271 of the Hebrew Bible

Verse order = 271 = mirror of 172 “seven hundred seventy and seven” שבע מאות ושבעים ושבע (Fr) = Pri(59 = Pri(18 “riddles” חידה (r)))
No.W = 17 “the universe” היקום (r) – – – No.L = 61 = Pri(19 “codes” (E r)) – – – No.W + No.L = 78 = Tri(12 “universe” (H r))
TV = 3535 = Pri(27 “riddles” (H s)) x 35 “riddles” (E r) = Lucky-o(36487 = midpoint of 72973 (5 digits of α))
          = Pri-o(32971 = prime factor of (2670651 = Pri-o(44163799 = prime factor of 271828182845 (12 digits of e))))