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  1. Chapter 2. Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1

Genesis 1:1 codes

Creation Holograph series
Centers of gravity and midpoint of the center row in Tri(37) & Tri(73)
Probability calculations of Genesis 1:1
777 wisdom
31 codes of 7 & the possible word combinations in all permutations
Possible letter combinations in paired permutations
Aleph Tav את
Prime number connections
What is the first prime number?

equidistant letter sequences [ELS]
General codes
Words & letters by rotation

Mathemagical codes of Genesis 1:1
Creation Letter Holographs
reduced Genesis 1:1
ordinal Genesis 1:1
reverse standard Genesis 1:1
Full standard Genesis 1:1

John 1:1
Logos Star

General codes

Downies Star & Diverse codes


Prime factors of John 1:1
Possible word combinations of John 1:1

ELS codes of John 1:1
In the beginning the Word & Vs(373 “word”)

Genesis 1:1 & John 1:1 Triangles

Genesis 1:1 & John 1:1 General codes
Full integration of Genesis 1:1 & John 1:1

Letters & Words by rotation of Genesis 1:1 & John 1:1
ELS codes of Genesis 1:1 & John 1:1
Prime factors of Genesis 1:1 & John 1:1
Holograph Color Methods

Creation Compliment Holograph P.1
English Genesis 1:1 & John 1:1
Hebrew Genesis 1:1 & Greek John 1:1 + English Genesis 1:1 & John 1:1 connections
English ordinal Genesis 1:1
English ordinal John 1:1
English ordinal Genesis 1:1 & John 1:1 integrated
Verse# 411 (137×3) & 695 (139×5)
English reverse ordinal Genesis 1:1
Creation Compliment Holograph P.2
Creation Compliment Holograph P.3
In the beginning
Holograph of Constants series
Integration of verse# 703 & verse# 2701
Integration of verse# Pri(703) & verse# Pri(2701)


Genesis 1:1 codes

“in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth”

Hebrew Genesis 1:1


wisdom” חכמה (r) = 19 = C.Hex(3) = C.Tri(4) – – – 3+4 = 7 – – – “wisdom” חכמה (o) = 37 – – – “wisdom” חכמה (s) = 73
19+37+73 = 129 = Lucky.Pri(7) + Lucky.Pri(7) + Lucky.Pri(7) = Happy(23 “riddles” חידות
(r) = Happy.Pri(5 = PP-o(37 “of wisd.”)))
-<>- pointed out that there are 3 letters in the second word and the second last word.
And when we add the number of letters of the center word with either of the words next to it we get 7 letters.
If you look closely at the 7 words of this verse you see a clear reference to 37 & 73 that is very clever:
בראשית ברא אלהים את השמים ואת הארץ
בראשית ברא אלהים את השמים ואת הארץ
The following codes are discovered by me, and the verse above is reversed instead of reading from right to left.
(Note that the readers here on my website must read chapter 1 before reading this chapter in order to understand it.
I use a lot of abbreviations for methods and mathematics that are listed in the first chapter)
Adding values of the 3 words that forms the 37 pattern is 203+86+401 = 690 “reward” (E s).
Values added of the 3 words that forms the 73 pattern is 401+395+407 = 1203 = 123 “seven seven seven” (G o) with 0 removed.
Sum = 1800 + 93 “codes of God” (E o)
The values added of the center word and the word before it [אלהים את] = 487 “number” (E s).
Now add the values of the center word and the word after it [את השמים] = 396 + 400 “seven hundred seventy and seven” (E ro).
Sum = 1200 + 83 “wisdom” (E o) = Pri(209 = 29 “and” ואת (o) w. 0 rem.) = 1000 + Pri(62 “understanding” בין)
Letters ordered at 3 & 7 =
3. – – – Letters ordered at 7 & 3 counting from the last letter in reverse direction = 7.
Words ordered at 3 & 7 = 382 “Alpha, e, Pi, Phi” (E s). – – – Words ordered at 7 & 3 in reverse direction = 1000 + 308 “riddles of” (E s).
Sum words is 382+1308 = 1600 + 90 “seven hundred seventy and seven” επτακοσια εβδομηντα και επτα (r).
Sum = 100x 17 “the universe” היקום (r)

Letters added from order 3 to 7 = 713 = Primes added up to number 73 = “wisdom” (E s).
Letters added from order 7 to 3 in reverse = 413 = 400 + Pri-o(37) = 100 + Pri(66 “of” (E s)).
Sum =
1126 = (189 = Lucky(37))-gonal(4) =The Holy One” (E s)

Words added from order 3 to 7 = 1585 = 37-gonal(10 = 3+7) = 1400 + 185 “seventy and three” (E o).
1998 (198 = Primes added up to number 37) = Words added from order 7 to 3 in reverse direction.
Sum = 3583 “Triangle” משולש (sr703) = Pri(503 = Pri(97 “number” νουμερο (o))) = 3400 + 183 “7-7-7” שבעת שבעת שבעת (o)

Words and letters from order 3 to 7 added with words and letters from order 7 to 3 in reverse = 4709
= 4000 + (709 = Happy(102 “Genesis one one” בראשית אחד אחד (o)) = Happy.Pri(30 “codes” κωδικους (r))).

Take the seven word values and join them into one number like this 91320386401395407296.
Digits ordered at 3 & 7 added = 11, and digits ordered at 7 & 3 added read in reverse direction = 7.
And number
117 = “seven hundred seventy seven” (E r) = 7 + 37 + 73.
Sum = 18 “riddles” חידה (r) = “of wisdom” חכמת (r)
The digits from order to 7 is number 32038 = Pri(2) x Pri(24) x Pri(45) – – – 2x24x45 = 10x 216 “universe” יקום (r+o+s).
And digits from order 7 to 3 read in reverse direction is number 54072 = 53500 + 572 “and the earth” (E s).
Read in reverse instead is number 27045
= (sr137) משולש “Triangle” 753-gonal(9) = Happy(4208 = 428 “riddles” חידות w. 0 rem.)
The first word “In the beginning” בראשית has the value of = 913
= Pri(6) x Pri(24) – – – 6×24 = 144 “seven seven seven” שבע שבעה שבעת (o)
= Happy(130 “inverse Alpha” (E o) = “codes” κωδικοι (Fr) = 100 + 30 “of” ל)
= Lucky-o(37 “wisdom” (H o)) x 83 “wisdom” (E o)
= 776 (76 “In the beginning” (H o)) + 137 “In the beginning” (E o)

= 37 + 73 + 803 (83 “wisdom” (E o))
= 373 (37 merged with its mirror 73) + 10x Comp(37 “wisdom” (H o))
= 611 “Torah” תורה
+ Happy(46 “codes” (E o)) = CW of Vs(55 “and” (E s)) + 506 “Genesis one one” (E s).
The fourth word is the center word with a value of 401 = Tri(7) + 373.


The Genesis 1:1 codes are amazing. Genesis 1:1 is the first verse of the Bible and a starting point of the Bible codes.
The first thing I want to mention here is that this verse starts with “In the beginning”. The incredible fact about this opening word is that we did not know that the universe had a beginning until the early 20th century. We thought it had always been until then.
The second thing we have to acknowledge here is that this verse summarizes God’s creation of the universe and the earth where “the heaven” is the universe. Strong’s concordance lists every Hebrew & Greek word of the Bible and gives you definitions, hence, you can see “heaven” (H8064) can also mean “as the visible universe”.
So, like others have perceived before me in this verse, it describes time (In the beginning), space (the heaven) & matter (the earth).
Add these three words and we get 913+395+296 = 1000 + 604 “wisdom” המכח (Fs) = 164 “137” (H o) w. 0 rem.
And the first verse made up of 729 (α) a.k.a fine-structure constant is verse# 1604 (When I say “Vs made up of” it is the TV).
Jesus Christ is found in the center word of this verse as “Aleph Tav” את, which is the first & last letters of the Hebrew Alphabet.
Jesus said, “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.” [Revelation 22:13].
This verse is found in the New Testament which was written in Greek. Therefore, Alpha and Omega “ΑΩ” (first & last letters of Greek) are used here, but when Jesus said this, he spoke it in ancient Hebrew; so he spoke the first & last letters of Hebrew.
However, there is a 2-layer meaning here since we see the CW is also = 400 + 1 “α” = Pythagorean prime number 38 “Alpha” (E o).
And adding the mirrored prime factors of the total value gives 37+73 = 110 “Alpha” (E s).
The fine-structure constant is denoted as Alpha “α”, and its value is approximately (inverse α) 1/137 = 0.00729… (α).
This number has everything to do with the universe (or electrons and protons that are a big part of it).
It appears mysteriously in different places of quantum physics.
Since it is denoted as Alpha “α” the first Greek letter, we also see that the first verse of the Bible is centered around it & number 777.
We must know that the fine-structure constant is considered as the most important number of physics & the universe.

The golden ratio is denoted as Phi “φ” & its value = 1.618.… It is found in the spiral galaxies of the universe.


729 (α) = 1 (verse order of Genesis 1:1) + 728 (number of words & letters joined into one number in Genesis 1:1)
The fine-structure constant is very hidden in Genesis 1:1. Take a look at the 7 words of Genesis 1:1 and we see the first word
“In the beginning” = 913 = Happy(130 “inverse Alpha” (E o)). And we see the CW of Vs(913) = 137 (inverse α).
Count the first word by rotation by the number of words of this verse in cycles and we hit the orders of 729 (α) & 1618 (φ).
Counting the center word by rotation (rot.) in cycles by the number of words hits the order of 137 (inverse α).
And the Full standard value of the last word in Genesis 1:1 = 731 = mirror of 137 (inverse α).
The center word is important and the ordinal value of the CW = 23 “physics” פיזיקה (r) = “riddles” חידות (r).
הפוך אלפא inverse Alpha” = 223, while the Greek spelling of “inverse Alpha” αντιστροφος Αλφα = 2333.
So here we see the use of extended digits, and the number of letters added of “inverse Alpha” in both Hebrew & Greek = 23.
CW of ordinal Vs(137 (inverse α)) = 85 “physics” φυσικη (o) → CW of standard Vs(137 (inverse α)) = 428 “riddles” תודיח.
TV of rev std Gen 1:1 = 1000 + 11x3x77 [i. α] = 3000 + Star(10 “Alpha”Αλφα (r)) = CW of rev std Vs(1) + CW of rev std Vs(137) + 37×73.
We see that adding all letters when counting by rotation from order 37 to 73 = 493 = 17×29 – – – 1729 = 1000 + 729 (α).
While adding letters from order 11 (37 by rot. in reverse) to 19 (73 by rot. in reverse) = 85 “physics” φυσικη (o).
Sum = 578 = 100×4 “and” και (r) + Comp(137  (inverse α))

Count by rotation and add words from order 37 to 73 = 289 = Squ(17 “the universe” היקום (r)).
Count by rot. and add words from order
37 to 73 in reverse direction = 802 (82 “inverse Alpha”
הפוך אלפא(So))
= Happy(112 “Alpha”
אלפא = Hepta(7 = Pri(5 “e”)) = perimeter of Squ(29 “Pi” (E ro)) = “and Phi” ואת פי (Fo)).
Sum =
1091 = Palin(29 “and”
ואת (o)) w. 0 rem. = Pri(183 “seven seven seven” שבעת שבעת שבעת (o))

Words added up to order 37 by rot. Is 913+203 = 1116 עבש עבש עשב “seven seven seven” = 16 “codes” קודים (r) w. ext…
Words added up to order 73 by rot. is: 913+203+86 = 1202 (122 “thirty seven”
עבש םישולש (o) – – – 37 “of wisdom” המכח (o)).
Sum = 2318 = 1000×2
נ “in” + 318 “the fine-structure constant” (E o)
Letters added up to order 37 by rot. = 1116 “seven seven seven” שבע שבע שבע.
Letters up to order
73 by rot. = 1608 (168 = Rec(7) + Rec(7) + Rec(7) = Tri(3) x Tri(7)).
Sum =
2724 “seven seven seven”
שבעה שבעה שבעה (Fs)
Words and letters up to order 37 by rot. added with words and letters up to order 73 by rot. = 5042 = 1000×5 ה “of” + 42 “knowledge” דעת (o).
Inverse α is approximately the value of the ordinal English spelling of “In the beginning” = 137.
And adding letters by rotation from order 137 (inverse α) to 729 (α) = 2410 = 10x 241 “In the beginning” (English reverse ordinal).
Words instead is all words added up to the center word = 1603 (7×229 – – – 7229 = 729 (α) w. ext…)
= 37+73 + 1000 + (17×29 (1729 = 1000 + 729 (α)) = letters added from order 37 to 73 by rot.)
= 137+729 + (737 = Palin(83 “wisdom” (E o)))
Sum = 4013 = 4000 + 13 “In the beginning” (H r) = PP(271 = Pri(59 = Pri(18 “riddles” חידה (r)))) = Pri(555 = 5 “of” ה w. ext…)
= verse order of the third verse out of five verses (center verse) made of 729 (α)

Letters added up to order 27 “riddles” חידה (o/s) = 2611 = 7 x 373.
Letters added up to order 27 “riddles” חידה (o/s) + Letters added up to order 37 “of wisdom” חכמה (o) by rot.
= 3727 = 27 “riddles” חידה (o) + 100×37 “of wisdom” חכמה (o)
= mass of the Alpha particle in MeV.
The first word has 6 letters & the last word has 4 letters. The number of letters joined onto one number = 64 “wisdom” σοφια (o).
The number of letters in the center word = 2 “in” ב.
Sum = 66 “gematria” גימטריא (o)


Creation Holograph part 2-<>
Creation Holograph Part 3 [Genesis 1:1 codes]-<>-
Creation Holograph part 4 (Genesis 1:1 codes)


Center of gravity and midpoint of center row in triangle 37 & 73-<>-

37 = Star(3) = mirror of Star(4) – – – 337 = Star(8) = mirror of Snowflake(4)
34 = Tri(3) + Tri(7) = Pri-o(137) – – – 84 = Tri(7) + Tri(7) + Tri(7)
313 = COG in Tri(37) = MOCR in Tri(49 = Octagram(3) = Squ(7)) = prime factor of the CW + its mirror in Vs(137)
313 = Palin(41) = Pri(66) = PP(30) = Happy(48) – – – 41+66+30 = 137 (i. α) – – – 41+66+30+48 = 185 “seventy and three” (E o)
313 + 1201 + their Prime, Pythagorean prime, Lucky & Happy orders = 2000 + 130 “inverse Alpha” (E o) = 7 CW of Vs(137)
181 = Star(6 = Tri(3)) = Palin(28 = Tri(7)) = CW of Vs(400 + 313 = Primes up to order 73 = anagram of (317 = CW of Vs(685)))
181 = MOCR in Tri(37) = Pri(43 = Heptagram(3)) = Palin(28 = Tri(7)) = Lucky-o(73) merged with mirror = PP-o(Star(7+7+7))
685 = 5×137 [551037 = 6 last digits of Star(13703 (i. α))] [51337 = Star(93 “seven seven seven” שבעת שבעת שבעת (ro))]
TV of Vs(181) + TV of Vs(685) = 7993 = Star(37) – – – TV of Vs(181) = 3587 = 3000 + CW of Vs(31537 = Star(73))
181+685 = 866 (8066 = TV of Vs(1000 + 793 (7993 = Star(37)) = 1793 (111793 = Star(137)))) = TV of Vs(3617 = 4 digits of Star(777))
Pri(313) = 137 (i. α) + 729 (α) + 271 (e) + 314 (π) + 618 (φ) = W. & L. from order 3 to 16 in Vs(37) = 1000 + FLCW of Vs(Star(73))
Pri(313) = 1000 + Pri(181) = anagram of (2609 = prime factor of (75661 = MOCR in Tri(777)) = ro Vs(703) + rs Vs(2701))
Pri(313) + Pri(1201) = Happy(1753 = 1500 + 3 last digits of Tri(777)) = 11802 “Heptagram number” (E sr777)
3 FLW + 8 CW of Vs(313) + 3 FLW + 7 CW of Vs(1201) = 7069 = 5000 + Pri(313) = Pri(137) w. 0 rem.
3313 = Star(8+8+8) = TriHexagram(23 “Aleph Tav” את (o) = Pri(3+7)) – – – 11881 = Star(45 = Tri(9 = PP-o(73)))
(313*1201)/(703*2701) ≈ 0.(19797 = 3 x (6599 = Pri(121 = Star(5 = Pri-o(7)) = CW of Vs(888) + CW of Vs(1480)) w. ext…))
Lucky orders added of 1201 & 685 is 178+112 = 290 = Star(3) + Star(7) = TriHepta(3+7) = CW of Vs(1793 = 1000 + 793 (7993))
Tri(19) + Tri(37) = 893 (8893 = Star(39 “three” τρια (Fr) = “seven” שבע (o) = “inverse” הפוך (o) = “Alpha” Αλφα (Fr)))
Tri(313) = 49141= mirror of (14194 = 4731-C.gonal(3) = Pri(37) x Pri(2) x Pri(16)) = 3141 (π) + 1000×46 “codes” (E o)
Tri(181) = 16471 = Pri(5) x Pri(7) x Pri(43) – – – 5x7x43 = 1505 “a hundred and thirty and seven” (H s) = Happy(2517 = Happy(373))
3 middle digits of 49141 is 914 = 137 (i. α) + 777 = Lucky-o(7929 (79229 = C.Tri(39) + Nonagram(93)))
3 middle digits of 16471 is 647 = Pri(119 = Tri(13) + Tri(7) = factor of Star(13) + Star(7))
√181*√685 ≈ 352.11 – – – 3521 = 1000 + Star(7+7+7) – – – TV of Vs(3521) = 2864 (28604 = Happy-o(195481 = Star(181)))
313 + 1201 = 1000 + 1000x(√181/√685) – – – √181/√685 ≈ 0.51403 – – – 5143 = (857 = CW of Vs(832537 = Star(373)))-gram(3)
(181*685)/(703*2701) ≈ 0.0(6529 = PP(416 = CW of Vs(37 = Star(3))) = Pri(845 = 800 + Tri(9 = PP-o(73 = Star(4)))))
TV of Vs(2701) = 1000 + 981 (9881 = verse order of Vs(3617713 = Star(777)) by rot.) Eng std Gen 37:7 = 9945
CW of Vs(181) = 91 = Tri(13) = Hex(7) – – – CW of Vs(302253 = Tri(777)) = 491 = 400 + (91 = Tri(13) = Hex(7) = CW of Vs(181))
TV of Vs(313) = (30 = “7”) x 73 = 1000 + 137 + 731 + CW of Vs(703) = Pri(313) + CW of Vs(307) = 2000 + CW of Vs(3730)
= 10x(219 = CW of ordinal verses ordered at Star(3), Star(7) & Star(37))
TV of Vs(1201) = 3700 + (68 “i. Alpha” (E rr) = CW of ord Vs(137)) = (428 = CW of Vs(137)) digits added of e & π = 3x1x4 x 314
TV of verses ordered at 313 & 1201 = 4000 + 1958 “three seven” שלוש שבע (Fo+Fs) = 5000 + 958 “universe” (E rs)
TV of Vs(703) + TV of Vs(2701) = 6292 = 5000 + Comp(1081 = Tri(46 “codes” (E o))) = mirror of 2926 “inverse Alpha” (E ro+rs)
3587 = 3000 + Pri(108 = perimeter of Tri(37)) = TV of Vs(181 = MOCR in Tri(37)) middle digits of Star(181+685) = 945
TV of Vs(685) = 4406 = Happy(649 = Happy(13×7)) = mirror of Happy(893 (8893 = Star(39)) = Tri(19) + Tri(37))
Middle digits of Star(313+1201) = 7440 = Rhombus Stars up to order (15 = PP-o(137)) = 10x(W. ordered at 1, 3 & 7 of Vs(290))
Word# 313 of the Bible [והנימל] starts with letter# 1228 = 128 “thirty and seven” שלושים ושבע (o) w. ext… = (r) και “and” 4 x 307
Word# 1201 of the Bible [יהיו] starts with letter# 4542 = 3x(313+1201) = perimeter of Hex(758 = midpoints added of 313 & 1201)
1228+4542 = 10x(FLW of Gen 37:7 = Octagram(9 = PP-o(73))) = TV of Vs(6821 = 4000 + 7 CW of rs Vs(313)) = TV of Vs(8557)
Reverse standard values added is 249+250 = 499 = (49 = Octagram(3) = Squ(7)) w. ext… 8557 = 5000 + Tri(19) + Hepta(37)
Ordinal values added of these two words is 60+31 = 91 = Tri(13) = Hex(7)           CW of Eng std Vs(313) = 100 + 1201 = 1000 + 301
Word# 181 of the Bible [לע] starts with letter# 706 = (119 = Tri(13) + Tri(7))-gonal(4)               7 CW of rev std Eng Gen 37:7 = 7440
W#685 of the Bible [אוה] starts with L#2605 = 2000 + (ord John 1:1 = Star(7) + mirror = Pri-o(C.Hex(39)) = ord Vs(Squ(37)))
706+2605 = 3311 (313311 = Lucky-o(4898979 (4.898979 ≈ square root of 24))) = Squares up to order 21 = “riddles” חידה (sr777)
Values added of words ordered at 181 & 685 of the Bible is 100+12 = 112 “Alpha” אלפא = Penta(3) w. ext… = Hepta(7) = Lucky-o(685)
Full red value of word# 181 = 24 – – – Full red value of word# 685 = 30 = “seven” שבע (ro)
Full standard values added of these two words is 204+129 = 333 = 37 x PP-o(73) = CW of Vs(23 “Aleph Tav” את (o) = Pri(3+7))
181 + mirror + 685 + mirror = 1633 = Star(17 = PP(3) = “seven” שבעה (r)) = mirror of Octagram(7×3)
Gen 37:7 = 4918 = 4000 + 918 (9118 = Happy-o(60230 = Star(39) + Star(93))) – – – 313 = CW of Eng std Vs(4981)
FLW of Gen 37:3 = 737 = C.TriSqu(15 = Tri(5 = PP-o(37))) = TriSqu(22 = Pri-o(73)) Eng ord Vs(313) = 313+703
CW of Gen 37:7 = 2x COG in Tri(37) = 313×2 [3132 = Happy(470 = Star(3) + Star(9) = “Bible”  = 10x Pri(16 “codes” (H r)))]
4 CW of Gen 37:7 = 741 = Tri(38) = Lucky(121 = Star(5) = CW of Vs(888 “Jesus” Ιησους) + CW of Vs(1480 “Christ” Χριστος))
8 CW of Gen 37:7 = 1696 = 1000 + perimeter of Star(59 = Pri(18 = Lucky-o(73))) = “Genesis one one” (E sr37+sr73)
Perimeter of triangles ordered at 7, 37 & 73 = 342 = perimeter of Nona(39 “inverse” הפוך (o) = “Alpha” Αλφα (Fr))
= Rec(18 = Hepta(3 “α” (r+o+s)) = “e” הא (r+o+s)) = perimeter of Tri(115 “Pi” Πι (o+s)) = Hepta(12 “and” ו (Fs) = “Phi” Φι (rr))
13+313+1201 = 1500 + 27 “riddles” = 4 digits of the UC of Eng std Vs(888)/UC of Eng std Vs(1480) = TV of Vs(3777 + 13777)
342+1527 = 1869 = 500 + Squ(37 “of wisdom” המכח (o)) = “777” (H r+o+s) = “the Word” ο λογος (Fo+Fs)
666 = 18×37 – – – 1837 = Star(6+6+6) = Star(16 “codes”) + ord Vs(1837) = TV of Vs(C.Hex(99 = Comp(73 = Pri-o(359 “Satan” ןטש))))
777 = 21×37 – – – 2137 = Pri(323 = TriHeptagram(7) = Palin(42 = Primes up to order 7) = PP(156 = Rec(12 “seven” שבע (r))))]
= midpoints added of 181, 685, 703 & 2701 – – – Star(37) = 7993 = Pri(1008 = FLCW of Vs(2137) = W. from CW of Vs(7312))
888 = 24×37 – – – 2437 = 2 FLW of Eng std verses orderd at 888 & 1480 = Pri(362 = 2x 181 = PP-o(5641 = TV of Vs(1836 (mp/me))))
= PP(177 (17.7 ≈ 314 (π)) = “inverse Alpha” αντιστροφος Αλφα (Fr) = PP from order 3 to 7 = 37 digits added of π)
= Tri(Tri(7))-gram(3) = C.Hex(29) = 3 words of the rs KJV = 14 letters of the rs KJV – – – Star(38) = 1000×6 וand” + 2437



Triangle nr 37 on top of triangle nr 73


 The Fine-Structure Constant (α) is the Heart of Wisdom, and number 37 is also a code number for 777 the seal of God.
• 37 = prime factor of 666, 777 & 888. UC of Vs(18+21+24+666+777+888) = 13386661386 = Ext. Star(7+7+7) & the TV = 7+888.
• 37 = “angel” ךאלמ (o) = Pri(13 = prime factor of (403 “Satan” ןטש (o+s) = 13×31 = reduced Rev 13:18 using Greek Isopsephy))
37 = prime factor of 407 “Satan” (E o+s) = Happy.Pri-o(1009 “Satan” (H Ss)) = factor of ord Vs(13×18) = CW of ord Vs(1318)
37 = prime factor of (74 = FLL of Vs(6×66)) = prime factor of (259 = CW of Vs(6×66)) = prime factor of (444 = 2 FLW of…)
73 = Pri-o(359 “Satan”
ןטש) = Lucky(6+6+6 = CW of Vs(666)) = PP(9 = CW of red Vs(666)) = CW of Vs(1318)
37 = prime factor of 777 = PP-o(397 = ordinal Vs(777)) = first word of Vs(777) = 2 digits of the UC in Full std Vs(777)
37 = prime factor of 333 “seven hundred seventy and seven” (E o) = prime factor of (370 = 8 CW of Eng ord Vs(333))
37 = prime factor of 1628 “seven hundred seventy and seven”
שבע מאות ושבעים ושבע (rs) = 3 CW of red Vs(1628)
37 = 2 FLL of Vs(5439 = 7x 777) = prime factor of (111 = red Vs(28749 = 37 x 777)) = words ordered at 3 & 5 of red Vs(28749)
37 = Full red word# (302253 = Tri(777)) of the Bible [
רמאל] = ordinal value of the word that has letter# 1625 of the Bible [אריו]
37 = prime factor of ord Vs(37+777) = prime factor of ord Vs(400 + 777) = prime factor of ord Vs(21777)
37 = prime factor of (4033 = Octa(37) = TV of Vs(3777)) = 3 CL of ord Vs(3777) = Pri-o(151 = 4 CW of ord Vs(3777))
37 = prime factor of 888 “Jesus” Ιησους = prime factor of 1480 “Christ” Χριστος = Pri(13 = prime factor of 975 “Jesus” (G o+s))
37 = prime factor of (999 “Jesus” Ιησους (r+o+s) = “eight hundred and eighty eight”
שמונה מאות שמונים ושמונה (sr37))
73 = Pri-o(359 = Pri-o(2411 “eight hundred and eighty eight” οκτακοσια και ογδοντα οκτω))
37 = “twenty four” εικοσι τεσσερα (r) = “twenty and four”
עשרים וארבע (Sr) = 3 FLL + 7 CL of red Vs(1480)
37 = prime factor of 148 “eight hundred and eighty eight” (E r) = prime factor of 1314 “eight hundred and eighty eight” (G Fo)
37 = prime factor of (185 = red Vs(888)) = FLW of red Vs(888) = mirror of (73 = Pri(22 = CW of red Vs(888)))
73 = “Lamb” (E s) = prime factor of (219 “Lamb”
טלה (rr+ro+rs) = red Vs(24)) = Lucky(18 = Pri-o(59 = FLCW of red Vs(888)))
Triangles and Heptagons ordered at 3, 7 & 37 = 4234 = 1000x(3 = Lucky-o(7)) + FLW of verses ordered at 666, 777 & 888
• CW of verses ordered at 666, 777 & 888 = 419 = Lucky(37) + Happy(37) = CW of Vs(37) with an upsidedown digit
• inverse α when rounded down = 100 + 37 – – – 100 = reduced Vs(37×73) – – – Words in ordinal verse# 137 ordered at 3 & 7 = 73
• α when rounded up = 0.0073 – – – No.W of Vs(729) = 18 = Lucky-o(73) – – – No.L of Vs(729) = 70 = Comp(50 “three” (H, G & E r))
37 = Star(3) = C.Hex(4) – – – 34 = Tri(3) + Tri(7) = mirror of (43 = Heptagram(3) = Lucky.Pri(7)) = Pri-o(137)
Triangle 37 can be put on top of Triangle 73, or in the center of Triangle 73 starting in row 37 and ending in column 37.
Hexagon 37 = Triangle 73 – – – 37th odd number = 73 – – – Pri(22 = CW of Vs(1342 = TV of Vs(13 = Pri-o(37)))) = 73
Triangle 37 = 703 = 73 with 0 removed = 7 CW of Vs(9355 = (800 + 137 (i. α) = Pri(160 “codes”
םידוק) = Star(13))-gonal(5))
Triangles ordered at 37, 7 & 3 added is 703+28+6 = 737 (73 merged with 37) = Palin(83 “wisdom” (E o))
Triangles from order 37 to 73 = 59089 = C.Hepta up to order 37 = (9848 = 9000 + Palin(94 = Happy(18 = Lucky-o(73))))-gram(3)
3 first C.Hex + 7 first C.Hex = 370 = Lucky-o(2821 = 8 CW of rev std Vs(313)) = W. from CW of ord Vs(31537 = Star(73))
3 first Stars + 7 first Stars = 730 = FLW of ord Vs(181) + FLW of std Vs(685) = ord Vs(1617 = Exterior Heptagram(7+7+7))
Total value of Genesis 1:1 = 37×73 = “Triangle number thirty and seven” (E s) = Tri(73) = Semiprime(761 = C.Squ(3+7+7+3))
• Number of words & letters added of Gen 1:1 is 7+28 = 35 = (13 = Pri-o(37)) + (22 = Pri-o(73)) = 3-D.Tri(5 = PP-o(37))
• Total value added with mirror is 2701+1072 = 3773 = Palin(137) = 7x 77×7 = Tri(13) + Tri(7) + TV of Vs(703+307)
• Center letters + center word is 41+401 = CW of Vs(3773) = ord Vs(75661 = midpoint of the center row in Tri(777)) by rot.
• ordinal word# 37 by rot. + standard word# 73 by rot. = 109 = PP(13 = Pri-o(37)) = Happy(22 = Pri-o(73)) = reduced Vs(777)
• Words ordered at 3 & 7 is 86+296 = 382 = (65 “seven” (E o) = mirror of 56 “three” (E o))-gonal(4) = CW of Vs(1201)
• Letters ordered at 3 & 7 is 1+2 = 3 = word# 7 of ord Vs(151 = Pri(37)) = red word# 316 of the Bible = red word# 777 of the…
• Letters ordered at 3 & 7 in reverse direction is 1+6 = 7 = rev red word# 316 of the Bible = rev red word# 777 of the Bible
The two last words “and” (407), “the earth” (296) are the only words made up of 37 – – – 407+296 = 703 = Tri(37)
The orders added of the two last words is 6+7 = 13 = Pri-o(37) – – – 73 + Pri-o(73) = 95 = Pri-o(491 = CW of Vs(Tri(777)))
The composite orders of the two last words added is 327+233 = 560 = word# 3 of reverse standard Gen 1:1 = “seven” (E s)
• 703 = Comp(576 = 400 + 176 “inverse Alpha” αντιστροφος Αλφα (ro) = Squ(8+8+8) = 500 + 76 “Bible codes” (E o))
Comp(2307 = 2000 + mirror of Tri(37)) = Tri(73) – – – FLCL of Vs(37) + FLCL of Vs(73) = 373 (37 merged with its mirror)
Composite orders added of 703 & 2701 = 2883 (283 = prime factor of Vs(37×73))
“and the earth” και τη γη is made up of 3 words & 7 letters – – – και τη γη (o) = 56 = 37 + its midpoint = “the universe” (E r)
• Tri(407 “and”
ואת) + Tri(296 “the earth” הארץ) = 126984 = (Sr) ”inverse Alpha” 37 x (3432 = Tri(7) + Tri(37) + Tri(73))
• “and the earth”
ואת הארץ (o+s) = 776 = 76 “In the beginning” בראשית (o) w. ext… = TriOctagram(3+7) = FLW of Vs(3×777)
• “and the earth”
ץראה תאו (r+o+s) = 804 = (84 = Tri(7) + Tri(7) + Tri(7)) w. ext… = mirrored perimeter of Tri(137)
Word# 180 (degrees added of each corner in a symmetrical Triangle) of the Bible has a center letter ordered at = 703 = Tri(37)
• Triangle number 37 = 19 x 37 – – – Heptagon number 37 = 91 x 37 – – – 19+91 = 37+73
• Triangle number 73 = 37 x 73 – – – Heptagon number 73 = (181 = MOCR in Tri(37)) 73 – – – 37+181 = Squ(13) + Squ(7)
• C.Tri(37) = 1999 = Pri(304 (34 = T(3) + T(7))) – – – C.Hepta(37) = 4663 = Pri(2×316) = 777-gram(3) – – – 304+632 = Comp(777)
• C.Tri(73) = 7885 (77885 = 5 last digits of Hex(373)) = 4 digits of Squ(888) – – – 18397 = 18000 + PP(37) = C.Hepta(73)
• Heptagram(37) = 9325 = 25×373 [25373 = 24000 + 1373 (13703 (i. α)) = Pri(2800)] – – – 36793 = PP(1937) = Heptagram(73)
• Words added up to CW: 913+203+86+401 = 1603 = Lucky(34 = Tri(3) + Tri(7)) w. 0 rem.
• Words added from CW: 401+395+407+296 = 1499 = TV of Vs(9325 = Heptagram(37))
• Letters up to order 37 by rot. = 1116 “seven seven seven”
שבע שבע שבע = words up to order 37 by rot. = 800 + CW of Vs(777)
The number of words with a value of 37 in the Bible = 1400 + 1116 = Pri(2) x Pri(2) x Pri(8) x Pri(13) – – – 2x2x8x13 = CW of Vs(37)
• And the number of words with a value of 73 = 383 = Palin(48 “the seal”
החתם (o)) = Palin.Pri(15 = PP-o(137 “of God” (E s)))
• Mirror of Tri(37) = 307 “Triangle number seven hundred seventy and seven” משולש פקד שבע מאות ושבעים ושבע
• Word# 37 by rot. = 203 = Tri(13) + Hepta(7) = mirrored 3 first digits of Tri(777)
• Midpoint of Tri(37) = 352 = TriHepta(11 = Lucky-o(37)) = mirrored 3 last digits of Tri(777)
Tri(37) = 703 = 302 (3 first digits of Tri(777)) + את Aleph Tav” 401 = 7 CW of Vs(12199 = TV of Vs(86 “God” אלהים) w. ext…)
Tri(37) = 703 = 253 (3 last digits of Tri(777)) + (450 “codes of God” (E r+o+s) = CW of Vs(358 “Messiah”
• Perimeter + center of gravity of Tri(37) is 108+313 =
421 = 400 + 7+7+7 = C.Squ(15 = Hex(3)) = Decagram(7)
• Perimeter + center of gravity of Tri(73) is 216+1201 = Semiprime(421) = Lucky(205 “Jesus Christ” (G o) = Pri+Comp(37))
• 421+1417 = 1838 = 1000 + Palin(93 “codes of God” (E o)) = Pri(2) x Pri(158) – – – 2×158 = (316 = C.Tri(15) = C.Hepta(10))
313 = COG in Tri(37) = MOCR in Tri(49 = Octagram(3) = Squ(7)) = prime factor of the CW + its mirror in Vs(137)
• 313 = Palin(41) = Pri(66) = PP(30) = Happy(48) – – – 41+66+30 = 137 (i. α) – – – 41+66+30+48 = 185 “seventy and three” (E o)
• 181 = MOCR in Tri(37) = Pri(43 = Heptagram(3)) = Palin(28 = Tri(7)) = Lucky-o(73) merged with mirror = PP-o(Star(7+7+7))
• 313 + 1201 + their Prime, Pythagorean prime, Lucky & Happy orders = 2000 + 130 “inverse Alpha” (E o) = 7 CW of Vs(137)
• √37*√73 ≈ 51.9 – – – 519 (5519 = 4 last digits of C.Hex(13703 (i. α))) – – – √703*√2701 ≈ 1377.(970609 = 9000 + Pri(137) w. 0 rem.)
11 = Lucky-o(37) [137 (i. α)] and we see 11/37 ends with the digits 72973 (5 digits of α) & starts with 297 “codes”
קודים (ro+rs)
21 = 3×7 = TriHex(3) = Lucky(7) = prime orders added of 3, 7 & 37 = PP-o(37) + Lucky orders added of 3, 7 & 37
37 = Tri(7) + Squ(3) = Pri(13 = Comp-o(22 = Pri-o(73))) = FLL of Vs(37) + FLL of Vs(73) square root of 1370 (i. α)
37 = prime factor of the 313 first words added of the Bible = prime factor of the 316 first words added of the Bible
37 = “inverse” αντιστροφος (r) = Pri(13 “Alpha”
אלפא (r)) = first word & letter added of Vs(137) = last word of ord Vs(731)
37 = “inverse Alpha”
הפוך אלפא (Sr) = prime factor of word# 137 of the Bible = prime factor of the CW in Vs(9453 = Tri(137))
37 = prime factor of (1110 “one hundred and thirty seven”
מאה שלושים ושבע [m] = TV of Vs(885 = Lucky(137) = Comp(731)))
37 = word# (3 = Lucky-o(7)) of ord Vs(885) = mirror of the two first words in of this verse, & words ordered at 2, 1, 3 & 7 = 137.
37 = prime factor of word# 6 & word# 7 in Vs(1861 = PP(137)) – – – W#6 481 (13×37) + W#7 407 (11×37) = 888 “Jesus” Ιησους
37 = 8 CL of red Vs(1861 = PP(137)) = FLW of ord Vs(1861) = word#1 + word# 10 [110 = 37+73] of ord Vs(1861)
37 = factor of red Vs(34) = Lucky(11 = CW of red Vs(34)) = PP(5 = 3 CL of red Vs(34)) = two last words added of red Vs(34)
37 = prime factor of (296 = ord Vs(37)) = FLCL of ord Vs(37) = word# 21 by rot. of ord Vs(151 = Pri(37)) = 3 CW of red Vs(73)
37 = prime factor of the CW in Vs(13 = Pri-o(37)) = CW of red Vs(786 = CW of Vs(313)) = Happy-o(230 = red Vs(786))
37 is a Prime, Pythagorean prime or Lucky order in all words of red Vs(13 = Pri-o(37) = both word# 1 & word# 3 of red Vs(13))
37 = “seventy and three”
שבעים ושלשה (r) = prime factor of “seventy and three” (E o) = words ordered at 1, 3 & 7 of red Vs(73)
37 = CW of ord Vs(359 = Pri(73)) = CW of Vs(816 = CW of Vs(37) + 100×4 “and” και (r) = 500 + CW of Vs(777))
• 37 = Pri(13) – – – 73 = Pri(22) – – – 13 + mirror = Happy(3+7) – – – 22 + mirror = Happy(7+3) – – – 44+44 = 88 = Comp(64 = Squ(8))
• 1322 = 1000 + CW of Vs(703 = Tri(37) = 73 w. 0 rem.) = (132 = 39+93) w. ext…                      37 x 209 (29 “and” ואת (o)) = 7733
• 37 = PP(5) – – – 73 = PP(9) – – – 59 = Heptagrams up to order 3 = Pri(18 = perimeter of Tri(7)) = mirror of (95 = 73 + Pri-o(73))
• 37 = Lucky(11) – – – 73 = Lucky(18) – – – 118 = Tri(3) + Hepta(7) = Lucky-o(729 (α)) = mirror of 811 (81 = Squ(9 = PP-o(73)))
• 1322+59+1118 = 2499 = perimeter of Tri(834 = 800 + Tri(3) + Tri(7)) = 1000 + TV of Vs(9325 = Heptagram(37))
• 13+22+5+9+11+18+37+73 = 188 = 37 digits added of φ = Lucky-o(73) w. ext… = “seven hundred seventy and seven” (H o) [m]
37 = PP(5) = Lucky(11) [511 = 7×73] – – – 73 = Pri(22) = PP(9) [229 = Pri(51) = ord Vs(7297352 (α)) = 29 “and Phi” (rr) w. ext…]
37 = PP(5) = Lucky(11) = Pri(13) – – – 5+11+13 = 29 = CL of ord Vs(37) with an upsidedown digit – – – Pri(22) = PP(9) = 73
37 + 5+11+13 = 66 = Pri-o(313 = COG in Tri(37)) = Tri(11 = Lucky-o(37) = FLL of Vs(37)) = FLW of Vs(37) = 2 FLL of Vs(73)
• 51113 = (5113 = 4000 + 3 CW of Vs(37) = Pri(685 = MOCR in Tri(73)) = average total value of all verses in the Bible) w. ext…
Octagram(3) = Squ(7) = 9+22+18 – – – PP(9) = Pri(22) = Lucky(18) = 73 – – – 92218 = ord + std value of Vs(37) & Vs(73) w. ext…
• 9+22+18 = 49 = Squ(7) – – – 5+11+13 = 29 [729 (α)] – – – 49+29 = 78 = Tri(12 “and”
ו (Fr)) = “the speed of light” (E r)
• Star & Centered Hexagon orders added of 37 = 7, and the Prime, Pythagorean prime & Lucky orders added of 37 = 29.
 37 + 5+11+13 = 66 – – – 3766 = std Vs(316 = C.Tri(15 = Tri(5 = PP-o(37))) = C.Hepta(3+7) = FLCL of Vs(37) = CW of Vs(777))
73 + 9+22+18 = 122 “thirty seven”
שלושים שבע (o) – – – 7312 = rev std Vs(2521 = Pri(370 = 10x 37) = Star(7+7+7))
Primes ordered at 37 & 73 = 510 = 400 + 37 + 73 = “inverse”
ךופה (sr37+sr73) = 500 + 10 “Alpha” Αλφα (r)
Primes from order 37 to 73 = 9323 = Pri(1155 = Tri(5 = PP-o(37)) w. ext…) = Happy(1359 = 1000 + Pri(73))
Composites ordered at 37 & 73 = 153 = Tri(17 = word# 13 of red Vs(373) = “seven” επτα (r)) = Comp(116 = CW of Vs(37×73))
Pythagorean primes ordered at 37 & 73 = 1274 = TriSqu up to order (13 = Pri-o(37)) = Happy(185 “seventy and three” (E o))
37 = FLCL of red Vs(6 = Tri(3)) + FLCL of red Vs(295 = Heptagram(7) = ord Vs(1628)), and W. added ordered at 1, 3 & 7 = 73.
37 = prime factor of ordinal verses ordered at 3, 7 & 37 – – – The first word with a value of 37 occurs in verse# 56
56 = 37 + its midpoint = “three” (E o) = mirror of 65 “seven” (E o) = “the universe” (E r) = “and the earth” και τη γη (o)
37 = prime factor of “heaven” συμπαν (o+s) = prime factor of “and the earth”
ואת הארץ = “wisdom” (o) = mirror of 73 “wisdom” (s)
37 = “heaven and earth”
שמים ואת ארץ (Sr) = “perfect” (E r) = mirror of 73 “perfect” (E o)
“Triangle” τριγωνο (rr) = mirror of 73 “number” (E o) = 37 = “codes of wisdom”
קודים חכמה (rr)
37+73 = (34 = Tri(3) + Tri(7)) letters of the red Bible = FLCL of ord verses ordered at 37, 7 & 3 = 3 CW of ord Vs(5 = PP-o(37))
√376.082 – – – 6082 = Primes up to order (55 = Tri(3+7) = Hepta(5 = PP-o(37))) = TV of Vs(20739 = 20000 + Lucky.Pri(37))
√376.0827 – – – 6827 = Pri(879 = number of verses with a standard value being divisible by 37 in the Bible)
The number of words with a standard value being divisible by 37 in the Bible = 16000 + Squ(37) = 17000 + C.Tri up to order 9
The number of verses with a ordinal value being divisible by 37 in the Bible = 873 = 800 + 73 = “the speed of light”
מהירות האור
The number of words with a ordinal value being divisible by 37 in the Bible = 7841 = PP(491 = Pri(95 = 73 + Pri-o(73)))
No.L of Vs(37) = 30 = “seven”
שבע (ro) = CW of Vs(151 = Pri(37)) = CW of Vs(7773) – – – No.W of Vs(37) = 9 = PP-o(73)
No.W + No.L of Vs(37) = 39 = “three” τρια (Fr) = “seven”
שבע (o) = “inverse” הפוך (o) = “Alpha” Αλφα (Fr)
37 = prime factor of (333 = word# 39 of the Bible [
החשך]) = prime factor of (125060 = TV of the 39 first verses of the Bible)
“thirty and seven
שלושים ושבע (r) = “seventy and three” שבעים ושלוש (r) = 38 “inverse” (E r) = “Alpha” (E o)
“thirty and seven
שלושים ושבע (o) = “seventy and three” שבעים ושלוש (o) = 128 high energy i. α = CW of Vs(1280)
עבשו םישולש (s) = “73” שולשו םיעבש (s) = 1064 = 164 “a hundred and thirty and seven” מאת ושלשים ושבע (o) with 0 removed
• “37” (H o+s) = “73” (H o+s) = 1192 = “thirty and seven” (E sr73) = “mathematical evidence” (E o+s) = “of wisdom” (E sr137)
• “37” (H r+o+s) = “73” (H r+o+s) = 1230 = 1000 + Happy(37) = (E r) “and” 10 x 123 “seven seven seven” επτα επτα επτα (o)
Pri(180 = degrees of a Triangle = 10x(18 = Hepta(3) = perimeter of Tri(7))) = 1063 “seventy and three”
שבעים ושלשה [Ezra 2:36]
1064 “37” + 1063 “73” = 2000 + 127 (i. α) = TV of Vs(7297 (α)) = Lucky(293 “inv. Alpha”
הפוך אלפא (o+s) = red Vs(72973 (α)))
1064 “37” + 1063 “73” = 2000 + 127 (i. α) = TV of Vs(7297 (α)) = Lucky(293 “inv. Alpha” הפוך אלפא (o+s) = red Vs(72973 (α)))
שלושים ושבע (sr37) + שבעים ושלשה (sr73) = 1335 = Penta(30 = perimeter of Penta(7)) = 73 words of the red KJV
3 = Lucky-o(7) – – – 37 = Lucky(11 = 1 “α” w. ext… = Pri(6 “and” ו = “Phi” Φι (r))) – – – 73 = Lucky(18 “riddles” חידה (r))
• TV of Genesis 1:1 =
2701 (27+01 = Tri(7)) = 37 multiplied with mirror = (271 = Pri(59 = Pri(18 = Lucky-o(73)))) w. 0 rem.
• TV + FLW of Gen 1:1 = 3910 = 10×391 “Jesus” עשוהי = Happy(591 “Word” (E ro+rs))
• TV + CW of Gen 1:1 = 3102 “Triangle number seven hundred seventy and seven” משולש מספר שבע מאות שבעים ושבע (r+o+s)
• TV + FLCW of Gen 1:1 = 4311 (431 = Pri(84 = Tri(7) + Tri(7) + Tri(7))) = TV of Vs(703 = Tri(37))
• First word + TV of Gen 1:1 = 3614 = starter 37 of Vs(72973 (α)) by rot. – – – Last word + TV of Gen 1:1 = 2997 (c)
בראשית אחד אחד “Genesis one one” = 939 (93 <> 39) = FLCW of Vs(1822 “thirty and seven” (E s)) = rev ord Vs(Tri(777)) by rot.
• “and the earth” (r) = 28 = Tri(7) = Happy(7) = Pri(2) x Pri(2) x Pri(5) – – – 2x2x5 = 20 “seven” (E r)
• “In the beginning God created the heaven” (r) = 54 = perimeter of Tri(19 “codes” (E r)) = Comp(37 “of wisdom” (o))
• “and the earth” (o) = 73 “the heaven” השמים (So)
• “In the beginning God created the heaven” (o) =
254 “and the earth” και τη γη (Fo) = 2x 127 (high energy inverse α)
“and the earth” ואת הארץ (r) = 28 “crown” (E r) – – – 3 FLW of Vs(1998) = 1797 “seven hundred seventy seven” (G sr73)
“and the earth” ואת הארץ (o) = 73 “crown” (E o) – – – 7 CW of Vs(703) = 1856 = 1400 + 456 “Alpha, e, Pi and Phi” (E o+s)
“and the earth” ואת הארץ (s) = 703 “crown” (E s) – – – 1797+1856 = 3653 = Happy(552 (52 “codes” (H o))) = C.Deca up to order 13
“God, the heaven, the earth” אלהים השמים הארץ (r) = 48 “seven seven seven” שבעת שבעת שבעת (r)
“God, the heaven, the earth” אלהים השמים הארץ (o) = Squ(7) + Squ(7) + Squ(7)
“God, the heaven, the earth” (s) = 777 = 37x7x3 = 7+37+73 + (660 “secret” סתר = FLW of Vs(27 “riddles”) = 10x FLW of Vs(37))
“the heaven” השמים (r) = 17 “Torah” תורה (r)
“the heaven” השמים (o) = 62 “Torah” (E o)
“the heaven” השמים (s) = 395 = anagram of 359 “Torah” (E s) 
“Heaven, Earth” שמים ארץ (r) = 24 = mirror of 42 “knowledge” (E r)
“Heaven, Earth” שמים ארץ (o) = 96 “knowledge” (E o)
“Heaven, Earth” שמים ארץ (s) = 681 “knowledge” (E s) = CW of Vs(1921 = Octagram(16 = Squ(4 “and” και (r)) = “wisdom” σοφια (r)))
• Gen 1:1 is Vs(1 “α”) & its std value divided by its ord value is 2701/298 =
9.0637… – – – 9637 = 8000 + TV of Vs(1618 (φ))
• Standard divided by ordinal divided by reduced is 2701/298/82 ≈ 0.(1109 = (109 = reduced Vs(777) = Pri(30 “the” ל)) w. ext…)
• Standard of “and the earth” divided by its ordinal value is 703/44 ≈ 15.97 – – – 1597 “seal” σφραγις (ro+rs)
• std divided by ord divided by red of “and the earth” is 703/44/28 ≈ 0.(570 “of God” (H & G s) [אלהים – – – θεου])
7 “crown” כתר (rr) = “reward” שכר (r) = CL of Vs(66 “of” (E s)) = CL of Vs(156 = Rec(12 “the” ה (Fo+Fs)) = “universe” יקום)
37+73 = “Alpha” (E s) = The Natural Logarithm” (E rr) = Comp(80 “π”) = “and Phi” (E ro) = “codes” (G o) = 10×11 “and” ואת (r)
7+37+73 = 117 “777” (E r) = CW of r+o+s Vs(631 = C.Tri(7+7+7)) = CW of r+o+s Vs(499 = Pri(96)) = CW of r+o+s Vs(681)
C.Nona(3) = 28 = Tri(7) = 7 CL of red Vs(7) – – – 703 = 7 CW of Vs(13582 = 10000 + 3582 “the fine-structure constant” (E sr137))
• Tri(37) = 703 “crown” (E s) = 7 CW of Vs(9355 = (800 + 137 (i. α))-gonal(5)) = 7 CW of Vs(12000 + 199 “inverse Alpha” (G o))
• Tri(73) = 2701 “Alpha the fine-structure constant” (E o+s) = 3 FLW + 7 CW of Vs(13800 + Pri(137))
Tri(37) + Tri(73) = 3404 “riddles of seven hundred seventy and seven” (E s)
• Tri(7) + Tri(37) + Tri(73) =
3432 = 2000 + 1432 “codes of” κωδικοι της = Penta(48 “seven seven seven” שבעת שבעת שבעת (r))
   = 146 “Genesis one one” (E o) + TV of Vs(117 = 7+37+73) = 2000 + 939 “Genesis one one” בראשית אחד אחד + FLW of Vs(117)
   = 2500 + 184 “thirty and seven” (E o) + CW of Vs(117) = 2000 + Palin(29 “of God” (E r)) + FLCW of Vs(117)
   = 1000 + FLCW of verses ordered at the Heb red, ord & std values of “777” = 3000 + CW of Vs(37×73) + CW of Vs(777)
• Tri(7) + Squ(7) = 77 = 7 w. ext… = CW of Vs(5834 = TV of Vs(7+7+7))
Tri(37) + Squ(37) = 2000 + 72 “riddles” חידה (r+o+s) 
• Tri(73) + Squ(73) =
8030 = 8000 + ל “of” 30 = 10x 803 (83 “wisdom” (E o)) 
• Tri(73) divided by Tri(37) is 2701/703 =
3.84… – – – 384 “fine-structure constant” קבוע מבנה הדק
• Squ(73) divided by Squ(37) is 5329/1369 =
3.89… – – – 389 “the fine-structure constant” קבוע המבנה הדק
• C.Hex(37) + C.Hex(73) =
19766 = 1976 “the fine-structure constant” קבוע המבנה הדק (Fs) w.ext…
• Star(37) + Star(73) = 39530 = 10x Comp(3404 = Tri(37) + Tri(73)) = 3 FLW of Vs(1998) + 7 CW of Vs(703) w. upsidedown digit
• Tri(21) + Tri(37) [21×37 = 777] =
400 + חתם אלהים “seal of God” 534 = 934 “Torah” תורה (Fs) = “codes” κωδικοι
• Squ(21) + Squ(37) = 1810 “divine seven hundred seventy seventy and seven codes” (E sr37)
• (1810 = Squ(21) + Squ(37))/(934 = Tri(21) + Tri(37)) =
1.937 – – – 1937 = 100×19 “the Heart” בלה (o) + 37 “of Wisdom” חכמה (o)
• Words by rotation or not ordered at 3 & 7 of Vs(3) & Vs(7) = 1 + 777, and words from order 3 to 7 = 1722 (172 “codes” (E s)).
• W. by rot. or not ordered at 3 & 7 of Full ord Vs(3) & Full std Vs(7) =
888 “Jesus” Ιησους, words from order 3 to 7 = 3000 + 474.
• Integrating verses ordered at 3, 7 & 37 gives a combo ordered at both 38 & 888 by rot. that has the value of
888 “Jesus” Ιησους.
• Ultra calculation of verse# 37 =
120718088… – – – 1271 “cross”σταυρος – – – 888 “Jesus”Ιησους
• Primes added up to order 37 = 2000 + חידותriddles” 428 = 4 digits of Pri(2701)        [167 = Composites ordered at 7, 37 & 73]
• Primes added up to order 73 =
11600 = 100x(116 = CW of Vs(2701 = Tri(73 “of wisdom” חכמה)))
• Primes added up to order 37 & 73 = 14028 = Hex(84 = Tri(7) + Tri(7) + Tri(7)) = Tri(167 = Pri(40 “Bible codes” (E r)))
• Primes added up to orders of 7, 37 & 73 = 10x 1407 (147 = Squ(7) + Squ(7) + Squ(7)))            [40 = Pri-o(7) + Pri-o(37) + Pri-o(73)]
• Total values added of verses ordered at 2428 & 11600 =
6933 = Pythagorean primes added up to order 37
• Letters added up to the center letter in these two verses = 3777 (37)
• Word# 8 added of these two verses = 733 (73) [Word/Combo# 8 is also combo# 888 by rot.]
• ordinal value of Vs(2428) + standard value of Vs(11600) =
3423 = Tri(7) + Tri(37) + Tri(73) with mirrored last digits
• UC of Vs(11600)/UC of Vs(2428)/UC of Vs(42) ≈
0.13074160513 – – – 137 (i. α) – – – 416 “riddles” αινιγματα – – – FLCW of Vs(777)
• Word# (3 = Lucky-o(7)) of Vs(9139 = Triangles added up to order 37) = 377 (37) – – – UC of Vs(9139) = 77773… (73)
• TV, FLW, CW of Gen 1:1 added with their mirrors is 2701+1072+1209+9021+401+104 =
(r) και “and” 4 x 39×93 (TV of John 1:1)
• 37×73 = (o) בראשית אחד אחד “Genesis one one” 102 x 10 “and” (E r) + 1681 “John one one” Ιωαννης ενα προς ενα (s)


Probability calculations of Genesis 1:1

There are several ways to determine the probability of an event. Check this link:
1. Divide the number of events by the number of possible outcomes. 
Example: Chance of “In the beginning” being the first word out of the 7 words in Genesis 1:1 is 1/7.
2. Set the odds as a ratio with the positive outcome as a numerator.
Example: The odds of drawing a queen of hearts out of a standard card deck that has a total of 52 cards is 1/52 = 0.019…%.
3. Multiply the probabilities of each separate event by one another.
Example: The odds of drawing both a queen and king of hearts after each other is 1 out of 52 x 1 out of 52 = 1 out of 52×52.
4. Divide the number of events by given outcome.
Example: There are 31102 verses in the Bible and only one has a total value of 777. The odds of that is then 1 out of 31102.
This method is not listed on the website, but I think this suits best for the probability calculations here.


Triangles of Genesis 1:1

There are three triangular numbers found in the first verse:
1. Number of letters = 28 = Triangle number 7
2. Two last words added = 703 = Triangle number 37.
3. Total value = 2701 = Triangle number 73.
1. Let us use probability method 4 here. The first question is: How many verses have 28 letters in the Bible?
There are
642 “inverse” הפוך (So+Ss) = Happy numbers up to order 16 “Alpha” אלפא (rr) = 400 + 242 “riddles “(E s) verses with 28 letters.
And there are 31102 verses in the Bible, so the probability of one verse
having 28 (Tri(7)) letters is then 31102/642 ≈ 1 out of 48.4
(484 “of God” θεου = Palin(58 “inverse Alpha” (E r))).
2. There are
20 “and” και (o) verses in the Bible where the two last words added equals 703 (Tri(37)) ordered at:
1, 2932, 5621, 5757, 5844, 6326, 7279, 7313, 8306, 8491, 8777, 10077, 10827, 11408, 18369, 20982, 21962, 22168, 22877 & 26066.
The probability of one verse having this quality is then 31102/20 = 1 out of 1555.1.
The probability of the verse orders here hitting number 777 x3 times using the +1 method has the probability of 1000x100x100.
3. There are
Lucky-o(3) = 7 verses with the total value of 2701 (Tri(73)) ordered at: 1, 198, 3346, 8041, 9001, 22658 & 22710.
And since there are 31102 Bible verses, we see the probability of one verse having this TV is then 31102/7 = 1 out of 4443.1.
The probability of Genesis 1:1 having these triangles ordered at 7, 37 & 73 when using the method of dividing the number of events by the given outcome is then 
48.4*1555.1*4443.1 = 1 out of (334,418,096 = (inv. α) 137 x 2441008 (2418 = 800 + 1618 (φ))) + 0.804.
334+418+096+804 =
1652 “seven hundred seventy and seven riddle(s)”
שבע מאות ושבעים ושבע חידה.
The results will not be any less if we divide the number of events by the number of possible outcomes. Let us take a look:
1. Lowest number of letters in a O.T verse = 6 [Vs ordered at: 2065, 2066, 2067, 5071, 5072 & 5073]
Highest number of letters in a O.T verse = 122 [Vs(1705)]
The range a verse can have of the number of letters in the Old Testament is then 122-6 =
2. Here, we will use the data for the highest and lowest first & last words added as they are two words (like two last words added).
Lowest FLW in O.T = 15 [Vs(4867)], while the highest FLW in O.T = 2102 [Vs(2518)]. This tells us that the two last words
could value of anything from 15 to 2518, which gives us a total possibility of 2518-15 =
3. The lowest total value found in a verse of the O.T is = 153 [Vs(12288)]; while the highest is 13639 [Vs(11656)].
The number of different total values a verse can have in the Old Testament is then 13639-153 =
The probability of Genesis 1:1 having these triangles occurring when using the method of dividing the number of events by the
number of possible outcomes
, and multiplying the probabilities of each separate event by one another is then
116x2503x13486 = 1 out of 3,915,633,128 (nearly 4 billion).
The theoretical probability of Tri(7) = 1 out of 28.
The theoretical probability of Tri(37) = Finding a word combination made up of 703 is x5.9 times the expected rate.
                                                              And the probability of both words being made up of 37 is 37×37 = 1369.
                                                              5.9×1369 is then approximately 1 out of 8077 (777 + 100×73 “wisdom” חכמה).
The theoretical probability of Tri(73) = 1 out of 2701 (37×73).
The theoretical probability sum is approximately 28x8077x2701 = 1 out of 610,847,356 (almost 611 “Torah” תורה million).

So we saw one way or the other that these probabilities are way too high for these triangles of Genesis 1:1 to be random.
And I think that the best method to go for here is to divide the number of events by the given outcome.


The number of words and the prime factors

We clearly understand now that the triangles ordered at 7, 37 & 73 found in Genesis 1:1 are there to complement number 777.
Since their orders added is
7+37+73 = 117 “seven hundred seventy and seven” (E r) = “the seal of God” (E o).
Now we need to see the probability of this verse also having
7 words and a total value of 37x73.
1. The number of verses that has 7 words in the Bible = 2008.
So the probability of Genesis 1:1 having
7 words is then 31102/2008 ≈ 1 out of 15.5.
2. There are 7 verses with a total value of 37x73 in the Bible.
So the probability of one verse having a total value of
37x73 is then 31102/7 = 1 out of 4443.1.
The probability of this verse having 7 words & its prime factors being 37 multiplied by 73 is then
15.5*4443.1 =
1 out of (68868 = 137 (inverse α) + 731 (mirror) + 1000×68 “riddles” αινιγματα (o)).
The fact that the odds are almost 1 out of 69000 for the number of words & prime factors in Genesis 1:1 to occur is incredible!
Alright, I know what you are thinking. You want to know the probability of the triangles here, the number of words & prime factors
having the
7, 37, 73 pattern. It is an excellent question that will be answered without delay. Just multiply their probabilities:334418096*68868 = 23,030,705,435,328.
The fact that the
odds are 23 trillion for the number of words, prime factors & the three triangles to occur is mind-blowing!


The centers of gravity and the midpoint of the center row

Only every third triangle starting from order 4 has a center of gravity.
And only every fourth triangle starting from order 5 has a midpoint of a center row.
Not only do the three special triangles of Genesis 1:1 ordered at 7, 37 & 73 have a center of gravity; but the triangular orders of their center of gravity also have a center of gravity! The probability of this is then 3x3x3x3x3x3
= 1 out of 729 (α)
But wait, there is more since it turns out that the midpoint of the center row in the triangles of 37 & 73 (181, 685) also have a center of
gravity in their triangular order! Add this to the probability and we get 3x3x3x3x3x3x3x3
1 out of
(6561 = Squ(81 “codes” κωδικοι (o)))
The probability that a triangle has both a center of gravity and a midpoint of its center row is 3x4 = 1 out of 12.
The probability of its centers of gravity & midpoint of the center row also having a triangular order with a center of gravity and a midpoint of a center row is then 12×12 = 1 out of 144.
So here, we see all triangles except the 7th have these properties, but all the triangular orders of their center of gravity have these
properties. Therefore, the probability of the three triangles of Genesis 1:1 having a center of gravity & midpoint of center row + the triangular orders of these also having a center of gravity and a midpoint of center row (except for the 7th triangle) is then

3x12x12x12x12x12x12x12 = 1 out of 107,495,424 (over 107 “seven hundred seventy seven” (E r) million)!
Seeing all these facts about Genesis 1:1 with their probabilities gives us a clear picture of the perfection of this verse.
A true masterwork indeed that serves as a true miracle where God establishes the beginning of His wonderful gematria codes.
FLW of verses ordered at the perimeters of triangles ordered at 7, 37 & 73 = 1601 = 161 “the universe” היקום with 0 removed.
CW of verses reflecting the centers of gravity in these triangles instead = 1501 = 1000 + 1 “α” + 500 “φ”.
– Sum = 3201 = TV of Vs(46 “codes” (E o)) + TV of Vs(172 “codes” (E s))
            = Octa(33 “the” (E o)) = TV of Vs(1 “α”) + 500 “φ”

Probabilities of Genesis 1:1 triangles having a center of gravity and a midpoint of the center row


The constants of physics like Alpha (α) are seen in Genesis 1:1 because it is the first out of two creation verses that starts with “In the beginning”. And this is the first verse with the order of 1 “α”. But there are more to these constants of physics in these codes, It is the greatest mystery of our universe. Ladies and gentlemen, it is number 777.
I will start this number out the same way it started with me.
Ivan Nikolayevich Panin was the first decoder of the Bible to
find it in the first verse. The only 3 nouns added: “God” (86) + “the heaven” (395) + “the earth” (296) = 777.
And Richard Amiel McGough discovered that the Hebrew phrase: ברקיע השמים in the firmament of heaven” = 777.
But he did not understand how important that phrase really was; because number 777 has everything to do with physics riddles.
Neither did he understand that the phrase was the Heart a.k.a center word(s) of verse# 17 “the universe” היקום (r).
To find the fine-structure constant we can just do
(inverse α) 1/137.035999… = 0.00729… (α)
Now I found out that number 777 is only mentioned once in the Bible & numbers in the Bible are always spelled out.
So “seven hundred seventy and seven” is only found in Gen 5:31 which is verse# 137 (inverse α).
And if we go to verse# 729 (α) & look at its Heart a.k.a center word(s) we see they become: 401+376 = 777.
And these are some of the most profound codes in the Bible in my opinion. Because God loves to reference this in the codes.
Now the great meaning of number 137 & how God can use it in the codes is like this 100 + 37 “seal” (E o) = 137 “of God” (E s)
This is to glorify number 777 since it is the seal of God.
When we look at Alpha we see its 3 first digits connects to 729 “The Golden Ratio” (E s) a.k.a Phi (φ).
The golden ratio represents arithmetic, beauty & design. It is found in the spiral of the galaxy also.
So God actually connected 777 to the Heart of both Alpha & Phi. This touches upon what I call the ultimate connection to 777.
But that is not all since if we spell out this wonderful number in the modern way of English ordinal we get:
“seven hundred seventy seven” = 314 (π). (Because of this we will use modern spellings of certain words & phrases in this book)
That’s right the superstar of physics Pi which is found in every circle; is also connected to 777.
The Natural Logarithm (e)
represents maximum growth = 2.71…
271 = mirror of 172 “seven hundred seventy and seven” שבע מאות ושבעים ושבע (Fr) = Pri(18 “riddles” הדיח (r))
Now there are other types of numbers in physics that God connects to 777, like the speed of light (c) since it is connected to Alpha,
but these are the most important ones in my opinion. We will see more about the constants of physics (α, c, e, π, φ) in Chapter 3.

Now back to Genesis 1:1 and a great code I discovered is when we write the 7 word values of Genesis 1:1 as one number
and then split the number into groups of
3 and multiply: 91320386401395407296 – – -> 913x203x864x013x954x072x96
= 13727012033839104 = 3 digits of inverse α followed by (2701 = total value of Vs(1 “α”)) followed again by 2033 (203 = 7×29).
Now split this number in groups of 7 and multiply: 1372701x2033839x9104 = 15038… = 1538 “mystery of God” (E rs) w. 0 rem..
he center word = 401 = Pri(80 “Pi” π).
Digits in the word values multiplied up to the first digit in the center word is 9x1x3 x 2×3 x 8×6 x 4 = 31104 (314 (π)).
729 (α)
can be seen when joining the values of “and the earth”: 407296.
And the digits surrounding number 729 is = 406 = Tri(28 = Tri(7) = Happy(7) = Pri(2) x Pri(2) x Pri(5) – – – 2x2x5 = “7” (E r)).



Ivan Nikolayevich Panin
from Russia was the first person who went into numerical Bible codes in modern times.
He went through the whole Bible, uncovering what he called the heptadic structure of the Bible which focuses more on grammatical occurrences in the Bible. He wrote several books on Bible numerics and went through the whole Bible.
The verse which got him started on the work that took him 50 years to complete was Genesis 1:1.
He discovered 31 codes of 7 there & 23 combinations of made up of 37 in the 7 words of Genesis 1:1.

1. The 7 words of Genesis 1:1 has 28 letters (7×4)
2. The value of the first and last letters of the first half of the verse is 42 (7×6)
3. The value of the first and last letters of the second half of the verse is 91 (7×13)
4. The three nouns (God, Heaven & earth) are made up of 14 letters (7×2)
5. The sum of the three nouns (God, heaven and earth) equals 777 (7×111)
6. The ordinal value of these three nouns is 147 (7×21)
7. The Hebrew verb “created” has a gematria value of 203 (7×29)
8. The first 3 words contain the subject and are made up of 14 letters (7×2)
9. The ordinal values of these letters equals 140 (7×20)
10. Of these 14 letters, the ordinal of the silent letters equals 28 (7×4)
11. And the ordinal values of the non-silent letters equals 112 (7×16)
12. The odd numbers among the 14 has the value of 42 (6×7)
13. Even numbers among the 14 sums to 98 (7×14)
14. Multiplying the 14 ordinal values of letters by their order is 1008 (7×144)
15. The four last words contain the object and also is made up of 14 letters (2×7)
16. The words: “the Heavens” + the untranslatable word has 7 letters, as does the 2 last words “and the earth”.
17. The value of the first and last letters of all words = 1393 (7×199)
18. The sum of the first and last letters of the first and last words = 497 (7×71)
19. The value of the first & the last letters of each word between = 896 (7×128)
20. The sum of the factors of 896 = 21 (7×3)
21. The first letters of the first and last words added equal 7
22. The value of the last letters of the first and last words equal 490 (7×70)
23. The middle word and the one before it are made up of 7 letters
24. The middle word and the one after it are made up of 7 letters
25. The value of the first, middle and last letters is 133 (7×19)
26. The two digits added of the value of (86) “God” (8 + 6) = 14 (2×7)
27. The values of the letters in “God” added (1, 30, 5, 10, 40 – – – 1+3+0+5+1+0+4+0) = 14 (2×7)
28. The sum of the ordinal values in the letters of “God” (1,12,5,10,13 – – – 1+1+2+5+1+0+1+3) = 14 (2×7)
29. The number of these ordinal values (1, 1, 2, 5, 1, 1 & 3 since zero is nothing here) is 7
30. Because of contractions in Hebrew, the vocabulary of Gen 1:1 can be larger than the seven words
of this verse. The nine-word vocabulary of Gen 1:1 has the value of 2275 (7×325)
31. The ordinal value of the vocabulary = 259 (7×37)
7×31 (731 = mirror of 137 (inverse α)) = “seven hundred and twenty nine” επτακοσια και εικοσι εννεα (o) – – – 729 (α)

Possible Word Combinations in All Permutations of Genesis 1.1

120 word-combinations of Genesis 1:1-<>-

There are 17 “seven” επτα (r) possible word combinations in the 7 words of Genesis 1:1 that are made up of 7:
1. 203 = 7×29 [2]                                        [There are 127 possible word combinations made up of 7 or not in this verse, and
2. 913+86+401 = 1400 (7×200) [34]        the 7 individual word values are included in these possible word combinations.
3. 913+86+296 = 1295 (7×185) [37]        This means that we are not using pure word combinations here. 
4. 913+401+296 = 1610 (7×230) [40]      And I did not realize that the pure word combinations were more important
5. 913+395+407 = 1715 (7×245) [41]      until the very end of writing this book. That is why I will focus on the combos 
6. 86+401+395 = 882 (7×126) [54]          with the 7 individual words included here. I will also give you the important codes 
7. 86+395+296 = 777 (7×111) [58]          concerning the pure word combinations also, so you have to think a bit here.
8. 401+395+296 = 1092 (7×156) [61]      The numbers in brackets are the orders of the combinations out of the 127 possible.
9. 913+203+86+401 = 1603 (7×229) [64]      These combinations are ordered in natural progression as they occur]
10. 913+203+86+296 = 1498 (7×214) [67]
11. 913+203+401+296 = 1813 (7×259) [70]
12. 913+203+395+407 = 1918 (7×274) [71]
13. 203+86+401+395 = 1085 (7×155) [84]
14. 203+86+395+296 = 980 (7×140) [88]
15. 203+401+395+296 = 1295 (7×185) [91]
16. 86+401+407+296 = 1190 (7×170) [96]
17. 203+86+401+407+296 = 1393 (7×199) [116]
17x7 = 119 = Tri(13) + Tri(7)
– First combo = 7×29 [α] & this is combo 137 (inv. α) by rotation in cycles when counting by the number of combinations
– Last combo = 1393 “one thousand six hundred and eighteen” אלף שש מאות שמונה עשרה (o+s) – – – 1618 (φ)
– First & last combos added here = 2793 = 46-gonal(7) + 46-gonal(7) + 46-gonal(7) [46 “codes” (E o)]
– Center combo = 7×229 [α]

– First, last & center combos = 4000 + 396 “seven hundred seventy and seven” (E ro) = “seven seven seven codes” (E ro+rs)
– The sum of all combos = 21749 = 7 x Pri(29) + 1000x(7+7+7)
– C
ombo 7 = 777
– Combo 3 + Combo 7 = 2072 = TriSqu(37)
– Combos ordered at 1, 3 & 7 = 2275 = (7)gonal-(37+73) = 275 “777” (H, G & E r) w. ext…
– Combos from order 13 to 7 = 9786 = 9000 + ordinal Vs(302253 = Tri(777))

– First & last orders = 118 = Lucky-o(729 (α)) = “riddles” (E ro)
– Center order = 64 “of wisdom” σοφια (o)
– First, last & center orders = 182 “seven hundred seventy seven” שבע מאות שבעים שבע (o)
– The sum of the orders here = 1074 (174 = Comp(100 + 33 “the” (E o)) = 37 “seal” (E o) + 137 “of God” (E s))
Exclude the 2nd word value so that we get pure word combinations; and we see 16 combos made up of 7 instead.
16×7 = 112
Alpha” אלפא = Hepta(7 = Pri(5 “e”)) = perimeter of Squ(29 “Pi” (E ro)) = “and Phi” ואת פי (Fo)



We can also find 23 word combinations made up of 37 in this verse when including the two last individual word values:
1. 407 = 11×37 [6]
2. 296 = 8×37 [7]
3. 913+86 = 999 (27×37) [9]
4. 86+395 = 481 (13×37) [20]
5. 407+296 = 703 (19×37) [28]
6. 913+203+401 = 1517 (37×41) [30]
7. 913+86+407 = 1406 (37×38) [36]
8. 913+86+296 = 1295 (35×37) [37]
9. 203+401+395 = 999 (27×37) [48]
10. 86+395+407 = 888 (24×37) [57]
11. 86+395+296 = 777 (21×37) [58]
12. 913+203+401+407 = 1924 (37×52) [69]
13. 913+203+401+296 = 1813 (37×49) [70]
14. 913+86+407+296 = 1702 (37×46) [79]
15. 203+401+395+407 = 1406 (37×38) [90]
16. 203+401+395+296 = 1295 (35×37) [91]
17. 86+395+407+296 = 1184 (32×37) [97]
18. 913+203+86+401+395 = 1998 (37×54) [99]
19. 913+203+401+407+296 = 2220 (37×60) [107]
20. 203+401+395+407+296 = 1702 (37×46) [118]
21. 913+203+86+401+395+407 = 2405 (37×65) [120]
22. 913+203+86+401+395+296 = 2294 (37×62) [121]
23. 913+203+86+401+395+407+296 = 2701 (37×73) [127]

The number of possible combinations including the 7 word values alone is calculated as 2^n therefore, the number of combinations
of the 7 Genesis 1:1 word values, using each value no more than once in any combination, is equal to 2^7 or 128 and the number of
value combinations 127 (i.e. the null case excluded). The expected number of combinations that sums to 37 is then: 127/37 =
But we see 23 of them which is nearly x7 times the expected rate!

851 “universe” συμπαν (o+s) = 23×37 [2337 = Comp(1991 = Palin(119 “and the earth” και τη γη (ro)))]
= “riddles” (H, G & E o+s) = Lucky numbers up to order 21 “of” (E o)
= 800 + (51 “seven seven seven” επτα επτα επτα (r) = Pri(8) + Pri(8) + Pri(8))
= FLW of Vs(2926 = 2500 + 426 “midst”
= CW of verses ordered at the values of the
first, last & center word of Vs(1 “α”)
= CW of Vs ordered at the Eng ord, std & ord + std values of “the speed of light”
= “three hundred and sixteen” τριακοσια και δεκαεξι (sr37)
– The 7 word values are used exactly 12 “universe” יקום (r) times each in the 23 combinations made up of 37.
Combos ordered at 23 & 37 by rot. = 4403 = perimeter of Hepta(630 = Tri(35 = factor of 350 “and the earth” και τη γη))
– Combo 3 =
999 = Palin(109 = 19 “and” (E o) w. 0 rem.)
Combo 7 = 146 “the universe” (E o) w. 0 rem.
Combo 21 = 2405 = Combo 3 + Combo 7
– Combo 12 =
1924 = (322 = CW of Vs(703 “and the earth”))-gonal(4)
Combo (11 = Lucky-o(37)) = 777
Combo (10 = 3+7) = 888
Combo 19 “and” (E o) = 2220 = 10x Eng red Gen 1:1
First & last combo = 3108 = 4x 777
– Center combo = 1924 = (o) קודים “codes” 52 x 37 “of wisdom” חכמה (o)
– The first, last & center combo = 5032 (532 “Alpha” Αλφα = (4 “e” (E rr))gonal-90 “Pi” Πι = (o) פי “Phi” 27-gonal(Lucky-o(3) = 7)))
– The sum of all combinations = 32412 = Pri(2) x Pri(2) x Pri(3) x Pri(13) x Pri(22) – – – 2x2x3x13x22 = Tri(7) + Tri(37) + Tri(73)
= 30000 + TV of Vs(17 “the universe” היקום (r))
– Sum of orders = 1524 “codes” κωδικούς = perimeter of Star(129 “of wisdom” חכמה (r+o+s))

First & last orders = 133 = Octa(7)
– Center order = 69 = midpoint of 137 (i. α)
– First, last & center orders = 202 = Palin(30 = perimeter of Penta(7))
Use the orders here from 1 to 23 and add order 12 & 21 = 729 (α) + 100×36 “physics” (E r) = TV of Vs(1059 “codes” κωδικες)
Combos ordered at 23 & 37 by rot. (23×37 = “universe”) = 4403 = perimeter of Hepta(630 = Tri(35 = factor of 350 “and the earth” και τη γη))
– √851 ≈ 29.1 — 291 “earth” ארץ
– 23 = Pri(10) = Happy(6) = Happy.Pri(5) — 37 = PP(5) = Pri(13) = Lucky(11) = Lucky.Pri(6)
– 10+6+5 = Happy-o(103 “universe” (E ro)) — 5+13+11+6 = 35 = factor of 350 “and the earth” (G s)
– 23+37 = Pri(2) x Pri(2) x Pri(3) x Pri(4) — 2x2x3x4 = 48 “universe” יקום (o)
– “twenty and three x thirty and seven” (E s) = 4440 = 12 x Pri-o(23) x 37
– Combo 37 out of the 127 possible combos = 1295 = 35×37 [3400 + 137]
Word# 851 of the Bible = 140 = Squares up to order 7 = Exterior Pentagram(7) = TriHepta(7)
Word# 158 of the KJV = 235 = C.Tri(13 = Pri-o(37)) = Hepta(10 = Pri-o(23))
Words ordered at 23 & 37 of the Bible = 298 = ord Gen 1:1 = 19 “and” (E o) + 279
W. ordered at 23 & 37 of the KJV = 279 = factor of (27900 = TriHepta up to order 30)
TriHepta(23) + TriHepta(37) = 5634 = 5000 + TriHepta(13) + TriHepta(7)
TV of Vs(23) + TV of Vs(37) = 2634 = 2000 + TriHepta(13) + TriHepta(7)
23 = Pri(3+7) Tri(23) = 276 = C.Penta(11 = Lucky-o(37)) = perimeter of Star(8+8+8) Star(23) = 3037
Squ(23) = 500 + Prime, Pythagorean prime & Lucky orders added of 37 Penta(23) = 782 = 400 + words ordered at 3 & 7
Hepta(23) = 1288 = 128 “thirty and seven” שלושים ושבע (o) w. ext… = 400 + 888 Octa(23) = 1541 = 1000 + Star(3+7)
10x 23 = Happy(37) = Pri(23) + Pri(37) – – – UC of Vs(79 = Pri(23))/UC of Vs(151 = Pri(37)) ≈ 0.00…(1981 = TV of Vs(37×73))
Prime & Composite numbers ordered at 23 & 37 is 79+151+35+54 = mirror of 913 “In the beginning” (H s)
Happy & Lucky numbers ordered at 23 & 37 is 129+230+99+189 = mirror of 746 “In the beginning” (H rs) = 1st word of Vs(851)
319+647 = 966 = 100 + 137 (i. α) + 729 (α) = 15 “the” (E r) + 37 “seal” (E o) + 137 “of God” (E s) + 777
PP(23) + PP(37) = 630 = Tri(35 “riddles” (E r)) — 319+647+630 = 1000 + CW of Vs(21 “of” (E o)) = Tri(56 “the universe” (E r))
Word# 851 of the Bible [עיני] has a Full standard value of 276 = Tri(23) = mirror of Tri(3) x Hepta(7)
– Words added ordered at 21 & 37 of the Bible = mirror of Tri(37) = CW of Vs(3000 + 7 + 23×37) = CW of Vs(8000 + Tri(23) + Tri(37))

Mirror of 851 = 158 = C.Tri(3) + C.Hepta(7) = red Vs(10x 3×16) = red Vs(2137)
= factor of (316 = C.Tri(15 = Tri(5 = PP-o(37))) = C.Hepta(3+7))
Triangle has 3 sides
& Heptagon has 7 sides – – – 23+32 = Tri(3+7) = Hepta(5)
Word# 6 of rev std Vs(316) = 370 = 10×37 – – – Word# 6 of Gen 1:1 = 11×37
Word# 7 of rev std Vs(316) = 481 = 13×37 – – – Word# 7 of Gen 1:1 = 8×37
370+481 = 23×37 = C.Tri(3) + C.Hepta(16) – – – 10+11 = 13+8 = 7+7+7
std Vs(851) = 4684 = Tri(7) + Tri(7) + Tri(7) + 100×46 “codes” (E o)
= 1 + TV of Gen 1:1 + 1 + TV of Vs(37×73)
ord Vs(2337) = 1 + 23×37 Pri(23) + Pri(32) + Pri(37) + Pri(73) = 400 + 316
Word# 23 of std Vs(2337) = 319 = 316 with upsidedown digit
= Three Triangles & Seven Heptagrams ordered at 3 = Happy(Squ(7))
158+851 = 1009 = Happy.Pri(37) = Lucky.Pri(45 = Tri(9 = PP-o(73)))
= Pri(170 = C.Hepta(3) + C.Hepta(7)) = PP(81 = Squ(9 = PP-o(73)))
= Lucky(154 = Octa(3) + Octa(7)) = Happy(145 = 13+22+37+73)
37+45+170+81+154+145 = 2x 316 = Happy(86 = W#3) = TriHex(16)

Prime & Composite numbers ordered at 23 & 37 is 79+151+35+54 = mirror of 913 “In the beginning” (H s)
Happy & Lucky numbers ordered at 23 & 37 is 129+230+99+189 = mirror of 746 “In the beginning” (H rs) = 1st word of Vs(851)
319+647 = 966 = 100 + 137 (i. α) + 729 (α) = 15 “the” (E r) + 37 “seal” (E o) + 137 “of God” (E s) + 777
PP(23) + PP(37) = 630 = Tri(35 “riddles” (E r)) — 319+647+630 = 1000 + CW of Vs(21 “of” (E o)) = Tri(56 “the universe” (E r))
Word# 851 of the Bible [עיני] has a Full standard value of 276 = Tri(23) = mirror of Tri(3) x Hepta(7)
Words added ordered at 21 & 37 of the Bible = mirror of Tri(37) = CW of Vs(3000 + 7 + 23×37) = CW of Vs(8000 + 276 + 703)
TV of Vs(23) + TV of Vs(37) =
2634 = 2000 + TriHepta(13) + TriHepta(7)
Word# 851 of the Bible = 140 = Squares up to order 7 = Exterior Pentagram(7) = TriHepta(7)
Word# 158 of the KJV = 235 = C.Tri(13 = Pri-o(37)) = Hepta(10 = Pri-o(23))
Words ordered at 23 & 37 of the Bible = 298 = ord Gen 1:1 = 19 “and” (E o) + 279
W. ordered at 23 & 37 of the KJV = 279 = factor of (27900 = TriHepta up to order (30 = “7”))
TriHepta(23) + TriHepta(37) = 5634 = 5000 + TriHepta(13) + TriHepta(7)


We can also find 3 word combinations made up of 73 in this verse:
1. 913+401 = 1314 (18×73) [10]
2. 203+86+395+407+296 = 1387 (19×73) [117]
3. 913+203+86+401+395+407+296 = 2701 (37×73) [127]
3×73 = 219 = Happy(35 “riddles” (E r)) = factor of Vs(313 = Pri(66 “of” (E s))) = “Triangle number seven hundred seventy and seven” (E rr) 
– The first combination = 1000 + 314 “seven hundred seventy seven” (E o) while its order = 10 “Alpha” (G r) = Comp(5 “φ” (r))
– The second combination = 1387 = 100 + perimeter of Tri(30 “inverse Alpha” (E o) = Deca(19 “the Heart” הלב (o))
– The third combination = 270= Tri(73 “of wisdom” חכמה) – – – while its order = 127 “seventy and three” שבעים ושלשה (o)
– First & last combinations = 4015 (415 = Lucky(73) = (E r) “In the beginning” 83 x 5 “the” ה) = TV of Vs(333 “777” (E o))
  = “Genesis one one, John one one and seven hundred seventy and seven” (E s)
  = 729 (α)… + TV of Vs(117 “seven hundred seventy and seven” (E r))
– First & last orders = 100 + 37 “seal” (E o) = 137 “of God” (E s)
– Center order = 117 “seven hundred seventy and seven” (E r) 
– All orders added = 254 = 2x 127 (high energy inverse α) = Pri(2) x Pri(32) – – – 2×32 = 64 “wisdom” σοφια (o)


21×37 + 3×73 = 996 = 96 “knowledge” (E o) with extended digit = 500 + Tri(31 “and” και)
16×7 + 21×37 + 3×73 = 1108 (108 = perimeter of Tri(37 “wisdom” (H o))) = 722 (ordinal value of Vs(729 (α))) + 386 (ordinal value of Vs(1618 (φ)))
– Sum of all 21 combinations made up of 37 & the 3 made up of 73
    = 37111 (371 = 37 “seal” (E o) merged with (71 = Pri(21 “of” (E o)) = “God” (E s)))
– Sum of all word combinations made up of 7, 37 & 73 = 58657 = Pri(5935 = 4000 + 1935 “seven seven seven” (E r+o+s)) = PP(2958)



Possible Letter Combinations in Paried Permutations of Genesis 1.1
378 possible letter combinations in paired permutations of Genesis 1:1


There are 57 “seal of God” φραγιδα του Θεου (r) possible letter combinations in paired permutations that are made up of 7.
And the 57th combo of the 120 possible word combos hits order 777 when counted by rot. by the number of combos in cycles.
1. 2+200+1 = 203 (7×29) [2]
2. 2+200+1+300+10+400+2+200+1+1+30+5+10 = 1162 (7×166) [12]
3. 2+200+1+300+10+400+2+200+1+1+30+5+10+40+1+400 = 1603 (7×229) [15]
4. 2+200+1+300+10+400+2+200+1+1+30+5+10+40+1+400+5+300+40+10+40+6+1+400+5+1+200 = 2611 (7×373) [26]
5. 200+1+300+10 = 511 (7×73) [30]
6. 200+1+300+10+400+2+200 = 1113 (7×159) [33]
7. 200+1+300+10+400+2+200+1+1+30+5+10+40+1+400+5+300+40 = 1946 (7×278) [44]
8. 200+1+300+10+400+2+200+1+1+30+5+10+40+1+400+5+300+40+10+40+6 = 2002 (7×286) [47]
9. 200+1+300+10+400+2+200+1+1+30+5+10+40+1+400+5+300+40+10+40+6+1+400+5 = 2408 (7×344) [50]
10. 1+300 = 301 (7×43) [54]
11. 1+300+10+400+2+200+1+1+30 = 945 (7×135) [61]
12. 1+300+10+400+2+200+1+1+30+5+10+40+1 = 1001 (7×143) [65]
13. 1+300+10+400+2+200+1+1+30+5+10+40+1+400+5+300+40+10+40+6+1+400+5+1+200+90 = 2499 (7×357) [78]
14. 300+10+400+2+200+1+1+30+5+10 = 959 (7×137) [87]
15. 300+10+400+2+200+1+1+30+5+10+40+1+400 = 1400 (7×200) [90]
16. 300+10+400+2+200+1+1+30+5+10+40+1+400+5+300+40+10+406+1+400+5+1+200 = 2408 (7×344) [101]
17. 10+400+2+200+1+1+30 = 644 (7×92) [108]
18. 10+400+2+200+1+1+30+5+10+40+1 = 700 (7×100) [112]
19. 10+400+2+200+1+1+30+5+10+40+1+400+5+300+40+10+40+6+1+400+5+1+200+90 = 2198 (7×314) [125]
20. 400+2+200 = 602 (7×86) [127]
21. 400+2+200+1+1+30+5+10+40+1+400+5+300+40 = 1435 (7×205) [138]
22. 400+2+200+1+1+30+5+10+40+1+400+5+300+40+10+40+6 = 1491 (7×213) [141]
23. 400+2+200+1+1+30+5+10+40+1+400+5+300+40+10+40+6+1+400+5 = 1897 (7×271) [144]
24. 2+200+1 = 203 (7×29) [149]
25. 2+200+1+1+30+5+10+40+1+400+5+300+40+10+40 = 1085 (7×155) [161]
26. 2+200+1+1+30+5+10+40+1+400+5+300+40+10+40+6+1 = 1092 (7×156) [163]
27. 2+200+1+1+30+5+10+40+1+400+5+30040+10+40+6+1+400+5+1 = 1498 (7×214) [166]
28. 200+1+1+30+5+10+40 = 287 (7×41) [174]
29. 200+1+1+30+5+10+40+1+400+5 = 693 (7×99) [177]
30. 200+1+1+30+5+10+40+1+400+5+300+40+10 = 1043 (7×49) [180]
31. 1+1+30+5+10+40+1+400+5+300+40 = 833 (7 x 119) [198]
32. 1+1+30+5+10+40+1+400+5+300+40+10+40+6 = 889 (7×127) [201]
33. 1+1+30+5+10+40+1+400+5+300+40+10+40+6+1+400+5 = 1295 (7×185) [204]
34. 1+30+5+10+40+1+400+5+300+40+10+40 = 882 (7×126) [218]
35. 1+30+5+10+40+1+400+5+300+40+10+40+6+1 = 889 (7×127) [220]
36. 1+30+5+10+40+1+400+5+300+40+10+40+6+1+400+5+1 = 1295 (7×185) [223]
37. 30+5 = 35 (5×7) [226]
38. 30+5+10+40+1+400+5+300 = 791 (7×113) [232]
39. 30+5+10+40+1+400+5+300+40+10+40+6+1+400 = 1288 (7×184) [238]
40. 5+10+40+1 = 56 (7 x 8) [245]
41. 5+10+40+1+400+5+300+40+10+40+6+1+400+5+1+200+90 = 1554 (7×222) [258]
42. 10+40+1+400+5+300 = 756 (7×108) [263]
43. 10+40+1+400+5+300+40+10+40+6+1+400 = 1253 (7×179) [269]
44. 40+1+400 = 441 (7×63) [275]
45. 40+1+400+5+300+40+10+40+6+1+400+5+1+200 = 1449 (7×207) [286]
46. 1+400+5 = 406 (7×58) [289]
47. 1+400+5+300+40+10 = 756 (7×108) [292]
48. 400+5+300+40+10+40+6+1+400+5+1+200+90 = 1498 (7×218) [312]
49. 5+300+40+10+40+6+1+400+5+1+200 = 1008 (7×144) [322]
50. 300+40+10 = 350 (7×50) [325]
51. 40+10+40+6+1+400 = 497 (7×71) [338]
52. 10+40+6 = 56 (7×8) [344]
53. 10+40+6+1+400+5 = 462 (7×66) [347]
54. 6+1 = 7 [358]
55. 6+1+400+5+1 = 413 (7×59) [361]
56. 1+400+5 = 406 (7×58) [365]
57. 400+5+1 = 406 (7×58) [370]

7×57 = 399 = (39 = Pri(7) + Pri(7) + Pri(7)) w. ext… = Lucky(71 = Pri(7+7+7)) = Triangles added from order 13 to 7
The first combination = 7×29 [α]
The middle combination = 693 (6903 = Tri(117 “seven hundred seventy and seven” (E r))) = 7x 99 “physics” (E o)
The last combination = 406 = 46 “codes” (E o) w. 0 rem.
– Sum of all combinations = 57911 (5791 = Pri(761 = C.Squ(20 “and” και (r))) = “square number 777” (E sr137))
– Combo 7 = 1000 + (946 = Tri(43 “seal” חתם (o)) = Happy(137 “of God” (E s))) = “Torah” (E rs) = 100×19 “codes” (r) + 46 “codes” (o)
– Combo 7 + Combo 29 = 2639 = Happy(398 “universe” יקום (Fo+Fs)) = C.Octa up to order 13 & 7 = Nonagons up to order 13
– Combo 7 + Combo 7 + Combo 7 = 5838 (583380 = 3x14x15x926 [π]]) = 5000 + Palin(93 “codes of God” (E o))
= “three hundred and sixty degrees” (E rs) [360 degrees of a circle that has Pi. And Pi = 314 “777” (E o)]
406 which is Triangle (28 = Tri(7)) is found x3 times in these combinations (777).
– Sum orders = 10439 = 1439 “Triangle number seven” (E s) w. 0 rem.

There are 20 “midst” (E r) possible letter combinations in paired permutations that are made up to 37:
1. 2+200+1+300+10+400+2+200+1+1+30 = 1147 (37×31) [10]
2. 2+200+1+300+10+400+2+200+1+1+30+5+10+40+1+400+5+300+40+10+40 = 1998 (37×54) [20]
3. 2+200+1+300+10+400+2+200+1+1+30+5+10+40+1+400+5+300+40+10+40+6+1+400 = 2405 (37×65) [23]
4. 2+200+1+300+10+400+2+200+1+1+30+5+10+40+1+400+5+300+40+10+40+6+1+400+5+1+200+90 = 2701 (37×73) [27]
5. 1+300+10+400+2+200+1+1+30+5+10+40+1+400+5 = 1406 (37×38) [67]
6. 300+10+400+2+200+1+1+30+5+10+40 = 999 (37×27) [88]
7. 1+1+30+5 = 37 [191]
8. 1+1+30+5+10+40+1+400+5+300+40+10+40+6+1+400+5 = 1295 (37×35) [204]
9. 1+30+5+10+40+1+400+5+300+40+10+40+6 = 888 (37×24) [219]
10. 1+30+5+10+40+1+400+5+300+40+10+40+6+1+400+5+1 = 1295 (37×35) [223]
11. 30+5+10+40+1+400+5+300+40+10+40+6+1 = 888 (37×24) [237]
12. 5+10+40+1+400+5+300+40+10+40 = 851 (23×37) [251]
13. 5+10+40+1+400+5+300+40+10+40+6+1+400 = 1258 (37×34) [254]
14. 5+10+40+1+400+5+300+40+10+40+6+1+400+5+1+200+90 = 1554 (37×42) [258]
15. 10+40+1+400+5+300+40+10+40+6+1+400+5 = 1258 (37×34) [270]
16. 40+10+40+6+1+400+5+1+200 = 703 (37×19) [341]
17. 6+1+400 = 407 (37×11) [359]
18. 6+1+400+5+1+200+90 = 703 (7×19) [363]
19. 1+400+5+1 = 407 (37×11) [366]
20. 5+1+200+90 = 296 (37×8) [375]

The expected rate of finding 37 here is 378/37 = 10.2, and finding x20 of them is nearly x2 times the expected rate!
20×37 = 740 = 10x(74 “the seal” σφραγιδα (o) = mirror of 47 “of God” (E o))
Sum combinations = 22496 = perimeter of Squ(5625 = 4000 + 1625 “seven hundred seventy and seven” שבע מאות ושבעים ושבע)
– First and last combos = 1443 = (143 “Alpha” אלפא (H o+s) = בן האלהיםthe Son of God”) w. ext…
– Center combos = 2183 = 2000 + 183 “seven seven seven” שבעת שבעת שבעת (o)
– First, last & center combos = 3626 “physics” φυσικη (Fs) = perimeter of Hepta(500 + 19 “codes” (E r))
– First & last orders = 385 “the firmament” הרקיע
– There are two center orders ordered at: 200 + 23 & 200 + 37 – – – 23×37 = “universe” (G o+s) [23 combos of 37 in the 7 words]
– Center orders added = (E o) “codes” 46 x 10 “and” (E r)
– First, last & center orders = 845 = (r) επτακοσια εβδομηντα επτα “seven hundred seventy seven” 86-gonal(5)
– Sum of orders = 4000 + (146 ”the universe” (E o) = “Genesis one one” (E o)) = TV of Vs(800 + 72 “riddles” (H r+o+s))
– Combo 12 “universe” (H r) = 851 “universe” (G o+s) = 23×37 (23 word combos of 37 in Vs(1) with each word used x12 times)
And there are 10 “Alpha” Αλφα (r) possible letter combinations in paired permutations that are made up of 73:
1. 2+200+1+300+10+400+2+200+1+1+30+5+10+40+1+400+5+300+40+10+40+6+1+400+5+1+200+90 = 2701 (37×73) [27]
2. 200+1+300+10 = 511 (7×73) [30]
3. 200+1+300+10+400+2+200+1+1+30+5+10+40+1+400+5 = 1606 (22×73) [42]
4. 200+1+300+10+400+2+200+1+1+30+5+10+40+1+400+5+300+40+10+40+6+1+400+5+1 = 2409 (33×73) [51]
5. 1+300+10+400+2+200+1+1+30+5+10+40+1+400+5+300+40+10+40+6+1+400+5+1+200 = 2409 (33×73) [77]
6. 300+10+400+2+200+1+1+30+5 = 949 (13×73) [86]
7. 400+2+200+1+1+30+5+10+40+1+400+5 = 1095 (15×73) [136]
8. 400+2+200+1+1+30+5+10+40+1+400+5+300+40+10+40+6+1+400+5+1 = 1898 (26×73) [145]
9. 1+400+5+300+40+10+40+6+1 = 803 (11×73) [295]
10. 300+40+10+40+6+1+400+5+1 = 803 (11×73) [331]

The expected rate of finding 73 here is 378/73 = 5.17, so finding x10 of them is nearly x2 times the expected rate!
10×73 = 730 = 1 “α” + 729 (α) = “e, Pi and Phi” (E sr73) = (r) חידה “riddles” 18-gonal(10) = 10x 73 “of wisdom” חכמה
Sum combos = 15184 = 10000 + Squ(72 “riddles” חידה (r+o+s)) = 15000 + (184 “thirty and seven” (E o) – – – 37 “of wisdom” חכמה (o))
– First & last combo = 3504 = 354 “Jesus Christ” חישמ ישוע (rr+ro+rs) w. 0 rem.
– Center combo = 3358 = 358 “Messiah” משיח w. ext…

– First, last & center combos = 6862 = mirror of 2686 (100×26 יהוה “The Lord” + 86 “God” אלהימ)
                                                           = TV of Vs(411 = Eng ord Genesis 1:1) + TV of Vs(695 = Eng ord John 1:1)
First & last orders = 358 = Trefoil Stars(5 = PP-o(37 “inverse” (G r) = Pri(13 “Alpha” (H r))))
Center orders = 163 = Pri(39 = perimeter of Tri(32 = Happy+Lucky(5 “the” ה) = “Heart” לב))
First, last & center orders = 500 + 21 “of” (E o)
Sum orders = 1220 = 10x 122 “thirty seven” שלושים שבע (o) – – – 37 “Wisdom” חכמה (o)

20×37 + 10×73 = 1470 = 10x(Squ(7) + Squ(7) + Squ(7))
57×7 + 20×37 + 10×73 = 1869 = 500 + Squ(37 “seal” (E o)) = 1100 + Pri(137 “of God” (E s)) = Lucky(10x 26 “codes” (E rr))
Sum of all combos made up of 37 & 73 = 10x(3768 = 3x1x4 x 314 (π) = “Jesus Christ” Ιησους Χριστος (Ss))
Sum of all combos made up of 7, 37 & 73 = 95591 (9591 = Tri(138 “inverse” αντιστροφος (Fr) = 100 + 38 “Alpha” (E o)))
Sum orders of combos made up of 37 & 73 = 5366 (536 = Happy(77 (7) = Tri(7) + Squ(7))) = 1600 + TV of Vs(CW of Vs(777))
Sum orders of combos made up of 7, 37 & 73 = 15805 (1585 = קודיםcodes” 160-gonal(5) = (o) חכמהof wisdom” 37-gonal(10))

16×7 + 57×7 = 511 = יהוה “The” Lord” 26-gonal(7) = Lucky(86 “God” אלהים)
21×37 + 20×37 = 1500 + 17 “the heaven” השמים (r) – – – 3×73 + 10×73 = 949 = Palin(104 “and the earth” (E o))
21×37 + 20×37 + 3×73 + 10×73 = 2466 = (r) חידה “riddles” 18 x 137 “of God” (E s)
511 + 1517 + 949 = 2977 = 2200 + 777 = (297 “codes” קודים (ro+rs) = Lucky(56 = 37 “of wisdom” + its midpoint)) w. ext…
There are 120 possible word combinations in all permutations of Genesis 1:1 – – – 120 = Tri(15 = Tri(15 = PP-o(137 (inv. α)) = “e” (r+o+s)) = “Pi”.
There are 378 possible letter combinations in paired permutations of Genesis 1:1 – – – 378 = Tri(27 “and” δε (r+o+s) = “Phi” פי (o)).
Triangular orders added of is 15+27 = 42 = Comp(7) + Comp(7) + Comp(7) = “knowledge” דעת (o) = Rec(6 “and” ו) = Pri(2) x Pri(3)… – – – 2x3x5 = 30 = 7 first primes.


Genesis 1:1 codes in the letters -<>-

– L. up to order 7 = 915 “codes” κωδικοι (ro+rs) = ה “of” 5 x 183 “seven seven seven” (H o) = CW of Vs(1172 “the universe” (E s))
– L. up to order 37 by rot. = 1116 “seven seven seven” (H s)
= TV of Vs(11127 (127 = Pri(32 “midst” (H s))) = inverse α)
– L. up to order 73 by rot. = 1608 (168 = Tri(3) x Tri(7))
915+1116 = 2031 = Tri(7+7+7) w. 0 rem. = “seven hundred seventy and seven codes” שבע מאות ושבעים ושבע קודים (o+s)
1116+1608 = 2724 “seven seven seven” שבעת שבעת שבעת (Fs) = Primes at the orders of Eng std values of: “the”, “seal”, “of ”, “God”
915+1116+1608 = 3639 = 3000 + Comp-o(777) = 3x(1000 + 213 “the” (E s)) = “seal of God” σφραγιδα του Θεου (rr+ro+rs)
L# 7 + L# 7 + L# 7 + W# 7 + W# 7 + W# 7 = 894 = 7+37+73 + 777
= Happy(39 “seven” שבע(o)) + Happy(41 “seven” επτα (o)) + Happy(65 “seven” (E o))
– The only combination that is possible that equals 37 is from order 9 to 12 – – – 9+12 = 21 [21×37 = 777]
– Letter# 21 by rot. + Letter# 37 by rot. is 40+1 = 41 “universe” (E r)
– Count by rotation in cycles by the number of words and add words ordered at 21 & 37: 203+296 = 499 = Pri(96 “knowledge” (E o))
– W. & L. by rot. ordered at 21 & 37 is then: 41+499 = 540 = 500 + 40 “and”
(ro) = 10x Comp(37 “wisdom” (H o))
– The mirror of 12 “universe” = 21 “of” (E o) = 7+7+7
Squ(12) = 100 + 44 “the earth” הארץ (o) = mirror of Squ(21) = “seven seven seven” שבע שבעה שבעת (o) = CW of Vs(366 ”777” (G Fo))
– Letter# 21 by rotation (rot.) when counting in cycles by the number of letters hits the order of = 777
21 (7+7+7) + 12 (mirror) = 32 “midst” לב =
Comp(20 “Alpha” (E r) = Rec(4 “e” (rr)) = Comp(11 “Pi” (E rr)) = “and Phi” ואת פי (r))
– The only mirrors we can find in the 28 orders of the letters in Genesis 1:1 is 12 & 21
– Adding letters from order 12 to 21 = 851 “universe” (G o+s) = (H r) “riddles” 23×37 “of wisdom” (H o)
– Letters added up to order 12 = 1152 “ultimate codes” (E r+o+s)
– Letters added up to order 21 = 1998 (198 = sum primes up to number 37 “of wisdom”)
Letters added up to order 12 & 21 added = 3150 “seven seven seven” שבע שבע שבע (Fr+Fo+Fs)
– Adding words by rot. ordered at 12 & 21 is 395+296 = 691 = Pri(126 = 7x2x9 = 2×3 x 3×7) = “secret codes” (E o+s) = 400 + 291 “of God” אלהים (Fs)
– Words added from order 12 to 21 is “the heaven and the earth” = 1098 (198) = Comp(913) = CW of Vs(23×37) + 777
23×37 + 777 = 1628 “seven hundred seventy and seven” שבע מאות ושבעים ושבע (rs) = 1000 + 628 “the seal of God” החתם אלהים
– CW of Genesis 1:1 added with 23×37 is 401+851 = 1000 + (12×21 = “Alpha and Phi” (E s))
 CW of Genesis 1:1 added with 23×37 is 401+851 = 1000 + 12x21 – – – 1221 = Pri-o(313) + mirror + Pri-o(1201) + mirror
L#12 + L#21 + W#12 + W#21 = 736 = (o) אתAleph Tav” 23x(32 = Pri-o(127 (i. α))) = 7 + 729 (α) = 500 + reduced Vs(729 (α))
The center word of this verse = 401 = Pri(80 “universe” συμπαν (o)) = mirror of 104 “and the earth” (E o)
– Letters added from the center letter in “God” to the center letter in “and” = 858 (7 + 23×37) = Palin(95 “the universe” (G o))
The composite orders added of the six remaining words is 756+156+62+317+327+233 = 1000 + 851 “universe” συμπαν (o+s)
The total values added of the three verses reflecting the values of “God”, “created” & “the heaven” = 8051 (851 “universe” (G o+s))
– Composite orders of the 6 non-primed words gives 756+156+62+317+327+233 = 1000 + (23×37 = “universe” (G o+s))
The prime order of the only primed word (CW) = 80 “universe” συμπαν (o) – – – 1851+80 = 1931 = 1000 + Pri-o(7297 (α))
Letter# 23 = 1 “α” = Letter# 37 by rot.
עשרים ושלש “twenty and three” 1256 + שלשים ושבע “thirty and seven” 1058 = 2314 = TV of Vs(777)
שבע “seven” 372 + 1256 “twenty and three” + 1058 “thirty and seven” = 2686 = 100×26 “The Lord” (H o) + 86 “God” אלהים
twenty and three combinations of thirty and seven in the seven words of Genesis one one” (E o) = 888 “Jesus” Ιησους


Aleph Tav את codes in Genesis 1:1

God” (86) + “the heaven” (395) + “and” (407) =
888 “Jesus” Ιησους
word# 7 + word# 7 + word# 7 of Genesis 1:1

Ian Mallett pointed out that we can find 401 “Aleph Tav” את x5 times in the word combinations of the first verse when including the center word value alone as a combination, and using each word value no more than once in any combination.
Five word-combination of 401 in Genesis 1:1 + Pi codes regarding Aleph Tav את

These combinations occur in arithmetic progression. The expected rate of combinations made up of 401 in the 127 possible word combinations when including the 7 individual word values of this verse is 127/401  0.316 – – – 316 = perimeter of Squ(80 “π”).
Finding 5 combinations of 401 is nearly x16 times the expected rate! – – – 16 “π” (o).
Link to The Genesis 1:1 Matrix:


Aleph Tav in the letter combinations of Genesis 1:1


There are 10 “π” (rs) letter combinations in paired permutations that are made up of 401 “Aleph Tav” את in this verse:
1. 2+200+1+300+10+400+2+200+1+1+30+5+10+40+1 = 1203 (3×401) [L. up to the first letter of “Aleph Tav” את] [14]
2. 2+200+1+300+10+400+2+200+1+1+30+5+10+40+1+400+5+300+40+10+40+6+1 = 2005 (5×401) [L# 1 to 23את(o)] [22]
3. 1+400 = 401 [L# 15 to 16 – – – 1516 = 1000 + 516 “Golden Ratio” (E s)] [288 = 16×18]
4. 1+400+5+300+40+10+40+6 = 2×401 [L# 15 to 22 – – – 1522 = 152 “a hundred thirty seven” מאת שלשים שבע (o) w. ext…] [294]
5. 1+400+5+300+40+10+40+6+1+400 = 1203 (3×401) [L# 15 to 24 – – – 1524 = 1500 + 8+8+8 = “codes” κωδικους] [296]
6. 400+5+300+40+10+40+6+1 = 802 (2×401) [L# 16 “codes”קודים (r) to 22 = Pri-(73 “of wisdom” חכמה)] [307]
7. 5+300+40+10+40+6 = 401 [L# 17 to 22 – – – 1722 = 172 “codes” (E s) w. ext… = 1700 + Pri-o(73 “of wisdom” (H s)] [317]
8. 5+300+40+10+40+6+1+400 = 802 (2×401) [L. from the first letter in “the heaven” השמים to the first letter in “and” ואת] [319]
9. 300+40+10+40+6+1+400+5 = 2×401 [L# 18 to 25 – – – 1825 = Happy(273 “gematria” גימטריא) = Octa(25 “codes” κωδικοι (r))] [330]
10. 1+400 = 401 [Letters from order 23 “Aleph Tav” תא (o) to 24 (8+8+8)] [364]
Finding a letter combination made up of 401 in this verse has the expected rate of 378/401 ≈ 0.(942 = 3x 314 (π)),
but we see
10 combinations made up of 401 which is right over x10 and a half times over the expected rate!
Orders added out of the 378 possible letter combinations in paired permuations = 2551 “testimony of Christ” μαρτυριον Χριστος.

L. up to order 23 “Aleph Tav” את (o) = (r) אתAleph Tav” 5 x 401 “Aleph Tav” את (s)
L. from order 2 to 16 (216 “universe” יקום (r+o+s)) = 1601 = 161 “the universeקודים w. 0 rem. = TV of Vs(401 = Pri(80 “codes” (o))
L. from order 24 to 37 = 1290 “α, e, π, φ” (rr+ro+rs) = (E r) “and” 10 x (129 = Lucky.Pri(7) + Lucky.Pri(7) + Lucky.Pri(7))
L. from order 24 to 888 by rot. = 457 = Pri(89 “codes” (E ro)) = PP(43 = Pri(15 = PP-o(137 “of God”))) = “Word” λογος (r+o+s)
L. The order of the first letter in “and” = 22 “Jesus” עשוהי (r) = “Christ” Χριστος (r) = “the Son of God” לבר אלהין (r) = “Word” (G r)
“and” ואת is word# 6 starting with letter# 22 of this verse → 622 = Happy(84 = Tri(7) + Tri(7) + Tri(7)) = 62 “Word” (G o) w. ext…
“the earth” הארץ is word# 7 starting with letter# 25725 “midst” (E ro+rs) – – – 12 “universe” יקום (r) – – – 27 “riddles” חידה (o)
622+725 = 729 (α) + 618 (φ) – – – 310 = 10x 31 “and” και – – – 415 = Lucky(73 “wisdom”) – – – 517 “the earth” (E s)
Same done with the 5 first words is 12+27+310+415+517 = 1281 “inverse Alpha, Alpha, e, Pi, Phi” (E o+s) = Octa(7+7+7)


1. L. from order 2 (Number 2 can stand for “son”) to 24 “Jesus” (G r) = 2403 (3×801) [49]
2. L. from the center letter in “God” to the center letter inthe heaven” = 801 “Alpha Omega” ΑΩ [249]
3. L. from the first last letter in Aleph Tav” to first letter in “and” = 801 “Alpha Omega” ΑΩ [306]
Finding 801 as a combination here has the expected rate of 378/801 ≈ 0.(47 = Pri(16 “π” (o))), but we see 3 of them.
Finding x3 combinations here is then right over x6 times over the expecte rate!
The orders added here = 604 “wisdom” המכח (Fs) = (r) και “and” 4 x 151 “Jesus Christ” (E o)


1. L. up to 14 ”midst” לב (o) = 401 את “Aleph Tav” + 801 ΑΩ “Alpha Omega” [13]
2. L. from order 24 “Jesus” Ιησους (r) to 16 “codes” קודים (r) = 401 את “Aleph Tav” + 801 ΑΩ “Alpha Omega” [308]
Finding 1202 (401 + 801 את αω) in a combination here has the expected rate of: 378/1202  0.314 (π),
but we see x2 of them which is right over x6 times over the expected rate!
– The orders added here = 321 = Lucky(60 “seven seven seven” (E r)) = CW of Vs(851 “universe” (G o+s) = 23×37)
את 23 (o) = “physics” פיזיקה (r) – – – 401 את (s) = 400 + 1 “α” – – – 25 ΑΩ (o) = “codes” κωδικοι (r) – – – 801 ΑΩ (s) = 800 + 1 “α”
– L. from order 23 את (o) to 401 את + L. from order 25 ΑΩ (o) to 801 ΑΩ is 406 + 493 = 899 = 89 “codes” (E ro) w. ext…
– Orders added of the two combinations that are made up of 801 is 249+306 = 555 = 5 “of” ה w. ext…
– Orders added of the combinations that are made up of 401 & 801 = 3106 = perimeter of Squ(80 “π”) w. 0 rem.


1. L. from the first letter in “God” to the first in “and” = 888 “Jesus” Ιησους [219]
2. L. from the second letter in “God” to the second in “and” = 888 “Jesus” Ιησους [237]
Finding a letter-combination made up of 888 “Jesus” here has the expected rate of 378/888 ≈ 0.(425 = 400 + 25 “Pi” Πι (o)),
but we see x2 of them which is
nearly x5 times over the expected rate!
– The orders of these two combinations of the 378 possible are 219 = 200 + 19 & 237 = 200 + 37 – – – 19×37 = Tri(37)
– The orders added instead is 219+237 = 456 “Jesus Christ” Ιησους Χριστος (rs)
Orders added of the combinations that are made up of 401 & 888 = 3007 = 37 w. 0 rem.
                                                                                                                        = “the fine-structure constant and the speed of light” (E s)
Orders added of the combinations that are made up of 801 & 888 = 1011 = (111 “inverse” הפוך = “Alpha” אלפא (Fo)) w. 0 rem.


The “Word” λογος (373) which is Jesus is also found x5 times in the letter combinations of this verse:
1. = 2611 (7×373) [L# 1 to 27] [26]
2. = 1492 (4×373) [L# 6 to 23] [142]
3. = 1492 (4×373) [L# 7 to 24] [164]
4. = 746 (2×373) [L# 14 to 18] [277]
5. = 746 (2×373) [L# 15 to 19] [291]
Finding 373 here has the expected rate of 378/373 1.01 – – – 101 = Pri(27 “in the beginning” εν αρχηι (o)), and we see 5 of them.
Finding x5 combinations made up of 373 here is then nearly x5 times over the expected rate!
The value of 373 = Palin(47 “inverse Alpha” αντιστροφος Αλφα (r) = Pri(16 “codes” קודים (r)))
The orders added of the combinations made up of 373 = 900 “Alpha” (H, G & E r+o+s) = Squ(30 “codes” κωδικους (r))
The center order here is ordered at = 164 “a hundred and thirty and seven” מאת ושלשים ושבע (o) – – – 137 (inverse α)

888 “Jesus” Ιησους = (8+8+8) x 37
1480 “Christ” Χριστος = 40 x 37
– Letter# 24 (8+8+8) when counted by rot. hits the order of = 1480 “Christ” Χριστος
– Adding letters by rot. from order 888 “Jesus” Ιησους to 1480 “Christ” Χριστος = 457 = Pri(89 “codes” (E ro))
– Adding words by rot. from order 888 “Jesus” Ιησους to 1480 “Christ” Χριστος = 1200 + 89 “codes” (E ro)
– Adding words & letters by rot. from 888 “Jesus” Ιησους to 1480 “Christ” Χριστος = 1700 + 46 “codes” (E o)
                                                                                                                                      = 1000 + 746 “In the beginning” בראשית (rs)
– Letters added up to order 888 “Jesus” by rot. = 1958 = 800 + 1158 “seven seven seven” επτα επτ επτα
– Words added up to order 888 “Jesus” by rot. = 2405 = (400 + 81 “codes” κωδικοι (o)) x 5 “of ” ה
– Words and letters up to order 888 “Jesus” by rot. = 4363 = 4000 + 363 ”the Messiah” המשיח
– Letters added up to order 1480 “Christ” by rot. = 2405 = (400 + 81 “codes” κωδικοι (o)) x 5 “of ” ה
– Words added up to order 1480 “Christ” by rot. = 1202 (122 “thirty seven” שלושים שבע (o) – – – 37 “wisdom” חכמה (o))
– Words and letters up to order 1480 “Christ” by rot. = 3607 = Pri(505 = 401 “Aleph Tav” את + its mirror 104 “Aleph and Tav” (E o))
– Sum = 7970 = 10x(797 = Palin(89 “codes” (E ro)) = “intelligent design” (E sr37))
            = (1951 = Pri(298 = ordinal of Gen 1:1) = C.Hex(26 “The Lord” יהוה)) + TV of Vs(888) + TV of Vs(1480)
691 = Pri(126 “God and” (E s)) = words & letters by rot. added from order 205 “Jesus Christ” (G o) to 2368 “Jesus Christ” (G s)
– Words & letters by rot. in ordinal Genesis 1:1 added up to 205 “Jesus Christ” (G o) = 198 = Primes added up to number 37
– Words & letters by rot. in standard Genesis 1:1 added up to 2368 “Jesus Christ” (G s) = 2719 = Pri(398 “universe” יקום (Fo+Fs))
– Added is 198+2719 = 2917 = Pri(400 + 23 “riddles” חידות (o) = Lucky.Pri-o(24151 (2244151 = 271×8281 [e])) = 3×141 [π])

Words & letters by rot. in ordinal Genesis 1:1 added up to order 23 “Aleph Tav” את (o) = 331 = 31 “and” και w. ext…
– Words & letters by rot. in standard Genesis 1:1 added up to order 401 “Aleph Tav” את (s) = 2232 = Deca(24 = 8+8+8)
– Sum = 2563 = (13 = Pri-o(37 “wisdom” (o)))-gonal(22 = Pri-o(73 “wisdom” (s))) = “Jesus is the Messiah” (E rs)

God is the king of heaven and Jesus is the king of the coming new earth. “My kingdom is not of this world” [John 18:36].


In 1917 the mathematician Dudeney discovered the smallest Prime Magic Square.
Link for more info on the Prime Magic Square:

First Prime Magic Square

The numbers added vertically, horizontally or diagonally equals 111.
I observed that number 111 is 1 “α” with extended digits and it is the value of “Alpha” אלפא (Fo).
I also saw that adding the prime orders vertically in the first column is 20+7+12 = 39 “one” אחד (r+o+s) – – – 1 “α”.
The 2nd column instead is 1+13+22 = 36 “seven seven seven” שבע שבע שבע (r).
The 3rd column is 15+19+5 = 39 “one” אחד (r+o+s) – – – 1 “α”.
So we see “seven seven seven” in the midst. And I think this enforces the idea that number 37 is a code number for 777.
The prime orders written as one number in each column and added is: 20712+11322+15195 = 47229 (4729 “number” (E sr777)).
John Tng creator of goes into great detail on Jesus codes found in this Prime Magic Square.
Link: for Jesus codes in Prime Magic Square:

Prime factors of the 7 words in Genesis 1:1

Factors are: 11, 83, 7, 29, 2, 43, 401, 5, 79, 11, 37, 2, 2, 2 & 37. The only prime of the seven word values is 401, so it has no factors.
Count the factors by rot. and we see that 401 hits the order of 37. That is very interesting since this value is word# 137 by rotation.
The plus/minus of the factors is 11-83+7-29+2-43+401-5+79-11+37-2+2-2+37 = 401.
The the plus/minus of the prime orders of the factors instead is 6-24+5-11+2-15+80-4+23-6+13-2+2-2+13 =
And the prime order of 401 = 80.
Ian Mallett also observed that the words surrounding the CW of this verse added (86+395) = 80 + 401.
I discovered that the center word of Vs(2741 = Pri(401)) = 401. And the W. surr. CW of this verse = 586 = FLW of Vs(2701).


He continues with the argument that if we consider number 2 as the first prime; then prime number 37 (157) is not found in the factor analyses of the 127 possible word combinations. And prime number 73 occurs only once.
Now if we consider number 1 as prime then you can split the 7 words of this verse & find multiples of the 37th prime and 73rd prime.
913 203 86 401 395 407 296.
The orange values added = 906 = 6x 151 (37th prime).
The blue values added = 1795 = 5x 359 (73rd prime).
Note that all the orange values are connected to 37: 203 (W# 37 by rot.), 407 (11×37), 296 (8×37).
He pointed out the fact that we can add W# 37 & W# 137 by rot. and find the second 37th Prime factor:
203 (W# 37 by rot.) + 401 (W# 137 by rot) = 4x 151 (37th prime).
So we saw when 2 was the first prime that Pri(37) was not found while Pri(73) occurred once, but when number 1 is the first
prime then we saw Pri(37)
x2 times while Pri(73) was found x1 times. That is x3 times more than when 2 is the first prime.
If we count by rotation counter-clockwise we see the fifth word hits the order of 73 & its value =
395 = anagram of Pri(73).
The codes Ian discovered here are fundamental to the question of which is the first prime. Excellent work Ian Mallett!

Adding W# 37 by rot. with W# 73 counted clockwise is = 598 “In the beginning” (E s) = A=37 B=38 C=39 of “seventy three”.
All prime orders added is 6+24+5+11+2+15+80+4+23+6+13+2+2+2+13 = 208 = Happy(34 = Pri-o(137 (inverse α))).
factors added is 11+83+7+29+2+43+401+5+79+11+37+2+2+2+37 = 751 “inverse” (E o+s) = Pri(134 = 100 + 34 “Alpha” Αλφα (o)).
All factors & their prime orders added =
959 = 7x 137 (inverse α) = “universe” (E s)
First & last prime factors = 48 “seven seven seven” (H r). Center Pri. factor = 5 “of” ח. FLC Pri. factors = 53 “the universe” (H o).
Prime orders added from order 3 to 7 = 400 + 82 “inverse Alpha” (So). Prime factors added from order 13 to 7 = 400 + 137 (inv. α).

Prime orders added from order 37 by rot. to 137 by rot. = 137 (inverse α).
Prime factors added from order 37 to 137 by rot. = 565 = Palin(66 “gematria” גימטריא (o)).
Pri. factors & their Pri. orders added from order 37 to 137 = 702 (72 “riddles” (H r+o+s)) = FLCW of Vs(2701 = TV of Vs(1 “α”)).
Prime factors counted bt rot. ordered at the 7 word values of this verse: 2(13)+5(8)+37(11)+37(11)+2(5)+83(2)+37(11) = 7×29 [α].
Prime orders ordered at these 7 word values of this verse: 2+4+13+13+2+24+13 = 71 “riddles” (E o) = Pri(21 “of” (E o)).
Prime factors & prime orders added reflecting the 7 word values of this verse = 274 “intelligent design” (E ro).
Count the prime factors by rot. and we see the 9th factor hits the order of 729 (α). And the 13th factor hits the order of 1618 (913).
Prime factors & their prime orders added up to the prime factor found in the center = 719 “the beginning” αρχηι.



What is the First Prime Number?

So this page is all about proving what the first prime number is.
We will go out of Genesis 1:1 into other verses also on this page, and we will continue into Genesis 1:1 again after this page.
As we know, the only primed word of Genesis 1:1 is את “Aleph Tav” (401).
401 = Pri(80 “π”) = word# 401 by rot. of Vs(314 (π)) + 314 (π).
The 401st occurrence of את in the Bible is found in Vs(880 = 80 (prime order of 401) with an extended digit).
Vs(80 = Pri-o(401)) is the first verse that has three occurrences of את as a word.
Vs(2741 = Pri(401) = 2000 + Tri(38 = PP-o(401))) has three occurrences of את as a word.

There are 7366 occurrences of את in the Hebrew Old Testament. And there are 23145 verses in the Old Testament.
Finding את in one of the verses of the Old Testament has the probability of 23145/7366 ≈ 1 out of 3.1421 (3 digits of π).
three occurrences of את in a verse is then 3.1421*3.1421*3.1421 ≈ 1 out of 31.02 (3102 = 401 + 37×73).
three occurrences of את in both verses that are ordered at the prime order of 401 & prime number 401 is then 31*31 = 1 out of 961 “the heaven” ο ουρανος times over the expected rate!

401 = CW of Vs(2741 = Pri(401)).

       = CW of Vs(97 = Pri(26 “The Lord” יהוה)) + CW of Vs(439 = Pri(86 “God” אלהים)) = Pri(80 “codes” κωδικες (o)).
2741 = Pri(401) = 1000 + (1741 = CW of Vs(24281 = Pri(2701)) + CW of Vs(2741 = Pri(401)) = Pri(272 = Palin(37 “of wisdom”))).
The first & last words added of Genesis 1:1 = 1209 = Lucky(180 = degrees of a Triangle = 100 + Pri-o(401)).
And the center word of Genesis 1:1 = 401 = Pri(80 = Triangles added from order 3 to 7).
401 is word order 137 (inverse α) of Genesis 1:1 when counting by rotation in cycles by the number of words.
CW of Vs(1 “α”) + CW of Vs(401 = PP(38 “inverse” (E r) = “Alpha” (E o)) = 769 “inverse Alpha” (E s) = Pri(137)
Triangle number 137 = 9453 = 1000 + starter 137 value of Vs(1173 “Aleph Tav” (E sr137))
– Reverse standard values of verses ordered at the prime numbers that reflects the values of the 7 primary methods of Genesis 1:1 = 50453 = 41000 + Tri(137 (inv. α))
– The number of letters in these seven verses = 408 = perimeter of Tri(137)
– The CW added of these seven verses = 2587 = Lucky(344 (34 = Pri-o(137))) = 2100 + FLW of Vs(137)
– The CL + CW of these seven verses = 3428 = 3000 + CW of Vs(137)
– And the 2 FLW+ 3/4 CW of these seven verses = 26178 = Comp(137 (inverse α)) + 1000x(26 “inverse” (H rr) = “Alpha” (G rr))
– The reverse standard value of Vs(401) = 3018 = 318 “the fine-structure constant” (E o) w. 0 rem.
– In verse order 769 (Prime number 137) we see two occurrences of את as a word
– These two occurrences of את are ordered at 3 & 18 in this verse. A code for 318 “the fine-structure constant” (E o).
– These two occurrences added is 401+401 = Happy(112 “Alpha” (אלפא
– Ordinal value of all words added from the orders of 3 to 18 = 537 “codes of Alpha” (E sr37) = 100×4 “and” και (r) + 137 (inv. α)
– The standard value of Vs(769) = 4323 = 2000 + 2323 “Aleph Tav” (E ro+rs)
– The reverse standard value of Vs(769) = 8615 “In the beginning God created inverse Alpha” (E rs)
– Reverse standard value of all letters added from the orders of 13 to 7 in Vs(769) = 534 = 500 + Pri-o(137 (inverse α))
– Reverse standard value of all words added from the orders of 13 to 7 in Vs(769) = 3387 “one hundred thirty seven” (E ro+rs)
– These sums added is 534+3387 = 3921 = (137) 1307×3. A clear reference to the TV of English ordinal Genesis 1:1 that is 137×3.
Number 401 is prime number 80 “π”, now let’s see how verse order 401 of the Bible compliments this.
In standard Vs(401) we see:
– TV = 1601 = Pri(253 “three hundred and fourteen” (E o) = “Pi” (H & G r+o+s))
– FLW = 397 = Pri(79 “Pi” (E s))
– CW = 368 “three hundred and fourteen” (E ro) = Comp-o(456 = PP-o(7297 (α)))
– FLCW = 765
(7605 = Pentagons added from order 27 to 18 [2718 (e)]) = “perfect riddles” (E o+s)
In ordinal Vs(401) we see:
– TV = 314 (π)
– FLW = 91 “Pi” פאי
– CW = 89 = Pri(25 “Pi” Πι (o) = “Pi” (E o))
– FLCW = 180 = 100 + 80 “π”
– W. up CW = 156 “universe”
– W. from CW = 158 = Pri(2) x Pri(23) – – – 2×23 = 46 “codes” (E o)




Numerical ELS codes in Genesis 1:1

Equidistant letter sequence (ELS) is where we count skips of a given number of a verse, chapter or the whole Bible.
In this case, we go into Genesis 1:1.

ELS skip of 3 & 7 in Genesis 1:1

skip of 3 = 1348 = 1000 + perimeter of Tri(117 “seven hundred seventy and seven” (E r))
skip of 7 = 172 “codes” (E s) = (30 = perimeter of Penta(7))-gonal(4)
skip 3 & 7 = 1520 = Penta(32 = Pri-o(127 (high energy inverse α)))
reverse skip of 3 = 497 “riddles of God” (E o+s)
reverse skip of 7 = 209 = 29 “and” ואת (o) w. 0 rem.
Sum of reverse skip & 7 =
706 “Alpha, e, Pi and Phi” אלפא הא פאי ואת פי
Sum of all skips of 3 & 7 = 2226 = 37-gonal(7) + 37-gonal(7) + 37-gonal(7) = (26 “codes” (E rr) = Comp(16 “of wisdom” σοφια (r))) w. ext…

John Tng saw that the difference between skip 3 & its reverse skip = 23×37 (23 combos of 37 in the 7 words of Gen 1:1)
And he saw that the difference between skip 7 & its reverse skip is 209-172 = 37
He then added these differences and found: 851+37 = 888 “Jesus” Ιησους [original spelling found in the New Testament]
I believe John Tng discovered this since he read that Bonnie Gaunt found out that if we exclude letter# 21 (3×7), and add the
skips of 3 & 7 we get 1480 “Christ” Χριστος [original spelling found in the New Testament]
They also mention the facts that 37 is very connected to Jesus since: 888 “Jesus” = 24x 37 – – – 1480 “Christ” = 40x 37

Ian Mallett
took the 23 combinations of 37 found in the 7 words of this verse and used the ELS skips of 3 & 7 with their reverses on them.
He ordered them in arithmetic progression of how they occur as illustrated below:

ELS skip of the 23 combinations made up of 37 in Gen 1:1

What he found is simply astonishing since the difference of the sums of skip 3 & 7 is 9472 8584 = 888 “Jesus” Ιησους.

I discovered skip 3 & 7 added = 9139 = Triangles added up to order 37 “inverse Alpha” = 13×703 (137.03 = 5 digits of inverse α).
The values added of the reverse skip of 3 & 7 = 8917 (809017 = midpoint of 1618033 (φ)) (89017 = 5 last digits of Cube(73)).
Several points here were taken from in the article Jesus found in Genesis 1:1!


These ELS codes inspired me to try out my own system by using skip of 3 & 7 and 7 & 3 in one skip:

ELS skip of 3&7 and 7&3 in Genesis 1:123 = skip 3 & 7
23 = the order of the last skip in 3 & 7
reverse skip 3 & 7 = 842 “centered hexagon number seven hundred seventy and seven” (E sr7)
skip 7 & 3 = 218 “codes” (E o+s)
reverse skip 7 & 3 = 252 =
(E r) “of” 12 x 21 “of” (E o)
Sum of skip 3 & 7 both forward & reverse = 865 = 500 + midpoint of 729 (α) = “Epsilon” Εψιλον = (10 “Pi” פאי (r) = “and” (E r))gonal-21 “φ” (o)
sum of 7 & 3 both forward & reverse = 470 = Comp(378 = Tri(27 חידה “riddles”)) = 10x 47 “of God” (E o)
skip 3 & 7 + skip 7 & 3 = 241 “In the beginning” (E ro)
reverse skip 3 & 7 + reverse skip of 7 & 3 = 1094 = 194 “inverse Alpha” (E ro) w. 0 rem.
Sum of all skips = 1335 = Penta(30 “codes” κωδικους (r) = Rec(5 = PP-o(37 “of wisdom”)))
difference of skip 3 & 7 & skip 7 & 3 is 842-23 = 819 = 3-D.Squ(13 = Pri(7)) = perimeter of Hepta(118 = Lucky-o(729 (α)))
difference of the reverse skips is 842-252 = 590 = 10x Pri(18 “e” אה (r+o+s)) = 90 “π” (Fs) + 100×5 “φ” (r)
difference of the difference is 819-590 = 229 (29 “and” ואת (o)) = Pri(51 “seven seven seven” επτα επτα επτα (r))
skip 3 + skip 7 + skip 3 & 7 = 1200 + 7x7x7 = Lucky(221 = 7+7+7 w. ext…) = Pri(244 = 24 “codes” κωδικες (r) w. ext…) = TV of Vs(16180 (φ))
skip 3 (r) + skip 7 (r) + skip 3 & 7 (r) = 1548 “seven hundred seventy and seven” שבע מאות שבעים ושבע (rs) [modern spelling]  = TV of Vs(712 = CW of 777 Holograph)
sum of the skips of: 3, 7 and 3 & 7 in both directions = 3091 = Lucky(401 = Pri(80 “codes” κωδικες (o))) = TV of 777 Holograph



Genesis 1:1
Verse# = 1 “α” = CL of Vs(112 “Alpha” אלפא) = CL of Vs(3098 = TV of Vs(112)) = CL of Vs(7206 = 7209 with upsidedown digit))
No.W = 7 = No.W of Vs(7209 = 729 (α) w. 0 rem.) = No.W of Vs(4000 + 729 (α)) = No.W of Vs(8000 + 927) = No.W of Vs(3773)
No.L = 28 = Tri(7) = No.L of Vs(7209) = No.L of Vs(58 “i. A.” (E r)) = No.L of Vs(10337) = No.L of Vs(13037) = No.L of Vs(13777)
No.W + No.L = 35 = 3-D.Tri(5 = Pri-o(7)) = “riddles” (E r)
                                  = No.W + No.L of Vs(104 = 14 “Heart” לב (o) w. 0 rem.) = No.W + No.L of Vs(184 “thirty and seven” (E o))
TV = 2701 = Tri(73 “of wisdom” חכמה) = 1000×2 “in” ב + (701 = Pri(127 (i. α)) = CW of Vs(298 = ordinal Genesis 1:1))
= בלהthe Heart” 37×73 “of Wisdom” המכח = TV of Vs(32 “Heart” לב) + (È o) “of” 21 x 83 “Wisdom” (E o)
= “Alpha the fine-structure constant” (E o+s) = CW of ord Vs(2345 “Alpha the fine-structure c.” (E s)) + Tri(72 “riddles” חכמה (r+o+s))
= TV of Vs(198 = Primes added up to number 37 “inverse Alpha” (H Sr) = “thirty seven” (H & G Fr) = Lucky-o(37) x Lucky-o(73)
TV of Vs(3346 = Happy(509 = Pri-o(271 (e)) w. 0 rem. = ordinal Vs(314 (π))))
= TV of Vs(8041 = Squ(29 “and Phi” (E rr)) w. 0 rem.)
= TV of Vs(9001 = Tri(13 “Alpha” אלפא (r)) w. 0 rem. = Pri(1119 = 19 “and” (E o) w. ext…))
= TV of Vs(22658 = 2658 “the Golden Ratio” (H, G & E o+s) [ יחס הזהב – – – η χρυση αναλογια] w. ext…)
= TV of Vs(22710 = 10x(2271 = 3 x Palin.Pri(17 “seven” επτα (r)) = “quantum electrodynamics” (E s) = 271 (e) w. ext…))
= 2235 “the fine-structure constant” (E s) + (466 = 46 “codes” (E o) w. ext… = FLW of Vs(1209 = FLW))
= CW of Vs(28807 = Pri(3138 “In the beginning inverse Alpha and” εν αρχηι αντιστροφος Αλφα και = “Alpha” Αλφα (sr777))
= 7×401 (CW) w. ext…)
= CW of Vs(29915 = (2915 = Primes added up to order 40 “Bible codes” (E r)) w. ext…)
= 10×76 “In the beginning” בראשית (o) + FLW of verses ordered at the red (10), ord (34) & std (532) values of “Alpha” Αλφα
= (1832 = Lucky numbers added up order 7 + Lucky numbers added up to order 29) + CW of verses ordered at 10, 34 & 532
= CW of verses ordered at the Eng red (20), ord (38) & std (110) values of “Alpha” + 1680 “seven seven seven” (E s)
= CW of verses ordered at: 13, 31, 112, 10, 34 & 532 + (1035 = 135 “777” (E rr) w. 0 rem. = Tri(45 “treasure(s)” אוצר (o)))
= CW of verses ordered at the Heb & Gr ord & std values of “Alpha” + Squ(42 = 3 x Comp(7) = “knowledge”
דעת (o))
= CW of verses ordered at the red, ord & std values of Vs(1 “α”) + (1816 “Alpha” Αλφα (Fr+Fo+Fs) = anagram of 1618 (φ))
= FLCW of verses ordered at the red (13), ord (31) & std (112) values of “Alpha” אלפא
= 1 “α” + TV of Vs(13623 = TV of Vs(7) + TV of Vs(7) + TV of Vs(7)) = 100 + 2601 “seven seven seven” (H, G & E r+o+s)
= 7 + CW of verses ordered at the Heb, Gr & Eng ord values of “seal” (43/74/37), std values of “of God” (86/1254/137) & 777
= 299 (c) + 777 + 1625 “777” (H s)
= (2533 = Snowflake(7)) + FLW of ord Vs(37) & std Vs(73) = (2271 = Lucky(307)) + 3 FLW + 7 CW of ord Vs(37)
= (2374 = Trefoil Stars(12 “seven” שבע (r))) + CW of ord Vs(37) & std Vs(73)
= (2206 = Happy(331 = C.Penta(12 “seven” שבע (r)))) + FLCW of ord Vs(37) & std Vs(73) = 100 + 3 FLW + 7 CW of std Vs(73)
= 20000 + 67 “codes of “ (E o) + 634 (6634 = ord Vs(37) + std Vs(73)) = Tri(65 “Alpha, e, Pi, Phi” (E r)) + FLW of Vs(6634)
= 2000 + 497 “riddles of God” (E o+s) + CW of Vs(6634 = Happy(972 = anagram of 729 (α)) = ord Vs(37) + std Vs(73))
= 1000 + Pri(161 “the universe” היקום) + FLCW of Vs(6634 = C.Tri(67 “codes of” (E o)) = ord Vs(37) + std Vs(73))
= CW of rev ord Vs(3773) + CW of rev std Vs(7337) + TV of Vs(31415 (π)) = 100 + CW of Vs(3773) + CW of Vs(7337) + 1618 (φ)
= CW of Vs(110 “inverse” αντιστροφος (ro) = “Alpha” (E s)) + TV of Vs(58 “inverse Alpha” (E r))
= 10×257 “and said” ויאמר + FLW of Vs(318 “the fine-structure constant” (E o)) = 2661 (perimeter of Tri(888)) + CW of Vs(318)
= (1972 “mystery of God” (E s) = TV of Vs(1 “α” + 729 (α)) + 729 (α) = 198 w. ext… + FLW of Vs(1972) = 1400 + 703 + CW of Vs(1972)
= Pri(104 = mirror of CW) + TV of Vs(927 = mirror of α) = 2286 (286 = Pri-o(37) x Pri-o(73)) + CW of Vs(729+927)
= 1064 (164 “a hundred and thirty and seven” (H o)) + TV of Vs(1618 (φ)) = 1000 + 1373 (13703 (i. α)) + FLW of Vs(1618 (φ))
= 2659 “Alpha” (H & G rr+ro+rs) + CW of Vs(1618 (φ)) = (2331 = Tri(7+7+7) w. ext… = 3x 777) + FLCW of Vs(1618 (φ))
= 1012 + TV of Vs(500 “φ”) = 1984 “understand” γινωσκω + FLW of Vs(500) = 2000 + 379 “riddles of God” (E s) + CW of Vs(500)
= 1662 (162 “seven hundred and twenty nine” שבע מאות עשרים ותשע (Fr)) + FLCW of Vs(500 “φ”)
= CW of Vs(1836 (m/m= proton-to-electron mass ratio)) + (2000 + 72 “riddles” (H r+o+s) = Tri(37 “of wisdom” (o)) + Squ(37))
= 1000 + 7+7+7 + 7x7x7 + TV of Vs(416 “riddles” αινιγματα = CW of Vs(37 “of wisdom” חכמה (o)))
= (2555 = Happy(383 = 38 <> mirror)) + FLW of Vs(729 (α)) = 2306 (236 = Happy(38 “inverse” (E r) = “Alpha” (E o))) + FLW of…
= (o) קודיםcodes” 52 x 37 “of wisdom” חכמה (o) + CW of Vs(729 (α)) = (E r) “Golden Ratio” 57-gonal(9) + CW of 777 Holograph
= (2506 “seven hundred seventy and seven” (H sr137) = 1000 + 729 + 777 = Squ(16) w. 0 rem.) + FLW of Vs(37) + FLW of Vs(73)
= (2014 “7-7-7 Holograph” (E s) = 337-gonal(4)) + CW of Vs(37) + CW of Vs(73)
= 1819 “777” (H o+s) + FLCW of Vs(37) + FLCW of Vs(73) = 1100 (110 “inverse” (G ro) = “Alpha” (E s)) + TV of Vs(401)
= Squ(48 “7-7-7” (H r)) + FLW of Vs(401) = 2333 “inverse Alpha” (G s) + CW of Vs(401) = 1000 + Comp(777) + FLCW of…
= 1400 + 703 “inverse Alpha” (H Ss) + FLW of Vs(703) = 2379 “twenty and seven” עשרים ושבע (Fo+Fs) – – – 27 “riddles” חידה
+ CW of Vs(703)
= 1000 + 781 “of wisdom” σοφια + FLCW of Vs(703) = 400 + Pri(137 (i. α)) + TV of Vs(266085 = Tri(729 (α)))
= ord Vs(2660 = 4 digits of Tri(729)) + Happy(231 = Tri(7+7+7)) = 2214 (214 “the universe” היקום (o+s)) + FLW of Vs(137)
= Pri(164 “a hundred and thirty and seven” מאת ושלשים ושבע (o)) + CW of Vs(137) = 1000 + ordinal Vs(Tri(777)) + FLCW of Vs(137)
FLL = 92 “riddles of” (E o)
CL = 41 “God” אלהים (o)
– – – L. surr. CL = 410 = 5x 82 “The Lord” (E o)
FLCL = 133 = 13 w. ext… = Octa(7)
2 FLL = 400 + 92 “riddles of” (E o)
4 CL = 451 = 100 + 351 “proton” פרוטון = Lucky(78 = Tri(12 “and” ו (Fs))) – – – 2 L. surr. CL = 400 + 20 “Alpha” (E r)
2 FLL + 4 CL = 943 = 500 + 443 “electron” (E s)
3 FLL = 494 = Squ(7) merged with mirror 
8 CL = 113×7 [i. α] = 400 + עשוהי “Jesus” 391 – – – 4 L. surr. CL = 791
3 FLL + 8 CL = 1285 (12285 = 13x7x3x5x9 [i. α]) = 1000 + 285 “fine-structure constant” (E o) – – – 6 CL = 461 “In the beginning” (E s)
FLW = 1209 (129 = Lucky.Pri(7) + Lucky.Pri(7) + Lucky.Pri(7)) = 1000 + 209 “three hundred and fourteen” שלוש מאות וארבע (o)
CW = 401 = Pri(80 “codes” κωδικες (o)) = CW of Vs(29127 = 19 x 3×7 x 73) – – – W. surr. CW = 481 = 400 + 81 “codes” κωδικοι (o)
FLCW = 1610 = 10x 161 “(of) the universe” היקום
2 FLW = 1819 “seven hundred seventy and seven” שבע מאות ושבעים ושבע (o+s) 
3 CW = 882 = Comp(729 (α)) = 7x2x9x7 [α] 
2 FLW + 3 CW
= 271 (e) w. 0 rem. 
FLL + FLW = 1301 “Pi” Πι (Fr+Fo+Fs)
CL + CW = 442 “physics codes” צפני פיזיקה [m] – – – L. surr. CL + W. surr. CW = 891 = 800 + Tri(13 = Pri(7))
FLCL + FLCW = 1743 = (E o) “of” 21 x 83 “wisdom” (E o)
2 FLL + 2 FLW = 2311 (231 = Tri(21 = 7+7+7))
4 CL + 3 CW = 1333 (13 = Pri(7)) = Happy(199 “inverse Alpha” (G o))
2 FLL + 2 FLW + 4 CL + 3 CW = 3644 = 7+7+7 + 7x7x7 w. ext…
3 FLL + 3 FLW = 2794 = 2000 + (CW of Vs(7297×3 [α]) = Happy-o(2718×2 [e]))                  ord word# 3 + std word# 7 = 337
8 CL + 7 CW = 3000 + CW of rev std Vs(3141×5 [π]) = Comp(3003 (33 “Phi” (E o)))        UC of 3 CW = 16913… – – – 16000 + Happy(130 “i. Alpha” (E o))
FL + CL = 43 = Pri(15 = PP-o(137 (i. α))) – – – LL + CL = 131 = 13 <> mirror                  perimeter of Star(37) + perimeter of Star(73) = 1296
FW + CW = 1314 = 1000 + 314 (π) – – – LW + CW = 697 = Hepta(17 “circle” חוג)                                       “the Heart of Wisdom” (E s) = 1296
L. up to CL = 1202 (122 “thirty and seven” שלשים שבע (o) – – – 37 “inverse Alpha” (Sr)) – – – L. from CL = 1702 (172 “codes” (E s))
W. up to CW = 7×229 [α] – – – W. from CW = 1499 = 1400 + Comp(73 “wisdom”) = 100×10 “and” (E r) + Pri(96 “knowledge” (E o))
A.L.E FLL = 269 “energy” אנרגיה w. 0 rem. = “secret riddles in” (E sr137)            perimeter of Star(21) + perimeter of Star(37) = 672
A.L.E CL = 2660 = 4 digits of Tri(729 (α)) = “the constants of physics” οι σταθερες της φυσικης (ro+rs) – – – 7 CL of Vs(2660) = 672
A.L.E FLCL = 2568 = Happy(385 = Lucky(68 “riddles” αινιγματα (o))) = 4 last digits of Cube(27182 (e))         (mass of proton) 1672
A.W.E FLW =1000 + 492 “Alpha” (H Fo+Fs)                   UC of ord 3 CW2083290 = 10x Lucky(17077 = 1777 “Alpha” (G Fo+Fs) w. 0 rem.)
A.W.E CW = 2300 = 3-D.Tri(23 = Pri(10 “e” (o+s))) – – – 7 CL of Vs(2300) = 729 (α) – – – W. from CW of Vs(2300) = 3144 (314 (π))
A.W.E FLCW = 1091 = 1000 + 91 “Pi” פאי = (191 = Palin(29 “and” ואת (o)) = “Phi” (H & G rr+ro+rs) [פי – – – Φι]) w. 0 rem.
Adding the mirrors of the 7 words = 2782 = (465 = 400 + 65 “Alpha, e, Pi, Phi” (E r) = Tri(30 “codes” κωδικους (r)))-gonal(4)
Values of the 7 words added with their mirrors is 2701+2782 = 5483 = 1800 + TV of Vs(729 (α)) = Pri(726 “codes” (E sr137)
No.W+No.L+TV)/(FLL+CL+FLCL)/(FLW+CW+FLCW) ≈ 0.00(319 = mirror of 913 “In the beginning” בראשית)
(7+28+2701)/(92+41+133)/(492+451+943)/(1209+401+1610)/(1819+882+2701) ≈ 0.000000000(3135 “Alpha אלפא (sr777))
(No.W*No.L*TV)/(FLL*CL*FLCL)/(FLW*CW*FLCW) ≈ 0.00000000(1351 = midpoint of לב the Heart37×73 “of Wisdom” חכמה)
(7*28*2701)/(92*41*133)/(492*451*943)/(1209*401*1610)/(1819*882*2701) 1.4910 – – –14910 “Alpha, e, Pi and Phi codes(Esr777)

1. בראשית In the beginning” = 913 = Happy(130 “inverse Alpha” (E o)) = CW of Vs(2077 = CW of Vs ord. at 137, 731, 729 & 927)
                                                   = “universe” συμπαν (rs) = 800 + Pri(31 “and” και) = mirror of 319 “the earth” τη γη
בראcreated” = 203 = 7×29 [α] = CW of Vs(516 “Golden Ratio” (E s)) = perimeter of Hepta(30 = perimeter of Penta(7))
3. “God”
אלהים = Happy(16 “seven” שבעת (r)) = “seven hundred seventy seven” επτακοσια εβδομηντα επτα (r) = 2x 43 “seal” חתם (o)
                          = Comp(62 = mirror of 26 “The Lord”
יהוה) = Semiprime(29 = 26 w. upsidedown digit) = Pri(2) x Pri(15) – – – 2×15 = (30 = “7”)
את Aleph Tav” = 401 = 41 “of God” אלהים (o) w. 0 rem. = 20-gram(5) [205] = 41 “three” שלוש (Fr) w. 0 rem. = C.TriOctagram(7)
השמים the heaven” = 395 = Comp(317 = Pri(67 “codes of” (E o))) = FLW of Vs(39 “earth” ארץ (o) = FLW of ord Vs(37))
ואת and” = 407 = Lucky-o(37 “wisdom”) x 37 “wisdom” = 47 “inv. Alpha” (G r) w. 0 rem. = factor of (4070 = TriHepta(37))
                      = TriOcta(11) = TriNonagram(7) = mirror of (704 = 8×88 = C.TriHex(13 = Pri-o(37)) = Nonagram(3) + Nonagram(9))
הארץ the earth” = 296 “seven hundred seventy and seven” שבע מאות ושבעים ושבע (sr7)
                                 = η “the” 8 x (37 “seal” (E o) = Pri(13 “of God” אל
(o))) = “Bible codes” (E o+s) = ordinal Vs(37 “of wisdom” (o))
ראשית the beginning” = 911 = 500 + 137×3 [i. α] = Primes added up to number 37 (198) + Primes added up to number 73 (713)
                                                   = Happy numbers from order 13 (prime order of 37) to 22 (prime order of 73) = 500 + 3 CL of Vs(1322)
ברא אלהים God created” = Squ(17 “the heaven” םימשה (r) = “and” (E rr) = “the earth” הארץ (r)) = ordinal Vs(37×73)
בראשית ברא אלהים In the beginning God created” =
את ΑΩ” = 1202 “codes” (H & G rr+ro+rs) [קודים – – – κωδικους]
אלהים ואת את God and Aleph Tav” = 7+37+73+777 = 800 + (94 “codes” κωδικοι (ro) = Happy(18 = Lucky-o(73 “of wisdom” חכמה)))
Comp(913 “In the beginning”
בראשית) = 1098 “the heaven and the earth” השמים ואת הארץ = CW of Vs(7500 + 729 (α))
1788 (178 = Comp(137 “In the beginning” (E o))) = “God created the heaven and the earth”
ברא אלהים את השמים ואת הארץ


reduced = 82 “inverse Alpha” הפוך אלפא (So)                               W# 6 + W# 7 (67 “codes of” (E o)) of Vs(2701) = 400 + 85 “knowledge” γνωσις (o)
ordinal = 298 “universe” יקום (Fs) = Pri(2) x Pri(36) – – – 2×36 = 72 “riddles” חידה (r+o+s)
standard = 2701 = Tri(73 “of wisdom”) = perimeter of Tri(729 (α)) + CW of ord Vs(1322) + CW of std Vs(3773)
o+s = 2999 = 29 “and” ואת (o) w. ext… = 299 (c) w. ext… = 5 CW of Vs(26608 = 5 digits of Tri(729))
r+o+s = 3081 = (381 = C.Hex(7) + C.Hex(7) + C.Hex(7)) w. 0 rem. = “the constants of physics” οι σταθερες της φυσικης (r+o+s)
reverse reduced = 103 “universe” (E ro)                                        ord Vs(1322) + std Vs(3773) = 3672 = Pri(165 “thirty seven” (E o)) + Tri(73)
reverse ordinal = 346 = (59 = Pri(18 “riddles” חידה (r) = Lucky-o(73 “of wisdom” חכמה)))-gonal(4)
reverse standard = 3541 = 3000 + Star(10 “and” (E r)) 2000 + 184 “thirty and seven” (E o) = perimeter of Tri(729)
ro+rs = 3887 (387 = perimeter of Tri(130 “inverse Alpha” (E o)))                                       1322 = 132 “seven seven seven”שבעה שבעה שבעה (o) w. ext…
rr+ro+rs = 3990 = 3000 + 990 “physics” (E s) = 10x Lucky(71 “riddles” (E o))                  1322 = 1000 + CW of std Vs(703 = Tri(37))
Full reduced = 264 “of wisdom” חכמה (rr+ro+rs)                                                                    1322 = 1300 + CL of ord Vs(2701 = Tri(73))
Full ordinal = 804 (84 = Tri(7) + Tri(7) + Tri(7)) = Fo Vs(4005 = Tri(89 “codes” (E ro))            1322 = 3 CW of Vs(9453 = Tri(137))
Full standard = 5466 (500 + 46 “codes” (E o) = (E o) “of” 21 x 26 “God” (E o)) = Full std Vs(2739 = perimeter of Tri(137+777))
Fo+Fs = 10x(627 = FLW of Vs(302253 = Tri(777)) = CW of rev std Vs(266085 = Tri(729))) = Fo+Fs Vs(256 = Squ(16 “codes” (r)))
Fr+Fo+Fs = 6000 + 534 “seal of God” חתם אלהים = Happy(800 + 160 “codes” קודים)

407 = TriOcta(11) = factor of TriHepta(37)
401 =
407+401 = 808 “In the beginning” (H ro+rs)
117 “seven seven seven”
שבע שבע שבע (o) = “eight eight eight” שמנה שמנה שמנה (ro)


General methods of “In the beginning” בראשית (r):
Value =
13 = Pri(7) (137 (inverse α)) – – – FLL = 6 = Tri(3 “c”) – – – CL = 4 “e” (rr) – – – FLCL = 10 “Pi”
פאי (r) = “and Phi” και Φι (r)
2 FLL = 9 = Squ(3) – – – 4 CL = 7 – – – 2 FLL + 4 CL = 16 “codes”
קודים (r) = “of wisdom” σοφια (r)
Ultra calculation = 22.15… – – – שבע מאות עשרים ותשע “seven hundred and twenty nine” 2215 
– – – 729 (α)
General methods of “In the beginning”
בראשית (o):
Value =
76 = Comp(12 “seven”
שבע (rr)) + Comp(21 “seven” שבעה (rr)) + Comp(13 “seven” שבעת (rr))
FLL = 24 “codes” κωδικες (r) – – – CL = 22 = 2 “α” (o+s) w. ext… = “e” (ro) = “Pi” Πι (Fr) = Penta(4 “and” και (r)) = “Phi” (H & G rr)
FLCL = 46 “codes” (E o) = 3-gonal(7) + 7-gonal(3)
2 FLL = 54 = Comp(37 “inverse Alpha”
הפוך אלפא (Sr)) – – – 4 CL = 52 “codes” קודים (o) – – – FLCL = 106 “of the universe” היקום (Fo)
Ultra calculation = 14589.4736
(ואתand” 407-gonal(9) = 10000 + 4589 “Triangle number seventy three” (E rs))

General methods of “In the beginning”
בראשית (s): Value = 913 = Happy(130 “inverse Alpha” (E ro))
FLL = 402 (42 “knowledge”
דעת (o)) – – – CL = 301 (31 “and” και) – – – FLCL = 703 = Tri(37 “wisdom” חכמה (o))
2 FLL = 500 + (112 “Alpha”
אלפא = Hepta(7 = Pri(5 “e”)) = perimeter of Squ(29 “Pi” (E ro)) = “and Phi” ואת פי (Fo))
4 CL = 511 = 51 “and” και (o+s) w. ext… – – – 2 FLW + 4 CL = 1123 (123 “seven seven seven” επτα επτα επτα (o))
Ultra calculation = 3154435.9255202627 (8000 + 525 “gematria codes” (E s)) 85255 x 37 “of wisdom” (H o)
General methods of “created”
ברא (r): Value = 5 “the” ה
FLL = 3 “c” – – – CL = 2 “in”
ב – – – FLCL = 5 = PP-o(37 “inverse Alpha” (Sr)) – – – Ultra calculation = 2.4 – – – 24 “codes” κωδικες (r)
General methods of “created”
ברא (o):
Value =
23 “physics”
פיזיקה (r) – – – FLL = 3 “α” (r+o+s) = “c” – – – CL = Rec(4 “e” (rr)) = Comp(11 “Pi” (E rr)) = 20 “and Phi” ואת פי (r)
FLCL = 23 “riddles”
חידות (r)
Ultra calculation = 5.21… – – – 521 = 500 + 21 “of” (E o)
General methods of “created”
ברא (s):
Value = 203 inverse (H Fs) = 7×29 [α]
FLL = 3 “c” – – – CL = 200 = perimeter of Squ(51 “seven seven seven” επτα επτα επτα (r)) – – – FLCL = 203 (23 “riddles” חידות (r))
Ultra calc. = 5.9113300492610837… – – – 5913 = 5000 + Happy(130 “inverse Alpha” (E o)) – – – 49 “in the midst” (E r) – – – 2618 ≈ φ x φ
General methods of “God”
אלהים (r):
5 = PP-o(37) – – – CL = PP-o(37) – – – FLCL = 10 “and” (E r)
2 FLL = 9 = PP-o(73) – – – 3 CL = PP-o(73) – – – 2 FLL + 3 CL = 18 = Lucky-o(73)
Ultra calculation = 21.428… 7+7+7 + 0.(428 “riddles” חידות)
General methods of “God”
אלהים (o):
Value =
14 = Comp(7) – – – FLL = 14 = Comp(7) – – – CL = 5 = Pri-o(7) – – – FLCL = 19 “codes” (E r) = “of wisdom”
חכמה (r)
2 FLL = 36 “seven seven seven”
שבע שבע שבע (r) – – – 3 CL = הדיח “riddles” 27 – – – 2 FLL + 3 CL = perimeter of Tri(22 = Pri-o(73))
Ultra calculation ≈ 951
= C.Penta(20 “and” και (o)) = “codes of wisdom” (E s) = 37 “seal” (E o) + 137 “of God” (E s) + 777
General methods of “God”
אלהים (s):
41 “God”
אלהים (o) – – – CL = 5 “of” ה
= PP-o(37 “inverse Alpha” הפוך אלפא (Sr)) – – – FLCL = 46 “seven seven seven” שבעת שבעת שבעת (rr)
2 FLL = 81 “codes” κωδικοι (o) – – – 4 CL = 45 = Tri(9 “and” δε) – – – 2 FLW + 4 CL = 126 = Lucky-o(787 (high energy α))
= (o+s) “e” 10-gonal(6) = Pri(2) x Pri(3) x Pri(3) x Pri(5) – – – 2x3x3x5 = 90 “Pi” Πι = 3-D.Penta(6 “and”
ו) = “Phi” פי (r+o+s)
Ultra calc. ≈ 3488.37209 = 3488 “7-7-7 Holograph”
שבע שבע שבע הולוגרף” (Fs) + 0.(37209 = 4 last digits of Squ(777) w. 0 rem.)
General methods of “the heaven”
השמים (r):
Value =
17 “the earth”
הארץ (r) – – – FLL = 9 “and” δε – – – CL = Lucky(3) = 7 – – – FLCL = 16 “codes” קודים (r) = “of wisdom” σοφια (r)
2 FLL = 13 “Alpha”
אלפא (r) = “and” ואת (rr) – – – 3 CL = 8 “φ“ (ro+rs) – – – 2 FLL + 3 CL = 21 = 7+7+7
Ultra calculation = 70.58823529411765
70 “inverse Alpha” (H o) + 0.(5882 = 5000 + Comp(729 (α)…))
General methods of “the heaven”
השמים (o): Value = 67 “The Lord God” יהוה אלהים (o)
FLL = 18 “riddles”
חידה (r) – – – CL = 13 = Pri-o(37 “of wisdom” חכמה (o)) – – – FLCL = 31 “Alpha” אלפא
2 FLL = 49 “universe” (E rr) – – – 3/4 CL = 44 (4 “and” και (r)) = “the earth”
הארץ (o) – – – 2 FLL + 3/4 CL = 93 “codes of God” (E o)
Ultra calculation ≈ 14310.483870967742 10x(1431 = 1000 + Pri(Tri(7) + Tri(7) + Tri(7)))
General methods of “heaven”
השמים (s):
45 = Tri(9 “and” δε) – – – CL = 40 “the earth” (E r) – – – FLCL = 85 “physics” φυσικη (o)
2 FLL = 355 “riddles”
חידה (ro+rs) – – – 3 CL = (E r) “riddles” 35 x 10 “and” (E r) – – – 2 FLL + 3 CL = 705 (75 “7-7-7” (E rr))
Ultra calc. ≈ 303797.468 = Pri-o(37 “seal” (E o)) x 23369 (2369 = 1600 + Pri(137 “of God” (E s))) + 0.(400 + 68 “riddles” (G o))
General methods of “and”
ואת (r): Value = 11 = Lucky-o(37 “inverse Alpha” הפוך אלפא (Sr))
FLL = “and” (E r) – – – CL = 1 “α” – – – FLCL = 11 = Lucky-o(37 “wisdom”
חכמה (o))
Ultra calculation = 6.54… – – – 654 “the firmament” (E s)
General methods of “and”
ואת (o): Value = 29 = Pri(11 = Lucky-o(37 “inverse Alpha” הפוך אלפא (Sr)))
FLL = 28 = Tri(7) = Happy(7) = Pri(2) x Pri(2) x Pri(5) – – – 2x2x5 = 20 “seven” (E r) – – – CL = 1 “α” – – – FLCL = 29 “and Phi” (E rr)
Ultra calculation = 13.655
(1365 = 1000 + midpoint of 729 (α)) with a rounded value of 13.7
(inverse α)
General methods of “and”
ואת (s): Value = 407 = 11×37 (1137 = 137 (inverse α) w. ext…)
FLL = 406 = Tri(28 = Tri(7) = Happy(7) = Pri(2) x Pri(2)… – – – 2x2x5 = 20 “seven” (E r)) = 46 “codes” (E o) w. 0 rem.
CL = 1 “α” = CL of Vs(5 “e”) – – – FLCL = 407 (47 = Pri(16 “π” (o)) w. 0 rem.) = 100×4 “and” και (r) + Pri(5 “φ” (r))
Ultra calculation = 17.69… – – – 1769 = 100×10 “and” (E r) + Pri(137 (inverse α))
General methods of “the earth”
הארץ (r): Value = 17 “the heaven” השמים (r)
FLL = 14 “God”
אלהים (r) – – – CL = 3 – – – FLCL = 17 “seven” επτα (r)
Ultra calculation ≈ 21.(1764 “the firmament” (E sr137)) with a rounded value of 7+7+7
General methods of “the earth”
הארץ (o): Value = 44 “God” אל (o+s)
FLL = 23 “riddles”
חידות (r) – – – CL = 21 “of” (E o) – – – FLCL = 44 “God” אל (o+s)
Ultra calculation = 163.63636363636363 which is approximately Pri(39 “knowledge” (E rr))
General methods of “the earth”
הארץ (s): FLL = 95 “the Torah” (E o) – – – CL = 201 (7+7+7) – – – FLCL = 296 “Bible codes” (E o+s)
Ultra calc. = 1216.2162162162163 – – – starts with 1216 “Torah” (H & G r+o+s) = Pri(46 “codes” (E o)) + Pri(172 “codes” (E s))
and ends with 2163 “and wisdom” (E ro+rs) = “and a hundred and thirty and seven”
ואת מאת ושלשים ושבע (r+o+s)


Words and Letters by rotation


L# 7 = 2 “α” (o+s) – – – W# 7 is W# 777 by rot. = 296 “Bible codes” (E o+s)
L. & W. ordered at 7 = 298 “universe” יקום (Fs) = ordinal Vs(1 “α”)
L# 37 by rot. = 1 “α” – – – W# 37 by rot. = 7×29 [α]
L. & W. ordered at 37 by rot. = 204 = 24 “codes” κωδικες (r) w. 0 rem.
L# 73 by rot. = 5 “of” ה – – – W# 73 by rot. = 86 “God” אלהים (s)
L. & W. ordered at 73 by rot. = 91 = Tri(13 = Pri(7))
L# 37 by rot. + L# 73 by rot. = 6 “and” ו
W# 37 by rot. & W# 73 by rot. hits the words “created” & “God” = 289 = Squ(17 “the universeהיקום (r))
L. & W. by rot. ordered at 37 & 73 = perimeter of Penta(60 “seven seven seven” (E r)) = 100 + 195 “seven seven seven” (E o) 
L. by rot. ordered at 7, 37 & 73 = 8 “crown” רתכ (r) – – – W. by rot. ordered at: 7, 37 & 73 = 585 = Palin(68 “777” (H r))
L. & W. by rot. ordered at 7, 37 & 73 = 593 = 500 + 93 “codes of God” (E o)

5 “the” ה is the value of the letter by rot. ordered at (100 + 37 “seal” (E o) = 137 “of God” (E s))
W# 137 by rot. is the CW with the value of 401 = PP(38 “inverse” (E r) = “Alpha” (E o))
L. & W. ordered at 137 by rot. = 406 = Tri(28 = Tri(7) = Happy(7) = Pri(2) x Pri(2) x Pri(5) – – – 2x2x5 = 20 “7” (E r))
The first letter is L# 729 (α) by rot. & its value = 2 “α” (o+s) – – – L# 1618 (φ) by rot. = 6 “φ” (Fr)
The first word counted by rot. both hits the orders of 729 (α) & 1618 (φ). And the value of it is = 913 “universe” (G rs)
W# 729 (α) by rot. + W# 1618 (α) by rot. is 913+913 = 1000 + 826 “Alpha” אלפא (rs) = 1700 + 126 “Phi” פי (r+o+s)
L. & W. by rot. ordered at 729 (α) by rot. = 915 “codes” κωδικοι (ro+rs) = ה “of” 5 x 183 “seven seven seven” שבעת שבעת שבעת (o)
L. & W. by rot. ordered at 1618 (φ) by rot. = 919 = Palin.Pri(20 “and” και (o)) = Palin(101 “Alpha, e, Pi, Phi” (E o))
L# 21 (7+7+7) is letter# 777 by rot. & its value = 40 “Bible codes” (E r)
W# 777 by rot. = 296 “Bible codes” (E o+s)
L. & W. ordered at 777 by rot. = 336 = “Bible codes” (E r+o+s) = Hepta(7) + Hepta(7) + Hepta(7)
L. by rot. ordered at: 729, 1618 & 777 = 48 “universe” יקום (r)
W. by rot. ordered at: 729, 1618 & 777 = 2122 = (212 “physics” פיזיקה = “codes” קודים (o+s)) w. ext…
L. & W. by rot. ordered at: 729, 1618 & 777 = 2170 = 10x 7×31 (731 = mirror of inverse α)

1 “α” is the value of L# 43 “seal” חתם (o) by rot. which again is L# 15 = PPo(137 “of God” (E s)) by rot.
L. & W. by rot. ordered at (43 “seal” (o) = Pri(15 = PP-o(137 “of God” (E s)))) = (100 + 37 “seal” (E o) = 137 “of God” (E s)) + 777
200 which is Comp(153 = Tri(17 “the universe” (G r))) is the value of L# 86 “of God” by rot.
86 “God” by rot. is the 2nd word “created” with the value of = 203 “inverse” (H Fs) = 7×29 [α]
403 (43 “seal” (H o)) = L. & W. ordered at 86 “of God” by rot.
L# 43 “seal” (H o) by rot. + L# 86 “of God” (H s) by rot. = 201 = 7+7+7 w. 0 rem. = 3 x Pri(20 “seven” (E r))
W# 43 “seal” (H o) by rot. + W# 86 “of God” (H s) by rot. = 1116 “seven seven seven” שבע שבע שבע
L. & W. by rot. ordered at 43 “seal” חתם (o) & אלהיםof God” 86 = 1200 + 117 “seven hundred seventy and seven” (E r)
L. by rot. ordered at 43, 86 & 777 = 241 “In the beginning” (E ro) – – – Words instead = 1000 + (H o) “inverse Alpha” 70-gonal(4)
L. & W. by rot. ordered at 43, 86 & 777 = 1653 “codes” (E rr+ro+rs)
L# 74 “seal” (G o) + L# 484 “of God” (G s) = 500 “Alpha” Αλφα (sr37+sr73) = 100×5 “e” = (r) פאיPi” 10-gonal(6 “and” ו) = “φ”
The first word hits order 74 “seal” σφραγιδα (o) by rot. while the CW hits 484 “of God” θεου (s), added = 1000 + 314 “777” (E o) [m].
W. & L. by rot. ordered at
74 “seal” (G o) & 484 “of God” (G s) = 1500 + 314 “seven hundred seventy seven” (E o)

L# 37 “seal” (E o) by rot. + L# 137 “of God” (E s) by rot. = 6 = Tri(3)
W# 37 “seal” (E o) by rot. + W# 137 “of God” (E s) by rot. = 604 = C.Tri(7) w. 0 rem.
L. & W. by rot. ordered at 37 “seal” (E o) & 137 “of God” (E s) = 400 + 210 “seven seven seven” (E ro) = perimeter of Penta(123 “7-7-7” (G o))
L. by rot. ordered at 37, 137 & 777 = 2x 23 “physics” פיזיקה (r)
W. by rot. ordered at 37, 137 & 777 = 900 = Squ(30 “codes” κωδικους (r))
L. & W. by rot. ordered at 37, 137 & 777 = 946 = Happy(137 “of God” (E s))

Genesis 1:1 has the unique property of having the triangles ordered at 7, 37 & 73 encoded which makes it very special.
And we also see No.W =
7 while the TV = 37×73. But as we know it is for the glory of 777.
L. ordered at
7, 37 & 73 added of the Bible is 2+5+30 = 37
W. ordered at 7, 37 & 73 instead is 296+212+410 = 918 = Rec(17 “seven” (r)) + Rec(17 “seven” επτα (r)) + Rec(17 “seven” (r))
L. & W. ordered at 7, 37 & 73 of the Bible = 955 “wisdom” (H & G o+s) [חכמה – – – σοφια]
L. ordered at 7, 37 & 73 added of Gen 1:1 & the Bible = 45 “seven seven seven” שבע שבעה שבעת (r)
W. ordered at 7, 37 & 73 added of Gen 1:1 & the Bible = 1503 = Lucky(218 “codes” (E o+s))
L. & W. ordered at 7, 37 & 73 of Gen 1:1 & the Bible = 1548 “seven hundred seventy and seven” שבע מאות שבעים ושבע (rs)
5 “the” ה = L# (37 “seal” (E o) = “of God” του Θεος (r)) by rot. of Gen 1:1 = L# 37 of the Bible
L# 37 by rot. of Gen 1:1 & of the Bible = 10 “α” (Fr) 
W# 37 by rot. of Gen 1:1 = 203 “inverse” (H Fs) = 7×29 [α]
W# 37 of the Bible = 212 “physics” פיזיקה
W# 37 by rot. of Gen 1:1 & the Bible = 415 = Lucky(73 “wisdom” חכמה)

L. ordered at 37, 137 & 777 by rot. of Gen 1:1 & the Bible = 100 “riddles of wisdom” חידה חכמה
W. ordered at 37, 137 & 777 by rot. of Gen 1:1 & the Bible = 1400 + (38 “inverse” (E r) = “Alpha” (E o))
L. & W. ordered at 37, 137 & 777 by rot. of Gen 1:1 & the Bible = 1500 + (38 “inverse” (E r) = “Alpha” (E o))
Genesis 1:1 has the unique property of having the triangles ordered at 7, 37 & 73 encoded which makes it very special.
And we also see No.W = 7 while the TV = 37×73. But as we know it is for the glory of 777.
L. ordered at: 7, 37 & 73 added of the Bible is 2+5+30 = 37 inverse Alpha הפוך אלפא (Sr)
W. ordered at: 7, 37 & 73 instead is 296+212+410 = 918 =
 Rec(17 “seven” (r)) + Rec(17 “seven” επτα (r)) + Rec(17 “seven” (r))
L. & W. ordered at: 7, 37 & 73 of the Bible = 955 “wisdom” (H & G o+s) [חכמה – – – σοφια]
5 “The” ה = L# (100 + 37 “seal” (E o) = 137 “of God” (E s)) by rot. of Gen 1:1 = L# 137 of the Bible
L# 137 by rot. of Gen 1:1 & of the Bible = 10 “α” (Fr)
W# 137 by rot. of Gen 1:1 = 400 + 1 “α”
W# 137 of the Bible = 296 “seven hundred seventy and seven” (H sr7)
W# 137 “seal” (E o) by rot. of Gen 1:1 & the Bible = 400 + 297 “treasure(s) אוצר

L# 777 by rot. of Gen 1:1 = 40 “Bible” תנ“ך (rs) = “codes” κωδικες (rr) = L# 777 of the Bible
W# 777 by rot. of Gen 1:1 = 296 “Bible codes” (E o+s) = W# (100 + 37 “seal” = 137 “of God”) of the Bible
W# 777 of the Bible = 30 “codes” κωδικους (r) = “seal of God” חתם אלהים (r)
L# 777 by of Gen 1:1 & the Bible is 40+40 = 80 “codes” κωδικες (o)
W# 777 of both Gen 1:1 & the Bible = 326 “Triangle number 777” משולש מספר שבע מאות שבעים ושבע (o)
L. & W. ordered at 777 of both Gen 1:1 & the Bible = 46 “codes” (E o) w. 0…

When < is seen after a rotation, it means this letter/word is counted counter-clockwise starting from the last letter/word.
L# 37 by rot. + L# 37 by rot. < is 1+10 = 11 = Lucky-o(37 “inverse Alpha” (Sr)) = FLL of Vs(37)
L# 137 by rot. + L# 137 by rot. < is 5+300 = 305 (35 “riddles” (E r)) = Comp(242 “riddles” (E s)) = CL of Vs(37)
Sum = C.Tri(15 = PP-o(137 “of God” (s))) = C.Hepta(10 “and” (E r)) = perimeter of Squ(80 “π”) = FLCL of Vs(37) = CW of Vs(777)

W# 37 by rot. + W# 37 by rot. < is 203 + 407 = 610 = Fibo(15 = PP-o(137 (inv. α))) = CW of Vs(610 = 400 + 210 “7-7-7” (E ro))
W# 137 by rot. + W# 137 by rot. < is 401+401 = 802 = 82 “inverse Alpha” הפוך אלפא (o) w. 0 rem.
Sum = 1212 = 1000 + 212 “physics” פיזיקה = Happy(175 “riddles of wisdom” (E o))
Sum of L. & W. by rot. of 37 & 137 in both directions = 1728 “seven hundred seventy and seven” שבע מאות שבעים ושבע (ro+rs) [m]
W# 37 by rot. + mirror = 505 (Palin(60 “seven seven seven” (E r))) = W# 137 by rot. + mirror
W# 37 & 137 by rot. added with mirrors is 203+302+401+104 = 1010 = 10x Pri(27 “riddles”) = Tri(37 “of wisdom”) + its mirror
Mathemagical Genesis 1:1 codes


Gen 1:1 Letter holograph P.1

Genesis 1:1 Letter Holograph part 2

Gen 1:1 Letter Holograph Part 3-<>-

Gen 1:1 Letter Holograph part 4


Gen 1:1 Letter Holograph Part 5

Reduced gematria of Genesis 1:1-<>-
Verse order = 1 “α”
No.W = 7 = Pri(5 “e”) = Happy.Pri-o(79 “Pi” (E s)) = Palin.Pri(5 “φ” (r))
No.L = 28 = Tri(7) = Happy(7) = Pri(2) x Pri(2) x Pri(5) – – – 2x2x5 = 20 “7” (E r) = CW of red Vs(18 “riddles”) = CW of red Vs(45)
No.W + No.L = 35 “riddles” (E r) = 3-D.Tri(5 = PP-(37 “of wisdom”)) = Tri(1) + Tri(3) + Tri(7)
= 82 “inverse Alpha” הפוך אלפא (So) = 3 CL of Vs(4311 = TV of Vs(703 “inverse Alpha” הפוך אלפא (Ss)))
       = 37 “inverse Alpha” הפוך אלפא (Sr) + PP-o(37) x PP-o(73) = Happy(15 = PP-o(137 (i. α))) = reduced Vs(548 = 4x 137 (i. α))
       = reduced Vs(13741 = 137 merged with Tri(38))
FLL = 11 “and” ואת (r)
CL = 5 “φ” (r) – – – L. surr. CL = 5 “φ” (r)
FLCL = 16 “codes” קודים (r)
2 FLL = 15 = PP-o(137 “of God” (E s))
4 CL = 10 “α” (Fr) = “e” (o+s) = “π” (rs) = Tri(4 “and” και (r)) = Comp(5 “φ” (r)) – – – 2 L. surr. CL = 15 = PP-o(137 (inv. α))
2 FLL + 4 CL = 25 “codes” κωδικοι (r) 
FLW = 30 “codes” κωδικους (r)
CW = 5 = PP-o(37 “of wisdom” חכמה (o)) – – – W. surr. CW = 31 = Lucky(9 = PP-o(73 “of wisdom” חכמה))
FLCW = 35 “Proton” (E r)
2 FLW = 46 “Neutron” נויטרון (rr)
3 CW = 36 = mirror of “and the Electron” (E r) – – – 2 W. surr. CW = 47 = Pri(16 “codes” (H r) = “of wisdom” σοφια (o))
2 FLW + 3 CW = 82 “created God” (E o) – – – UC of verses ordered at 17, 39 & 93 ≈ 0.00000000000000006605
W. up to CW = 37 “inverse Alpha” הפוך אלפא (Sr) – – – W. from CW = 50 “riddles” חידות (o)
Ultra calculation = 6605.953769413977… (6606 = Pri-o(66169 = prime factor of 137035999 (inverse α)))
= Happy(968 (9688 = 4 last digits of Hepta(13703 (inv. α)))) = (605 = ordinal value of John 1:1) with an extended first digit
953 = Pri(163 = Pri(39 = Pri(7) + Pri(7) + Pri(7))) – – – 769 = Pri(PP(15 “the” (E r)) + 100 + 37 “seal” (E o) = 137 “of God” (E s))
413 “physics codes” צפני פיזיקה (ro+rs) – – – 977 “gematria codes” גימטריא קודים (rs)
FLW divided by CW = 6 “and” ו
2 FLW divided by 3 CW = 1.27777777… – – – 127 (inverse α)
Prime factors joined into one number = 241 “In the beginning” (E ro) = Pri(54 = Comp(37 “inverse Alpha” הפוך אלפא (Sr)))
Prime orders added of all words that are primes is 7+4+4+8+6+8 = 37 “inverse Alpha” הפוך אלפא (Sr) = CW of Vs(4x 7)
TV + its mirror is 82 + 28 (“and the earth” (H r)) = 37 + its mirror = 110 “inverse” αντιστροφος (ro) = “Alpha” (E s)
Mirrored values added of the 7 words is 31+5+41+5+71+11+71 = 235 = mirror of 532 “Alpha”Αλφα CW of Vs(1319 = 1000 + mirror of “In the beginning” בראשית) = reduced value of Vs(158 = mirror of “universe” (G o+s))
reduced value of Vs(597 = mirror of 795 “wisdom” (E rr+ro+rs)) = CW of reverse standard Vs(127 (inverse α))
The value of all words added + their mirrors = 317 = Pri(67 “codes of ” (E o)) = anagram of 137 (inverse α)
Words added at the orders of 1, 3 & 7 = 44 = Lucky-o(223 “inverse Alpha” אפלא ךופה)
Words added at the orders of 1, 3 & 7 in reverse direction = 47 “inverse Alpha” αντιστροφος Αλφα (r)
Sum words at the orders of 1, 3 & 7 = 91 = 13×7 = Tri(13 = Pri(7))
L. from order 13 to 7 = 15 “three” שלוש (r) = PP-o(137 (i. α)) – – – W. from order 13 to 7 = 28 = Tri(7)
L. up to order 13 & 7 = 43 “α, e, π, φ” (o) = Heptagram(3) – – – W. up to order 13 & 7 = Squ(7) + Squ(7) + Squ(7) = Rhombus Tri(7)
All words & letters added up to order 137 (i. α) by rot. when counting in reverse direction = 127 (high energy inverse α)
All words by rot. or not ordered at the values of all words in reduced verse# 137 = 119 = Tri(13) + Tri(7)
Value of word# 3 = 14
Number 314 (π) is seen in the values of the letters from order 4 to 6 (46 “codes” (E o))
And the 6th letter counted by rotation hits the order of = 314 (π)
1. “In the beginning” = 13 “Alpha” אלפא (r) = אחד one” – – – 1 “α” – – – Order joined with value = 113 = Pri(31 “Alphaאלפא (o))
2. “created” = 5 “e” (E r/o/s) – – – Order joined with value = 25 = Squ(5 “e”)
3. “God” = 14 “Pi” פאי (rr) – – – Order joined with value = 314 (π)
4. “Aleph Tav” = 5 “φ” (r) = PP-o(37 “seal” (E o)) = “of” ה – – – Order joined with value = 45 = Tri(9 “Phi” פי (r))
5. “the heaven” = 17 “the earth” הארץ (r) = Pri(8 “Ω” (r)) – – – Order joined with value = 517 “the earth” (E s)
6. “and” = 11 = Pri(6 “and” ו) – – – Order joined with value = 611 “Torah” תורה = Pri(19 “codes” (E r)) w. ext…
7. “the earth” = 17 “the heaven” השמים (r) = “the universe” היקום (r) – – – Order joined with value = 717 “the speed of light” (E s)
17 = “God” (E r) = “the heaven” (H r) = “the earth” (H r) = “seven” שבעת (r) = “seven” επτα (r) = mirror of Pri(21 = Lucky(7))
The first verse that has a center word of 777 is the verse ordered at 17.
And 8 “α” (rr) + 4 “e” (rr) + 1 “π” (rr) + 4 “φ” (rr) = 17.
And there are a total of 17 verses with a center word of 777 that will be listed and decoded in chapter 7.
Even the center word of the Full red + Full ord + Full std version of the first verse in Chapter 17 = 1554 = 777 + its mirror.
The 3/4 center letters of these three nouns show the numbers of 351, 341 & 5129. Added = 1000 + TV of Seven Seven Seven Holo.

Ordinal Genesis 1:1
Verse order = 1 “α”
No.W =
No.L = 28 = Tri(7) 
No.W + No.L =
35 = 3-D.Tri(5 = Pri-o(7)) = “riddles” (E r)
TV = 100 + Lucky-o(37 “of wisdom” חכמה (o)) x Lucky-o(73 “of wisdom” חכמה (s)) 
         = 100 + Primes added up to number 37
         = 298 “universe” יקום (Fs) = Pri(2) x Pri(36) – – – 2×36 = 72 “riddles” חידה (r+o+s)
=three hundred fourteen” τριακοσια δεκατεσσερα (ro)
          = reduced value of Vs(253 = Star(7)) = reduced values added of Vs(703 = Tri(37)) & Vs(2701 = Tri(73))
FLL = 20 “and” και (o) = Lucky-o(79 “Pi” (E s))
CL = 14 “Pi” פאי (rr) – – – L. surr. CL = 32 “circle” (E r)
FLL = 34 “Pi” (H, G & E rr)
2 FLL = 60 “seven seven seven” (E r)
4 CL = 46 “codes” (E o) – – – 2 L. surr. CL = 42 “of knowledge” דעת (o)
2 FLL + 4 CL = 106 “of the universe” היקום (Fo) = (16 “π” (o) = “Pi” (E r)) w. 0 rem.
FLW = 120 “Pi” (E r+o+s)
= FLW of Vs(1911 = TV of Vs(13777 = 137 (inv. α) w.ext…) = Comp(1618 (φ))) = CW ofs(13337)
CW = 23 = Pri(10 “Pi” פאי (r)) = Pri-o(79 “Pi” (E s)) = “Pi” (H & G rr) – – – W. surr. CW = 103 = Pri(28 “Pi” פאי (o))
FLCW = 143 = anagram of 314 (π)
2 FLW = 172 “codes” (E s) 
– – – UC of Vs(17)/UC of Vs(39)/UC of Vs(93) 0.00000000000000006605
3 CW = 126 “of wisdom” της σοφιας (o) – – – 2 W. surr. CW = 155 “codes” κωδικους (Fr)
2 FLW + 3 CW = 298 = (4 “and” και (r))gonal-51 “seven seven seven” επτα επτα επτα (r)
W. up to CW = 163 = 100 + Pri-o(293 “inverse Alpha” (H o+s)) – – – W. from CW = 158 = 100 + 58 “inverse Alpha” (E r)
Ultra calculation = 164… – – – 164 “a hundred and thirty and seven” מאת ושלשים ושבע (o) – – – 137 (inv. α)
Prime orders added of all words that are primes is 10 (23) + 14 (41) + 10 (23) + 11 (29) = 45 = Tri(9 “Pi” Πι (r/rr))
Composite orders added of all words that are composites is 54 (76) + 43 (62) + 29 (44) = 126 “and God” (E s)
Orders added of all letters with the value of 13 (Pri-o(37)) is 14+19+21 = 54 = Comp(37)
Words or letters by rot. added up to order 37 = 99 = Comp(73)
Words by rot. added from order 37 to 73 = 64 “wisdom” σοφια (o)
Letters by rot. added from order 37 to 73 = 70 “the” ο
W. & L. by rot. added from order 37 to 73 = 134 “universe” יקום (rs)
W. added up to order + W. added up to order 37 + W. added up to order 73 = 500 + 37 “seal” (E o) = 400 + 137 “of God” (E s)
L. added up to order 7 + L. added up to order 37 + L. added up to order 73 = 345 “777” (G sr7) [m] = “codes” κωδικες (Fo)
Sum W. & L. added up to the orders of 7, 37 & 73 = 882 = Comp(729 (α) = Cube(9 “and” δε) = Squ(27 “Phi” פי (o)))
Words added from order 13 to 7 = 73 “wisdom” חכמה
Letters added from order 13 to 7 = 51 “and” και (o+s)
W. & L. added from order 13 to 7 = 124 = Lucky-o(777) = “Pi” Πι (r+o+s/rr+ro+rs)
Words added up to order 137 by rot. = 163 = Pri(39 = Pri(7) + Pri(7) + Pri(7)) = 100 + 63 “the Electron and” (E r)
Letters added up to order 137 by rot. = 259 = 7x 37 “wisdom” חכמה (o) = “Proton” Πρωτονιο (ro+rs)
W. & L. added up to order 137 by rot. = 422 (42 = Rec(6 “and” ו) = “knowledge” דעת (o))
Words ordered at: 1, 3 & 7 = 161 “the universe” היקום
Letters ordered at: 1, 3 & 7 = 5 = PP-o(37 “wisdom” (H o)) = “of ” ה
W. & L. ordered at: 1, 3 & 7 = 166 = Comp(127 (inverse α))
Letters by rot. added from order 21 to 37 (21×37 = 777) = 127 (inverse α)
1. “In the beg.” = 76 “the speed of light” η ταχυτητα του φωτος (r) = perimeter of Squ(20 “and” και (o)) – – – 176 “inv. Alpha” (G ro)
2. “created” = 23 = mirrored prime order of 127 (inverse α) – – – Order joined with value = 223 “inverse Alpha” הפוך אלפא
3. “God” = 41 = Pri(14 “God” אלהים (r) = “Pi” פאי (rr)) = “Pi” פאי (ro) – – – Order joined with value = 341 = anagram of 314 (π)
4. “Aleph Tav” = 23 “God” Θεος (r) – – – Order joined with value = 423 “corner stone” זוית = “The Lamb of God” (E s)
5. “the heaven” = 62 “the universe” היקום (ro) – – – Order joined with value = 562 “inverse Alpha” (E sr37)
6. “and” = 29 = Pri(11 “and” ואת (r)) – – – Order joined with value = 629 = 2 “α” (o+s) + 10 “e” (o+s) + 96 “π” (o+s) + 521 “φ” (o+s)
7. “the earth” = 44 = Palin(14 “God” אלהים (r)) – – – Order joined with value = 744 “Jesus Christ” עושי משיח
Mirror of TV = 892 “In the beginning” בראשית (sr137) = 800 + 92 “riddles of ” (E o)
TV + its mirror is 298+892 = 1190 “John one one” (E rs)
Mirrored values added of the 7 words is 67+32+14+32+26+92+44 = 307 = mirror of Tri(37) = Lucky(58 “inverse Alpha” (E r))
The value of all words added with their mirrors = 605 = ordinal value of John 1:1


reverse standard Genesis 1:1-<>-


Full standard Genesis 1:1



John 1:1 codes

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”


This is the second creation verse and it opens up with “in the beginning” like Genesis 1:1. And the Word is Jesus [tJohn 1:14].
The subject is the Word here, since it is Jesus Christ. “Word” is pronounced as “Logos” in Greek. The Word is found x3 times here:
= 1119 “Jesus Christ” (E r+o+s) = 19 “and” (E o) w. ext… = “John” Ιωαννης [Rev 21:2] = W# 8 + W# 8 + W# 8 = 4 CL + 3 CW


John 1:14

“And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.”


The Greek spelling of “Jesus” which is found in the Bible is Ιησους = 888. Number 8 represents restoration and Jesus is to be King
over the coming new earth for 1000 years until the merging of heaven and earth.
888 = (8+8+8)x37.
Amazingly the reduced value of “Jesus” = 24 (8+8+8). “Word” λογος (o) = 62 = Pri(2) x Pri(12) – – – 2×12 = 8+8+8
“In the beginning” εν αρχηι has the ordinal value of 74 “Jesus” (E o) & standard value of 774 which is 74 “Jesus” with a ext. digit.
“Word” λογος = 373 “Jesus” יהושוע (ro+rs) = Pri(75 “son” בנ (r+o+s) = “of God” του Θεος (ro))
“the Word” ο λογος = 443 = 43 “jesus Christ” עשוהי המשיח (r) w. ext… = Pri(87 “Jesus” Ιησους (o))
“God” θεος (o) = 46 “Jesus Christ” Ιησους Χριστος (r) = “codes” (E o) = “riddles” (E rr)
“In the beginning was the Word” εν αρχηι ην ο λογος = 1000 + 275 “shepherd” רעה [Jesus is the “good shepherd” [John 10:11]]
“the Word was” λογος ην = 400 + 31 “God” אל
“and God was” και θεος ην = 373 “Word” λογος
“the Word was with God” ο λογος ην προς τον θεον = 1505 = 1000 + 401 + 104 (“Aleph Tav” את + its mirror) = 137” (H s)
“God was the Word” θεος ην ο λογος = 785 “wisdom” תושיה (o+s)
– – – CW of verses ordered at 70 “the” & 373 “Word” = Tri(8+8+8)
דעת “knowledge” = 474 and the Word” και ο λογος – – – 31 “and” και = “God” אל = Alpha” אלפא (o)
”Alpha Omega” ΑΩ = 801 = “the Word” ο λογος (ro+rs) = “to give light upon the earth” להאיר על הארץ (r+o+s)
1000 + את “Aleph Tav” = 1401 of the Lamb” του αρνιου [Rev 6:16] [Jesus is “the Lamb of God”] = “Jesus the Messiah” (E s)
“the first and the last” ο πρωτος και ο εσχατος [Rev 13:22] = 3097 = 397 “Jesus” יהושוע [Galilean spelling] w. 0 rem.
Letters added up to order 37 in John 1:1 = 2811 “Triangle number” (E rs) = “one hundred and thirty seven” (E r+o+s)
 = “Jesus Christ the Word” Ιησους Χριστος ο λογος = 37+73 + 37×73 [2811+1182 = 3993]
std (3627) ord (605) value of John 1:1 = 3022 = TV of Vs(137 (i. α)) = 4 digits of Tri(777)
“Jesus Christ” (G sr271) = 3000 + 715 “Aleph Tav” (E s) = λογος “Word” 373-gonal(5)

The Logos Star (373)

3 FLL + 7 CL of Vs(137) = 1000 + (9×27 [mirror of α] = reduced John 1:1 = 100 + 143 “the Son of God” בן האלהים = CW of Vs(373))
In the beginning” Εν αρχηι = 774 “Word” λογος (sr39+sr93) = “Logos Star” (E o+s) = CW of Vs(2000 + 654 “Word” (E s))
“the beginning” αρχηι = 719 = Pri(129 = Lucky.Pri(7) + Lucky.Pri(7) + Lucky.Pri(7) = “codes” κωδικες (Fr) = “of wisdom” (H r+o+s))
“the beginning was” αρχηι ην = 777 – – – “the Logos Star” (E s) = Hex(7+7+7) – – – “the Logos Star” (E r+o+s) = Hepta(7+7+7)
“the Word was” ο λογος ην (o) = 97 = Pri(26 “God” (E o)) – – – 500 + 774 “In the beg,” = “the Logos Star and John one one” (E s)
“John one one codes” Ιωαννης εις εις κωδικους = 3073 (373) – – – 888 “Jesus” Ιησους = 515 “Jesus” (E s) + 373 “Word” λογος.
W. & L. by rot. added up to order 888 “Jesus” Ιησους & 1480 “Christ” Χριστος = 2862 “The Kingdom of God” (E rr+ro+rs).
Letters by rot. added up to order
עשוהי “Jesus” 391 &
חישמה “Christ” 363 = 5314 = 4 digits of Squ(729 (α)) = 5000 + 314 (π).
Letters by rot. added up to order
515 “Jesus” (E s) & 410 “Christ” (E s) = 1000×6
ו “and” + 438 (4438 “Star number 777” (E o+s)).
W. & L. by rot. added up to order 373 = 4086 (486 “centered hexagon number 888” (E o) = Rhombus Star(9 “π” (ro)))
The first verse with a 7 CL of 373 is ordered at 829 = 100 + 729 (α) = C.Tri(8+8+8). The first verse with a 8 CL of 137 is Vs(8x8x8).




Gematria of John 1:1

Verse order = 26046 (2646 = 2000 + CW of Vs(13703) = 7x2x9x7x3 = Rhombus Star(7+7+7)) = (1000 + CW of Vs(2368))-gonal(6)
No.W = 17 “seven” επτα (r)         619 = Pri(115 “Jesus Christ” עשוהי המשיח (o)) = 2 FLL + 3 CL of Vs(2368) – – – 737 = Palin(83 “wisdom” (E o))
No.L = 52 = Pri(2) x Pri(2) x Pri(7) – – – 2x2x7 = Tri(7)                                196 “Alpha, e, Pi, Phi” (E ro) – – – 377 (37 “wisdom” (H o))
No.W + No.L = 69 = Lucky(17 “seven” (r))               Verses ordered at 7, 28 & 2701 = 3x 3993 = 10000 + “codes of wisdom” κωδικοι σοφιας (r+o+s)
TV = 3627 “and Alpha the” (E rs) = (perimeter of Tri(14 “Heart” לב (o)) = 39)x(93 = perimeter of Tri(32 “Heart” לב (s)))
= 3500 + 127 “seventy and three” שבעים ושלשה (o) – – – 73 “of Wisdom” חכמה (s) = rev std Vs(800 “α” (rs))
= 65 “midst” (E o) + TV of Vs(39) + TV of Vs(93) = 2500 + Tri(7) + Tri(7) + Tri(7) + FLW of Vs(39) & Vs(93)
= Pri(439 = Pri(2x 43 “seal” חתם (o) = 86 “of God” אלהים (s))) + CW of Vs(39) & Vs(93)
= 2018 (218 “codes” (E o+s)) + FLCW of Vs(39) & Vs(93)
= 113×7 [i. α] + TV of Vs(3993) = Lucky(396 “seven hundred seventy and seven” (E ro)) + FLW of Vs(3993)
= 3000 + (566 “Alpha” Αλφα (o+s) = 56 “and Phi” ואת פי (o) w. ext… = CW of Vs(39) + CW of Vs(93)) + CW of Vs(3993)
= (2978 = Pri(2) x Pri(238) – – – 2×238 = 400 + 76 “Bible codes” (E o)) + FLCW of Vs(3993)
= 2507 (257 “and said” רמאיו) + 2 FLW of Vs(3993)
= 3008 “the constants of physics” οι σταθερες της φυσικης (o+s) + 3 CW of Vs(3993)
= 280 “physics” פיזיקה (o+s) + TV of Vs(393 = 39 <> 93) = 3000 + 220 “Bible codes” (E s) + FLW of Vs(393)
= (1000 + 137 (i. α) + 1000 + 731 (mirror) = “the speed of light” (E ro+rs)) + CW of Vs(39)
= 1000 + 461 “In the beginning” (E s) + FLCW of Vs(393) = 777 & its mirror + 100×16 “codes” (H r) + 2 FLW of Vs(393)
= 926 “manifest” φανερος + TV of Vs(1 “α”)
= 2418 “the fine-structure constant” קבוע המבנה הדק (Fr+Fo+Fs) + FLW of Vs(1 “α”)
= 3226 “the fine-structure constant” η σταθερα λεπτης υφης (rs) + CW of Vs(1 “α”)
= (2017 = 7×31 w. 0 rem. =  “seven seven seven codes” επτα επτα επτα κωδικες) + FLCW of Vs(1 “α”)
= TV of Vs(532 “Alpha” Αλφα) + (1316 = 1000 + (316 “universe codes” םידוק םוקי = CW of Vs(777)) = “Jesus Christ” (E rs))
= TV + 2 FLW + 4 CW of Vs(31415 (π))
= TV of Vs(888 “Jesus” Ιησους) + 1192 (192 “Christ” Χριστος (ro+rs)) = 3000 + 32 “midst” (H s) + FLW of Vs(888)
= 3000 + 542 “the Bible codes” (E o+s) + CW of Vs(888) = 2900 + 47 “of God” (E o) + FLCW of Vs(888) [combo# 7 of ord Vs(1333) & std Vs(1536) = 888]
= 576 “Alpha” Αλφα (r+o+s) + TV of Vs(373 = Pri(75 “and Phi” και Φι (ro)))
= “In the beginning Alpha and Phi” (E sr137) = 3000 + 2 FLW of Vs(1092 “In the beginning Alpha and Phi” בראשית אלפא ופי (sr137))
= 3000 + FLW of Vs(9453 = Tri(137 (inv. α))) by rot. = perimeter of Tri(1099 “energy riddles” (E s)) + CW of Vs(Tri(137))
= 3000 + FLW of Vs(302253 = Tri(777)) by rot. = 3000 + Tri(16 “codes” םידק (r)) + CW of Vs(302253 = Tri(777))
FLL = 205 “Jesus Christ” (G o) – – – 3 FLW/7 CW is 1333/1536 ≈ 0.(8678 = Pri(2) x Pri(594) – – – 2×594 = 7 CW of Vs(888))
CL = 130 “inverse Alpha” (E ο) = CW of o+s Vs(925) – – – L. Surr. CL = perimeter of Tri(37 “inverse” (G r) = Pri(13 “Alpha” (H r)))
FLCL = 335 (35 “riddles” (E r))    “In the beg.” (H o+s) = “Logos Star” (G s) – – – “the Logos Star” ο λογος αστερι = 1059 “codes” (G s)
2 FLL = 325 = Hex(13 = Pri(7))          ο λογος αστερι (sr39+sr93) = “seven hundred seventy seven” (G r+o+s) = 1800 + 52 “codes” (o)
4 CL = 238 = 13-gonal(7) – – – 2 L. surr. CL = 378 = Tri(27 “riddles” חידה)   “Logos Star” (G Fs) = 1000 + “Jesus Christ” (G Ss)
2 FLL + 4 CL = 563 = 500 + Pri-o(293 “inverse Alpha” אלפא ךופה (o+s))     “Logos Star” (G Fo+Fs) = Squ(73 “wisdom” המכח)
3 FLL = 329 = Happy(52 “codes” קודים (o))
8 CL = 778 = Tri(12 “of” (E r)) w. ext…
3 FLL + 8 CL = 1107 “Triangle number” (E r+o+s) = 117 “seven hundred seventy and seven” (E r) w. 0 rem.
FLW = 428 = 400 + (28 = Tri(7) = Happy(7) = … – – – 2x2x5 = 20 “7” (r))    10x 461 “In the beg.” (E s) = “the Logos Star” (G sr373)
CW = 58 “inverse Alpha” (E r) = “seal of” (E o) – – – W. surr. CW = Lucky(130 “inverse Alpha” (E o)) = 800 + 23 “God” Θεος (r)
FLCW = 486 = 27×18 [e] = 400 + 86 “God” אלהים = perimeter of Tri(163 “in the universe” בהיקום) = Comp(393)
2 FLW = 1217 = 1000 + C.Hex(9 “π” (ro)) = PP(98 “proton” (E o)) = Pri(200 “proton” (E ro+rs)) = “the first and the last” (E s)
3 CW = 881 = Pri(153 = Tri(17 = Pri(8 “φ“ (ro+rs)))) = 81 “electron” אלקטרון (o) w. ext… Tri(39) = 10x 78 “the speed of light” (E r)
2 FLW + 3 CW = 2098 = 298 “universe” יקום (Fs) w. 0 rem. = Squ(27 “riddles” חידה (s)) + Squ(37 “of wisdom” חכמה (o))
3 FLW = 1333 = Happy(199 “inverse Alpha” αντιστροφος Αλφα (o)) = “Jesus Christ” Ιησους Χριστος (sr2+sr71)
7 CW = Rhombus Star(16 “codes” קקודים (r)) – – – 3 W. surr. CW = 1478 = Happy(218 “codes” (E o+s))
3 FLW + 7 CW = 1500 + Squ(37 “of wisdom” חכמה (o)) – – – “Jesus Christ” (G sr2+sr71+sr82+sr81) = 2300 + 1536 = 2000 + 1836 (mp/me)
FLL + FLW = 633 (63 = Pri-o(293 “i. Alpha”)) – – – UC of 3 FLW = 9669… (96 “knowledge” (E o)) – – – 9669 = rev std Vs(3627-2701)
CL + CW = 188 “777” שבע מאות שבעים ושבע (o) [m] – – – UC of 7 CW = 2418… – – – 2418 “knowledge” (H, G & E s) = TV of Vs(20711)
FLCL + FLCW = 821 “codes” κωδικοι (rs) – – – UC of ord 3 FLW/UC of std 7 CW = 7.94432… – – – 794 = Happy-o(5436 = 2718×2 [e])
L. surr. CL + W. surr. CW = 931 = Happy(133 = Octa(7)) = Pri-o(7297 (α)) = “Logos Star codes” λογος αστερι κωδικοι (Fo)
2 FLL + 2 FLW = perimeter of Tri(515 “Jesus” (E s))        Tri(93) = 3000 + (1371 = 1000 + anagram of 137 (i. α) = 5 CW of John 1:1)
4 CL + 3 CW = 1119 = 19 “codes” (E r) w. ext… – – – 2 L. surr. CL + 2 W. surr. CW = 1691 = 1000 + Pri(126 “Logos Star” (E o))
2 FLL + 2 FLW + 4 CL + 3 CW = 2661 = perimeter of Tri(888 “Jesus”) – – – FW + CW = 113 “universe” (o) = Pri(31 “and” και)
3 FLL + 3 FLW = 1662 = 162 seven hundred and twenty nine” שבע מאות עשרים ותשע (Fr) w. ext… – – – 8 CL + 7 CW = TV of Vs(777)
3 FLL + 3 FLW + 8 CL + 7 CW = 3976 = (E r) “riddles” 35-gonal(16 “of wisdom” σοφια (r)) = TV of Vs(6728 = 400 + 2701 + 3627)
A.W.E FLW = 3000 + 199 “inv. Alpha” (G o) – – – TV of Vs(1333) & Vs(1536) = 4808 = Pri(2) x Pri(2) x Pri(2)… – – – 2x2x2x111 = 888
A.W.E CW = 3500 + midpoint of 137 (i. α) = 3000 + PP(49 = Squ(7 = Pri(5 “e”))) – – – LW + CW = Pri(84 = Tri(7) + Tri(7) + Tri(7))
.W.E FLCW = 3141 (π) = (21 “φ” (o)) 211-gonal(6) = Pri(3) x Pri(3) x Pri(71) – – – 3x3x71 = Comp-o(777) – – – W# 39 (rot.) = 373 = W# 93 (rot.)

FW + CW = 113 “universe” (E o) = Pri(31 “and” και)
LW + CW = 431 = Pri(84 = Tri(7) + Tri(7) + Tri(7))
L. up to CL = 1807 “seven hundred seventy and seven” שבע מאות שבעים ושבע (o+s) [m]
L. from CL = 1820 = Penta(35 “riddles” (E r))
W. up to CW = 1807 “seven hundred seventy and seven” שבע מאות שבעים ושבע (o+s) [m]
W. from CW = 1878 = 1500 + Tri(27 “riddles” חידה)
A.W.E FLW = 3199 = 3000 + 199 “inverse Alpha” αντιστροφος Αλφα (o)
A.W.E CW = 3569 = 3500 + midpoint of 137 (inv. α) = 3000 + PP(49 = Sqi(7 = Pri(5 “e”)))
A.W.E FLCW = 3141 (π) = 3000 + Lucky(31 “and” και = Pri(12 “Phi” Φι (rr))) = Pri(3) x Pri(3) x Pri(71) – – – 3x3x71 = Comp-o(777)
Words from order 3 to 7 = 602 = 62 “Word” λογος (o) w. 0 rem. – – – Words from order 3 to 7 in reverse = 606 (66 “gematria” (H o))
Words from order 3 to 7 in forward & reverse directions = 1208 (128 “thirty and seven” שלושים ושבע (o))
1181 “uncover” (E ro+rs) = words added at the orders of: 2, 3, 6 & 8 (2368 “Jesus Christ” Ιησους Χριστος)
Word” λογος has a value of 373 = 37 merged with its mirrorAnd the TV of Vs(23627 = 20000 + 39x93) = 6903 = Tri(7+37+73).
red = 9×27 [mirror of α] – – – ord = 605 = 65 “midst” (E o) w. 0 rem. – – – std = 3627 = 3000 + FLW of Vs(302253 = Tri(777)) by rot.
o+s = 4232 = perimeter of Squ(1059 “codes” κωδικες) – – – r+o+s = 4475 (475 = 400 + Lucky(19 “of wisdom” חכמה (r)))


Downie's Star as a Centered Star in John 1:1

the "Word" Λογοσ and verse# 373 "Word" + John 1:1 codes-<>-

Prime factors of John 1:1


The prime factors added = 2232 = Deca(8+8+8)
Their prime orders added = 539 = perimeter of Hepta(78 = Tri(12 “and” ו (Fs)))
Sum prime factors added with their prime orders is 2232+539 = 2771 “Octagon number eight hundred and eighty eight” (E s)
= 271 (e) w. ext… = Centered Hexagons added up to order 3 & 14


Six words in this verse that are primed: 719 (x1), 373 (x3) & 31 (x2) – – – 719 = Pri(129) – – – 373 = Pri(75) – – – 31 = Pri(12)
129 + 75×3 + 12×2 = 378 = Tri(27 “riddles” חידה)
719 + 373×3 + 31×2 = 1900 = 100x 19 “and” (E o)
Sum = 2278 = Tri(67 “codes of” (E o)) = Hex(34 = Pri-o(137 (inv. α))) – – – perimeter of Star(373) = 4464 = ordinal Vs(925) w. ext…
Prime orders added from order 39 to 93 = 351 = Tri(26 “inverse” הפוך (rr) = “Alpha” Αλφα (rr))
Prime factors added from order 39 to 93 = 1604 164 “a hundred and thirty and seven” מאת ושלשים ושבע (o) – – – 137 (inverse α)
Sum = 1900 + 55 “and” (E s) = 195 “seven seven seven” (E o) w. ext… – – – perimeter of Star(925) = 11088 = 7 CW of Vs(888) w. 0 rem.

Prime orders added from order 70 “the” ο to 373 “Word” λογος = 23 “Aleph Tav” את (o) – – – 4 digits of Tri(373) = 6975
Prime factors added from order 70 “the” ο to 373 “Word” λογος = 73 “wisdom” חכמה – – – TV of Vs(20000 + 4725) = 6975
Sum = Octa(6 “and” ו) = “knowledge” (E o) – – – UC of red Vs(925) = 825057295 ≈ (157066 (1576 = 4 digits of Hex(888)))-gonal(103)
Prime orders added up to order 37 = 464 = 400 + 64 “wisdom” σοφια (o)

Prime factors added up to order 37 = 1859 = 1500 + Pri(73 “wisdom) = 2×718 [e] + 3×141 [π] – – – 4 last digits of Star(39×93) = 9013
Sum = 2323 = 2000 + Palin(42 = Rec(6 “and” ו) = “knowledge” דעת (o)) = Lucky(314 “seven hundred seventy seven” (E o))
Prime orders added from order 13 to 7 = 107 “seven hundred seventy seven” (E r) – – – 5 digits of Star(39×93) = 78909
Prime factors added from order 13 to 7 = 430 = 400 + 30 “codes” κωδικους (r) = חכמה of wisdom” 73-gonal(4) – – – CW of Vs(7899) = 401 = PP(38)
Sum = 537 = 400 + 137 (inv. α) = Lucky(91 = Tri(13 = Pri(7))) – – – 3 FLW + 8 CW of Vs(28248 = FLW of Vs(37) x CW of Vs(137)) = 7899
Prime orders added from order 34 “Alpha” (G o) to 532 “Alpha” (G s) = 97 “The Golden Ratio” – – – 7899 = Lucky(13×70 [i. α])
Prime factors added from order 34 “Alpha” (G o) to 532 “Alpha” (G s) = 416 “riddles” αινιγματα – – – CW of Vs(7899) = 401 = PP(38)
Sum =
513 = FLCW of Vs(777) = 400 + 113 “universe” (E o) = perimeter of Tri(172 “codes” (E s)) – – – 789 = 400 + 389 “the fine-str…”
Prime orders added from order 213 “777” (G o) [m] to 1553 “777” (G s) [m] = 75
= CW of Vs(5 “the” ה) = PP-o(37 “seal” (E o)) x PP-o(137 “of God” (E s)) – – – 8325 = 8000 + Tri(25 “7” (E rr)) = 4 digits of Star(373)
Prime factors added from order 213 “seven hundred seventy seven” επτακοσια εβδομηντα επτα (o) to 1553 “777” (s)
= 194 “seven hundred seventy and seven” שבע מאות ושבעים ושבע (o)
Sum = 269 = PP(26 “codes” (E rr)) = Pri(58 = Comp(41 “of God” אלהים (o))) – – – TV of Vs(8325) = 3085 (30085 = 7-gonal(37+73))

Prime orders added from order 81 to 934 = 226 = (26 “inverse” הפוך (rr) = “Alpha” ΑΛφα (rr)) w. ext… – – – 17-gonal(39+93) = 129822 = 2165-gonal(4) w. ext…
Prime factors added from order 81 “codes” κωδικοι (o) to 934 “codes” κωδικοι (s) = 885 = Lucky(137 (inverse α)) – – – 2165 = TV of Vs(925)
Sum = 1111 = 1 “α” w. ext… = 111 “Alpha” אלפא (Fo) w. ext…

Prime orders added from order 110 to 1524 = 314 “seven hundred seventy seven” (E o) – – – perimeter of Star(75 = Pri-o(373)) = 888
Prime factors added from order 110 “codes” κωδικους (o) to 1524 “codes” κωδικους (s) = 10x(111 “inverse” הפוך = “Alpha” אלפא (Fo))
Sum = 1424 = 1000 + Palin(52 “codes” קודים (o)) – – – 3 FLW of Vs(373) + 3 FLW of Vs(737) = 2000 + Pri(38 “inv.” (E r) = “Alpha” (E o))
Prime orders added from order 34 to 534 “Alpha” + from order 81 to 934 “codes” = 323 = Palin(42 = 3 x Comp(7))
Prime factors added from order 34 to 534 “Alpha” + from order 81 to 934 “codes” = 1301 = Pri(213 “777” (G o) [m])
Sum = 1624 = 1500 + Lucky-o(777) – – – 7 CW of Vs(373) + 7 CW of Vs(737) = 2995 = TV of Vs(729735256 (α)) by rot.
Prime orders from order 34 to 534 “Alpha” + from order 110 to 1524 “codes” = 411 = 137×3 (13703 = 5 digits of inverse α)
Prime factors added from order 34 to 534 + from order 110 to 1524 “codes” = 1000 + C.Penta(15 = PP-o(137 (inverse α)))
Sum = 1937 = 1800 + 137 (i.α) – – – 3 FLW + 7 CW of verses ordered at 373 & 737 = 5152 = (E s) “riddles” 242-gonal(7) = perim. of Hepta(737)
Prime factors from order 213 to 1553 + from order 81 to 934 = 1079 = 1000 + 79 “Pi” (E s) – – – Verse# 373 is Gen 15:12 [1000 + 8x8x8]

Prime orders from order 213 to 1553 “777” + from order 81 to 934 “codes” = 301 = 31 “and” και w. 0 rem.
Sum = 1380 “Natural Logarithm” (E r+o+s) – – – Gen 31:51 [3000 + 151 “Jesus Christ” (E o)] is verse# 925 “Jesus Christ” (E s)
Prime factors added from order 213 to 1553 “777” + from order 110 to 1524 “codes” 
= 1304 “reward” במתת (Fs)
Prime orders added from order 213 “777” to 1553 + from order 110 “codes” to 1524 = 389 “the fine-structure constant” קבוע המבנה הדק
Sum = 1693 “enigma” (E ro+rs) [enigma is how you pronounce “riddle” αινιγμα in Greek] – – – 13x31 x 393 = 39-gonal(93)

UC of 3 FLL
/UC of 7 CL of Vs(137) 0.00(255177 = Happy(373) w. ext…)
TV of verses ordered at 17, 52 & 3627 = 13472 = 10000 + Tri(3) + Tri(7) + Tri(7) + Tri(3) + Tri(37) + Tri(73) = 4 digits of Hepta(373)
= (r) και “and” 4x(137+731) = TV of Vs(3136 = TV of Vs(Star(777)) = 3000 + Tri(16)) = TV of Vs(5000 + 2969) = TV of Vs(8088)
2 FLW of verses ordered at 17, 52 & 3627 = 100 + 3472



There are 31054 possible word combinations in all permutations made up of 39 or not in John 1:1.
The number of combos made up of 39 = 3027 = Lucky(393 = 39 merged with 93)
– And the number of word combinations made up of 93 = 1399 = (139 = 100 + 39 = factor of Eng ord John 1:1) with extended digit
The number of combos made up of 37 = 3574 = 2000 + TV of Vs(37)
The number of combos made up of 73 = 2228 (28 = Tri(7) = Happy(7) = Pri(2) x Pri(23)… – – – 2x2x5 = 20 “7” (E r))
– Total number of combos made up of 39 & 93 = 4426 “crown” στεφανος (Fr+Fo+Fs) = 426 “midst” תוך w. ext…
– Total number of combos made up of 37 & 73 = 5802 = 1000×5 “the” ה + Happy(112 “Alpha” אלפא = “and Phi” ואת פי (Fo))
There are 21 combos made up of 2701 (37×73 = 37 multiplied with its mirror) [21×37 = 777]


Numerical ELS codes of John 1:1

Skip 3 = 1123 = Lucky.Pri(51 “seven seven seven” επτα επτα επτα (r)) – – – Skip 3 (r) = 1356 = 1200 + 156 “universeיקום
Sum = 2479 = 2400 + 79 דעה “knowledge”
– – – 3 FLW of Vs(925) = 1341 “seven seven seven” שבעה שבעה שבעה (ro+rs)
skip 7 = 330 “the fine-structure constant” (E ro) – – – skip 7 (r) = 269 “one” (H & G s)
Sum = 599 = Pri(110 “Alpha” (E s))
– – – 8 CW of Vs(925) = 1666 (16 “codes” קודים (r)) = Happy(242 = 8+8+8 <> mirror)
Skip 3 + Skip 7 = 1000 + 453 “the seal” החתם = Pri(113 = Pri(31 = Pri(12 “of” (E r)) = “of God” אל))
skip 3 (r) + skip 7 (r) = 1625 “777” (H s) – – –
3 FLW + 8 CW of Vs(925) = 3007 = 37 “of wisdom” חכמה (o) w. 0 rem.
Sum = 3078 (378 = Tri(27 “riddles” חידה)) – – – TV of Vs(401) = 1601 = Pri(259) – – – Letter combo# 137 of Vs(401) = 2x Pri(114)
Skip of 3&7 = 507 = Squ(13 = Pri(7)) + Squ(13 = Pri(7)) + Squ(13 = Pri(7)) – – – skip of 3&7 (r) = 507 = 3 x Squ(Pri(7))
Sum = 1014 “the seal” σφραγις = 1000 + 14 “of God” אלהים (r)
– – – TV of Vs(737) = 3011 = Pri(433 = Star(9 = PP-o(73)))
skip of 7&3 = 524 = 400 + Lucky-o(777) – – – skip of 7&3 = 392 “a hundred and thirty and seven” מאת ושלשים ושבע (Fo) – – – 137
Sum = 916 = 500 + 416 “riddles” αινιγματα
– – – FLW of Vs(737) = 58 “inverse Alpha” (E r) = mirror of FLCW of Vs(737)
Total sum = 1930
= Happy(292 “one hundred and thirty seven” (E o)) = “mass equals energy” μαζα ισουται με την ενεργεια (r+o+s)
skip 3 + skip 7 + skip 3&7 = 1800 + 160 “codes” קודים – – – skip 3 (r) + skip 7 (r) + skip 3&7 (r) = 2132 = 1000 + 39 + 1000 + 93
Sum = 4092 = 4000 + 92 “riddles of “ (E o) = Tri(26 “The Lord” יהוה) + Tri(86 “God” אלהים) = TV of Vs(37) + TV of Vs(39)
skip 9 = 218 “codes” (E o+s) – – – skip 9 (r) = 264 “of wisdom” חכמה (rr+ro+rs)
– – – UC of Vs(Pri(401)) ≈ 3.1677 (anagram of Star(777))
Sum = 482 = 100×4 “and” και (r) + 82 “inverse Alpha” הפוך אלפא (So) – – – 27 “riddles” חידה = CW of Vs(737 = 73 “of wisdom” חכמה <> mirror)
Skip 3 + Skip 9 = 1341 “seven seven seven” שבעה שבעה שבעה (o+s)
– – – W# 9 of Vs(737) = 27 [CW] = Lucky-o(127 (i. α))
Skip 3 (r) + Skip 9 (r) = 1620 = perimeter of Tri(541 = Star(10 “α” (Fr))) = perimeter of Hex(271 (e))
= perimeter of Penta(325 = Tri(25 “Pi” Πι (o))) = perimeter of Nona(181 = Star(6 “and” ו))
– – – W# 10 of Vs(737) = 127) 
Sum = 2961 = Lucky(386 = ordinal value of Vs(1618 (φ))) – – – “knowledge” γνωσις (rs) = 737 = 73 “wisdom” חכמה <> mirror

Skip of 3&9 = 722 = ord of Vs(729 (α)) = 72 “The Golden Ratio” (E r) w. ext...
– – – 6 digits of Hex(754) = 113627 (10000 + 39×93)
Skip of 3&9 (r) = 873 = Lucky(135 “seven hundred seventy and seven” (E rr)) = מהירות האור “the speed of light”
Sum = 1595 “in the universe” (E rs)
– – – integration Vs(373) & Vs(925): W# 11 = 114 – – – W# 12 = 648 – – – W# 13 by rot. or not = 373
Skip of 9&3 = 548 = 400 + 148 “Alpha” (E o+s) – – – Skip of 9&3 (r) = 988 (98 = Comp(72 “The Golden Ratio” (E r)))
Sum = 1500 + 36 “seven seven seven” שבע שבע שבע (r)
– – – 3 CW of Vs(737) = 400 + (114 = W# 777 by rot. of Vs(737))
Skip 3 + skip 9 + skip 3&9 = 2063 = Happy(307 (37 “seal” (E o))) = Happy.Pri(58 = Comp(41 “of God” (H o)))
Skip 3 (r) + Skip 9 (r) + Skip 3&9 (r) = 2493 =
Lucky(334 “777” (E ro)) 
Sum = 4556 = Rec(67 “codes of” (E o)) = 456 “Alpha, e, Pi and Phi” (E o+s) w. ext… = 7×297 [α] + 2×718 [e] + 3×141 [π] + 1×618 [φ]
Skip 9 + Skip 3 + Skip 9&3 = 1889 (189 = 15 “the” (E r) + 37 “seal” (E o) + 137 “of God” (E s)) – – – TV of Vs(1536) = 1000 + CW of Vs(925)
Skip 9 (r) + Skip 3 (r) + Skip 9&3 (r) = 2608 (268 = Comp(211 = 21 w. ext…) = “thirty and seven” (H & G o) – – – 37) – – – FLW of Vs(259) = 883
Sum = 4497 = 497 “riddles of God” (E o+s) w. ext… – – – FLW of Vs(83253 = 5 digits of Star(373)) by rot. = 833 (83 = CW of Vs(925))

6 CW of Vs(259) + 7 CW of Vs(114) = 5235 = 435 “λογος” Logos (o+s) + 100×48 בכוכ “Star” – – – 2 FLW + 3 CW of Vs(737) = 1144
3 FLW of Vs(259) + 7 CW of Vs(114) + 3 FLW + 7 CW of Vs(373) = 8487
= Lucky(970 “Alpha the” Αλφα το (o+s)) = Happy(1239 “Heart of Wisdom” (E o+s)) = 8000 + FLW of Vs(137 (i. α))
Word# 6 of Vs(8325) =
271 (e), and words ordered at 3 & 2 (32 “circle” (E r)) has the values of 31 & 14 – – – 314 (π).



Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1 codes




Integration of Genesis 1:1 & John 1:1 [Joel 2:23 is verse# 22335 which is verse# 302253 by rotation]
Verse orders =
26047 = (2647 = Pri(384 “fine-structure constant” קבוע מבנה הדק)) w. 0 rem.
= 20000 + (Pri(790 = Happy(110)) = ordinal & standard values added of all letters in the Hebrew & Greek alphabets)
No.W = 24 “universe” συμπαν (r) – – – No.L = 80 “codes” κωδικες (o) – – – No.W + No.L = 104 “of wisdom” (E o)
TV = (963 = Lucky-o(8421 = TV of Vs(913 “In the beg.” (H s)) + TV of Vs(774 “In the beg.” (G s)))) + Deca(37) = Tri(112 “Alpha”)
= TV of Vs(30000 + 422 “e” (ro+rs)) [Joel 2:23 ובני ציון גילו ושמחו ביהוה אלהיכם כי נתן לכם את המורה לצדקה ויורד לכם גשם מורה ומלקוש בראשון]
= TV of Vs(30920 = 10x 3092 (392 = Comp(314 (π))))
[Verse orders added of the only verses with a total value of 6328 = 61342 = Pri(2) x Pri(3309) – – – 2×3309 = 6618 (618 (φ))]
= TV of Vs(112 “Alpha” אלפא = Hepta(7) = perimeter of Squ(29)) + 10x(323 = Palin(42 = Comp(7) + Comp(7) + Comp(7)))
= 5000 + Star(13 “Alpha” (H r)) + FLW of Vs(112) = 5000 + Pri(153 = Tri(17 “and” ו (ro)) = “the Golden Ratio” (E o)) + CW…
= TV of Vs(774 “In the beginning”) + (800 + 53 “the universe” היקום (o) = prime factor of Vs(3627) = 4 CW of Vs(13703 (i. α)))
= 2500 + TV of Vs(729 (α)) + (145 “physics codes” (E o) = 37 “of wisdom” (o) + 73 “of wisdom” (s) + Pri-o(37) + Pri-o(73))
= TV of Vs(26 “The Lord” יהוה) + TV of Vs(86 “God” אלהים) + 345 “codes” κωδικες (Fo)
= 1000×5 ה “of” + 358 “Messiah” משיח + FLW of Vs(26) + FLW of Vs(86)
= ((E o) “Earth” 52 x 113 “Universe” (E o) = TV of Matthew 1:1 (first verse of the N.T)) + CW of Vs(26) + CW of Vs(86)
= Happy(1 “α” + 729 (α) = “the fine-struct. c.” (H, G & E ro) = “e, Pi and Phi” (E sr73)) + FLCW of Vs(26) + FLCW of Vs(86)
= 1474 (11474 = TV of verses ordered at 37, 73, 39 & 93) + (4854 = 1618×3 [φ] = perimeter of Tri(1619 “777” (H s)))
= 10x(509 = 3 last digits of Hepta(729 (α))) + FLW of verses ordered at 37, 73, 39 & 93
= (5075 = perimeter of Hepta(726 (729)) = 575 “Alpha” אלפא (sr137) w. 0 rem.) + CW of verses ordered at 37, 73, 39 & 93
= 3700 + (137 (i. α) = Pri(34 “Alpha” Αλφα (o))) + FLCW of Vs ordered at 37, 73, 39 & 93 = 3711 (anagram of 137) + 2 FLW…
= TV of Vs(777) + Primes ordered at the Heb ord & std values of “the seal” החתם (48/453) & “of God” אלהים (41/86)
= 3000 + TV of 777 Holograph + (237 “codes” (E r+o+s) = Lucky(47 “of God” (E o)))
= 5000 + Palin(71 = Pri(7+7+7)) + CW of 777 Holo. = (5221 = Star(30 “codes” κωδικους (r))) + FLCW of 777 Holo.
= 5000 + Pri(59 = Pri(18 “of wisdom” חכמה (r))) + 2 FLW of… = 4774 (Nona(12 “and” ו (Fs)) = 474 “knowledge דעת) + 3 CW…
FLL = 297 = Lucky(56 “seven hundred seventy seven” שבע מאות שבעים שבע (r)) 
CL =
171 = Tri(18 “riddles” חידה (r)) – – – L. surr CL = 518 = 500 + 18 “riddles” 
FLCL = 468 “of wisdom” חכמת [1 Ki 10:4] =The Lord God” (E s) 
2 FLL = 797 = PP(67 “codes of” (E o)) 
4 CL = 689 = Squ(12 “seven” שבע (r)) + Squ(17 “seven” שבעה (r)) + Squ(16 “seven” שבעת (r)) – – – 2 L. surr. CL = 7+7+7 + 777
2 FLL + 4 CL = 1000 + 486 “the seal of God” (E s) 
3 FLL = 823 = Lucky(130 “inv. Alpha” (E o)) – – – 8 CL = 1569 = 800 + Pri(137) – – – 3 FLL + 8 CL = perimeter of Squ(599 = Pri(110))
FLW = 1637 = 1500 + 137 (i. α) = TV of Vs(1618 (φ)) – – – FW = 100 + 137 + 731 – – – LW = 669 (69 = midpoint of 137 (i. α))
CW =
459 = Tri(17 “seven” (r)) + Tri(17 “seven” (r)) + Tri(17 “seven” (r)) [461 = CW of Vs(302253) w. upsidedown digit]
= mirror of 954 “The Golden Ratio” (E r+o+s) = אלהיםGod” 86 + 373 “Word” λογος = FLW of Vs(461 “In the begin.” (E s))
= 12 “universe” יקום (r) + CW of Vs(112 “Alpha” אלפא) = 24 “universe” συμπαν (r) + CW of Vs(532 “Alpha” Αλφα)
= CW of Vs(2950 “Alpha” (E sr729)) + CW of Vs(22791 “The Golden Ratio” (E sr1618)) = word# 137 + word# 729 of Vs(729)
FLCW = 2096 = 296 “Bible codes” (E o+s) w. 0 rem. = FLCW of Vs(2718281 (e)) by rot. + FLCW of Vs(3141592 (π)) by rot.
W. surr. CW = 1200 + 104 “of wisdom” (E o) [CW is also = 400 + Pri(18 “riddles”)] = 1304 “The Lord God” Ο Κυριος Θεος (o+s)
2 FLW = 3036 = 336 “Alpha, e, Pi and Phi” (E s) w. 0 rem. = 4 digits of the UC in Vs(112) = TV of Vs(15328 = 9000 + Tri(112))
3 CW = 1763 (inverse Ω) = Comp(1488 = 3 x Tri(31 “seven” שבעת (ro))) – – – 2 W. surr. CW = 2404 (24 “Ω” (o))
2 FLW + 3 CW = 4799 = 4500 + 299 (c) = starter 271 (e) of “three hundred and fourteen” שלוש מאות וארבע עשרה
3 FLW = 3633 = Lucky(462 = Rec(7+7+7)) = Palin(46 “codes” (E o)) w. ext…      perim. of Star(271) + perim. of Star(314) = 6996
7 CW = 4237 = 100x(42 “of knowledge” דעת (o) = Rec(6 “and” ו)) + 37 “wisdom” חכמה (o) = Pri(9) x Pri(49) – – – 9×49 = Squ(7+7+7) = Lucky(Squ(23))
3 FLW + 7 CW = 7870 = 10x 787 (high energy α) =
perimeter of Penta(1575 = TV of Vs(7297352 (α)) by rot.)
FL + FW = 975 = Tri(25 “seven” (E rr)) + Tri(25 “seven” (E rr)) + Tri(25 “seven” (E rr)) – – – LL + LW = 959 “universe” (E s)
FLL + FLW = 1934 = 1000 + 934 “codes” κωδικοι
CL + CW = 630 = 3 x Tri(20 “seven” (E r)) = Tri(35 “riddles” (E r)) – – – L. surr. CL + W. surr. CW = 1822 “thirty and seven” (E s)
FLCL + FLCW = 2564 = 2500 + 64 “of wisdom” σοφια (o)
2 FLL + 2 FLW =
3833 = Pri(533 (53 “the universe” היקום (o)))
4 CL + 3 CW = 2000 + (מאה ושנים “hundred and twelve” 452 – – – 112 “Alpha” אלפא) = Happy(362 = Happy(56 = Rec(7 = Pri(5 “e”))))

2 FLL + 2 FLW + 4 CL + 3 CW = 6285 “Pi and Phi” (E sr777)
FW + CW = 1400 + 27 “riddles” חידה
LW + CW = 1128 = 128 “thirty and seven”
שלושים ושבע (o) w. ext… – – – 37 “of wisdom” חכמה (o)
L. up to CL = 3009 = (39 = Pri(7) + Pri(7) + Pri(7)) w. 0 rem.
L. from CL = 3319 = Happy(1 “α” + 500 “φ”) = Pri(468 “the Lord God” (E s))
W. up to CW = 3410 = 10x 341 “Alpha and Phi” Αλφα και φι (Fo)
W. from CW = 3377 = 2600 + 777 = 37 “wisdom” (o) w. ext…
A.L.E FLL = 6031 = Lucky(719 “the beginning” αρχηι) = 11-gonal(37)
A.L.E CL = 6157 = 6000 + Pri(38 “inverse” (E r) = “Alpha” (E o)) = “the Alpha and Phi” το Αλφα και Φι (Fs)
A.L.E FLCL = 5860 = 10x(586 = 1 “α” + 5 “e” + 80 “π” + 500 “φ”)
A.W.E FLW = 4691 = 4000 + 691 “secret codes” (E o+s) 
A.W.E CW = 5869 = 4500 + Squ(37 “of wisdom” המכח (o)) 
A.W.E FLCW = 4232 = perimeter of Tri(1059 (159 = PP(7) + PP(7) + PP(7)) = “codes” κωδικες = 1000 + Pri(18 = Lucky-o(73)))
W. by rot. from order 271 (e) to 314 (π) = 1000 + 1680 “7-7-7” (E s) = Happy numbers up to order (31 “and” και = C.Tri(5 “the” ה))
L. by rot. from order 271 (e) to 314 (π) = 2362 “7-7-7 Holograph” שבע שבע שבע הולוגרף (sr137)
27013627/1209428/40158/1610486/18191217/882881/27012098 [TV/FLW/CW/FLCW….] 7.960 = 4 digits of C.Tri(729)

(3627*428*58*486)/(2701*1209*401*1610)0.0207555599 – – – 22759 “Alpha, e, Pi and Phi” (H sr1618) = 2000 + 3 x Star(7) w. ext…
= Happy-o(2685 (266085 = Tri(729)))
(3627*42858486*12178812098)/(2701*12094011610*18198822701) ≈ 0.00(3184 = 4 digits of Star(729))

יהוה “The Lord” 26 = Heptagons up to order 3
אלהיםGod” 86 = 2x Heptagram(3)
יהוה אלהיםThe Lord God” 112 = Heptagon(7)
The Lord God” (H sr6+sr28) = 422 = 3 digits of Heptagram(777)
6 = Tri(3) – – – 28 = Tri(7)
The Lord” (E s) = 397 = PP(37) – – – “God” (E s) = 71 = Pri(7+7+7)


• Adding square roots of the values of Genesis 1:1 & John 1:1 in either red, ord & std reflects their triangular orders:
82+√243 is 9.05+15.58 = 24.63 ≈ 25 – – – √298+√605 is 17.26+24.59 = 41.85 ≈ 42 – – – √2701+√3627 is 51.97+60.22 = 112.19 ≈ 112
Square roots added & rounded of the FLW in Gen 1:1 & John 1:1 = Tri(10 “α” (Fr) = Tri(4 “e” (rr)) = “π” (rs) = 2x 5 “φ” (r))
Square roots added & rounded of the CW in Gen 1:1 & John 1:1 = Tri(7) = Happy(7) = Pri(2) x Pri(2)… – – – 2x2x5 = 20 “7”
First word of John 1:1 = 55 = Tri(10 “α” (Fr) = “e” (o+s) = “π” (rs) = Tri(4 “and” (r)) = Comp(5 “φ” (r))) = Hepta(5 = PP-o(37))
First word of Genesis 1:1 = 913 = (316 = C.Tri(15 = PP-o(137)) = C.Hepta(10)) when mirrored with an upsidedown digit
Letters added up to order 137 (i. α) by rot. in rev std Gen 1:1 & John 1:1 = 2850 = Tri(75 “seven seven seven” (E rr))
W. & L. up to order 729 (α) by rot. instead = 8000 + Squ(16 “codes” קודים (r)) = Tri(128 “thirty and seven” שלושים ושבע (o))
Words ordered at 1, 6, 1, 8 of Gen 1:1 & John 1:1 = 3660 = Rec(60 “seven seven seven” (E r))
Letters ordered at 1, 6, 1, 8 of Gen 1:1 & John 1:1 = 630 = Tri(35 “riddles” (E r)) = Hex(18 “of wisdom” חכמת (r))
3 FLW + 7 CW of ord Gen 1:1 & John 1:1 = 1035 = Tri(45 = Tri(9 = PP-o(73)))
Words & letters in red Gen 1:1 ordered at the values of all words & letters in red John 1:1 = 289 = Squ(17 “the heaven” השמים (r))
W. & L. in Eng red Gen 1:1 ordered at the values of all W. & L. in Eng red John 1:1 = 784 = Squ(28 “and the earth” ואת הארץ (r))
Letters in rev std Gen 1:1 & John 1:1 ordered at 2, 7, 1, 8, 2 [27182 (e)] = 1369 = Squ(37) = mirror of Lucky(1084 (184 “37” (E o)))
W. ordered at 1, 3, 7, 0, 3 in rev std = 4510 = Penta(55 = Tri(3+7) = Hepta(5 = PP-o(37))) = 10x(Pentagram(3+7) = Deca(11 = Lucky-o(7)))
FLCW of rev std Gen 1:1 & John 1:1 = 1770 = Hexagon(30 = perimeter of Penta(7))
8 CL + 7 CW of reduced Gen 1:1 & John 1:1 = 253 = Hexagram(7) = Tri(22 = 2 w. ext…) = C.Hepta(9)
W. in Gen 1:1 & John 1:1 ordered at 7, 2, 9, 7 & 3 = Heptagon(29 “and” ואת (o)), and L. ordered at 3, 0, 2, 2, 5 & 3 = Heptagon(8+8+8).
7 CW of ord John 1:1 = 271 = Pri(59 = Heptagrams up to order 3) = CW of Vs(21291 = 20500 + 791)
8 CL of std Gen 1:1 = 791 = Heptagrams up to order 7 = 100×6 “and” ו + red Vs(775 = Heptagrams from order 3 to 7)
8 CL of rev ord Gen 1:1 & John 1:1 = 176 = Octagon(Comp(3) = 8) = 3 digits of inverse α, and the 7 CW = 625 = Squ(25 “seven” (E rr)).
CW of Full std Gen 1:1 + CW of Full ord John 1:1 = 577 = Octagram(9 = Squ(3)) = 500 + (77 = 7 w. ext…)
Letters added from order 21 to 37 in rev std Gen 1:1 & John 1:1 = 3075 = Nonagon(30 = perimeter of Penta(7))
Letters added up to order 39 in rev std Gen 1:1 & John 1:1 = 7831 = Nonagram(30 = perimeter of Penta(7))
CW of std Gen 1:1 & ord John 1:1 = 421 = 400 + Octa(3) = Decagram(7) = FLCW of Vs(10574) = FLCW of Vs(21777)
std Gen 1:1 & ord John 1:1 = 3306 = r+o+s Vs(3432 = Tri(7) + Tri(37) + Tri(73)) = Hepta(7) + Hepta(7) + Hepta(7) w. 0 rem.
FLCW of std Gen 1:1 & ord John 1:1 = 1710 = 10x Tri(6+6+6) = TV of Vs(16188)            1574 = TV of Vs(37)
2 FLW + 3 CW of std Gen 1:1 & ord John 1:1 = 3000 = 10x Tri(8+8+8) = TV of Vs(1995 = Eng starter 37 Gen 1:1)
W. up to CW of std Gen 1:1 & ord John 1:1 = 1891 = Tri(61 = Pri(19 “codes” (E r) = “of wisdom” חכמה (r)))
ord Gen 1:1 & std John 1:1 = mirror of (5293 = Lucky(640 = 10x C.Tri(7)) = Semiprime(10x Squ(12 “seven”)) = Heptagram(28))
FLL of ord Gen 1:1 & std John 1:1 = 225 = Squ(15 “three” שלוש (r)), and the CL = 144 = Squ(12 “seven” שבע (r)).
FLCW of ro Gen 1:1 & rs John 1:1 = Squ(39 “three” τρια (Fr)), and the 2 FLW + 3 CW = 3601 = Star(25 “seven” (E rr)).
3 FLL + 3 FLW of ord Gen 1:1 & std John 1:1 = 1999 = C.Tri(37), and the 8 CL + 7 CW = 2701 = Tri(73).
913774-774913 = 138861 (13861 = Lucky(1000 + 17×29 [1000 + 729]) = Tri(166 (16 “codes”)) = Heptagram(Tri(9 = PP-o(73))))
std divided by ord value of the Greek spelling of “In the beginning” is 774/74 ≈ 10.459 – – – 10459 = C.Tri(84 = 3 x Tri(7))
L. up to order 74 + W. up to order 774 (by rot.) in John 1:1 = 3000 + 286 “In the beginning” (G Fo) = TV of Vs(117 “777” (E r))
L. up to order 76 + W. up to order 913 (by rot.) in Genesis 1:1 = 3160 = 10x CW of Vs(777) = 3000 + 160 “codes” קודים
3286+3160 = 6446 = CW of Vs(13703 (i. α)) w. ext… = TV of Vs(777) + mirror
TV Vs(774 “In the beginning”) = 5475 = 1000 + 848 “In the beginning” εν αρχηι (o+s) + 39×93 (TV of John 1:1)
   = 1000 + 774 “In the beginning” εν αρχηι + 1000 + 37×73 (TV of Genesis 1:1)
TV of Vs(913 “In the beginning”) 1000 + 888 “Jesus” Ιησους + 1000 + CW of John 1:1
   = 1000 + Comp(444 = Hepta(8) + Hepta(8) + Hepta(8)) + 1000 + CW of Genesis 1:1
373 = Pri(75) = PP(35) – – – 75+35 = 110 “inv.” = “Alpha” – – – 393 = Lucky(70 “i. Alpha” (H o)) – – – 75+35+373+70+393 = Tri(43)
393 = Palin(49 = Octagram(3) = Squ(7)) = Heptagram(8) – – – 38 = “inverse” (E r) = “Alpha” (E o) = code number for 888
373+393 = 766 “wisdom and” חכמה ואת (ro+rs) – – – 373 = Palin(47) – – – 393 = Palin(49) – – – 47+49 = 96 “knowledge” (E o)
L. up to order 37 + W. up to order 73 in Genesis 1:1 = 2318 = 2000 + 318 “the fine-structure constant” (E o) = 700 + 1618 (φ)
L. up to order 39 + W. up to order 93 in John 1:1 = 4581 = 4500 + (81 “codes” κωδικοι (o) = Squ(9 = PP-o(73 “of wisdom”)))
Sum is 2318+4581 = 6899 = Pri(888 “Jesus” Ιησους) = TV of Vs(444 “Jesus” (A=6 B=2×6 C=3×6) = factor of 888)
39×37 = 143 “Alpha” אלפא (o+s) w. ext… – – – 3937 = 3000 + Star(13 = Pri(7)) – – – 39/37 = 1.054 – – – 1054 = C.Tri(27 “riddles” חידה)
Midpoint of 2701 (37×73) = 1351 = 1000 + Tri(26 “The Lord” יהוה) – – – Midpoint of 3627 (39×93) = 1800 + 14 “God” אלהים (r)
In Gen 1:1: TV = 2701, FLW = 1209, CW = 401 & FLCW = 1610. In John 1:1: TV = 3627, FLW = 428, CW = 58 & FLCW = 486.
3627/2701 1.3428 – – – 13428 = 1000×13 “In the beginning” בראשית (r) + (428 = CW of Vs(137 (i. α)) = “riddles” חידה)
(3627/2701)/(428/1209) ≈ 3.7 – – – 37 “of wisdom” חכמה (o)        39 “three” τρια (rr) = “seven” שבע (o) = factor of “universe” יקום = “earth” ארץ (o)
(3627/2701)/(428/1209)/(58/401) ≈ יהוהThe Lord” 26                                              130 “The 7-7-7 Holograph” (E r)
(3627/2701)/(428/1209)/(58/401)/(486/1610) ≈ אלהיםGod” 86                               1673 = CW of Hyper 777 Holograph
(3627/2701)/(428/1209)/(58/401)/(486/1610)/(1217/1819) ≈ 129.8 – – – 1298 “revealed” αποκαλυπτεται [Rom 1:7]
(3627/2701)/(428/1209)/(58/401)/(486/1610)/(1217/1819)/(881/882) ≈ 130 “inverse Alpha” (E o) = Primes up to order 11 “and”
(3627/2701)/(428/1209)/(58/401)/(486/1610)/(1217/1819)/(881/882)/(2098/2701) ≈ 167.3 – – – 1673 “the speed of light” (H rs)
Letters up to order 316 in Eng ord Gen 1:1 & John 1:1 = Tri(7+7+7) = 46 “codes” (E o) digits added of π
Letters up to order 777 in Eng ord Gen 1:1 & John 1:1 = Tri(21) + Tri(37) = “codes” κωδικοι
8 CL & 7 CW of ord Gen 1:1 & John 1:1 = 3 FLL + 3 FLW + 8 CL + 7 CW of red Gen 1:1 & John 1:1 + 325 = 777 (21×37)
Letters up to order 39 & 93 in John 1:1 = 5683 = 2000 + TV of Vs(729 (α))
Letters up to order 37 & 73 in Gen 1:1 = 2724 = 1000 + 3 digits of Tri(777) [302] + 1000 + 3 digits of Heptagram(777) [422]
5683+2724 = 8407 = (402 = 400 + 2 “In” ב = “the beginning” (E s))-gonal(7) = perimeter of Hepta(1202 = 401 “את+ 801 “ΑΩ”)
   = Happy(1224 = perimeter of Nona(137 (i. α)) = Lucky-o(777) w. ext… = 3 x Tri(7) + 3 x C.Hex(7) + 3 x Star(7))
Words in Gen 1:1 ordered at the values of all words in John 1:1 = 4893 = 4000 + Tri(19) + Tri(37)
   = Lucky(600 = 100x Tri(3)) = perimeter of Hepta(700 = 100x 7) = Pri(3) x Pri(5) x Pri(52) – – – 3x5x52 = Tri(39)
Triangles added ordered at 7, 37, 73, 17, 39 & 93 = 8736 = perimeter of Star(729 (α)) = (500 + Tri(7) + Tri(7) + Tri(7))
4 CL + 3 CW of ord Gen 1:1 & John 1:1 = 373 = Snowflake(3) – – – FLCL + FLCW of rev std Gen 1:1 & rev ord John 1:1 = 2533 = Snowflake(7)
reduced value of John 1:1 = 243 = 9×27 [mirror of α] = CW of Vs(373 “Word” λογος) – – – 3373 = Snowflake(8)
reduced value of Gen 1:1 = 82 “inverse Alpha” הפוך אלפא (So)
ordinal value of John 1:1 = 605 = 65 “Alpha, e, Pi, Phi” (E r) w. 0 rem.
ordinal value of Genesis 1:1 = 298 “universe” יקום (Fs) = Pri(2) x Pri(36) – – – 2×36 = 72 “riddles” חידה (r+o+s)
   = 100 + Primes up to number 37 “of wisdom” חכמה (o)
(std TV) 6328/903 (ord TV) ≈ 7.0077 (777 with zeroes removed)
6328/903/325 0.0(21 = 7+7+7)
903/325 2.778 – – – 2778 = order of the first letter in word# 729 (α) of the Bible
(red TV) 325/18 (red CW) 18.05 – – – 1805 “understanding” συνετων [1Co 1:19]
(ord TV) 903/43 (ord CW) = 21 = 7+7+7
(std TV) 6328/459 (std CW)13.78 – – – 1378 = Tri(52 “codes” קודים (o))
(red FLW) 62/18 (red CW) 3.4 – – – 34 = Pri-o(137 (i. α))
(ord FLW) 200/43 (ord CW) 4.65 – – – 400 + 65 “Alpha, e, Pi, Phi” (E r)
(std FLW) 1637/459 (std CW)3.566 – – – 3566 = TV of Vs(325 (30225)) = middle digits of inverse α with upsidedown digits
(std of Gen 1:1) 2701/605 (ord of John 1:1)4.464 – – – 464 “Star number seven hundred seventy and seven” (E o)
Composite order of 39×93 = Three Triangles & Seven Heptagrams ordered at 3 w. ext… = 2000 + 1119 “Jesus Christ” (E r+o+s)
Composite order of 37×73 = 2307 = Pri(3) x Pri(137) – – – 3×137 = 411 “seven” שבע (o+s) = 237 “codes” (E r+o+s) w. 0 rem.
3119+2307 = 5426 = 4000 + (1426 = Three Triangles ordered at 3 + Eight Octagons ordered at 8
   = mirror of (6241 = C.Tri(65 “Alpha, e, Pi, Phi” (E r)) = C.Octa(40 “Bible codes” (E r))) = 316 digits added of φ)
3119/2307 ≈ 1.351 – – – 1351 = midpoint of Tri(73 “of wisdom”) = “The Lord God” Ο Κυριος Θεος (r+o+s)
No.W & No.L joined as one number + TV of Gen 1:1 is 728+2701 = 3429 “777” (E r+o+s) = TV of Vs(99 “physics” (E o))
No.W & No.L joined as one number + TV of John 1:1 is 1752+3627 = 5000 + 379 “riddles of God” (E s)
Sum is 3429+5379 = 8808 = 888 “Jesus” Ιησους w. 0 rem. = “gematria codes” κωδικες γαμητριας (Fr+Fo+Fs)
Number of letters merged with number of words in John 1:1 = 1752 “Jesus Christ” עושי המשיח (Fr+Fo+Fs) = 2nd Penta(8+8+8)
Number of letters merged with number of words in Genesis 1:1 = 728 “the Word” ο λογος (rs) = 400 + 328 “the Son of God” לבר אלהין [Dan 3:25]
728+1752 = 112 “The Lord God” (H s) + 2368 “Jesus Christ” (G s) = 2000 + (10x 48 “Bible” (E s) = 400 + 80 “codes” (G o))
1752-728 = 1024 = Squ(32 = Pri-o(127 (i. α))) = Lucky-o(777) w. 0 rem. = 1000 + 8+8+8 = (E s) “codes” 172-gonal(4)
TV of verses ordered at the values of the 7 words in Gen 1:1 = 22408 (2408 “thirty and seven” (E rs) – – – 37 “inverse Alpha” (Sr))
TV of verses ordered at the values of the 17 words in John 1:1 = 55175 (5175 = Happy(751 “Bible codes” Βιβλικοι κωδικοι (Fo)))
Sum = 77583 (7583 = Pri(964 “the constants of physics” οι σταθερες της φυσικης (Fo) = 800 + 164 “137” (H o)))
FLW of verses reflecting the 7 words of Genesis 1:1 = 3713 = 3000 + (713 “wisdom” (E s) = Primes up to number 73 “wisdom” (H s))
CW of verses reflecting the 7 words of Genesis 1:1 = 2969 = 1600 + Squ(37 “wisdom” (H o)) = PP(211 = Heptagram(6 “and” ו) = 7+7+7 w. ext…)
FLCW of verses reflecting the 7 words of Genesis 1:1 = 6682 = 682 “wisdom” (E rs) w. ext… = Hepta(52 “codes” קודים (o))
FLW of verses reflecting the 17 words of John 1:1 = 6985 = 5000 + 1985 (10985 “Alpha, e, Pi and Phi” אלפא הא פאי ואת פי (sr777))
CW of verses reflecting the 17 words of John 1:1 = 5598 = (598 “In the beginning” (E o+s) = FLW of Vs(703)) w. ext…
FLCW of Vs reflecting the 17 words of John 1:1 = TV of Vs(729) + 100×89 “codes” (E ro) = Pri(1504 = ((r) “of” 12×21 “of” (o))-gonal(4)) = Happy(1000 + Tri(42 = Comp(7) + Comp(7) + Comp(7)))
Sum FLW = 10698 = perimeter of Tri(3567 = 3000 + 567 (Ω)) = “777 wisdom” (H s) w. 0 rem. = 8000 + TV of Vs(28+703+2701)
Sum CW = 8567 = 8000 + (567 (Ω) = “centered hexagonal number seven hundred seventy and seven” (E o))
Sum FLCW = 19265 = (1902.028 ≈ square root of Star(777)) 1928-gonal(5) = 15000 + 4265 (4220665 = Heptagram(777))
TV of Vs(37×73) + TV of Vs(39×93) = 8805 (885 = Lucky(137) = Comp(731)) = Comp(7708 (78 “the speed of light” (E r)))
3/4 CW added of Gen 1:1, John 1:1, verse# 373 & verse# 393 (in rev std) = 4247 = 3000 + 4 CW of Vs(302253 = Tri(777))
“In the beginning God” εν αρχηι Θεος = 1058 “thirty and seven” שלשים ושבע [Gen 25:17] – – – 37 “inverse Alpha” הפוך אלפא (Sr)
בראשית אלהים “In the beginning God” = 999 = Palin(109 = red Vs(777)) = (o) חידהriddles” 27 x 37 “of wisdom” חכמה (o)
“the vessels thereof” כליו is the 5th word of verse# 2701 (37×73). It has a Strong’s number of H3627 (39×93).
Verse# 6327 (total value of John 1:1 with mirrored two first digits) is the only verse with the word “Hezarsusah” חצר סוסה.
TV of Vs(6327) = 1755 = TV of Vs(2094 = English standard Genesis 1:1)
Hezarsusah” חצר סוסה is Strong’s number H2701 – – – “Ruth” רות in verse# 7201 is Strong’s number H7327 (1000 + 6327)
reverse reduced Genesis 1:1 (103) & John 1:1 (239) = 342 = Hepta(12 “universe” יקום (r))
reverse ordinal Genesis 1:1 (346) & John 1:1 (695) = 1041 = Lucky(160 “codes” קודים) = Heptagram(5 = PP-o(37)) w. 0 rem.
reverse standard Genesis 1:1 (3541) & John 1:1 (7538) = 11079 (1179 = Heptagram(8) + Heptagram(8) + Heptagram(8))
1041+11079 = 12120 = 12000 + (120 = Tri(15 = PP-o(137 (i. α))) = “Alpha, e, Pi and Phi” (E o))
342+1041+11079 = 12000 + (462 = Exterior Heptagram(11 “and” ואת (r)) = Rec(7+7+7))
                                = 325+903+6328 + 4906 (496 = Tri(31 “Alpha” אלפא (o)))


Integration of red Vs(325), ord Vs(903) & std Vs(6328)
TV = 4223 (423 = 3 Heptagrams ordered at (5 = Pri-o(7)))
= Comp(3644 (364 = 7+7+7 + 7x7x7))
= Semiprime(1160 = Octa(20 “and” και (o)))
= Happy+Lucky(300 = Tri(8+8+8))
3 FLL + 3 FLW = Tri(7) + Tri(37) + Tri(73)
7/8 CL + 7/8 CW = Squ(67 “codes of” (E o))
3432+4489 = C.Octa(45 = PP-o(73 “wisdom” חכמה))
CL of
r+o+s Vs(3259036328) by rot. = 105 = Tri(14 “Heart” לב (o))
CW of r+o+s Vs(3259036328) by rot. = 465 = Tri(30 = perimeter of Penta(7))
325 = 3 FLL + 8 CL of ord Gen 1:1 & John 1:1


 The Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1 codes are amazing!


Gematria integration of Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1

729 (α) + 1618 (φ) = 710 “regard” שית [Job 9:33] + FLW of Genesis 1:1 + FLW of John 1:1
= 1000 + 888 “Jesus” Ιησους + CW of Genesis 1:1 + CW of John 1:1
= (251 = Pri(55 “and” (E s) = “God” (E ro))) + FLCW of Genesis 1:1 + FLCW of John 1:1
Prime order of the only primed word in Genesis 1:1 = 80 “π”.
Prime orders added of the primed words in John 1:1 = 414 = Palin(51 “seven seven seven” επτα επτα επτα (r)).
Sum = 494 = Palin(59 = Pri(18 “riddles” חידה (r) = Lucky-o(73 “of wisdom” חכמה))).
Letters by rot. in Genesis 1:1 ordered at the 52 letter values of John 1:1 = 4735 = 4000 + 735 “seven seven seven” (E sr37).
Words by rot. in Genesis 1:1 ordered at the 17 word values of John 1:1 = 4893 = 4800 + 93 “codes of God” (E o).
Words by rot. in Genesis 1:1 ordered at the 17 word values of John 1:1
+ Letters by rot. in Genesis 1:1 ordered at the 52 letter values of John 1:1 = 9628.
= 100×33 “the” (E o) + Tri(112 “Alpha” אלפא = “and Phi” ואת פי (Fo)).
Words by rot. in John 1:1 ordered at the 7 word values of Genesis 1:1 = 919 “Genesis one one and John one one” (E s) = C.Hex(18 “riddles” (H r)).
Letters by rot. in John 1:1 ordered at the 28 letter values of Genesis 1:1 = 3228 (328 “The 7-7-7 Holograph” (E o)).
Words by rot. in John 1:1 ordered at the 7 word values of Genesis 1:1
+ Letters by rot. in John 1:1 ordered at the 28 letter values of Genesis 1:1 = 4147
= 1000×4 “and” και + Squ(7) + Squ(7) + Squ(7).
Total sum is 9628+4147 = 13775 (1375 = the Golden Angle) = 10000 + 3775 “the seal of God” η σφραγιδα του Θεου (ro+rs)
Letters by rot. in both verses ordered at the values of letters in Vs(72973 (α)) = 18607 = 18000 + Pri(112 “Alpha” אלפא)
Words by rot. in both verses ordered at the values of words in Vs(72973 (α)) = 7408 = Happy(1072 (172 “codes” (E s))).
Sum = 26015 = 2215 “seven hundred and twenty nine” שבע מאות עשרים ותשע [m] + 1000×24 “codes” κωδικες (r)
Letters added up to order 37 “seal” (E o) by rot. or not in both verses = 3927 “of God” (E sr777) = Star(7+7+7).
Words added up to order 37 by rot. =
1948 “Triangular number seven hundred seventy and seven” (E sr37).
Sum = 5875 “was confirmed” εβεβαιωθη (Fo+Fs)
Letters added up to order 137 (inverse α) by rot. in both verses = 5087 = Pri(681 “knowledge” (E s)).
Words added up to order 137 (inverse α) by rot. in both verses = 1656 = 731 (mirror of inverse α) + 927 (mirror of α).
Sum =
6743 (Gravitational constant (G) = 6.67430(15)×10− 11 m3 kg− 1 s− 2) = 1000×4 “and” και (r) + TV of Gen 13:7
Words & letters added up to order 729 (α) = 4104 = Perimeter of Tri(1369 = Squ(37)).
Letters added from the orders of 21 to 37 (21×37 = 777) by rot. or not in both verses = 2288 “777 midst” שבע מאות ושבעים ושבע תוך.
Words by rot. added from the orders of 21 to 37 = 1916 = 1500 + 416 “riddles” αινιγματα.
Sum = 4204 = Pri(2) x Pri(2) x Pri(178) – – – 2x2x178 = (100×5 ה “of ” + 212 “physics” פיזיקה)
Letters by rot. added up to order 777 = 5352 = 5000 + midpoint of Tri(37 “inverse Alpha” הפוך אלפא (Sr)).
Words by rot. added up to order 777 = 5512 “number” αριθμος (sr777) = 8x8x8 w. ext…
= L. added from order 46 “codes” (E o) to 172 “codes” (E s) + L. added from order 37 “of wisdom” (H o) to 73 “of wisdom” (H s).
Sum words & letters from the orders of 21 to 37 + words and letters added up to order 777 = 15068
= 1568 “God, the heaven, the earth” אלהים השמים הארץ (Fs) with 0 removed.
Words and letters added up to order 37 “seal” (E o) + up to order 137 “of God” (E s) = 12618
= 10000 + 1000x(2.618 = ultra calculation of Vs(PP(15 “the” (E r)) = 100 + 37 “seal” (E o) = 137 “of God” (E s))).
Ultra calculation of Genesis 1:1 divided by ultra calculation of John 1:1 ≈ 1.155 – – – 1155 = 117-gonal(5).

Integration of reverse standard Genesis 1:1 & John 1:1
TV =
11079 = Happy-o(74849 = Pri(11) x Pri(11) x Pri(25) – – – 11x11x25 = TV of Vs(13703 (i. α))
       = 10000x(7.4849 = 0.0072973 (α) + 2.7182 (e) + 3.1415 (π) + 1.6180 (φ)))
2392 = 2000 + (392 “Triangle” (E s) = perimeter of Tri(99 = Comp(73 “number” (E o))))
CW = 641 = Pri(117 “seven hundred seventy and seven” (E r)) – – – W. surr. CW = 1400 + 67 “codes of” (E o)
FLCW = 3033 = 333 “seven hundred seventy and seven” (E o) w. 0 rem. – – – W#7 + W#7 + W#7 = 1554 = 777 + mirror
2 FLW = 4688 = 468 “The Lord God” (E s) w. ext…
3 CW = 2108 = 218 “codes” (E o+s) w. 0 rem. – – – 2 W. surr. CW = 2738 = 2x Squ(37 “of wisdom”
חכמה) = weight of Amino Acids
2 FLW + 3 CW = 6796 “Star number seven hundred seventy and seven” (sr37) [No.L = 37]
Letters from order 3 to 7 = 1711 = Tri(58 “inverse Alpha” (E r)) – – – Words from order 3 to 7 = 4030 = Penta(52 “codes”
קודים (o))
Sum = 5741 = 5000 + Tri(38 “inverse” (E r) = “Alpha” (E o)) = PP(371 = anagram of 137 (i. α))
W. & L. up to order 13 + W. & L. up to order 7 = 23145 = Lucky(2357 = Pri(351 = Tri(26 “inverse”
הפוך (rr) = “Alpha” Αλφα (rr))))
W. & L. up to order 7 + W. & L. up to order 29 = 20184 (2184 = perimeter of Tri(729 (α)))
Sum = 43329 = Lucky(2500 + 1625 “seven hundred seventy and seven” (H s)) = TV of Vs(1059 “codes” κωδικες) w. ext…
UC of rev std John 1:1/UC of rev std Genesis 1:1 ≈ 1.59816741598 – – – 1598 “Here is wisdom” ωδε η σοφια – – – 1674 (mass of neutron)
reverse reduced value of both verses = 342 “Alpha and Phi” (E o+s)
reverse ordinal value of both verses = 1041 = Pri(160 “codes”
reverse standard value of both verses = 11079 = PP-o(73 “of wisdom”
חכמה) x (1000 + Tri(7+7+7))



Words & Letters by rotation of Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1

L. by rot. from 37 to 73 in Gen 1:1 + L. by rot. from 39 to 93 in John 1:1 = 513 = 400 + 113 “universe” (E o)
W. by rot. from 37 to 73 in Gen 1:1 + W. by rot. from 39 to 93 in John 1:1 = 1136 = Tri(16 “codes” קודים (r)) w. ext…
Sum = 1649 = 100x(15 = Tri(5 “of” ה)) + Pri(36 “seven seven seven” שבע שבע שבע (r))
W. by rot. from Tri(37) to Tri(73) in Gen 1:1 = 1289 “the universe” το συμπαν (r+o+s) – – – L. instead = 800 + 160 “codes” קודים
Sum =
2249 (249 “Triangle number 777” משולש מספר שבע מאות שבעים ושבע (ro)) = TV of Vs(736 = 7 + 729 (α))
W. by rot. from Tri(39) to Tri(39) in John 1:1 = 3000 + 3x Lucky.Pri(7) – – – L. inst. = 3572 “the seal of God” σφραγιδα θεου (rr+ro+rs)
Sum = 6701 = PP(426 תוך “midst”) = 4000 + TV of Vs(1 “α”) = 671 “Alpha and Genesis one one” (E s) w. 0 rem.
Total sum letters is 960 + 3572 = 4532 = 4000 + (532 “Alpha” Αλφα = (4 “e” (E rr))gonal-90 “Pi” Πι = (o) פי “Phi” 27-gonal(7))
Total sum words is 1289+3129 =
4418 (418 = 400 + 18 “riddles” חידה (r))
Total sum = 8950 = 10x(800 + 73 “of wisdom” חכמה + Pri-o(73))
L. from order 76 “In the beginning” (H o) to 913 “In the beginning” (H s) in Gen 1:1
+ L. from order
74 “In the beg.” (G o) to 774 “In the beg.” (G s) in John 1:1 = 2063 = 1000 + שבעים ושלשה “seventy and three” 1063 – – – 73 wisdom” חכמה
W. instead = 1800 + 21 “of ” (E o)
Sum = 3884 = perimeter of Squ(927 = mirror of 729 (α)) = “seven hundred and twenty nine” (H & G r+o+s) [m]

L. from order 31 “Alpha” (H o) to 112 “Alpha” אלפא (s) in Gen 1:1 + L. from order 34 “Alpha” (G o) to 532 “Alpha” Αλφα (s) in John 1:1
= 4253 = PP(286 “In the beginning” εν αρχηι (Fo))
W. instead = 4310 = 10x Pri(84 = Tri(7) + Tri(7) + Tri(7))
Sum = 8563 = 8000 + 11 “the” ה (sr7) + 151 “seal” חתם (sr37) + 401 “of God” אלהים (sr73)
L. from order 27 “Phi” פי (o) to 90 “Phi” פי (s) in Gen 1:1 + L. from order 30 “Phi” φι (o) to 510 “Phi” φι (s) in John 1:1 = 2897
= 2800 + 97 “The Golden Ratio” יחס הזהב
W. instead = 2308 “The Golden Ratio” (H, G & E s)
Sum = 5205 = 5000 + 205 “the Golden Ratio” η χρυση αναλογία (ro) = 525 “gematria codes” (E s) w. 0 rem.
L. from order 194 “777” (H o) to 1625 “777” (H s) in Gen 1:1 + L. from order 233 “777” (G o) to 1584 “777” (G s) in John 1:1 = 2619 “Jesus Christ” Ιησους Χριστος (r+o+s)
W. instead = 4035 = (435 = Tri(29 “and” ואת (o))) w. 0 rem.
Sum = 6654 “seven seven seven” επτα επτα επτα επτα (Fs) = TV of Vs(7911 = 791 “treasure” (E s) w. ext…)

L. of “Alpha” and “Phi” here is 4253+2897 = 7150 = 10x( ה “the” 5 x 143 “Alpha” אלפא (o+s))
W. of “Alpha” and “Phi” here is 4310+2308 = 6618 = 1000×6 ו “and” + 618 (φ)
Sum = 13768 = perimeter of Squ(3443 = 7x7x7 w. ext…) = (2296 = 296 “Bible codes” (E o+s) w. ext…)-gonal(4)

L. of “Alpha”, “Phi” & “777” here is 4253+2897+2619 = 9769 = 9000 + (769 “inverse Alpha” (E s) = Pri(137 (inverse α)))
W. of “Alpha”, “Phi” & “777” here is 4310+2308+4035 = 10653 = 10500 + 153 “The Golden Ratio” (E o)
Sum = 20422 (242 “riddles” (E s)) = 20400 + Pri-o(73 “of wisdom” חכמה)
L. from order 52 “codes” (H o) to 160 “codes” (H s) in Gen 1:1 + W. from order 110 “codes” (G o) to 1524 “codes” (G s) in John 1:1
= 996 (96 “knowledge” (E o))
W. instead = 2590 = 10x7x37 “wisdom” (H o)
Sum = 3586 = 3000 + 1 “α” + 5 “e” + 80 “π” + 500 “φ” = TV of Vs(800 + 777) = TV of Vs(1643 = TV of Vs(46 “codes” (E o)))

L. of “777”, “codes” here is 2619+996 = 3615 = (E ro) “In the beginning” 241 x 15 “the” (E r)
W. of “777”, “codes” here is 4035+2590 = 6625 = 5000 + 1625 “seven hundred seventy and seven” שבע מאות ושבעים ושבע
Sum = 10240 = 10x 1024 (124 = Lucky-o(777))
        = 2328 (perimeter of Tri(777)) + TV of Hyper 777 Holograph
W. from order 52 “codes” (H o) to 160 “codes” (H s) in Gen 1:1 + W. from order 81 “codes” (G o) to 934 “codes” (G s) in John 1:1 = 1200 + 532 “Alpha” Αλφα
L. instead = 1800 + 27 “riddles” חידה
Sum = 3559 (359 = Pri(73 “of wisdom”))

W. of “777”, “codes” here is 2619+1732 = 4351 = 4000 + Tri(26 “inverse” הפוך (rr) = “Alpha” Αλφα (rr))
L. of “777”, “codes” here is 4035+1827 = 5862 = 5000 + 862 “and” καγω (o+s)
Sum = 10213 = 10000 + 213 “the” (E s) = 7x(1000 + Tri(17 “seven” (G r)) + Tri(17 “seven” (G r)) + Tri(17 “seven” (G r)))
        = 2301 (231 = Tri(7+7+7)) + TV of Hyper 777 Holograph


L. & W. up to order 13 & 7 added = 12073 = Pri(1447 = (147 = Squ(7) + Squ(7) + Squ(7)) w. ext…)
L. & W. from order 7 to 29 in Gen 1:1 1:1 + L. & W. from order 16 to 18 in John 1:1 = 100×42 “knowledge” דעת (o) + Tri(73 “wisdomחכמה)


Numerical ELS codes of Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1

skip of 3 = 2000 + 471 “Torah” Τορα – – – skip of 7 = 502 (52 “codes” קודים (o))
sum = 2973 = 2900 + 73 “of wisdom” חכמה = Lucky(388 (38 “inverse” (E r) = “Alpha” (E o)))
skip of 3 (r) = 1800 + 53 “the universe” היקום (o) – – – skip of 7 (r) = 400 + Tri(12 “and” ו (Fs))
sum = 2331 = 3x 777 = Tri(7+7+7) w. ext…
Total sum is 2973+2331 = 5304 = 534 “seal of God” חתם אלהים w. 0 rem.
skip of 3&7 = 10x 53 “the universe” היקום (o) – – – skip of 7&3 = 742 = 500 + 242 “riddles” (E s)
sum = 1272 = 1000 + Palin(37 “of wisdom” (H o))
skip of 3&7 (r) = 1349 = 1000 + Pri(71 = Pri(7+7+7)) – – – skip of 7&3 (r) = 644 “Alpha” (H & G s)
sum = 1993 = Pri(302 = Happy(46 “codes” (E o)))
Total sum is 1272+1993 = 3265 = 3000 + “of” 5 x 53 “the universe” (H o)
skip 3 + skip 7 + skip 3&7 of Gen 1:1 + skip 3 + skip 9 + skip 3&9 of John 1:1
= 3432 = Tri(7) + Tri(37) + Tri(73) – – – 7+37+73 = 117 “seven hundred seventy and seven” (E r)
skip 3 (r) + skip 7 (r) + skip 3&7 (r) of Gen 1:1 + skip 3 (r) + skip 9 (r) + skip 3&9 (r) of John 1:1
= 4041 “seven hundred twenty nine” שבע מאות עשרים ותשע (Fo+Fs) [m] – – – 729 (α)
sum = 7473 = 7400 + 73 “wisdom” חכמה
skip 7 + skip 3 + skip 7&3 of Gen 1:1 + skip 9 + skip 3 + skip 9&3 of John 1:1
= 3500 + 127 (high energy inverse α) = TV of John 1:1
skip 7 (r) + skip 3 (r) + skip 7&3 (r) of Gen 1:1 + skip 9 (r) + skip 3 (r) + skip 9&3 (r) of John 1:1
= 958 “universe” (E rs)
sum = 4585 = 4000 + (585 = Palin(68 “riddles” αινιγματα (o)) = ה “of” 5 x 117 “seven seven seven” שבע שבע שבע (o))
= “the universe” το συμπαν (Fr+Fo+Fs) = “of God” του θεος (Fr+Fs)
Total sum = 12058
= Pri(2) x Pri(787) – – – 2×787 = TV of Vs(37) = Happy(1795 “seven hundred seventy seven” (H o+s))
= (1258 = Happy(15 “the” (E r)) + Happy(37 “seal” (E o)) + Happy(137 “of God” (E s))) w. 0 rem.



Prime factors of Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1

The number of prime factors in Genesis 1:1 (1) = 15 “the” (E r)
The number of prime factors in John 1:1 = 38 “inverse” (E r) = “Alpha” (E o) 
Sum = 53 “the universe” היקום (o) = Pri(17 “the universe” היקום (r))
Sum of prime factors is 751+2232 = 2800 + 183 “seven seven seven” שבעת שבעת שבעת (o)
Sum of their prime orders is 208+539 = 747 = Palin(84 = Tri(7) + Tri(7) + Tri(7) = “seal of God” חתם אלהים (o))
Sum = 3730 = 10x(373 = “the Heart” 37 merged with 73 “of Wisdom”)
First & last prime factors of Genesis 1:1 = 48 “universe” יקום (r) – – – Prime orders instead = 19 “codes” (E r)
First & last prime factors of John 1:1 = 378 = Tri(27 “riddles” חידה) – – – Prime orders instead = 79 “(of) knowledge” דעה
Sum = 426 “midst” תוך – – – Prime orders instead = 98 “twenty and one times thirty and seven” עשרים ואחת פעמים שלושים ושבע (r)
Center prime factors of Genesis 1:1 = 5 “the” ה = PP-o(37 “seal” (E o)) – – – Prime orders instead = 4 “of God” אל (r)
Center prime factors of John 1:1 = 8 “the” η – – – Prime ord. instead = 7 = Pri(5 = PP-o(37 “seal” (E o) = Pri(13 “of God” אל (o))))
Sum = 13 = Pri-o(37 “inverse Alpha” (Sr)) – – – Prime orders instead = 11 = Lucky-o(37 “inverse Alpha” (Sr))
First, last & center prime factors of Genesis 1:1 = 53 “the universe” היקום (o) – – – Prime orders instead = 23 “riddles” חידות (r)
Center prime factors of John 1:1 = Happy(63 = Lucky(7) + Lucky(7) + Lucky(7)) = ord of Vs(1618 (φ)) – – – Prime ord. instead = 2x 43 “seal” = 86 “of God”
Sum = 439 = Pri(86 “seven hundred seventy seven” επτακοσια εβδομηντα επτα (r)) – – – Prime orders instead = 109 (19 “codes” (E r))
I believe these two verses are the first verses you should integrate and other people says these two verses serves as a main link
between the Hebrew Old Testament (Genesis 1:1) and the Greek New Testament (John 1:1). I think that is true.
We must not forget that John baptized Jesus himself and he had a special mission of preparing people for the Messiah.

Matthew 11:11
“Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist: notwithstanding
he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.”




Holograph Color Methods


Creation Compliment Holograph P.1



English Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1

-<>-English Genesis 1:1 & John 1:1 total values in different gematria systems-<>-

Total values of English Genesis 1:1 & John 1:1 added

red = 521 = 500 + 7+7+7
ord = 1106 = perimeter of Hepta(159 “the speed of light” (E o))
std = 7928 = 7500 + 428 “riddles” חידות
o+s = 9034 = (934 = Tri(21) + Tri(37) [21×37 = 777] = “codes” κωδικοι)
r+o+s = 9555 = Lucky(1078 = Comp(137 (inv. α)) w. 0 rem.)
rev red = 523 “seven hundred seventy and seven” שבע מאות ושבעים ושבע (Fo)
rev ord = 1702 = 172 “codes” (E s) w. 0 rem.
rev std = 23662 (2362 = 4 digits of C.Hex(888 “Jesus” Ιησους))
ro+rs = 25364 = 25000 + 364 “gematria codes”
קודים גימטריא (Fo)
rr+ro+rs = 25887 = 24000 + 1887 “seven hundred seventy and seven” (H r+o+s) = 25000 + 887 “codes” κωδικους (rr+ro+rs)
Hebrew standard Genesis 1:1 = 37×73 (37 multiplied with its mirror)

English ordinal Genesis 1:1 = 411 = 3x(137 = 100 + 37) 
Greek standard John 1:1 = 39×93 (39 multiplied with its mirror)

English ordinal John 1:1 = 695 = 5x(139 = 100 + 39) 
But God with his infinite wisdom connected the English standard values added to the original standard values also!
English standard of Gen 1:1 & John 1:1 = 800 + 37×73 (Hebrew standard Gen 1:1) + 800 + 39×93 (Greek standard John 1:1)
= TV of Vs(24000 + (201 (21 = 7+7+7) = Pri(20 “seven” (E r)) + Pri(20 “seven” (E r)) + Pri(20 “seven” (E r)))
= 1000x(7+7+7) + TV of Vs(46 “codes” (E o)) + TV of Vs(172 “codes” (E s)))
Sum TV of standard original & ordinal English versions is 2701 (37×73) + 3627 (39×93) + 411 (3×137) + 695 (5×139) = 7434
= 100×74 “In the beginning” εν αρχηι (o) + 34 “Alpha” Αλφα (o) = 137 (inv. α) + 7297 (α) = “fine-structure constant” (H, G & E rs)
= TV of Vs(82 “The Lord” (E o)) + TV of Vs(26 “God” (E o))
= TV of Vs(112 “Alpha” = ”The Lord God”) + TV of Vs(6285 = 6000 + 285 “fine structure constant” (E o))
= TV of Vs(321 “the universe codes” היקום קודים) + TV of Vs(2347 = 729 (α) + 1618 (φ)) + TV of Vs(1625 “777” (H s))
= TV of Vs(23286 = 20000 + TV of Vs(117 “seven hundred seventy and seven” (E r) = “the seal of God” (E o)))
= 137-gonal(7) + Hebrew standard of 777 Holograph (3091) + English ordinal of 777 Holograph (1501)
Difference of Heb std Gen 1:1 & Eng ord Gen 1:1 is (37×73) 2701411 (137×3) = 2290 = 10x Pri(51 “seven seven seven” (G r))
Same done to John 1:1 is (39×93) 3627695(139×5) 
= 2932
= 729 (α) + 271 (e) + 314 (π) + 1618 (φ)
TV of Vs(3112 = 37×73 + 3×137) זאת תורת נגע צרעת בגד הצמר או הפשתים או השתי או הערב או כל כלי עור לטהרו או לטמאו [Lev 13:59]
= 5225 = 525 “gematria codes” (E s) w. ext… = 3112+2113 (mirrors)
TV of Vs(4322 = 39×93 + 5×139) ויקהלו משה ואהרן את הקהל אל פני הסלע ויאמר להם שמעו נא המרים המן הסלע הזה נוציא לכם מים [Num 20:10]
TV of Vs(4322 = 39×93 + 139×5) = 3349 = (349 = Pri(71 = Pri(21 “of” (E o)))) w. ext…
Total values added = 8574 = 7000 + TV of Vs(37 “wisdom” (H o)) = ו
and” 6 x 1477 (147 = Squ(7) + Squ(7) + Squ(7))
Integration of verses ordered at: 2701 (37×73), 3627 (39×93), 411 (3×137) & 695 (5×139)
No.W = 50 “riddles” חידות (o) – – – No.L = 201 = 21 “of ”  o) w. 0 rem. – – – No.L + No.W = 251 = Pri(55 = Tri(10 “Alpha” Αλφα (r)))
TV = 15667 (1567 = Lucky.Pri(60 “seven seven seven” (E r)) = 1000 + 567 (Ω) w. ext…)
= 5000 + W. & L. in Hebrew ord Gen 1:1 ordered at the values of all W. & L. in Greek ord John 1:1 (1039)
+ W. & L. in Hebrew std Gen 1:1 ordered at the values of all W. & L. in Greek std John 1:1 (9628)

FLW = 1276 שבע שבע שבע קודים “seven seven seven codes”
= TV of Vs(443 (43 “seal” (H o) = Pri(15 = PP-o(137 “of God” (E s)))) = “the Word” ο λογος)
CW = 1800 + 7+7+7 – – – FLCW = 3097 (397 = PP(37 “seal” (E o)) = Happy(66 “of ” (E s)) = Pri(79 = Pri(23 “God” θεος (r))))
26 = “The Lord” יהוה = “God” (E o) = “codes” (E rr)
112 “The Lord God” (H s) + 108 “The Lord God” (E o) = 220 “Bible codes” (E s)
While the mid-point between these two values instead = 110 “Alpha” (E s) = “and Phi” (E ro).
“wisdom” (E s) = 713 = Primes added up to 73 “wisdom” (H s)
“seal of God” חתם אלהים (o) = Tri(7) + Tri(7) + Tri(7) = “seal of God” (E o)
“The God of Truth” (E s) = 1148 = Happy(164 “a hundred and thirty and seven” מאת ושלשים ושבע (o))
The value of the center words [ותקשר על] in Vs(1148) = 1106 = 3×137 (Eng ord Gen 1:1) + 5×139 (Eng ord John 1:1).

Letters in Eng ord Genesis 1:1 ordered at the values of all letters in Eng ord John 1:1 = 431 = Pri(84 = Tri(7) + Tri(7) + Tri(7))

Words in Eng ord Genesis 1:1 ordered at the values of all words in Eng ord John 1:1 = 1011 = 3 x Octagram(7) = 3 x Star(8)

Sum = 1442 = 142 “riddle” (E s) w. ext… = C.Penta up to order 12 “of” (E r) = Pri+Pytha(83 “wisdom” (E o))
Words in Eng std Gen 1:1 ordered at the values of all words in Eng std John 1:1 = 2775 = Tri(74 “Jesus” (E o) = “gematria” (E o))

Letters in Eng std Genesis 1:1 ordered at the values of all letters in Eng std John 1:1 = 1196 “riddles of wisdom” (E o+s)

Sum = 3971 = “Jesus” 74-gonal(11) = TV of Vs(1377) = 4 digits of Tri(72973 (α)) + 4 digits of Tri(16180 (φ))
1442+3971 =
5000 + mirror of 314 (π) = Snowflake(10 “π” (rs)) = Pri(715 “Aleph Tav” (E s)) = PP(350 “and the earth” (G s))

If we count from the start of the Bible we see that word# 411 starts with letter# = 1400 + 195 “seven seven seven” (E o),
and the value of this word = 10x 43 “seal” (H o) = 5x 86 “of God” (H s),
Word# 1200 + 68 “seven hundred seventy and seven” (H r) of the Bible has the value of
= 411 (Eng ord Gen 1:1), while its center letter has the order of = 4000 + 777 (Eng rev ord Gen 1:1).

English ordinal Genesis 1:1

No.W = 10 “α” (Fr) – – – No.L = 44 = Happy(10 “e” (o+s) = “π” (rs) = Tri(4 “and” και (r)) = Comp(5 “φ” (r)))
No.W + No.L = 54 = perimeter of Tri(19 “codes” (E r)) = Comp(37 “of wisdom” (o)) = CW of Eng ord Vs(411 = 137×3)
TV = 137×3 (13703 (i. α)) = 3x(137 “In the beginning” (E o) = CW of Vs(913 “In the beginning” (H s)) = FLCW of ord Vs(411)
= 69 (midpoint of 137) + CW of ord Vs(137) = 3 digits of the ultra calculation in Vs(2094 = TV of Eng std Gen 1:1))
= mirror of 114 “the beginning” (E o) = 400 + 11 “the beginning” (H r) = W. surr. CW of Vs(461 “In the beg.” (E s))
= Comp(330 “the fine-structure constant” (E ro)) = 400 + 11 “one” (E rr) = “three” τρία = “seven” שבע (o+s)
= “riddle” (H, G & E o+s) [חידה – – – αινιγμα] = 41 “of God” םיהלא (o) w. ext… = W. from CW of rev ord Vs(137) & Vs(3)
= 102 “Genesis one one” בראשית אחד אחד (o) + words & letters in ordinal Vs(137) added from the orders of 3 to 137
= word# 10 “Alpha” Αλφα (r) of the Bible = word# 10 by rot. or not of ordinal Vs(411 = 137×3) & standard Vs(2193 = 3×731)
= 100 + CW of std Norwegian Gen 1:1 = red Vs(159 “the speed of light” (E o)) + red Vs(717 “the speed of light” (E s))
= CW of Vs(137+3) = CW of Vs(818 = Palin(91 = Tri(13 = Pri(7))))
= Eng ord Numbers 13:7FLCW of Vs(4271 = Happy(500 + 137 (inv. α)) = 4000 + CW of Vs(1643 = TV of Vs(46 “codes”)))
= 3 CW of Vs(47 “inverse Alpha” αντιστροφος Αλφα (r)) = 3 CW of Vs(1643 = TV of Vs(46 “codes” (E o)))
= 3 digits of the UC in ord Vs(1514 = center of gravity added in Tri(37) & Tri(73)) = FLCL of Vs(314 (π))
FLL = 17 “the universe” היקום (r) – – – Verse order of Numbers 13:7 = 4000 + 83 “In the beginning” (E r) = 461 digits added of e & π
CL = 25 “codes” κωδικοι (r) – – – L. Surr. CL = 5 = PP-o(37 “of wisdom” (H o)) – – – TV of Num 13:7 = 1166 = 777 + its midpoint
FLCL = 42 “of knowledge” דעת (o) = Rec(6 “and” ו)… – – – CL of Num 13:7 = 10 = No.W – – – CW of Num 13:7 = 44 = No.L
2 FLL = 51 “7-7-7” επτα επτα επτα (r) – – – 4 CL = 30 “codes” κωδικους (r) – – – 2 FLL + 4 CL = 81 = Squ(9 = PP-o(73 “of wisdom”))
FLW = 75 “Alpha, e, Pi and Phi” (E r) – – – ordinal of Num 13:7 = 212 – – – Word# 37 by rot. in ordinal Num 13:7 =
83 “wisdom” (E o)
CW = 89 = Pri(25 “codes” κωδικοι (r)) – – – W. surr. CW = 81 “codes” κωδικοι (o)
FLCW = 164 “a hundred and thirty and seven” מאת ושלשים ושבע (o) – – – 137 “of God” (E s) = mirror of 461 “In the beginning” (E s)
            = 3 digits of the ultra calculation in Heb ord Gen 1:1 = CW of Vs(26 “inverse” הפוך (rr) = “Alpha” Αλφα (rr))
2 FLW = 141 Palin(8+8+8) = Lucky(31 “and” και) – – – 3 FLW = 241 “In the beginning” (E ro) = Pri(54 = Comp(37 “i. Alpha”))
4 CW = 170 = Comp(130 “inverse Alpha” (E o)) = CW of Vs(4114 = 411 merged with mirror))
2 FLW + 4 CW = 311 = Pri(65 “Alpha, e, Pi, Phi” (E r)) – – – 8 CW = 336 “Alpha, e, Pi and Phi” (E s)
FLL + FLW = 126 “God and” (E s) – – – 3 FLW + 8 CW = Pri(107 “777” (E r) [m]) = PP(50 “riddles” חידות (o)) = Lucky(73 + Pri-o(73))
CL + CW = 114 “the universe” το συμπαν (o) – – – L. surr. CL + W. surr. CW = 86 “God” אלהים
FLCL + FLCW = 240 = perimeter of Star(7+7+7) = 10x(8+8+8) = FLCW of Vs(1188 = 7 CW of Vs(888))
2 FLL + 2 FLW = 192 = C.Tri(7) + C.Tri(7) + C.Tri(7)
4 CL + 4 CW = 200 = perimeter of Squ(51) = perimeter of Deca(7+7+7)
2 FLL + 2 FLW + 4 CL + 4 CW = 392 “Triangle” (E s) = perimeter of Squ(99 = Comp(73 “number” (E o))) = “777” (G ro)
Ultra calculation = 131503722… – – – 1315 “The God of Truth” (E o+s)
– – – “The God of Truth” אלהי אמן [Isa 65:16] = 137
5 digits of the UC = 13150 = (3×731 = Norwegian std Gen 1:1)-gonal(4)

“In the beginning” = 137 (inverse α)
– – – UC of ordinal Numbers 13:7 = 61752… – – – 61752 = 10000×6 “and” ו + Eng std Num 13:7
“In the beginning God created” = 219 = Lucky(43 = 1 “α” (o) + 5 “e” (o) + 16 “π” (o) + 21 “φ” (o)) 
“In the beginning God created the heaven” = 307 = mirror of 703 “and the earth” ואת הארץ
“God, the heaven, the earth” = 199 “Inverse Alpha” Αντιστροφος Αλφα (o) = C.Tri(12 = mirror of 7+7+7)
Letters by rot. up to order 137 = 56 “the universe” (E r) – – – W. by rot. up to order 137 = 307 = mirror of 703 “and the earth”
Letters by rot. added up to order 729 = 239 = Pri(53 “Torah” תורה
(o)) – – – Words instead = 359 = Pri(73 “wisdom” חכמה)
W. & L. by rot. added up to order 729 (α) = 598 “In the beginning” (E o+s)
Letters by rot. added up to order 777 = 265 = C.Squ(12 = mirror of 7+7+7) = “key” κλεις = ה of” 5 x 53 “the universe” היקום (o)
Words by rot. added up to order 777 = 307 “In the beginning God created the heaven” (E o) = 3 digits of the UC in Eng ord Vs(777)
Words & letters by rot. added up to order 777 = 572 “and the earth” (E s)
L. up to order 37, 73 & 2701 = 774 “In the beginning” (G s)
L. up to order 39, 93 & 3627 = 599 = Pri(110 “inverse” (G ro) = “Alpha” (E s) = 37+73)
774+599 = 1373 (13703 (i. α))
TV = 3x(137 = prime order of (769 = ordinal Vs(1998))) – – – TV – CW = 322 = CW of Vs(703)
CW of Vs(411) = 180 (degrees of a Triangle) = 100 + Pri-o(401 = CW of Gen 1:1)
L. from order 180 to 703 = 360° – – – Word# 180 of the Bible has a center letter ordered at 703
CL x CW = 2225 (222.5° remaining in a circle of the Golden Angle)
1044 = Comp(137+731) – – – 1044+411 = 729+726 – – – 1044+411+75 = 10x 153 “the Golden Ratio” (E o)
1044+411+75+89 = 1619 “seven hundred seventy and seven” שבע מאות שבעים ושבע

Values added of all Hebrew letters not found in the Hebrew Genesis 1:1 = 411 (137×3) = mirror of Tri(37) + mirror of 401 (CW)
This verse is made up of 3x 137 (inv. α), and the verse ordered at 3x 729 (α) is the first verse with a 3 or 4 CW with a value of 777.


English ordinal John 1:1

English ordinal John 1:1
No.W =
17 “the universe” היקום (r) – – – No.L = 60 “seven seven seven” (E r) – – – No.W + No.L = 77 “the secretהבסוד [Job 15:8]
TV = 695 = ה “of” 5 x (139 “inverse Alpha” (H, G & E r) = CW of Eng ord Vs(137) = FLW of Eng ord Vs(1501 = Lucky(7×31))) = TV of Eng ord Vs(137)
                  = 411 (Eng ord Gen 1:1) + 284 “God” Θεος = 71-gonal(5) [715 “Aleph Tav” (E s)]
FLL = 13 = Pri(7) – – – L. up to order 137 by rot. = 180 = FLCW of Eng ord Vs(137) = W. up to CW of ord Vs(2819 = Pri(411))
CL = 28 = Tri(7) = Happy(7) = Pri(2) x Pri(2) x Pri(5) – – – 2x2x5 = “7” (E r) – – – L. surr. CL = 23 “riddles” חידות (r)
FLCL = 41 “universe” (E r) – – – L. up to order 37 = 428 = FLW of John 1:1 = CW of Vs(137)
2 FLL = 42 “knowledge” דעת (o) = Rec(6 “and” ו) – – – L. up to order 73 by rot. = 130 “inverse Alpha” (E o)
4 CL = 51 “seven seven seven” επτα επτα επτα (r) – – – 2 L. surr. CL = 61 = Pri(19 “codes” (E r) = “of wisdom” (H r))
2 FLL + 4 CL = 93 “codes of God” (E o) – – – W. up to order 137 = Pri(76 “Bible codes” (E o)) = 2 FLW + 4 CW of Eng ord Vs(137)
FLW = 49 = Pri-o(223 “inverse Alpha” הפוך אלפא) – – – L. up to order 925 “Jesus Christ” (E s) = 2x 137 (i. α)
CW = 60 “seven seven seven” (E r) – – – W. surr. CW = 76 “Bible codes” (E o)
FLCW = 109 (19 “codes” (E r) = “of wisdom” חכמה (r)) – – – W. up to order 925 = 292 “one hundred and thirty seven” (E o)
2 FLW = 125 = Pri-o(7) x Pri-o(7) x Pri-o(7) – – – 7 CW of Eng std John 1:1 = 2965 = C.Squ(39 = L. surr. CL of Eng ord Vs(137))
3 CW = 136 = Tri(16 “codes” קודים (r)) – – – 2 W. surr. CW = 155 (15 = PP-o(137 “of God” (E s)))
2 FLW + 3 CW = 261 = Lucky(50 = 37 “of wisdom” (o) + its prime order) = 100 + 161 “of the universe” היקום)
L. up to order 39 & 93 = 841 = Semiprime(253 = Star(7)) = Lucky(39+93) = C.Squ(7+7+7)
Ultra calculation = 8368… – – – 8368 = 8000 + (Comp-o(456 = PP-o(7297 (α))) = 3 digits of Tri(271 (e)) = CW of Vs(Pri(80 “π”)))



Integration of English ordinal Genesis 1:1 & John 1:1

Integration of English ordinal Genesis 1:1 & John 1:1
No.W =
27 “riddles” חידה – – – No.L = 104 “of wisdom” (E o) – – – No.W + No.L = 131 = Palin(23 “riddles” חידות (r))
TV = 1106 = 106 “of the universe” קודים (Fo) w. ext… = CW of Vs(2701 = 37×73) w. 0 rem.
FLL = 30 “codes” κωδικους (r)
CL = 53 “of the universe” היקום (o) – – – L. surr. CL = 28 “and the earth” ואת הארץ (r)
FLCL = 83 “In the beginning” (E r)
2 FLL = 93 “seven seven seven” שבעת שבעת שבעת (ro)
4 CL = 81 “codes” κωδικοι (o) = Squ(9 = PP-o(73 “of wisdom”)) – – – 2 L. surr. CL = 91 = Tri(13 “of God” אל (o))
2 FLL + 4 CL = 174 = Comp(100 + 33 “the” (E o)) = 37 “seal” (E o) + 137 “of God” (E s)
FLW = 124 = Lucky-o(777)
CW = 149 = Pri(36 “7-7-7” שבע שבע שבע (r) = factor of 360 (degrees of a circle)) – – – W. surr. CW = 157 = prime factor of 314 (π)
FLCW = 273 “gematria” גימטריא
2 FLW = 266 = 26 “codes” (E rr) w. ext…
3/4 CW = 306 (36 “seven seven seven” שבע שבע שבע (r)) – – – 2 W. surr. CW = 2370 = 10x 237 “codes” (E r+o+s)
2 FLW + 3/4 CW = 572 = 400 + 172 “codes” (E s) – – – 2 W. surr. CW = 336 “Alpha, e, Pi and Phi” (E s)
FLL + FLW = 154 = 100 + Comp(37 “the Heart” הלב)
CL + CW = 202 = Pri-o(73 “of Wisdom” (H s)) w. 0 rem. – – – L. surr. CL + W. surr. CW = 185 “seventy and three” (E o)
FLCL + FLCW = 356 = 100 + Squ(16 “codes” קודים (r)) – – – Eng ord Gen 1:1 = 411 = 137×3 – – – 1373 (13703 (inverse α))
2 FLL + 2 FLW = 359 = Pri(73 “of wisdom” המכח) – – – Eng ord John 1.1 = 695 = 139×5 – – – 1395 = 618 (φ) + 777
4 CL + 3/4 CW = 387 = perimeter of Tri(130 “inverse Alpha” (E o)) – – – 1373+1395 = 2768 “Jesus Christ” Ιησους Χριστος (Ss)
2 FLL + 2 FLW + 3/4 CL + 3/4 CW = 746 “In the beginning” בראשית (rs) = “In the beginning Alpha” (E o+s)
Letters added up to order 137 by rot. = 236 = Happy(38 “Alpha” (E o)) – – – Words instead = 330 “the fine-structure con.” (E ro)
Words & letters added up to order 137 by rot. = 566 “Alpha” Αλφα (o+s)
Letters added up to order 139 by rot. = 271 = Pri(59 = Pri(18 “riddles” חידה (r))) – – – words instead = 496 = Tri(31 “and” και)
Words & letters added up to order 139 by rot. = 767 = Palin(86 “Triangle” (E o) = factor of 430 “number” αριθμος)
Words & letters by rot. added up to order 137 & 139 = 1333 = Happy(199 “inverse Alpha” αντιστροφος Αλφα (o))
Letters by rot. added from order 137 to 139 = 59 “God said” (E o)
Words by rot. added from order 137 to 139 = 244 = 8+8+8 w. ext…
W. & L. by rot. added from order 137 to 139 = 303 = Palin.Pri(7) + Palin.Pri(7) + Palin.Pri(7) = Palin(40 “Bible codes” (E r))
L. by rot. added from order 37 to 73 in Eng Gen 1:1 + L. by rot. added from order 39 to 93 in Eng John 1:1 = 183 “7-7-7” (H o)
L. by rot. added from order 37 to 73 in Eng Gen 1:1 + L. by rot. added from order 39 to 93 in Eng John 1:1 = 396 “777” (E ro)
Sum is 183+396 = 579 = Lucky(96 “knowledge” (E o))
ultra calculation of Eng ord John 1:1/ultra calculation of Eng ord Gen 1:1 = 63635903.38004538
Pri(3764734 – – – 37 “wisdom” (H o) – – – 64 “wisdom” (G o) – – – 73 “wisdom” (H s) – – – 4 “and” (r)) + 0.(38 “Alpha”…4538 “codes” (Fs))
UC of Eng John 1:1/UC of Eng Gen 1:1 ≈ 190601857950395 – – – 1500 + 461 “In the beg.” (E s) – – – 857 “energy” (E s) – – – 950 = Exterior Pentagram(19 “codes” (E o) = “of wisdom” (H r))


Verse# 411 המול ימול יליד ביתך ומקנת כספך והיתה בריתי בבשרכם לברית עולם [Gen 17:3]
Verse order =
411 = 137×3 (13703 (inv. α))
No.W = 11 = Lucky-o(37 “inverse Alpha”) – – – No.L = 50 “riddles” חידות (o) – – – No.W + No.L = 61 = Pri(19 “of wisdom” חכמה (r))
TV = 3829 = 729 (α) + 100×31 “and” και
                    = TV of Vs(9811 = 981 “the speed of light” מהירות האור (o+s) w. ext…) = “riddles of 777” (E o+s)
FLL = 45 = Tri(9 “Phi” פי (r))
CL = 26 “The Lord” יהוה (o) – – – L. surr. CL = 85 = mirror of (58 = Comp(41 “God” אלהים (o)))
FLCL = 71 “God” (E s)
2 FLL = 115 = 15 “the” (E r) w. ext…
4 CL = 111 “inverse” הפוך = “Alpha” אלפא (Fo) – – – 2 L. surr. CL = 155 (15 = PP-o(137 (inv. α)))
2 FLL + 4 CL = 226 “codes” (E sr37)
FLW = 227 = 27 “Phi” פי (o) w. ext…
CW = 180 = perimeter of Squ(46 “codes” (E o)) – – – W. surr. CW = 1022 = 102 “Genesis one one” בראשית אחד אחד (o) w. ext…
FLCW = 407 “and” ואת
2 FLW = 955 “intelligent design” (E o+s)
3 CW = 1202 = 122 “thirty seven” שלושים שבע (o) w. 0 rem. – – – 2. W. surr. CW = 2076 (276 = Tri(23 “riddles”))
2 FLW + 3 CW = 2157 = 2000 + Pri(38 “inverse” (E r) = “Alpha” (E o))
FLL + FLW = 272 = Palin(37 “inverse Alpha” הפוך אלפא (Sr)) – – – CL + CW = 206 = 26 “codes” (E rr) w. 0 rem. – – – L. surr. CL + W. surr. CW = 1107 “Triangle number” (E r+o+s) = 117 “777” (E r)
FLCL + FLCW = 478 = Happy(73 “of wisdom” (H s))
W. surr. CW has the values of: [1] 596 = CW of Vs(7+7+) = 500 + 96 “knowledge” (E o) – – – [2] 426 “midst” תוך
Ultra calculation = 3806… – – – 3806 = Happy(578 “Alpha” Αλφα (sr137))
Verse# 695 וירא אליו יהוה ויאמר אל תרד מצרימה שכן בארץ אשר אמר אליך [Gen 26:2]
Verse order = 500 + 195 “seven seven seven” (E o)
No.W = 12 “earth” ארץ (r) – – – No.L = 45 = Tri(9 “and” δε) – – – No.W + No.L = 57 “heaven” שמים (o)
TV = 3033 = 333 “seven hundred seventy and seven” (E o) w. 0 rem.
FLL = 26 “The Lord”
יהוה = “God” (E o) – – – CL = 40 “Bible codes” (E r) – – – L. Surr. CL = 94 “codes” κωδικοι (ro)
FLCL = 66 “of” (E s)
FLL = 46 “seven seven seven” שבע שבעה שבעת (rr) = CW of red Vs(411)
3 CL = 134 “universe” יקום (rs) – – – 2 L. surr. CL = 400 + 94 “codes” κωδικοι (ro)
2 FLL + 3 CL = 180 = perimeter of Tri(61 = Pri(19 “codes” (E r)))
FLW = 278 = Comp(218 “codes” (E o+s)) = 100 + Comp(137 “of God” (E s))
CW = 989 “In the beginning” בראשית (o+s) – – – W. surr. CW = 401 “Aleph Tav” את = CW of Genesis 1:1
FLCW = 1267 = perimeter of Hepta(182 “seven hundred seventy seven” שבע מאות שבעים שבע (o))
2 FLW = 566 = 500 + Tri(11 “and” ואת (r)
4 CW = 1390 = 10x(139 = Pri-o(787 (high energy α))) – – – 2 W. surr. CW = 951 = C.Penta(20 “Alpha” (E r))
2 FLW + 4 CW = 1956 “Bible codes” κωδικοι της βιβλου
FLL + FLW = 304 = (34 = Pri-o(137 (inv. α))) w. 0 rem.
CL + CW = 66 “gematria” גימטריא (o) – – – L. surr. CL + W. surr. CW = 495 = 400 + Pri-o(73) + 73 “wisdom” חכמה (s)
FLCL + FLCW = 370 “codes” κωδικοι (Fo) = 10x 37 “of wisdom” (H o)
Ultra calculation = 6392… – – – 392 “Triangle” (E s) merged with (392 = Comp(314 “seven hundred seventy seven” (E o)))

Integration of verse# 411 & 695
No.W = 23 “physics” פיזיקה (r) – – – No.L = 95 “codes” κωδικες (ro) – – – No.W + No.L = 118 = Lucky-o(729 (α))
TV = 6862 = mirror of (2686 = 100×26 “The Lord” + 86 “God”)) = (ro) κωδικοι “codes” 94 x 73 “of wisdom” (H s)
FLL = 71 = Pri(21) – – – CL = 66 = FLW of Vs(37) – – – FLCL = PP(15 “the” (E r)) = 100 + 37 “seal” (E o) = 137 “of God” (E s)
L. Surr CL = 179 = Pri(42 “knowledge” דעת (o))
2 FLL = 161 “the universe” היקום
3/4 CL = 245 “constants of physics” (E o) – – – 2 L. surr. CL = 649 “divine codes” (E s)
2 FLL + 3/4 CL = 406 = Tri(28 “and the earth” ואת הארץ (r))
FLW = 505 = Palin(60 “seven seven seven” (E r))
CW = 1169 = 400 + Pri(137 (inverse α)) – – – W. surr. CW = 1423 = 1200 + 223 “inverse Alpha” הפוך אלפא
FLCW = 1674 (1.674… = mass of neutron in kg)
2 FLW = 1521 “seven seven seven” שבע שבעה שבעת = Squ(39 = Pri(7) + Pri(7) + Pri(7))
3/4 CW = 2592 = perimeter of Tri(137 (inv. α)) + perimeter of Tri(729 (α)) – – – 2 W. surr. CW = 3027 (327 “inv. Alpha” (H r+o+s))
2 FLW + 3/4 CW = 4113 (413 = PP-o(6473 = prime factor of 1370359992 (inv. α)))
FLL + FLW = 576 = Squ(24 = 8+8+8 = “Jesus” Ιησους (r))
CL + CW = 1235 = 1000 + mirror of 532 “Alpha” Αλφα – – – L. surr. CL + W. surr. CW = 1602 (e) [1.602… = the elementary charge]
FLCL + FLCW = 1811 = Pri(281 = Pri(61 = Pri(19 “codes” (E r) = “of wisdom” (H r))))
UC of Vs(695)/UC of Vs(411) ≈ 0.0000000000000(16793 = Happy(2558 “In the beginning” (H, G & E r+o+s) = “fine-structure constant” σταθερα λεπτης υφης (r+o+s))
UC of Vs(411)/UC of Vs(695) = 59547… – – – 59547 = Lucky(5490 “science” (E sr777))



English reverse ordinal Genesis 1:1

No.W = 10 “α” (Fr) = Happy(3 “c”) = “e” (E o+s) = “π” (rs) = Comp(5 “φ” (r)) – – – No.L = 44 = 4 “and” και (r) w. ext…
No.W + No.L = 54 = Comp(37 “inverse Alpha” הפוך אלפא (Sr))
TV = 777 (21×37) = reverse ordinal of verses ordered at 137 & 3 = first words added of Eng rev ord Gen 1:1 & Heb rev std Gen 1:1
       = Eng rev ord Vs(660 = FLW of Vs(27 “riddles” חידה)) = Eng rev ord Vs(2701 = Tri(73 “of wisdom” חכמה))
FLL = 37 “seal” (E o) – – – “In the beginning” (E ro) = 241 = Pri(54 = Comp(37 “inv. Alpha” (Sr)) = 2 FLW of ord Vs(21) & Vs(37)
CL = 29 “of God” (E r) – – – L. surr. CL = 49 = Squ(7 = Pri(5 = PP-o(37 “seal” (E o))))
FLCL = 66 “gematria” גימטריא (o)
2 FLL = 57 “Bible codes” Κωδικοι της Βιβλου (r)
4 CL = 78 = Tri(12 “of” (E r)) – – – 2 L. surr. CL = 78 = Tri(12 “of” (E r))
2 FLL + 4 CL = 135 “seven hundred seventy and seven” (E rr)
FLW = 114 “the universe” το συμπαν (o)
CW = 181 = Star(6 “and” ו) – – – W. surr. CW = 162 “seven hundred and twenty nine” שבע מאות ועשרים ותשע (o) – – – 729 (α)
FLCW = 295 = perimeter of Penta(60 “seven seven seven” (E r)) = 100 + 195 “seven seven seven” (E o) = “7-7-7 Holograph” (E o)
2 FLW = 210 “seven seven seven” (E ro) = 10x(7+7+7)
4 CW = 343 = 7x7x7 – – – 2 W. surr. CW = 386 = Comp(309 “codes of God” (E s))
2 FLW + 3/4 CW = 553 = Lucky(93 “codes of God” (E o))
FLL + FLW = 151 = Pri(37 “inverse Alpha” הפוך אלפא (Sr))
CL + CW = 210 “seven seven seven” (E r) – – – L. surr. CL + W. surr. CW = 211 (21 = 7+7+7)
FLCL + FLCW = 361 = Squ(19 “codes” (E r) = “of wisdom” (H r))
2 FLL + 2 FLW = 267 “seven seven seven” (H & G ro) = Comp(210 “seven seven seven” (E ro))
4 CL + 4 CW = 421 = 400 + 7+7+7 = TV of Vs(146 “Genesis one one” (E o) = 100 + 46 “codes” (E o))
2 FLL + 2 FLW + 4 CL + 4 CW = 688 = 68 “seven hundred seventy and seven” (H r) w. ext…
W. up to CW = 429 = Lucky(76 “Bible codes” (E o)) = 400 + 29 “and” ואת (H o)
W. from CW = 348 = perimeter of Tri(117 “seven hundred seventy and seven” (E r))
TV + FLW = 800 + Tri(13 “Alpha” אלפא (r) = Pri(7 = Pri(5 “φ” (r))))
TV + CW = 958 “universe” (E rs)
TV + FLCW = 1072 = 172 “codes” (E s) = “universe” (E o+s) = mirrored TV of Vs(1 “α”)
Ultra calculation = 36081… – – – 36081 = Pri(3) x Pri(3) x Pri(9) x Pri(48) – – – 3x3x9x48 = (3888 = TV of Vs(37) + TV of Vs(777))


In the beginning

Is the first word of the Bible. Incredible connections are found in the Bible to this opening word.

No of W. & L. in Gen 1:1 joined into one number is 728 = Comp(598 “In the beginning” (E o+s) = FLW of Vs(703 = Tri(37)))
• 37
th Square = 1369 = 1000 + FLW of Vs(913 “In the beginning” בראשית)
• 769 = Pri(137 “In the beginning” (E o)) = 400 + FLW of Vs(913 “In the beginning” (H s))
• 400 + Pri(137 “In the beginning” (E o)) = FLW of rev std Vs(746 “In the beginning” (H rs))
• 913 “In the beginning” תישארב = “God the Father” Ο Θεος Ο Πατηρ
• 4000 + 319 (mirror of 913 “In the beginning” בראשית) = “God the Father” Ο Θεος Ο Πατηρ (Fs)
• reverse standard TV of Vs(746 “In the beginning” בראשית (rs)) = 4904 “God the Father” Ο Θεος Ο Πατηρ (Fo+Fs)
• TV of Vs(10164 = 10000 + 164 “a hundred and thirty and seven” מאת ושלשים ושבע (o)) = 5092 “God the Father” (G Fr+Fo+Fs)
• Ordinal CW of Vs(913 “In the beginning” תישארב) = “In the beginning” εν αρχηι (o)
• No.W of Vs(913 “In the beginning” בראשית) = 12 “universe”
יקום (r)
• No.L of Vs(913 “In the beginning” בראשית) = 52 “codes”
קודים (o)
• TV of Vs(913 “In the beginning” בראשית) = 2200 + 746 “In the beginning” בראשית (rs)
• FLW of Vs(913 “In the beginning” בראשית) = 369 = Perimeter of Tri(124 = Lucky-o(777))
• CW of Vs(913 “In the beginning” בראשית) = 137 “In the beginning” (E o)
• FLCW of Vs(913 “In the beginning” בראשית) = 506 “Genesis one one” (E s) = “thirty and seven” (H, G & E ro)
• W. surr. CW of Vs(913) = 938 “Planck’s constant” (E s) = 800 + CW of Vs(774 “In the beginning” εν αρχηι)
• 2 FLW of Vs(913) = 800 + (71 = Pri(7+7+7)) = CW of Vs(1625 “seven hundred seventy and seven” שבע מאות ושבעים ושבע)
• 4 CW of Vs(913) = 1075 = 1000 + (75 = CW of Vs(5 “the” ה) = PP-o(37 “seal” (E o)) x PP-o(137 “of God” (E s)))
• 2 FLW + 4 CW of Vs(913) = 1946 = 100×19 “codes” (E r) + 46 “codes” (E o) = 1200 + 746 “In the beginning” בראשית (rs)
• W# 3 + W# 7 of Vs(913) = 400 + 82 “inverse Alpha” (So) = 100 + (382 “Alpha, e, Pi, Phi” (E o+s)
= W# 3 + W# 7 of Genesis 1:1)
• L# 13 + L# 7 of Vs(913) = 449 = CW of Vs(461 “In the beginning” (E s)) = 7+7+7 + CW of Vs(137 “In the beginning” (E o))
• CW of Vs(137 “In the beginning” (E o)) + CW of Vs(461 “In the beginning” (E s)) = 100 + 777
• CW of Vs(76 “In the beginning” (H o)) + CW of Vs(913 “In the beginning” (H s)) = 167 = Pri(40 “Bible codes” (E r))
• Words added in Vs(913) ordered at 1, 3 & 7 = 776 = 76 “In the beginning” בראשית (o) with extended first digit
• TV of Vs(76 “In the beginning” (H o)) = 2004 = 4x(1 “α” + 500 “φ”) = 24 “universe” συμπαν (r) w. 0 rem.
= 1000 + 497 “riddles of God” (E o+s) + ordinal of Vs(913 “In the beginning” (H s)) = L. by rot. from order 729 to 1618 in Gen 1:1
• Words added of Vs(461 “In the beginning” (E s)) ordered at 1, 3 & 7 = 76 “Bible codes” (E o)
• Words & Letters added in Vs(913) ordered at 37 & 73 = 1342 = TV of Vs(13 “In the beginning” (H r))
• TV of Vs(729 (α)) = 500 + TV of Vs(461 “In the beginning” (E s))
• TV of Vs(746 “In the beginning” (H rs)) = 1229 = 500 + 729 (α)
• FLW of Vs(461 “In the beginning” (E s)) = 3 x Tri(17 “seven” επτα (r)) = CW of Genesis 1:1 & John 1:1
• “In the beginning” (E sr137) = 2041 (241 “In the beginning” (E ro)) = Squ(7+7+7) + 100×16 “codes”
קודים (r)
• Letters in Genesis 1:1 added up order 137 “In the beginning” (E o) by rot. = 10x 241 “In the beginning” (E ro)
• Vs(241 “In the beginning” (E ro)) has 2 center words that have the value of 300 + 26 “The Lord” & 300 + 86 “God”
• UC of Vs(774) = 22879548… – – – 287 “In the beginning” (H, G & E o) – – – 9548 = perimeter of Hepta(1365 = 1x3x7x3x5 [i. α])
• UC of Vs(913) = 5224… – – – 524 = 400 + Lucky-o(777) = 500 + 24 “codes” κωδικες (r)
• The first verse that has a ultra calculation starting with 913 is ordered at 6032 = Tri(37) + Squ(73)
• CW of Vs(137 “In the beginning” (E o)) + CW of Vs(913 “In the beginning” (H s)) = 565 =
ה “the” 5 x 113 “universe” (E o)
• TV of Vs(913) + TV of Vs(137) = 8x 746 “In the beginning” בראשית (rs) = 5500 + 468 “The Lord God” (E s)
• CW of Vs(137) divided by CW of Vs(913) is 428/137 ≈ 3.124 – – – 3124 = 3000 + Lucky-o(777) = 729 (α) + 1618 (φ) + 777
• std ultra calculation of Vs(913) divided by ord ultra calculation of Vs(137) = 639… – – – 639 = Comp-o(777)
• TV of rev std Vs(913) + TV of rev ord Vs(137) = 5503 “amazing” (E sr777) = “riddles” (E sr777)
• ultra calculation of rev std Vs(913)/ultra calculation of rev ord Vs(137) ≈ 37779577… – – – 3777 = 37 “seal” (E o) w. ext… – – – 9577 = 100×88 “of God” (E ro) + 777
• TV of Vs(14056 = (1456 = 1000 + 456 “Alpha, e, Pi and Phi” (E o+s) = (E o) “riddles” 71-gonal(7)) w. 0 rem.) = 3700 + 777
• Ultra calculation of Vs(14056 = (1456 = 1000 + 456 “Alpha, e, Pi and Phi” (E o+s) = (E o) “riddles” 71-gonal(7)) w. 0 rem.)
= 9137887246…. – – – 9137 = 913 “In the beginning” (H s) merged with 137 “In the beginning” (E o) – – – 787 (α) – – – 7246
• CW of Genesis 1:1 divided by CW of John 1:1 is 401/58 ≈ 9.137
• TV of Vs(9913 = 913 “In the beginning”
בראשית w. ext…) = 4166 = 416 “riddles” αινιγματα w. ext…
• CW of Vs(9913) = 110 “inverse” αντιστροφος (ro) = “Alpha” (E s)
• W. up to CW of Vs(9913) = 2215 “seven hundred and twenty nine” שבע מאות עשרים ותשע
• W. from CW of Vs(9913) = 2061 (261 = 100 + 161 “the universe” היקום) = 800 + C.Hex(7+7+7)
• UC of Vs(9913) ≈ 128114946… – – – 1281 “inverse Alpha, Alpha, e, Pi and Phi” (E o+s) – – – 149 = Pri(36 “7-7-7” (H r)) – – – 46 “codes” (E o)
• Combos ordered at 1, 3 & 7 when integrating rev ord V(241) & rev std Vs(746) = 1000 + 939 “Genesis one one” בראשית אחד אחד
• UC of rs Vs(746)/UC of ro Vs(241) = 1454… – – – 1454 = values of words in the Bible ordered at 13703, 72973, 27182, 31415 & 16180

UC of rev std Vs(2437 “In the beginning” (E rs))/UC of rev ord Vs(241 “In the beginning” (E ro)) = 1554… – – –777 + mirror
UC of std Vs(913 In the beginning (H s))/UC of ord Vs(76 In the beginning (H o)) = 1656… – – – 729 (α) + 927 (mirror)
UC of std Vs(913)/UC of ord Vs(76)/UC of red Vs(13 In the beginning (H r)) = 778… – – – 1 + 777
• TV of Vs(746 “In the beginning” (H rs)) = 100×5 “the”
ה + (729 (α) = (ro) “e” 22-gonal(9 “Pi” Πι (r)) = Cube(9 “and” δε)…)
• “In the beginning” (E ro) = 241 = Pri(54 = Comp(37) = No.W + No.L of English Genesis 1:1)
• “In the beginning” (E rs) = 2437 = 1200 + CW of rev std Vs(746 “In the beginning” (E rs))
= 2400 + 37 “seal” (E o) = C.Hex(29 “of God” (E r)) = Pri(362 “gematria” (E sr37))
• Reverse ordinal Vs(241 “In the beginning” (E ro)) = 282
= Palin(38 “Alpha” (E o)) = Primes up to order 15 “the” (E r) = “fine-structure constant” (E ro)
• Reverse standard Vs(2437 “In the beginning” (E rs)) = 3000 + TV of rev ord Vs(241 “In the beginning” (E ro))
• CW of rev ord Vs(241 “In the beginning” (E ro)) = 89 = CW of Eng ord Gen 1:1 = “codes” (E ro)
• CW of rev std Vs(746 “In the beginning” (H rs)) = 1273 = 1200 + 73 “of wisdom” (H s)
• FLW of Vs(2437 “In the beginning” (E rs)) = 100 + 598 “In the beginning” (E o+s)
• CW of Vs(2437) = 806 “seven hundred seventy and seven”
שבע מאות ושבעים ושבע (sr37)
• FLCW of Vs(2437) = 100×10 “and” (E r) + 504 “the Son” (E o+s) = (54 “of” του (o) = “God” (G ro))
• 2 FLW of Vs(2437) = 1372 (13702 = factor of (137020 = perimeter of Deca(13703 (i. α)))) = 172 “codes” (E s) + 100×12 “of” (E r)
• 3 CW of Vs(2437) = 1914 “Genesis one one” (E sr137)
• 2 FLW + 3 CW of Vs(2437) = 3000 + 286 “In the beginning” εν αρχηι (Fo)
   = TV of Vs(117 = 7 + 37 + 73 = “seven hundred seventy and seven” (E r) = “the seal of God” (E o))
• “In the beginning” (E rr+ro+rs) = 2748 = 2000 + CW of Vs(117 “777” (E r))
= Primes up to order (39 = Pri(7) + Pri(7) + Pri(7))
• TV of Vs(913) divided by TV of Vs(137) is 2946/3022 ≈ 0.9748 – – – 9748 = 9000 + CW of Vs(117 “777” (E r))
137 “In the beginning” (E o) = CW of Vs(913 “In the beginning” (H s))
Vs(16000 + 137 “In the beginning” (E o)) is the only verse in reverse standard with the TV of = 913 “In the beginning” (H s)
The four first digits of Fibonacci number 137 “In he beginning” (E o) is 1913 = 1000 + 913 “In the beginning” (H s)
Pythagorean prime number 137 = (1400 + 461 “In the beginning” (E s) = ordinal of Vs(24610 = 10x(2000 + 461)))
CW of Vs(774 “In the beginning” εν αρχηι) = 138 = 1 + CW of Vs(913 “In the beginning”
בראשית) = 1 “α” + 137 (inverse α)
reverse standard value of Vs(137 “In the beginning” (E o)) = 2411 (241 “In the beginning” (E ro))


Integration of ordinal Vs(137 “In the beginning” (E o)) & standard Vs(913 “In the beginning” (H s)).
No.W =
23 “physics” פיזיקה (r) = “riddles” חידה (r) – – – No.L = 91 = Tri(13 = Pri-o(37 “of wisdom” (o)))
No.W + No.L = 114 “the universe” το συμπαν (o)
TV = 3394 = 394 “the Alpha” (E o+s) with extended first digit = “brilliant codes” (E rs)
       = TV of Vs(21381 = 1000×21 “of” (E o) + (381 “Alpha” אלפא (Fs) = Pri(3) x Pri(32) – – – 3×32 = 96 “and Phi” ופי))
       = TV of Vs(23100 = 100×231 “the universe” היקום (r+o+s)) = TV of Vs(23616 = 23000 + 616 “the Torah” התורה)
       = TV of Vs(29839 = Happy(4617 = Comp(3993)))
       = TV of Genesis 1:1 + CW of Vs(58 = CW of John 1:1)
FLL = 42 = Rec(6 “and” ו) = “Phi” פי (Fo) – – – CL = 24 “universe” συμπαν (r) – – – FLCL = 66 “gematria” גימטריא (o) = Palin(16 “codes”)
L. surr. CL = 79 “knowledge” דעה
2 FLL = 295 “7-7-7 Holograph” (E o)
3 CL = 103 = Pri(28 = Tri(7) = Happy(7) = Pri(2) x Pri(2) x Pri(5) – – – 2x2x5 = 20 “7” (E r)
2 FLL + 3 CL = 398 “universe” יקום (Fo+Fs) = Pri(2) x Pri(47) – – – 2×47 = 94 “codes” κωδικοι (ro) = 100 + ordinal of Vs(1 “α”)
2 L. surr. CL = 507 “seal” חתם (r+o+s) = “twenty and one” εικοσι και ενα (o+s) – – – (21 “of” (E o) = Pri-o(71 “God” (E s)))
FLW = 451 = 51 “seven seven seven” επτα επτα επτα (r) + 100×4 “and” και (r)
CW = 205 “Genesis one one” (E ro) = TV of rev ord Vs(6000 + 241 “In the beginning” (E ro)) – – – W. surr. CW = 1017 (117 “777”)
FLCW = 656 = Palin(75 “seven seven seven” (E rr)) = 400 + Squ(16 “codes” קודים (r))
2 FLW = 1016 = Tri(37 “of wisdom” (o)) + its center of gravity
3 CW = 1222 = 12 “and” ו (Fs) w. ext… = TV of Vs(618 (φ)) – – – 2 W. surr. CW = 1624 = 1500 + Lucky-o(777)
2 FLW + 3 CW = 2238 “one thousand six hundred eighteen” χιλια εξακοσια δεκαοκτω – – – 1618 (φ)
FLL + FLW = 493 = 17×29 (1729 = 1000 + 729 (α) = (o+s) האe” 12-gonal(19 = Pri(9 “π” (ro))))
CL + CW = 229 = 29 “and Phi” (E rr) w. ext… – – – L. surr. CL + W. surr. CW = 1096 = 1000 + 96 “and Phi” ופי
FLCL + FLCW = 722 = 72 “riddles” חידה (r+o+s) w. ext… = ordinal of Vs(729 (α) = Cube(9 “and” δε) = Squ(27 “Phi” פי (o)))
2 FLL + 2 FLW = 1311 = mirror of 1131 “seven seven seven” שבעה שבעה שבעה
3 CL + 3 CW = 1325 = 1000 + Tri(25 “codes” κωδικοι (r))
2 FLL + 2 FLW + 3 CL + 3 CW = 2636 = 2000 + Palin(73 “of wisdom” חכמה)
2 L. surr. CL + 2 W. surr. CW = 2131 = Pri(322 = CW of Vs(703 = Tri(37 “of wisdom” חכמה (o))))
FL + CL =
39 “seal of God” (E r) – – – LL + CL = 51 “seven seven seven” επτα επτα επτα (r)
FW + CW = 530 = 10x 53 “the universe” היקום – – – LW + CW = 331 = Pri(68 “riddles” αινιγματα (o))
L. up to CL = 1225 = Tri(49 “universe” (E rr)) = Squ(35 “riddles” (E r)) – – – Combo 7 + Combo 7 + Combo 7 = 312 “reward” דחש
L. from CL = 2179 = 2000 + Pri(42 “of knowledge” דעת (o)) – – – Combos added from 3 to 7 = 913 “In the beginning” תישארב
W. up to CW = 1188 = 411 (TV of English ordinal Genesis 1:1) + 777 (TV of English reverse ordinal Genesis 1:1)
W. from CW = 2274 = 274 “intelligent design” (E ro) w. ext… = 1500 + 774 “In the beginning” εν αρχηι
Combos added ordered at: 1, 3, 7, 9, 1 & 3 = 2521 = Star(7+7+7)


Creation Compliment Holograph part 2-<>-
Creation Compliment Holograph part 3
Holograph of Constants P1-<>-
Holograph of Constants part 2-<>-
Holograph of Constants part 3-<>-
Integration of verse# 703 & verse# 2701-<>-
Integration of verse# Pri(703) &> verse# Pri(2701)




777 codes