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Chapter 8. Number 888

As we know, this number is the value of “Jesus” Ιησους [Matt 1:16] and it is a big number as it is a 3 rep-digit of number 8.
8 symbolizes new beginnings & restoration and Jesus is to be king in the new world to come a
fter this one we are living on now.
There are three different Hebrew spellings of “Jesus”: (391) עשוהי (397) ,ישוע (386) ,עושוהי.
386 (ישוע) is the shortened spelling of Jesus, while 397 (עשוהי) is the Galilean spelling of Jesus.
In the Hebrew tongue “Messiah”
חישמ is directly translated into English as “Christ”.
he first & last letters of the Hebrew, Greek & English represent Jesus Christ, and we see the “Aleph Tav” את as the CW of Gen 1:1.
– 2368 “Jesus Christ” Ιησους Χριστος = 2000 + CW of Vs(401 “Aleph Tav”
את) = (o) חכמהwisdom” 37 x 64 “wisdom” σοφια (o)
The Hebrew Alphabet has 22 letters. 22 = “Jesus” עשוהי (r) = “Christ” Χριστος (r) = “the Son of God” לבר אלהין (r)
The Greek Alphabet has 24 letters. 24 = 8+8+8 = “Jesus” Ιησους (r) = Happy.Pri-o(487 “Christ” (E o+s))
The English Alphabet has 26 letters. 26 = “Lamb” טלה (o) = Comp(16 “of God” (E rr)) = The Lord” יהוה (o/s) = “God” (E o)
– Number of letters added in the Hebrew & Greek alphabet is 22+24 = 46 “God” Θεος (o) = Nona(4 “and” και (r))
– Number of letters added of all three alphabets is 22+24+26 = 72 = Rec(8) = Tri(8) + Tri(8)


Number 37 has a strong relationship with Jesus as we see in Genesis 1:1, this relationship is seen in the spellings of Jesus also.
Thirty seven minus total value of Genesis 1:1 is 2701-37 = 3x(888 “Jesus” Ιησους = 3x ordinal value of verse# 37)
The difference between the Greek value of “Jesus” (G s) & “Jesus Christ” (E s) is 925-888 = 37
The difference between the centers of gravity of triangles ordered at 37 & 73 is 1201-313 = 888 “Jesus” Ιησους
888 “Jesus” Ιησους in the di
fference of the skip of 3 & its reverse (851) & the difference of skip of 7 & its reverse (37) in Gen 1:1
– Bonnie Gaunt discovered 1480 “Christ” Χριστος by adding skip 3 & skip 7 and excluding letter# 3×7.
– “Jesus” Ιησους = 888 = 37 x (8+8+8 = “Jesus” (G r)) = ordinal value of Vs(3697 = C.Hepta(33 = Fibonacci numbers up to order 7))
– “Christ” Χριστος = 1480 = 37 x 40 “Christ”
משיח (ro) = 4 digits of C.Hex(703) = (E o+s) “Alpha” 148 x 10 “and” (r) = “Omega” (E rs)
– “Jesus Christ” Ιησους Χριστος = 2368 = (o)
חכמה “wisdom” 37 x 64 “wisdom” σοφια (o) = 2000 + CW of Vs(401 “Aleph Tav” את)
– 391 “Jesus”
עשוהי = Comp(313 = Center of gravity in Tri(37)) = C.Penta(13 = Pri-o(37)) = CW of Vs(987 = Fibo(16 “π” (o)))
– “Jesus”
עשוהי (o) = 115 = Semiprime(37) = Heptagons up to order (5 = PP-o(37)) = (13 = Pri-o(37))-gonal(5 = PP-o(37))
משיחMessiah” = 358 = Trefoil Stars(5 = PP-o(37)) = Comp(286 = Pri-o(37) x Pri-o(73)) = mirror of Pri(4×37 = factor of 888)
חישמה “the Messiah” = 363 = Pri(3) x Pri(6) x Pri(6) – – – 3x6x6 = 108
עשוהי המשיח “Jesus Christ” = 754 = 2x 377 (37) = (i. α) 127-gonal(4) = “Alpha” (H, G & E s) = midpoint of 729 (α) + midpoint of 777
– “Jesus” (E o) = 2x 37 = “thirty and seven” (H & G r) [
שלושים ושבע – – – τριαντα και επτα] = CW of Vs(751 = anagram of 715)
– “Christ” (E o) = 77 = 7x Lucky-o(37) = CW of Vs(4738 = 4000 + CW of Vs(2368)) = CW of Vs(16000 + 715 “Aleph Tav” (E s))
– “Jesus Christ” (E o) = 151 = Pri(37) = CW of Vs(3377) = CW of Vs(30070) = CW of Vs(3346 = Happy(509 = ordinal Vs(314 (π))))
– “Jesus” (E s) = 515 = Pythagorean primes up to order (11 = Lucky-o(37)) = Happy-o(3367 = Hepta(37)) = 3 CW of Vs(7033)
– “Christ” (E s) = 410 “Messiah”
משיח (o+s) = 10x center of gravity in Tri(13 = Pri-o(37)) = CW of Vs(7101 = perimeter of Tri(2368))
– “Jesus Christ” (E s) = 925 = (r) κωδικοι “codes” 25 x 37 “of wisdom”
חכמה (o) = C.Squ(22 “Jesus” עשוהי (r) = “Christ” Χριστος (r))
= CW of Vs(10000 + 114 (six centered hexagons of Logos Star)) = CW of Vs(12637 = Pri(1510 = 10x 151 “Jesus Christ” (E o)))
– Jesus started his ministry at the age of 30 = perimeter of Penta(7) = “seven” שבע (ro)
– Jesus ended his ministry and ascended up to heaven at the age of 33 = 3 w. ext… = Fibonacci numbers up to order 7
37 = “twenty four” εικοσι τεσσερα (r) = “twenty and four”
עשרים וארבע (Sr)


Dividing the Greek standard value of “Jesus Christ” with the Hebrew standard of “Jesus Christ” עשוהי המשיח is 2368/754
3.1405 (3 digits of π)
= 5 digits of the ultra calculation of Genesis 1:1 but with the 4th digit changed from 1 to 0 [By Leo Tavares]
= 5 digits of the ultra calculation in Vs(13608 = (1368 = 1000 + CW of Vs(401 “
את) = perimeter of Stars ordered at 7, 37 & 73))
– (G s) “Jesus Christ” 2368/925 “Jesus Christ” (E s) = 2.56 — 256 = Squ(16 “π” (o))
– (E s) “Jesus Christ” 925/(294 “three hundred and sixty” (E ro) = “Lord Jesus Christ” κυριος Ιησους Χριστος (o)) 3.14 (π)
– “Jesus” (G s) = 888 = 8 “π” (r) w. ext… – – – 1480 “Christ” (G s) = 4 digits of Penta(31415 (π)) = C.Tri(3) x C.Hepta(7) = “the universe” (E sr37+sr73)
– “Jesus” (H s)
= 391 = Pri(8) x Pri(10) – – – 8×10 = 80 “π” – – – 358 “Christ” (H s) 
= (61 = PP(8 “π” (r)))-gonal(4)
– “Jesus” (E s) = 515 = factor of 31415 (5 digits of π) – – – “Christ” (E s) = 400 + 10 “π” (rs) – – – 515+410 = 925 = Penta(25 “π” (Fo))
– “Jesus Christ” (E s) = 925 (902225 = 6 last digits of Squ(31415 (π))) = Penta(25 “codes” (r)) = COG of Tri(64 “wisdom” σοφια (o))
– 31405 = Full ord + Full std value of Vs(27006 = Tri(23 “
את(o)) w. 0 rem.) = Lucky(3097 = 397 “Jesus” עושוהי w. 0 rem.)
               = rev ord + rev std value of Vs(27804 = 2784 “The Lord Jesus Christ” (E rr+ro+rs) w. 0 rem.)
– 2368+754 = 3122 = 100 + TV of Vs(137 (i. α)) = 312 “reward”
שחד w. ext…
– 2368-754 = 1614 “mass equals energy” (E s) = 1000 + 314 (π) + Tri(8+8+8) = TV of (Gen 5:12 which is Vs(118 “Christ” Χριστος (o))
– Di
fference of the Greek & English spelling is 2368-925 = 1000 + 443 “the Word” (G s) = 143 “the Son of God” בן האלהים w. ext…
– CW of Vs(2368 “Jesus Christ” Ιησους Χριστος) = 738 “Triangle number seven hundred seventy and seven” (E sr7)
– 401 “Aleph Tav”
את = Pri(80 “π”) – – – 7388 = 4 digits of Squ(27182 (e))
– Ordinal value of verse# 401 = 314 (π) – – –
738888 = 6 digits of Rec(27182 (e))
Total value of verse# 314 (π) = 3965 = 3000 + 888 “Jesus” Ιησους + 77 “Christ” (E o)
– “Word” λογος (Fr+Fo+Fs) = 1509 = 1000 + ordinal value of verse# 314 (π) = “in the universe” στο Συμπαν (r+o+s)
The first verse made up of 5442 “eight eight eight” (H, G & E s) [שמנה שמנה שמנה – – – οκτω οκτω οκτω] is Deuteronomy 3:14
395 שמנה “eight” + 1190 “eight” οκτω + 229 “eight” (E s) = 1500 + 314 (π) = “the Son of God” (E ro+rs) = “Pi and 7-7-7” (E s)
Total value of Vs(314 (π)) = 1000 + 597 “revealing” (E s) + 2368 “Jesus Christ” = 100 + 3865 “The Natural Logarithm” (E ro+rs)
Center word of Vs(314 (π)) = 437 “eight hundred and eighty eight” (E ro)
– “Jesus Christ” Ιησους Χριστος (Ss) = 3768 = [π] 3x1x4 x 314 (π) = TV of Vs(1201 = COG of Tri(73) = 800 + 401 “Aleph Tav” את)
Soft standard value of verse# 3768 = 3243 = Comp-o(3768) = 3000 + (CW of Vs(373 “Word” λογος) = reduced value of John 1:1)
– TV of Vs(512 = 8x8x8) = 4773 “eight eight eight” (H & G s) [שמונה שמונה שמונה – – – οκτω οκτω οκτω] = 473 “Genesis” Γενεσις w. ext…
There are several ways of getting “Jesus Christ” in Hebrew, however the primary spelling is עשוהי המשיח with a value of 754.
Adding the Hebrew & Greek spelling gives 754+2368 = 3122 (312 “reward” שחד) = 3000 + “the Son of God” האלהים בן (ro)
= TV of Vs(893 = 800 + 93 “codes of God” (E o)) = TV of Vs(4522 (452 “hundred and twelve” מאה ושנים – – – “The Lord God” 112)).
205 “Jesus Christ Ιησους Χριστος (o) = “the Son of God” בן האלהים (o+s).
Total value of verse# 205 “Jesus Christ” (G o) = 6087 = (687 “of Nazareth” ναζαρηνου (his Childhood home was the town of Nazareth in Galilee) = CW of Vs(37) & Vs(73)) w. 0 rem.
Composite orders added of the standard Greek (2368), Hebrew (754) & English (925) spellings of “Jesus Christ” = 3404 = Tri(37) + Tri(73).
And the total value of verse# 754 “Jesus Christ” = 1403 = 143 “the Son of God” בן האלהים with 0 removed.
“Jesus” עשוהי (sr888) = 4493 (493 = Octaflake(3)) = Octaflake(8). An Octaflake is 6 Octagons & 7 Octagrams of the same order.
TV of Vs(13479 = Octaflake(8) + Octaflake(8) + Octaflake(8)) = 1200 + 888, and W#2 + W#4 = 857 = CW of Vs(Star(373)).




The Tree of Life

And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food;
the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.” [Gen 2:9]
“And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.” [Rev 22:1-2]

Adam and Eve were forbidden to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. However, they were allowed to eat from the tree of life that was placed in “the midst of the
the tree of life” עץ החיים equals 233, while “the tree of knowledge of good and evil” עץ הדעת טוב ורע equals 932 (4×233) = 35-gonal(8).
This a very interesting connection, but I believe the tree of life represents Jesus as we see it has 12 fruits that may represent the 12 disciples.
One reason for my conclusion on this is the value of
233 “the tree of life” = 23 “Aleph Tav” את (o) with an extended digit = “the Son of God” לבר אלהין (Fo).
Jesus is also synonymous with life in the Bible: “I am that bread of life” [John 6:48], “For the bread of God is he which cometh down from heaven, and giveth life unto the
world” [John 6:33]
Jesus is never called “the tree of life”, so seems to be a bit riddled with the Golden Ratio.
177 “the garden of Eden” גן עדן = “Golden Ratio” (E ro).
233/377 = 1.618 (φ), which are extended digits of 23 & 37 (23 combinations made up of 37 in the 7 words of Genesis 1:1).
And then we have 177 “the garden of Eden” + 233 “the tree of life” = 410 “Christ” (E s).
These values are extended digits of 17 “sacrifice” זבח and 23 “Aleph Tav” את (o).
Even 177/233 = 1.316… – – – 1316 “Jesus Christ” (E rs).
So, we can safely say that God put numeric connections to Jesus in the tree of life.




Jesus as the Seed of Adam and Eve

And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head,
and thou shalt bruise his heel.” [Gen 3:15]

The serpent deceived Eve to eat of the forbidden fruit in the garden of Eden. Eve then tempted Adam to eat of it, and he complied.
Adam, Eve & their future children became cursed for all generations because of their transgression.
And God punished the serpent by putting strife with Eve’s seed and Satan.
Theologians agree that “it shall bruise thy head” is Jesus Christ who was to come far later in the history of man and be victorious
over hell and death. He was dead 3 days then resurrected with the keys of hell and death.
I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.” [Rev 1:18]
Hebrew spelling of “Adam” אדם [Gen 2:19] = 45 = Comp(8) + Comp(8) + Comp(8)
Hebrew spelling of “Eve” חוה [Gen 3:20] = 19 “codes” (E r)
– “Adam” (45) + “Eve” (19) = 64 “of wisdom” σοφια (o) = “Jesus” יהושוע (o)
Dividing Adam by Eve gives us the seed that bruised the head of Satan: 45/19 = 2.368… – – – 2368 “Jesus Christ” Ιησους Χριστος.
A good gematria connection to this prophecy is seen in the value of משיח “Messiah” = 358 = “serpent” נחש [Gen 3:13].
And if we add the values of “Messiah” (Jesus) & “serpent” (Satan) we get 2x 358 = 716 “Bible codes” הצופן התנ“כי.
God is a genius and here he used a play on the values by connecting Jesus & Satan to “Bible codes”.
serpent” נחש (o+s) = 401 “Aleph Tav” את – – – “serpent” נחש (r+o+s) = 417 = Comp(336 “Bible codes” (E r+o+s)). Amazing!




The Mystery of Melchizedek King of Salem

And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine: and he was the priest of the most high God. And he blessed him,
and said, Blessed be Abram of the most high God, possessor of heaven and earth: And blessed be the most high God, which hath
delivered thine enemies into thy hand. And he gave him tithes of all.” [Gen 14:18-20]


Who is Melchizedek? This mysterious person suddenly appears to Abraham, the patriarch of the 12 tribes of Israel, and blesses
him. No more than these three verses talks about him in Genesis, but we get more information about him other places in the Bible.


Hebrews 7:1-4

1 For this Melchisedec, king of Salem, priest of the most high God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings,
and blessed him; 2 To whom also Abraham gave a tenth part of all; first being by interpretation King of righteousness, and after that
also King of Salem, which is, King of peace;3 Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days,
nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually.
Now consider how great this man was, unto whom even the patriarch Abraham gave the tenth of the spoils.
You can also see that Jesus is called a “priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek” [Ps 110:4].

You hopefully understand by now that Melchizedek is not a normal man at all since he has no “beginning of days, nor end of life”.
The details given can only fit one person as it mentions he is the “King of peace”.


Isaiah 9:6

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called
Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.”

Now, here Jesus is called The Prince of Peace”, and I can’t tell you why it’s not “King of peace”. Salem was located in Jerusalem, and
Melchizedek is the “King of Salem. We also see it explained in the book of Revelation that Jesus will become the King of Jerusalem
in the new world to come where he will rule 1000 years until the merging of heaven and earth.
Melchizedek was like “the Son of God”, and not the Son of God. Notice that Melchizedek gives “bread and wine” to Abraham which are the two important elements of the last supper that was initiated by Jesus Christ himself as a rite to be held by Christians.
The bread symbolizes the body of Christ, and the wine symbolizes his blood that was sacrificed for our sins on the cross.
Melchizadek was a mysterious person who actually forshadowed Jesus Christ.
The Hebrew spelling of “Melchizedek” מלכי־צדק has the values of:

red = 24 “Jesus” Ιησους (r)
ord = 87 “Jesus” Ιησους (o)
std = 294 “Lord Jesus Christ” κυριος Ιησους Χριστος (o) = “his” ιδιος [God’s] = “Divine/Godhead” θειος theios [Act 17:29]
= “eight eight eight” οκτω οκτω οκτω (rs) = “faith” πιστις (rr+ro+rs)
ord + std = 381 “Melchizedek king of Salem” (E ro) – – – red + ord + std = 405 (45 = Comp(8) + Comp(8) + Comp(8))
CW of Vs(294 “Melchizedek” מלכי־צדק) = 401 “Aleph Tav” את
– “Melchisedek” (E rr+ro+rs) = 2940 = 10x 294 “Melchizedek” מלכי־צדק
FLW added of verses reflecting the ord (87) & std (294) values = 137 “Melchizedek king of Salem” מלכי־צדק מלך שלם (Fr)
CW added of Vs reflecting the ord (87) & std (294) values = 919 “Melchisedek” Μελχισεδεκ [Heb 5:6] = “Melchizedek” (E s)
CW added of verses reflecting the red (24), ord (87) & std (294) values = 1106 “witness” (E r+o+s)
First verse that mentions “Melchizedek” is Gen 14:18, and its verse order = 355 “riddle(s)” חידה (ro+rs).
TV of Vs(355) = 1346 = Pri-o(11093 = prime factor of 7297352562 (α)) = 1000 + 346 “riddles” חידות (ro+rs)
– “Jesus” added in Hebrew (391), Greek (888) & English (515) = 1794 = 1500 + 294 “Melchizedek” מלכי־צדק
– “Melchisedek” Μελχισεδεκ (r) = 37 (prime factor of the Greek spelling of “Jesus” & “Christ”)
שלם “Salem” = 10x 37
– “Melchizedek, king of Salem” מלכי־צדק מלך שלם (Fr) = 137 = “Melchisedec king of Salem” μελχισεδεκ βασιλευς σαλημ (rr)
– “Melchisedec king of Salem” μελχισεδεκ βασιλευς σαλημ = 2046 = 700 + TV of Vs(294 “Melchizedek” מלכי־צדק)
– “Melchisedek” (E rs) = 4719 (47719 = factor of (477190 = C.Octa from order 2 to 71)) = TV of Vs(3668 (368 = CW of Vs(401))
– “Melchisedec, king of Salem priest of the most high God” μελχισεδεκ βασιλευς σαλημ ιερευς του θεου του υψιστου [Heb 7:1]
    = 6870 = 10x(CW of Vs(37) + CW of Vs(73))
    = TV of Vs(18180 = Pri(2) x Pri(2) x Pri(3) x Pri(3) x Pri(4) x Pri(27) – – – 2x2x3x3x4x27 = (3000 + 888 “Jesus” Ιησους
    = 8 + 3880 “the revelation of Jesus Christ” αποκαλυψις ιησου χριστου [Rev 1:1])
מלכי־צדק בן האלהים “Melchizedek, the Son of God” = 400 + 37 = CW of Vs(314 (π))
CW of Vs(401 “Aleph Tav” את) = 368 = Comp(294 “Melchizedek” מלכי־צדק)
The identity is revealed since we see מלכי־צדק מלך שלם “Melchizedek king of Salem” = 754 “Jesus Christ” עשוהי המשיח.
Even לחם “bread” (78) added with יין “wine” (70) = 148 “eight hundred and eighty eight” (E r).
148 is a factor in the Greek spellings of both “Jesus” 888 (6×148) & “Christ” 1480 (10×148).
2368 “Jesus Christ” Ιησους Χριστος = 1000 + (verse orders added of the first verses with a CW of the individual words of Gen 1:1
= “In the beginning the Word” εν αρχηι ο λογος (o+s)) = Pri(2) x Pri(2) x Pri(2) x Pri(2) x Pri(2) x Pri(2) x Pri(37) – – –
2x2x2x2x2x2x37 = (832 = 2x 416 “riddles” (G s) = 800 + 32 “midst” לב)
= 2000 + (368 = CW of Vs(401 “Aleph Tav” תא) = Comp(294 “Melchizedek” מלכי־צדק))
= Comp(2017 = PP(148 “eight hundred and eighty eight” (E r)))
= FLW of Vs(23397 = 1000×23 “Aleph Tav” את + (397 “Jesus” עושוהי = PP(37)))
= FLW of Vs(28498 = 28000 + 498 “Alpha and Phi” אלפא ופי (Fs))
= CW of Vs(24217 = 1000×23 אתAleph Tav” + 1217 “the First and the Last” (E s))
= CW of Vs(28804 = 284 “God” Θεος w. ext… & 0 rem.) = CW of Vs(29373 = 373 “Word” λογος
+ 1000×29 “and” ואת (o) = Pri(3) x Pri(1209 = FLW of Gen 1:1)) – – – 3×1209 = 39×93 (TV of John 1:1)




Jesus meets Daniel the Prophet

Daniel 10:4-6

And in the four and twentieth day of the first month, as I was by the side of the great river, which is Hiddekel; Then I lifted up mine eyes, and looked, and behold a certain man clothed in linen, whose loins were girded with fine gold of Uphaz: His body also was like the beryl, and his face as the appearance of lightning, and his eyes as lamps of fire, and his arms and his feet like in colour to polished brass, and the voice of his words like the voice of a multitude.”


The book of Daniel is linked to Revelation, as we saw in chapter 6 of this book.

And so, it is enigmatic that Jesus himself met Daniel in person! Remember that the book of Revelation starts with

The Revelation of Jesus Christ” [Rev 1:1]. It does not mention Jesus by name in the book of Daniel, but instead describes his

appearance when he is in his God form and not in his human form as he was when put on the cross


The verification that this is Jesus is seen in the very first chapter of Revelation when John got a vision in the isle of Patmos where he meets Jesus and describes him.

Revelation 1:13-16
“And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about
the paps with a golden girdle.
His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a
flame of fire;
And his feet like unto
fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.
And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun
shineth in his strength.”

Both these texts in Daniel and Revelation mentions the attributes of Jesus as:
– Eyes of
– Shining face
– Golden girdle
– Feet like
fine brass
– Sound of many waters (multitude of people)
There is no other person with all these qualities in the Bible. So the only conclusion is that Jesus Christ is a very mysterious person
who was with us all the time from the beginning. I think this is extremely perplexing and wonderful at the same time.
He even came to Daniel on the 24
th day of the month. 24 = “Jesus” Ιησους (r) = 8+8+8.
-<>- -<>-
ומתניו חגרים בכתם אופז “whose lions were girded with
fine uphaz” = 1329 = 3x 443 “the Word” ο Λογος.
-<>- -<>-
איש־אחד לבוש בדים ומתניו חגרים בכתם אופז “man clothed in linen, whose lions were girded with
fine Uphaz”
= 2047 “riddles of wisdom and knowledge” (E o+s) = 1 + 2046 “Melchisedec king of Salem” μελχισεδεκ σαλημ βασιλευς.
-<>- -<>-
“whose lions were girded with
fine uphaz: His body also was like the beryl, and his face as the appearance of lightning, and his eyes
as lamps of
fire, and his arms and his feet like in colour to polished brass, and the voice of his words like the voice of a multitude”
ומתניו חגרים בכתם אופז וגויתו כתרשיש ופניו כמראה ברק ועיניו כלפידי אש וזרעתיו ומרגלתיו כעין נחשת קלל וקול דבריו כקול המון

= 7400 = 100x 74 “Jesus” (E o).
“man clothed in linen, whose lions were girded with
fine uphaz: His body also was like the beryl, and his face as the appearance of
lightning, and his eyes as lamps of
fire, and his arms and his feet like in colour to polished brass, and the voice of his words like the
voice of a multitude”
איש־אחד לבוש בדים ומתניו

חגרים בכתם אופז וגויתו כתרשיש ופניו כמראה ברק ועיניו כלפידי אש וזרעתיו ומרגלתיו כעין נחשת קלל וקול דבריו כקול המון
= 8118 = Pri(2) x Pri(3) x Pri(3) x Pri(6) x Pri(14) – – – 2x3x3x6x14 = 1000 + 8x8x8.
“clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle. His head and his hairs were white like wool,
as white as snow; and his eyes were as a
flame of fire; And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice
as the sound of many waters.” ἐνδεδυμένον ποδήρη καὶ περιεζωσμένον πρὸς τοῖς μαστοῖς ζώνην χρυσῆν ἡ δὲ κεφαλὴ αὐτοῦ καὶ αἱ
τρίχες λευκαὶ ὡσει ἔριον λευκόν, ὡς χιών· καὶ οἱ ὀφθαλμοὶ αὐτοῦ ὡς φλὸξ πυρός, καὶ οἱ πόδες αὐτοῦ ὅμοιοι χαλκολιβάνῳ ὡς ἐν
καμίνῳ πεπυρωμένοι· καὶ ἡ φωνὴ αὐτοῦ ὡς φωνὴ ὑδάτων πολλῶν·
= 33514 = Pri(2) x Pri(7) x Pri(210) = 2940 “Melchisedek” (E rr+ro+rs) = 10x 294 “Melchizedek”

Let’s check the So
ft values of Genesis 1:1 & John 1:1 to fill up the rest of the space on this page.
ft reduced values added is 86+278 = 364 = 7+7+7 + 7x7x7 – – – TV of Vs(1588 “Jesus” (G Ss)) = Pri(666 (6 “and” ו))

= 4000 + 969
ft ordinal values added is 329+640 = 969 – – – 3 first digits of the ultra calculation of verse# 1588 ≈ 3.73 – – – 373 “Word” λογος
ft standard values added is 4631+7127 = 11758 = 1758 “believed” επιστευσαν (rs) w. ext… = 1370 (i. α) + 72973 (α) + 3091
So+Ss values added = 12727 = 12000 + Lucky(117 “seven hundred seventy and seven” (E r))
Sr+So+Ss values added = 13091 = 10000 +(3091 = Lucky(80 “codes” συμπαν (o)) = TV of 777 Holograph)
ft standard of verse# 11758 = 4717 (40717 = C.Hex(117 = 7 + 37 + 73)) = TV of Vs(2777 = 2000 + 777 = 27 “riddles” w. ext…)




The Ark of God and Jesus Christ as the Last Sacrifice

The ancient Israelites sacrificed specific animals like a lamb or goat for the remission of their sins.
And the lamb is a symbolic precursor for the sacrifice of the Messiah, as we know the “Lamb” is a symbolical
representation of Jesus in the Bible. When John the Baptist met Jesus he said, “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the
sin of the world.” [John 1:29]
According to Ron Wyatt, the Ark of God was hidden right beneath where Jesus was crucified in Jerusalem.
He found the Ark of God in 1982 hidden in a mountain under Golgotha, where Jesus was crucified along with other relics from the
Temple of God. When Ron Wyatt discovered the Ark of God, he tells us that he met an Angel who said to him that the blood of
Jesus is on that Ark; and Ron saw this and was allowed to take a sample of it so he could share it with the world.
They tested this blood later and found out that it had no Y chromosome indicating the person had no earthly father.
This is because Jesus had a human mother, while his father was God since it was the Holy Spirit that made her pregnant.
No other blood with this quality has been seen before.
Ron also points out that right after Jesus died on the cross, an earthquake occurred that made a crack in the mountain on which
Golgotha sits on. Then the blood of Jesus ran down the crack on to the Ark of the Covenant as the last sacrifice.
The angel also told him that the Ark of God and the relics from the Temple of God would be taken away by them; until it would be
presented to the world again under the tribulation period.
Here is a guy who found ELS codes that verify what Ron Wyatt has explained about the blood of Jesus running through the


You can watch his movies where he shows the blood tests on the internet.


Matthew 27:50-51
Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost.
And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent;”


The Ark of God” ארון אלהים [1 Sa 3:3] = 343 = 7x7x7 = 200 + 143 “the Son of God” בן האלהים Ben Ha Elohim [general spelling].
44 “Blood” דם dam [Gen 9:9] = “Lamb” טלה taleh [Isa 65:25]
17 precious”/“good” טוב towb = “sacrifice” זבח zabach = “give/bring” יהב yahab = “comfort” בלג (o)

Adding “The Ark of God” ארון אלהים with “sacrifice” is 343+17 = 360 = degrees in a circle
עשוהי המשיח “Jesus Christ” 754 + דם “blood” 44 + ארון אלהים “The Ark of God” 343 = 1114 = 800 + 314 (π)
– “Jesus Christ” 754/343 “The Ark of God” ≈ 2.198 – – – 2198 = 7x 314 (π) = factor of (21980 = perimeter of Hepta(3141 (π)))
ארון אלהים “The Ark of God” 343 + דם “blood” 44 + 17 “sacrifice” טוב = “the Son of God” לבר אלהין (o+s) bar’elahh [Dan 3:25]
The first occurrence of “the Son of God” in the Bible is found in Daniel 3:25
The verse order of Daniel 3:25 = 21833 = 2183 “The Messiah Jesus Christ” ο Μεσσιας Ιησους Χριστος (rr+ro+rs) w. ext…
    = Pri(5) x Pri(445) – – – 2×445 = 2225 “the ten commandments and the Ark of God” ארון אלהים ואת עשרת הדברים (o+s)
Total value of Daniel 3:25 = 3443 = 343 “The Ark of God” ארון אלהים with extended digit
CW of Vs(343 “The Ark of God”) + CW of Vs(17 “sacrifice”) = 851 = אתAleph Tav” 23×37 (factor of “Jesus” & Christ”)
CW of verses ordered at 343 “The Ark of God”, 17 “sacrifice” & 44 “blood” = 938 = 50 + 888 “Jesus” Ιησους
– “The Ark of God” 343/44 “blood” = 7.795… – – – 7795 = Pri(4) x Pri(247) – – – 4×247 = 100 + 888 “Jesus” Ιησους
– “The Ark of God” 343/17 “sacrifice” = 20.17… – – – 2017 = Comp-o(2368 “Jesus Christ” = 7 CW of Vs(14301 (1431 = Tri(53))))
– “The Ark of the Covenant” ארון ברית [Deu 10:8] = 869 = “Jesus Christ” עשוהי המשיח (o+s) – – – 53 “Jesus” עושי (o) = “twelve tribes of Israel” שר שבטי ישראלע (rs)
The Ark of God” = 7x7x7, and we see that “his soul an offering for sin” אשם נפשו [Isaiah 53:10] = 777.


his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand.”
אשם נפשו יראה זרע יאריך ימים וחפץ יהוה בידו יצלח [Isa 53:10]
= 1981 “The Ark of God and the ten commandments” עשרת הדברים ארון אלהים ואת = TV of Vs(37×73) = 1000 + 3 CW of Vs(777+777).


Jesus and the Kingdom of God


It is required of you to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior to enter the kingdom of God.
Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” [John 14:6].
And you also need to pray with all your heart to get the Holy Spirit, once you get it then you are a child of God, and it will lead you.
Peter said, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” [Acts 2:38].




888 “Jesus” Ιησους

= Palin(98 = perimeter of Hepta(15 = PP-o(137 (i. α))) = “proton” (E o)) = “proton” פרוטון (sr137)
= CW of Vs(4391 = 4000 + (391 “Jesus”
עשוהי = FLW of Vs(112 “The Lord God” יהוה אלהים)))
= CW of Vs(5770 = 10x 577 “gospel” ευαγγελιον = 5000 + 770 “of” του)
= CW of Vs(10999 = (109 = PP(13 “God”
אל (o))) w. ext…) = CW of Vs(11000 = 1000×11 “and” ואת (r))
= CW of Vs(14533 = 1453 “the Torah”
תורת (Fo+Fs) w. ext…) = 471 “Torah” Τορα + FLW of Vs(86 “God” אלהים)
= 3 FLL of Vs(12842 = 10000 + 137-gonal(7)) = 8 CL of Vs(435 “Word” λογος (o+s)) = 3 FLL + 8 CL of Vs(3141 (π))
= 3 FLW of Vs(9 “π” (ro)) = 3 FLW of Vs(1019 = Pri(172 “codes” (E s))) = 3 FLW of Vs(1700 = 100×17 “of the universe”
היקום (r))
= 7 CW of Vs(8185 = 8000 + 185 “seventy and three” (E o)) = 8 CW of Vs(18054 (1854 = 1000 + 854 “wisdom” (H & G s)))
= Tri(38 “inverse” (E r) = “Alpha” (E o) = code number for 888) + FLW of Vs(373 “Word” λογος)
= 645 “thirty and seven”
שלושים ושבע (ro+rs) + CW of Vs(373) = 400 + perimeter of Hepta(15 = PP-o(137)) + FCLW of Vs(373)
= 471 “Torah” Τορα + FLW of Vs(86 “God”
אלהים) = 100×6 “and” ו + CW of Vs(86)
= 183 “seven seven seven”
שבעת שבעת שבעת (o) + FLCW of Vs(86)
= (CW of Vs(37×73) = CW of Vs(2411 “eight hundred and eighty eight” οκτακοσια και ογδοντα οκτω)) + 772 (72 “riddles”)
= CW of Vs(2368 “Jesus Christ” Ιησους Χριστος) + CW of Vs(328 “the Son of God”
לבר אלהין)
= ordinal of Vs(1480 “Christ” Χριστος) + 328 “the Son of God”
לבר אלהין [Dan 3:25]
= Tri(23 “Aleph Tav”
את (o)) + FLW of Vs(1480 “Christ”) = 800 + 52 “codes” קודים (o) + CW of Vs(1480 “Christ”)
= (240 “eight hundred and eighty eight”
שמונה מאות ושמונים שמונה (ro) – – – 888 “Jesus” = 10x(8+8+8)) + FLCW of Vs(1480 “Christ”)
= 410 “Christ” (E s) + 3 CW of Vs(1480 “Christ” Χριστος)
= 500 + 218 “codes” (E s) + FLW of Vs(118 “Christ” Χριστος (o))
= 500 + 33 “of” (E ro) + CW of Vs(118 “Christ” Χριστος (o))
= 363 “the Messiah”
המשיח + FLCW of Vs(118 “Christ” Χριστος (o))
= (530 “these things, even they shall understand”
ויתבוננו [Ps 107:43] = 500 + 30 “the” ל) + 358 “Messiah” משיח
= 400 + 93 “seven seven seven” שבעת שבעת שבעת (ro) + ordinal of Vs(358 “Messiah” משיח)
= 500 + 81 “codes” κωδικοι (o) + FLW of Vs(358 “Messiah”
= 438 “midst” (E r+o+s) + CW of Vs(358 “Messiah”
= (131 = 100 + (31 “Alpha”
אלפא (o) = “and” και) = Pri(33 “Phi” (E o))) + FLCW of Vs(358 “Messiah” משיח)
= 363 “the Messiah”
המשיח + TV of Vs(476 “the Messiah” (E s))
= 400 + 19 “the Heart”
הלב (o) + ordinal value of Vs(305 “Lamb” שה)
= 307 (37 “of Wisdom”
חכמה (o)) + FLW of Vs(305 “Lamb” שה)
= (Palin(55 “and” (E s)) = 400 + 54 “the seal of God” (E r)) + CW of Vs(305 “Lamb”
= Tri(17 “seven” επτα (o)) + Tri(17 “seven” επτα (o)) + Tri(17 “seven” επτα (o))
+ FLW of Vs(328 “the Son of God” לבר אלהין)
= 309 “codes of God” (E s) + FLCW of Vs(328 “the Son of God”
לבר אלהין)
= (421 = Lucky(74 “Jesus” (E o))) + ordinal value of Vs(1271 “cross” σταυρος [1Co 1:17])
= 219 “Triangle number seven hundred seventy and seven” (E rr) + FLW of Vs(3570 “eight eight eight” οκτω οκτω οκτω)
= 177 “eight eight eight”
שמונה שמונה שמונה (o) + CW of Vs(3570 “eight eight eight” οκτω οκτω οκτω)
= (148 “eight hundred and eighty eight” (E r) = factor of 888 = factor of 1480) + FLW of Vs(431 “the Lamb” ο αμνος)
= 400 + FLW of Vs(1903 “eight hundred and eighty eight” (E s) – – – 888 “Jesus”) + 85 “Christ” (E ro)
= 7+7+7 + 777 + CW of Vs(1903 = mirror of 777 Holograph)
= 395 “the heaven”
השמים + FLCW of Vs(1903 “eight hundred and eighty eight” (E s))
= FLW of Vs(1000 + 888 “Jesus”) + 400 + 85 “Christ” (E ro)
= CW of Vs(1000 + 888 “Jesus”) + (365 “godliness” (E s) = “Ark of God” (E sr37))
= FLW of Vs(688 “Jesus” ιησου [Matthew 1:1] = “the Son of God” (E o+s)) + 3 CW of 888 Holograph
= CW of Vs(688 “Jesus” ιησου) + 8x8x8
= FLW of Vs(302253 = Tri(777)) by rot. + FLW of Vs(401 “Aleph Tav”
= 520 “reward”
שכר + CW of Vs(401 “Aleph Tav” את)
= 123 “seven seven seven” επτα επτα επτα (o) + FLCW of Vs(401 “Aleph Tav”
= 401 “Aleph Tav”
את + (487 “Square number 777” (E o) = 400 + 87 “Jesus” (G o) = mirrored CW of Vs(1271 “cross” σταυρος))
= (801 “Alpha Omega” ΑΩ = Happy-o(5471 = Pri-o(53657 = prime factor of 7297352 (α)))) + 87 “Jesus” Ιησους (o)
= 861 (80601 = Tri(401 “
את)) + 27 “AZ” (o)
= CW of Vs(401 “
את) + CW of Vs(27 “AZ” (o)) + CW of Vs(305 “Lamb” הש)
= CW of Vs(64 “riddles of wisdom”
חידה חכמה (o)) + CW of Vs(175 “riddles of wisdom” (E o))
= ordinal of Vs(87 “Jesus” Ιησους (o)) + 282 “the Messiah”
המשיח (rr+ro+rs)
= 800 + 56 “the universe” (E r) + FLW of ord Vs(87 “Jesus” Ιησους (o))
= 100 + 729 (α) + CW of ord Vs(87 “Jesus” Ιησους (o))
= 797 “the speed of light”
מהירות האור (rs) + FLCW of ord Vs(87 “Jesus” Ιησους (o))
= CW of Vs(23349 (1 + 729 (α) + 1 + 1618 (φ)) which is also Vs(13703 (i. α) + 72973 (α) + 29979 (c)) by rot.
= rev ord Vs(729 (α)) = FLW of Vs(137 (i. α)) + CW of Vs(1 “α”)
= ordinal of Vs(314 “seven hundred seventy seven” (E o) = π) + 379 “riddles of God” (E s)
= 310 “physics codes”
צפני פיזיקה (rs) + FLW of Vs(314 “seven hundred seventy seven” (E o) = π)
= 100×4 “and” και (r) + 51 “seven seven seven” επτα επτα επτα (r) + CW of Vs(314 “seven hundred seventy seven” (E o) = π)
= (10×56 “the universe” (E r) = 560 “the Son of God” (E s)) + FLW of Vs(1618 (φ)) + 800 + 46 “codes” (E o) + CW of Vs(1618 (φ))
= 100×4 “and” και (r) + Lucky-o(729 (α)) + FLCW of Vs(1618 (φ))
= CW of Vs(1836 (
m/m)) + CW of Vs(6381 = Mirror of 1836 (m/m))


Base 6 system about Jesus

Ultra calculations of Jesus Christ
888 Holograph-<>-
TV of 888 Holograph

777 codes