Number 25 and 37 is found in the 7th Square as a Centered Square and Octagon.
We can find breathtaking connections in the numbers of 25, 37 & 49 as the relationships between the numbers 25, 37 & 49 are strong in several ways.
These numbers are all polygonal and we have the mysterious and important number 37 in middle here. We find connections to number 777 & Jesus here along with polygons everywhere we look. Be sure to read Chapter 1 of this website before you read this article.
49 = Happy(11 = Lucky order of 37) = Lucky(13 = Prime order of 37) = Pri(5) x Pri(5) – – – 5×5 = 25
= Octagram(3) = Squ(7) = perimeter of Hepta(8) = factor of 3773 = factor of 3724 = “Triangle” (H Fr) = “seventy and three” εβδομηντα και τρια (r)
37 = Star(3) = Pri(Pri(7)) = Lucky.Pri(6 = Tri(3)) = PP(5 = Pri-o(7)) = prime factor of 2368 “Jesus Christ” Ιησους Χριστος
25 = Squ(5 = Pythagorean prime order of 37) = C.Octa(3) = Lucky(8) = factor of 925 “Jesus Christ” (E s)
Octagram(3) = 49 (449 = Octagram(8)) = CW of Vs(1574 = TV of Vs(37))
Star(3) = 37 (337 = Star(8)) = CW of Vs(781 “wisdom” σοφια = Lucky(100 + 25 = Cube(5 = PP-o(37)) = Comp(mirror of 49)) = C.Deca(Pri-o(37)))
Octagon(3) = 25 (225 = Centered Octagon(8)) = CW of Vs(1221 = (33 = Fibonacci numbers up to order 7) x 37)
25+37+49 = 111 “inverse” הפוך = “Alpha” אלפא (Fo) = 3×37 [337] = 37×3 [373 “Word” λογος] = factor of 666, 777 & 888
The number of sides of a Square = 4 – – – The number of sides of an Octagon = 8
כוכב “Star” 48 = 8×6 [86 = factor of 430 “number” αριθμος] = “seven seven seven” שבעת שבעת שבעת (r) = Exterior Octagram(3) = perimeter of Octa(7)
= 3×16 [316 = C.Tri(15 = PP-o(137 (i. α))) = C.Hepta(10 “α” (Fr) = “e” (o+s) = “π” (rs) = Tri(4 “and” και (r)) = Comp(5 “φ” (r)))] = 3×7 + 3×9
The difference added between these numbers is: 12 (37-25) + 12 (49-37) = 8+8+8
3725 = “Aleph and Tav” (E ro+rs) = TV of Vs(536 = 8+8+8 + 8x8x8 = “Jesus Christ” (H ro+rs) = FLCW of Vs(1551 (151 “Jesus Christ” (E o))))
= Pri(5) x Pri(5) x Pri(13) – – – 5x5x13 = (325 (30225 = 5 digits of Tri(777)) = Tri(25 “codes” κωδικοι (r) = Squ(5 = PP-o(37 “of wisdom”))))
= TV of Vs(611 “Torah” תורה = Pri(19 “codes” (E r)) w. ext…) = Penta(50 = 37 “of wisdom” (o) + Pri-o(37))
4937 = TV of Vs(10x 353 “gematria” (E s) = perimeter of Penta(707 = Palin(80 “codes” κωδικες (o)))) = TV of Vs(3574 = 2000 + TV of Vs(37))
25×37 = 925 “Jesus Christ” (E s)
37×49 = 1813 = Snowflake(6 “and” ו) = Comp(1000 + 532 “Alpha” Αλφα) = Hepta(260 = Pri-o(23 “and” (G rr)) x 26 “Phi” (G rr))
“Jesus Christ” עשוהי המשיח (sr25+sr37+sr49) = 1425 = 500 + 925 “Jesus Christ” (E s)
“the Word” ο Λογος (sr259) = שבע מאות ושבעים ושבע “seven hundred seventy and seven” 1625 = 1000 + Squ(25 “codes” (G r) = Squ(5 = PP-o(37)))
2380 “eight hundred eighty eight” οκτακοσια ογδοντα οκτω = “the Word” ο Λογος (sr114+sr259) = Heptagons up to order 14 “of God” אלהים (r)
“Word” Λογος (sr25+sr37+sr49) = 726 = 729 (α) with upsidedown digit
“the Word” ο Λογος (sr25+sr37+sr49) = 879 “and the speed of light” ומהירות האור
“Jesus Christ” Ιησους Χριστος (sr25+sr37+sr49) = order 46 “codes” (E o) of numbers that are both Happy & Lucky = 2000 + 19 “of wisdom” חכמה (r)
“eight hundred eighty eight” οκτακοσια ογδοντα οκτω (sr25+sr37+sr49) = 2868 = 1000 + 137 (i. α) + 1000 + 731 (mirror)
20868 = Lucky-o(259573 = order (3091 = TV of 777 Holograph) of numbers that are both Happy & Lucky)
37 = prime factor of 888 “Jesus” Ιησους = prime factor of 1480 “Christ” Χριστος = “twenty four” εικοσι τεσσερα (r) = “twenty and four” עשרים וארבע (Sr)
“twenty four” εικοσι τεσσερα (Fo) = 704 = 8×88 – – – “twenty four” εικοσι τεσσερα (sr888) = 11680 = 1680 “seven seven seven” (E s) w. ext…
Verse# 611 [Gen 24:19 תתשל ולכ םא דע באשא ךילמגל םג רמאתו ותקשהל לכתו]
No.W = 10 “and” (E r) – – – No.L = 38 = code number for 888 “jesus” Ιησους – – – No.W + No.L = כוכב “Star” 48 = “7-7-7”
FLCL = 449 = Octagram(3) w. ext… = Octagram(8)
CW = 437 = 400 + 37 – – – W. surr. CW = 117 “seven seven seven” שבע שבע שבע (o) = “eight eight eight” שמנה שמנה שמנה שמנה (Fr/ro)
4 CW = 554 = Comp(37 “wisdom” (o)) w. ext… – – – 2 W. surr. CW = 805 = (85 “knowledge” γνωσις (o) = CW of Vs(888)) w. ext…
UC = 1.237…
Verse# 7246 [1 Sam 2:5 הללמא םינב תברו העבש הדלי הרקע דע ולדח םיבערו ורכשנ םחלב םיעבש]
Verse order = 7246 = C.Tri(70 “inverse Alpha” הפוך אלפא (o)) = C.Hepta(46 “codes” (E r) = C.Tri(6 “of” (E rr)) = Semiprime(16 “wisdom” σοφια (r)))
= Comp(6319 = 1000×6 ו “and” + 316 with upsidedown digit)
= 1000×6 “and” ו + anagram of (6241 = C.Tri(65 “Alpha, e, Pi, Phi” (E r)) = C.Octa(40 “Bible codes” (E r)))
No.W = 12 “and” ו (Fs)
NoW = 51 “seven seven seven” επτα επτα επτα (r) = “eight eight eight” שמנה שמנה שמנה (r) = Pri(8) + Pri(8) + Pri(8)
No.W + No.L = 63 = Lucky(7) + Lucky(7) + Lucky(7) = “eight eight eight” שמנה שמנה שמנה (rr)
TV = 3145 = 316-gonal(5) = 25-gonal(17) [2517 = Happy(373) = Semiprime(715 “Aleph Tav” (E s))]
FLW = 528 = Tri(32 = Pri-o(127 (i. α))) = 7 CL of Vs(777) – – – 3 FLL = 400 + 37
CW = 449 = 49 “universe” (E rr) w. ext…
FLCW = 977 = Pri(166 = 16 “codes” קודים (r) w. ext…) = PP(79 “of knowledge” דעה = “and wisdom” חכמה)
Word# 7 = 375 = Tri(5 = PP-o(37)) x Squ(5 = PP-o(37))
Word# 8 = 49 = Octagram(3) = Squ(7)
When we count by rotation by the number of words in this verse we see that word# 9 hits order 21, and the value of this word = 337.
1+12 = 13 = Pri-o(37) = CW of ord Vs(199) = CW of ord Vs(377) = CW of red Vs(94 = mirror of 49)
1+12+12 = 25 = Squ(5 = Pri-o(7) = PP-o(37)) = Pri(4) x Pri(4) – – – 4×4 = 16 = Lucky(8) = Semiprime(9) – – – 16+8+9 = Comp-o(49)
1+12+12+12 = 37 = Star(3) = Centered Hexagon(4) – – – 4+3 = 7 = PP(5) – – – 3+4+5+13 = 25 – – – 3+4+5+37 = 49
1+12+12+12+12 = 49 = Squ(7)
1 “α“ (α is the fine-structure constant) – – – 12 “φ“ (rr+ro+rs) = mirror of 7+7+7
In ordinal verse# 12 [Gen 1:12 ותוצא הארץ דשא עשב מזריע זרע למינהו ועץ עשה פרי אשר זרעו בו למינהו וירא אלהים כי טוב] we see these results:
Word# 12 = 49 – – – TV = 735 = A=37 B=38 C=39 of “seven seven seven” – – – CW = 89 = Pri(25)
Ordinal verse# 37 [Gen 2:6 המדאה ינפ לכ תא הקשהו ץראה ןמ הלעי דאו] has these results:
2 FLL = 25
FLCL = 37
Word# 6 + Word# 7 = 49 with upsidedown digit
Word# 4 + Word# 5 in reduced = 37 – – – 45 = Tri(9 = PP-o(73)) = 7+7+7 + 8+8+8
Reduced TV = 67 “codes of” (E o) + 49 = CW of Vs(37×73) = CW of 888 Holograph
Ordinal verse# 49 [Gen 2:18 ודגנכ רזע ול השעא ודבל םדאה תויה בוט אל םיהלא הוהי רמאיו] has these results:
No.W = 12 = FLL of red Vs(49)
Word# 4 + Word# 8 = 37
Word# 8 = 38
Words ordered at 2 & 12 (212 = 21 <> 12) in the reduced version of this verse = 37 = words ordered at 5 & 12 (512 = 8x8x8)
Ordinal value of verses ordered at 25, 37 & 49 = 1353 “the Son of God” בן האלהים (Ss)
CW of these verses in ordinal = 205 “Jesus Christ” Ιησους Χριστος (o)
Special thanks to Vernon Jenkins for finding the Centered Square of 25 & Octagon of 37 in the 7th Square.
May he rest in peace as he has passed away now, but his work lives on.
Link to his website: indexnew.html (