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ASCII codes of gematria


The ASCII system is a series of numbers used to represent the buttons on your keyboard.
The ASCII system has been used since 1963.
You can see the ASCII values of the English alphabet here:
ASCII – Binary Character Table
I will decode verses found in the English KJV here. See the Hebrew/Greek Bible database to find different
verse orders I go through here.
All words/phrases are in AsCII here except for those marked with (E s).

ASCII of “In the beginning God created the heaven” =
3000 + 137×3 (English ordinal Genesis 1:1)
ASCII of “and the earth” = 1160 = 10x CW of Vs(37×73 = Hebrew standard Genesis 1:1)

“God the heaven the heaven” = 2087 = Pri(316 = CW of verse# 777) = 2000 + Lucky(7+7+7) = “Golden Ratio” (H, G & E s)
= TV of Vs(10263 = 1263 “knowledge” γνωσις w. 0 rem.)
= TV of Vs(12400 + 194 “777” (H o)) = TV of Vs(13443 (1343 = 1000 + 7x7x7)
= TV of Vs(17175 = 17000 + 175 “riddles of wisdom” (E o))
ASCII of the 7 first letters of Gen 1:1 = Tri(37) = 73 w. 0 rem. 
ASCII of the 37 first letters of Gen 1:1 =
3834 = 100×38 “inverse” (E r) + 34 “Alpha” Αλφα (o)
ASCII of the 29 (73rd letter by rot.) first letters of Gen 1:1 = 2985 = 2800 + 185 “seventy and three” (E o)
ASCII of the 37 first letters of Gen 1:1 + ASCII of the 73 first letters by rot. = 5000 + (1819 “Triangle number one hundred and thirty seven” (E sr37))
= “seven hundred seventy and seven” (H o+s)
ASCII of the 21 (7+7+7) first letters of Gen 1:1 = 2142 = 2000 + 142 “riddle” (E s)
ASCII of the 21 first letters of Gen 1:1 + ASCII of the 37 first letters of Gen 1:1 = 5976 “universe codes of seven seven seven” (E rr+ro+rs)
= 3 CW of Vs(37) + 3 CW of Vs(777) + TV of Vs(37) + TV of Vs(777)
7 first letters of Gen 1:1 + 37 first letters of Gen 1:1 + 73 first letters by rot. of Gen 1:1 = 7522
Happy(1097 = (197 “seven hundred seventy and seven” שבע מאות ושבעים ושבע (ro) = Pri(46 “codes” (E o))) w. 0 rem.)
= 7500 + Pri-o(73 “wisdom” חכמה) = 4500 + TV of Vs(137 (inv. α))
= 6000 + CW of Vs(3777) + CW of Vs(13777)

In the beginning” = 1449 “knowledge and wisdom” (E s)
created” = 728 = Squares added from order 13 to 7
God” = 282 “seal of” (E r+o+s) = “fine-structure constant” (E ro) = “Bible codes of God” (E ro)
Aleph Tav” = 789 = 400 + 389 “the fine-structure constant” קבוע המבנה הדק
the heaven” = 952 = 800 + 152 “the heaven” השמים (rs) = perimeter of hepta(137 (inv. α))
and” = 307 = (37 “inverse” αντιστροφος (r) = Pri(13 “Alpha” אלפא (r))) w. 0 rem.
the earth” = 853 = 800 + Pri(17 “the heaven” השמים (r) = “and” (E rr)) = prime factor of verse# 39×93
                              = “seven” (E rs) = 800 + PP(7) = PP(71 = Pri(21 = Lucky(7)))

“In the beginning the earth” [FLW] = 2302 (232 = word# 777 by rotataions when counting in cycles by the number of words in verse# 777) 
“In the beginning Aleph Tav the earth” [FLCW] =
3091 = TV of 777 Holograph

Values of the 7 words in the Hebrew Genesis 1:1 are: 913, 203, 86, 401, 395, 407, 296
ASCII of verse# 913 = 12000 + 729 (α) = 11000 + 1729 “ASCII gematria codes”
ASCII of verse# 203 =
11640 = 10x 1164 (164 “a hundred and thirty and seven” מאת ושלשים ושבע (o))
ASCII of verse# 86   =
6811 = 681 “knowledge” (E s) w. ext…
ASCII of verse# 401 =
4752 = 4500 + 21×12 
ASCII of verse# 395 =
11021 = 7+7+7 + 1000×11 “and” ואת (r) 
ASCII of verse# 407 =
9948 = C.Tri(7) + C.Tri(37) + C.Tri(73)
ASCII of verse# 296 =
14000 + 296 “Bible codes” (E o+s)
Sum 2 last verses = 24244 (2424 = Strong’s number of “Jesus” Ιησους)
Sum 5 first verses =
46953 = Primes up to order (136 = Tri(16 “codes” קודים (r) = “of wisdom” σοφια (r)))
Sum ACSII of verses reflecting the 7 words of Gen 1:1 = 71197
= (392 “Triangle” (E s)) 3392-gonal(7)
= perimeter of Hepta(10000 + 172 “codes” (E s))
46828 = 46000 + Palin(92 “riddles of” (E o)) = ASCII of verses reflecting words from order 3 to 7 in Hebrew Genesis 1:1
ASCII of verses ordered at 913 [1], 86 [3] & 296 [7] =
33836 (3836 = 2000 + 1836 (proton-to-electron mass ratio))
ASCII of verses ordered at 203 [W# 37 by rot.] & 401 [W# 137 by rot.] = 16392
= 16000 + (392 “Triangle” (E s) = Happy(65 “Alpha, e, Pi, Phi” (E s)) = W# 777 by rot. of 777 Holograph)

“revealing” = 957 = Lucky(146 “Genesis one one” (E o) = 100 + 46 “codes” (E o))
ASCII of English Genesis 1:1 = 4571 = Happy(677 = 67 “codes of” (E o) w. ext…)
ASCII of English John 1:1 = 6263 = Pri(815 = 800 + PP-o(137 (inv. α)))
Sum = 10834 = 1834 “proton-to-electron mass ratio” (E s) w. 0 rem.
[α governs the strength of the electromagnetic force between two charged particles like the electron and the proton.]

ASCII of verse# 7 = 12338 (1238 = 1000 + 13-gonal(7))

ASCII of verse# 37 = 6848 = 6000 + 848 “In the beginning” (G o+s)
ASCII of verse# 73 = 21222 = 2122 “seven hundred seventy and seven codes” שבע מאות ושבעים ושבע קודים (ro+rs)
ASCII of verses ordered at 37 & 73 = 10x 2807 (287 “In the beginning” (H, G & E o))
                                                              = perimeter of 4011 (411 = 137×3 (13703 (inv. α)) = English ordinal Genesis 1:1)
ASCII of verses ordered at 7, 37 & 73 = 10x(5000 + 614 “Genesis one one” (E sr37) = (800 + 137)-gonal(7))

ASCII of verse# 137 (inverse α) =
6967 = Pri(896 = 500 + 396 “seven hundred seventy and seven” (E ro))

ASCII of verse# 729 (α) = 14974 = (2497 “intelligent design” (E sr137))-gonal(4)
ASCII of verse# 271 (e) = 14417 (1417 “e and Pi” הא ואת פאי (rs))
ASCII of verse# 314 (π) = 9000 + 794 “a hundred thirty seven”
מאת שלשים שבע (rs)  – – – 137 (inv. α)  [α & π are initmately related]
ASCII of verse# 1618 (φ) = 12096 = Exterior Star(63 = Lucky(7) + Lucky(7) + Lucky(7))

ASCII of verse# 729 & 1618 = 27070 = 10x 2707 (277 = Pri(60 “seven seven seven” (E r)))
ASCII of verse# 271 & 314 = 24211 (2421 = 2400 + 7+7+7)
ASCII of verses ordered at 729, 271, 314 & 1618 = 281 “Alpha. e, Pi, Phi” (E s) + 1000x(51 “and” και (o+s) = “seven seven seven” επτα επτα επτα (r))
ASCII of verses ordered at 137, 729, 271, 314 & 1618 = 58248 = Squ(6 “Phi” Φι (r)) x 1618 (φ)
Add verse# 777 to this sum and we get = 67927 = 1000×6 “and” ו + mirror 7297 (α)
ASCII of verse# 21 (7+7+7) = 16856 = 100×164 “a hundred and thirty and seven” (H o) + 456 “Alpha, e, Pi and Phi” (E o+s)
                                                                = perimeter of Octa(2018 = 218 “codes” (E o+s) w. 0 rem.)
ASCII of verse# 343 (7x7x7) = 6591 = perimeter of Tri(2198 = 7x 314 “seven hundred seventy seven” (E o))
                                                               = TV of 777Holograph + 100×35 “riddles” (E r)
ASCII of verse# 777 = 9679 = Pri(1196 = 800 + (396 “seven hunded seventy and seven” (E ro) = “seal of God” (E r+o+s)))
“ASCII codes” (E s) = 294 “Lord Jesus Christ” κυριος Ιησους Χριστος (o)
                                 = “church” εκκλησια [Matt 16:18] = “eight eight eight” οκτω οκτω οκτω (rs)
“Jesus ASCII codes” = 809 = Center Word of English ordinal Genesis 1:1 w. 0 rem.
“Jesus codes of ASCII” (E s) = 875 = Primes up to order 24 (8+8+8)
“ASCII Jesus codes of” = 1622 = 1600 + Prime order of 73 “wisdom” חכמה
“Jesus Christ” = 1143 = 143 “the Son of God” 
בן האלהים
“Jesus Christ ASCII codes” (E s) = 1219 = TV of Vs(86 “of God”
“Jesus Christ ASCII codes” = 2030 = (E r) “and” 10 x (203 “inverse”
הפוך (Fs) = 7×29 [α])
“the Son of God” = 1120 = (E s) “and” 55-gonal(7) = 10x 112 “The Lord God” יהוה אלהים
“the Son of God” (E s) = 560 “God” אלהים (rs) = Triangles up to order 14 “God” אלהים (r)

100 + 774 “In the beginning” εν αρχηι (s) = 800 + 74 “In the beginning” εν αρχηι (o) = “ASCII codes and gematria codes” (E s)
“ASCII codes and gematria codes” = 2500 + 562 “inverse Alpha” (E sr37) = 5 first words of rev std Gen 1:1 which are also the 21 first letters
“secret ASCII codes” = 1501 (151 = Pri(37 “of wisdom” (o)))
“ASCII gematria” = 1203 = 500 + Tri(37 “wisdom” (o))

“Triangle number seven” =
2016 = Tri(63 = Lucky(7) + Lucky(7) + Lucky(7))
“Triangle number thirty and seven” = 2999 = 29 “and” ואת (o) w. ext… = ordinal (298) + standard Genesis 1:1 (2701)
“Triangle number” = 1471 = C.Hepta(7+7+7) = Lucky(211 = 7+7+7 w. ext…)
“Triangle number seventy and three” = 3096 “seven hundred seventy and seven” (E s) = 396 “seven hundred seventy and seven” (E ro) w. 0 rem.
1471+4396+3096 = 8963 = Happy(1303 = Happy(194 “seven hundred seventy and seven” (H o)) = “(the) seal of God” σφραγιδα θεου [Rev 7:2])
Triangle number seven hundred seventy and seven” = 4000 + 396 “777” (E ro) = “seven seven seven codes” (E ro+rs)
ACSII of verse# 28 (Tri(7)) = 20048 = 2048 “riddles of” (E ro+rs) w. 0 rem.

ACSII of verse# 703 (Tri(37)) = 14195 = 14000 + 195 “seven seven seven” (E o)
ACSII of verse# 2701 (Tri(73)) = 4849 = 13×373 – – – 13373 (13703 (inverse α))
Sum = 39092 (392 “Triangle” (E s) = perimeter of Squ(99 = Comp(73 “number” (E o))) = Comp(314 “seven hundred seventy seven” (E o))


In the beginning Genesis one one = 37+73 + 37×73
In the beginning John one one = 2492 = 92 “riddles of” (E o) + 100x(8+8+8) = 1000 + 1492 “e” (H, G & E rs) [הא – – – Εψιλον]
Genesis one one codes = 1888 (18 = Lucky-o(73 “of wisdom”)) = 1000 + 888 “Jesus” Ιησους
John one one codes = 1569 = 800 + Pri(137 (inv. α)) = 4 digits of Star(1618 (φ)) = perimeter of Tri(500 + 8+8+8) = “codes” (H, G & E o+s) [κωδικες]
Genesis one one codes of wisdom = 2760 = (E r) “and” 10 x Tri(23 “Aleph Tav” את (o))
2441 “In the beginning (H & G ro+rs) = 241 “In the beginning” (E ro) w. ext… = John one one codes of wisdom

secret ASCII codes = 1533 = 3×7 x 73 = number of verses in the book of Genesis
incredible ASCII codes= 1928 = perimeter of Squ(483 = 400 + (83 = Pri(2x 12 “of” (E r)) = “wisdom” (E o))) = 1500 + CW of Vs(137 (i. α))
ASCII” = 361 = Squ(19 “codes” (E r))
ASCII” (E s) = 122 “thirty and seven” שלשים ושבע (o) — 37 “of wisdom” חכמה (o)
“ASCII codes” = 887 (87 = Lucky(21 “of” (E o) = 7+7+7))
ASCII codes of wisdom” (E s) = 1073 “Alpha and Phi” Αλφα και Φι
ASCII codes of wisdom” = 1759 = 100×10 “and” (E r) + Star(7) + Star(7) + Star(7)
What if? = 643 (64333 = Lucky.Pri(888 “Jesus” Ιησους (s))) = Pri(118 “Christ” Χριστος (o))
Lucky.Pri(34 = Pri-o(137 (i. α))) = 100×6 וand” + 43 “α, e, π, φ” (o)
What if?” (E s) = 724 = perimeter of Squ(182 “seven hundred seventy seven” שבע מאות שבעים שבע (o))
                                       = 400 + Squ(18 “riddles” חידה (r))
What if Bible codes = 1679 “Alpha, e, Pi and Phi” אלפא הא פאי ואת פי (Fo+Fs)
What if Bible codes” (E s) = 944 = Lucky number up to order (22 = Pri-o(73 “of wisdom” חכמה))
Torah codes = 1036 = Tri(16 “of wisdom” σοφια (r)) w. 0 rem.
Torah codes of = 1249 = Lucky(185 “seventy and three” (E o) — 73 “wisdom” חכמה)
“ASCII and gematria codes of” = 2249 (249 = perimeter of Tri(84 = Tri(7) + Tri(7) + Tri(7)))
Watch this” (E s) = 1029 = Cube(7) + Cube(7) + Cube(7)
Watch this = 943 “secret revealed” (E s)
believe” (E s) = 456 “Alpha, e, Pi and Phi” (E o+s)
believe = 732 “evidence of God” (E o+s)

riddles of= 956 = 500 + 456 “Alpha, e, Pi and Phi” (E o+s)
codes of= 739 = Lucky.Pri(37 “wisdom” חכמה (o))
secrets of= 974 = 500 + 474 “knowledge” דעת
gematria= 842 = 800 + 42 “knowledge” דעת (o)
wisdom= 659 “inverse” (E s) = Pri(121 = Squ(11 = 1 α” w. ext…))
knowledge= 10x 96 “knowledge” (E o) = FLCW of Vs(9453 = Tri(137 (inv. α)))
knowledge and= 1267 = בין “understanding” 62-gonal(7)
“understanding= 1000 + 398 “universe” יקום (Fo+Fs) = 1398 “Alpha and Phi codes” אלפא ופי קודים (rr+ro+rs)
“knowledge and wisdom” = 1926 = 1000 + difference of 39×93 & 37×73
“wisdom, knowledge and understanding” = 3324 “the seven seven seven” (E ro+rs)
“wisdom, knowledge and understanding of” = 3537 = 100x(34 = Prime order of 137) + 137 (inv. α)
Bible codes” = 1004 = 104 “of wisdom” (E o) w. 0 rem.
Jesus codes= 1048 (148 = factor of 888 “Jesus” Ιησους & 1480 “Christ” Χριστος)
physics codes” = 1297 = Pri(212 “physics” פיזיקה = “codes” קודים (o+s))
physics riddles” = 1514 = (313) center of gravity in Tri(37 “of wisdom” (o)) + center of gravity in Tri(73 “of wisdom” (s)) (1201)
“particle physics” = 1623 = 100×15 “and” (H & G r) [ואת — και] + 123 “seven seven seven” επτα επτα επτα (o)
“particle physics and” = 1930 = Happy(292 “one hundred and thirty seven” (E o) — 137 (inverse α))
secret” = 646 = CW of Vs(13703 (inv. α))
“hiding” = 627 = 500 + 127 (high energy inverse α)
“hidden secrets of” = 1594 = 1400 + (194 “inverse Alpha” (E ro) = “seven hundred seventy and seven” שבע מאות ושבעים ושבע (o))
771 “universe” συμπαν = “physics” = Pri(21 “of” (E o) = 7+7+7)

989 “In the beginning” בראשית (o+s) = Palin(108 = perimeter of Tri(37 “inverse Alpha” (H Sr)))“codes of God”
inverse Alpha” = 1218 = 1000 + 218 “codes” (E o+s) = 1200 + Lucky-o(73 “of wisdom” חכמה)
“Alpha” =
454 “proof” (E ro+rs) = “in the midst seven hundred seventy and seven” (o) [No.L = 37]
“e” = 101 = Primes added up to order 10 “π” (rs)
“Pi” = 185 = Centered Nonagons up to order 5 “e”
“Phi” = 289 = Squ(17 = Pri(8 “φ” (ro+rs)) = “the universe” היקום (r))
“Alpha, e, Pi, Phi” = 1061 = 1000 + Pri(19 “codes” (E r)) = 161 “of the universe” היקום w. 0 rem.
“Alpha, e, Pi and Phi” = 1368 “gematria codes” = “seven seven seven codes” קודים שבע שבע שבע (rr+ro+rs)
“revealing Alpha, e, Pi and Phi” = 2325 = (rs) קודים “codes” 234-gonal(5)
“revealing Alpha, e, Pi and Phi codes” = 2851 = Pri(415 = Lucky(73 “of wisdom” חכמה))
“revealing Alpha, e, Pi and Phi codes” (E s) = 1105 = Deca(17 “of the universe” היקום (r))

inverse Alpha, Alpha, e, Pi and Phi codes” = 3144 = 3000 + Squ(12 “of” (E r)) = 314 “seven hundred seventy seven” (E o) w. ext…
inverse Alpha, Alpha, e, Pi and Phi codes of” = 3357 = 357 “seven seven seven” שבע שבע שבע (Fo) w. ext…
inverse Alpha, Alpha, e, Pi and Phi codes of seven seven seven” = 4992 (492 “Triangle number seven hundred seventy and seven” (E o))
“inverse Alpha,
Alpha, e, Pi and Phi codes of seven hundred seventy and seven” = 4439 “secret riddles of God” (E rr+ro+rs) = CW of rev std Vs(137 (i. a)) w. ext…
“seal of God” = 916 = 500 + (416 “riddles” αινιγματα = CW of Vs(37 “of wisdom” חכמה (o)))
“the seal of God” = 1237 (12377 = PP(729 (α)) = 11600 + 777) = 1000 + 237 “codes” (E r+o+s)
“seven hundred seventy and seven seal of God” = 3841 “codes of knowledge” (E ro+rs)
“seven hundred seventy and seven the seal of God” = 4162 = 4000 + 162 “Torah codes” (E ro)
“seven hundred seventy and seven the seal of God codes” = 3754 = (627 = FLW of Vs(302253 = Tri(777)) by rot.)-gonal(7)
“seven hundred seventy and seven the seal of God codes of wisdom” = 4533 = (453 “the seal” החתם = “of God” אל (ro+rs)) w. ext…

“seven seven seven” = 1635 = Pythagorean primes up to order (19 “codes” (E r) = “of wisdom” חכמה (r))
“seven seven seven codes” =
2161 = 2000 + 161 “of the universe” היקום
“seven seven seven codes of wisdom= 3033 = (86 “Triangle” (E o) = factor of 430 “number” αριθμος)-gonal(9) = 333 “seven hundred seventy and seven” (E o) w. 0 rem.
“seven hundred seventy and seven” = 2925 = Triangles up to order (25 “codes” κωδικοι (r) = Squ(5 = PP-o(37 “of wisdom” (o))))
“seven hundred seventy and seven codes” = 3451 = Pri(441 = Squ(21 “of” (E o))) = (16 “wisdom” σοφια (r)) 166-gonal(7)
“seven hundred seventy and seven codes of wisdom= 4323 = Star(16 “seven” שבעת (r)) + Star(16 “seven” שבעת (r)) + Star(16 “seven” שבעת (r))
inverse Alpha, Alpha, e, Pi and Phi” = 2618 “seven hundred seventy seven” = 2400 + 218 “codes” (E o+s)
= 2600 + Lucky-o(73 “of wisdom” חכמה)

These ASCII codes are very incredible. So incredible that I have to conclude that ASCII codes are used by God.
And as long as you have read chapters 1, 2, 3 & 7 of my book/website then you should have no problem seeing the divine design here. All ASCII codes can be verified using the gematria calculator on this website.


ASCII gematria codes




777 codes