These spellings will show the reduced, ordinal & standard values, but only calculate/connect the standard values here.
Copy-paste these words/phrases into my gematria calculator on my website to see values of Full & reverse systems also.
There are five Greek spellings of “the”: η/ο/οι/τα/το = 8/70/80/301/370. And I can in very rare circumstances use ο on “Universe” συμπαν even if it is not correct; because God uses ο on “Word” λογος. And God spake the Universe into existence, so “Word” & “Universe” are related in this way.
There are three Hebrew spellings of “seven” in the Bible:
12/39/372 שבע sheba [Gen 5:7 = Vs(113 = Pri(31 “and” και))] = “physics codes” פיזיקה קודים.
17/44/377 שבעה [Gen 7:4 = Vs(164 “137” (H o) – – – PP(15 “the”) = 100 + 37 “seal” = 137 “of God”)] = Pri-o(2579 “inverse Alpha” (G r+o+s))
16/61/772 שבעת [Gen 8:10 = Vs(194 “seven hundred seventy and seven” (H o))] = 72 “The Golden Ratio” (E r) w. ext…
Adding the three spellings gives: 372+377+772 = 1521 = Squ(39 = Pri(7) + Pri(7) + Pri(7)) = 1500 + 7+7+7
= “codes” (H & G ro+rs) [κωδικες].
There are two Hebrew spellings of “seven hundred seventy and seven”:
62/188/1619 שבע מאות שבעים ושבע [modern spelling] = 1 “α” + 1618 (φ).
68/194/1625 שבע מאות ושבעים ושבע [Gen 5:31 = Vs(100 + 37 “seal” (E o) = 137 “of God” (E s))] = 1600 + 25 “codes” κωδικοι (r).
There are three Greek spellings of “codes”:
κωδικοι 25/81/934 = 400 + 534 “seal of God” חתם אלהים.
κωδικες 24/80/1059 = (159 = PP(7) + PP(7) + PP(7)) w. 0 rem..
κωδικους 30/110/1524 = 1400 + Lucky-o(777) = 1500 + 24 “codes” κωδικες (r).
There are two Greek spellings of “(the) seal” in the Bible:
σφραγιδα spragida 18/74/819 [Rev 7:2] = CW of Vs(729 (α)) + CW of Vs(1618 (φ)) = 800 + 19 “codes” (E r).
σφραγις sphragis 15/87/1014 [1 Cor 9:2 = Vs(28543 = 28500 + 43 “seal” חתם (o)] = 1000 + 14 “of God” אלהים (r).
There are two spellings each of “the seal of God” in both Hebrew & Greek:
25/61/484 חתם האל [We call this the modern spelling even if it’s not because of practical reasons] = 400 + Tri(7) + Tri(7) + Tri(7).
35/89/539 = 500 + Pri(7) + Pri(7) + Pri(7) [החתם אלהים had to put it here because of the internet bug].
η σφραγιδα του Θεου 65/183/2081 [modern spelling] = Pri(314 “seven hundred seventy seven” (E o)).
σφραγιδα θεου 43/122/1303 [Rev 7:2 = Vs(30813 = 3 X Pri(1200 + 61 “seven” שבעת (o))] = Happy(194 “777” (H o)).
There are three different spellings of “knowledge” in Hebrew:
דעה de`ah 16/25/79 [Psa 73:11 = Vs(15032 = 15000 + 32 “midst” לב = (1532 = 1000 + 532 “Alpha” Αλφα)] = Pri(23 “riddles” (H r)).
ידע yada 12/30/84 [Gen 15:13 = Vs(374 = 100 + 37 “seal” (E o) + 100 + 137 “of God” (E s))] = Tri(7) + Tri(7) + Tri(7).
דעת da`ath 15/42/474 [Num 24:16 = Vs(4463 (463 = 400 + 3 X Lucky(7)))] = Palin(57 “seal of God” σφραγιδα του Θεου (r)).
There are two different spellings of “riddles” in Hebrew:
18/27/27 חידה [Judg 14:12 = Vs(6922 = 692 “the heaven” (E s) w. ext…)] = “In the beginning” εν αρχηι (r).
23/50/428 חידות [modern spelling] = 400 + (28 = Tri(7) = Happy(7) = Pri(2) X Pri(2) X Pri(5) – – – 2X2X5 = 20 “seven” (E r)).
There are three Hebrew spellings of “midst”:
“heart”/”midst” לב leb 5/14/32 [Gen 8:21 = Vs(205 “Genesis one one” (E ro))] = Pri-o(127 (inverse α)).
“heart”/”midst” לבב lebab (Aramaic) 7/16/34 [Ex 14:5 = Vs(1895 = 1500 + 395 “the heaven” השמים)] = “Alpha” Αλφα (o)….
“midst”/”middle”/”within” תוך tavek 12/39/426 [Ex 14:23 = Vs(1913 = 1000 + 913 “in the beg.” (H s))] = Stars added up to order (6 “and” ו = “Phi” Φι) (o))
An interesting fact is that “midst”/”heart”/”center” לבב/לב can also be used for “understanding”.
There are three Hebrew different spellings of “thirty and seven”:
32/122/1058 שלשים ושבע [Gen 25:17 — 2517 = Happy(373 = 37 “inverse Alpha” (H Sr) merged with mirror)] = 1000 + 58 “inverse Alpha” (E r).
37/127/1063 שלשים ושבעה [Ezra 2:36 – – – 236 = Happy(38 “inverse” (E r) = “Alpha” (E o))] = 1000 + Pri-o(293 “inverse Alpha” הפוך אלפא (o+s))
38/128/1064 שלושים ושבע [modern spelling] = 164 “a hundred and thirty and seven” מאת ושלשים ושבע (o) w. 0 rem. [Gen 25:17].
There are also three spellings of “73” that equal the same as “37”, but I think only one of these spelling is used in the codes.
And I use two different Hebrew spellings of “seven hundred and twenty nine”:
שבע מאות עשרים ותשע [modern spelling] 64/226/2215 = Lcuky(300 “Alpha and Phi” אלפא ופי (r+o+s) = “gematria riddles” (H s)).
70/232/2221 שבע מאות ועשרים ותשע [constructed the same way as the biblical spelling of “777”] = (21 = 7+7+7) with extended digits.
= Lucky.Pri(75 “seven seven seven” (E rr))
“mass equals energy” in Hebrew is translated like this מסה שווה לאנרגייה, It says “mass equals the energy” when
spelled like this. English is so important in gematria that you can write it without the Lamed ל (the) here and use it in the codes.
And when numbers are spelled in Greek you never use “and” και; but this is allowed in the gematria codes of God.