Number 13 & 666 the number of the beast
Number 712 & the triangular numbers up to 666
the seal of the sun & number 666
Base 6 gematria results
Satanic gematria
The Beasts of Revelation & the Antichrist
Latin gematria reveals the Catholic Church and the Pope
Base 6 & Satanic gematria part 2
The Beasts of Revelation 13 and number 666
Results of 36 & 666
Number 666 and the Golden Ratio (φ)
Rav Shlomo Yehuda – – – A progenitor of the final antichrist
Integrating verse# 666 with verse# 6 of chapter# 6 in book# 6
Verse# 5445
666 Holograph
Number 666 is the number of the beast mentioned in Revelation 13:18. And this number will be found in the name of the final antichrist. 666 in Revelation 13:18 is in fact written with gematria and not spelled out!
That gives us a direct clue that gematria is the way to find this number in his name.
666 is written like “Six hundred threescore and six” where “one score” is twenty in old English.
Revelation 13:18
“Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is
Six hundred threescore and six.”
ὧδε ἡ σοφία ἐστίν. ὁ ἔχων τὸν νοῦν ψηφισάτω τὸν ἀριθμὸν τοῦ θηρίου· ἀριθμὸς γὰρ ἀνθρώπου ἐστί, καὶ ὁ ἀριθμὸς αὐτοῦ χξϛ.
Number 666 in the Greek original version of Rev 13:18 has the unique quality of being written in gematria here as χξϛ.
600 “Chi” χ + 60 “Xi” ξ + 6 “Stigma” ϛ = 666
Every time the Bible mentions a number, it is spelled out except for this verse, which gives us a great clue that gematria is the key.
It is also worth noting that the letter Stigma is only used here in this verse with the value of 6 and nowhere else in the Bible.
It is a ligature of the Greek letters Sigma (Σ) and Tau (Τ), so it is not a letter of the Greek Alphabet. And this is interesting since
Sigma (Σ) is the first letter of “Satan” Σατανας in Greek, while Tau (Τ) is the third letter in this spelling. Tau is also the first letter of “Teitan” Τειταν that has a standard value of 666.
“Teitan” is just the Chaldean form of “Sheitan” [quote from The Two Babylons]. Sheitan means “Satan” in Persian.
The name, Stigma (στίγμα), is originally a Greek noun meaning “a mark, dot, puncture”, or more commonly “a sign”.
Ivan Panin discovered that number 13 represents evil and rebellion.
“Twelve years they served Chedorlaomer, and in the thirteenth year they rebelled.” [Gen 14:4] is the first mention of “rebellion”.
John Tng (fivedoves.com) found number 13 in three out of four verses that mention number 666, I discovered the last in 1 Ki 10:14.
1 Kings 10:14 [6 x Squ(13) = 1014] – – – 2 Chronicles 9:13 – – – Ezra 2:13 – – – Revelation 13:18
He also saw the beast verse being ordered at 18 = 6+6+6.
• 666 = Pri(2) x Pri(3) x Pri(3) x Pri(13) – – – 2x3x3x13 = 13×18 (chapter & verse numbers multiplied of the beast verse)
• “thirteen” (E o+s) = 666 = 2x CW of Vs(13)
• The 13th word of the Greek Rev 13:18 is “the beast” θηρίου
• 666 = (600 = CW of rev std Vs(359 “Satan” שטן) = 100×6 “and” ו) + 66 “thirteen” δεκατρία (o)
• “thirteen” δεκατρία = 441 = Squ(21 = Tri(Tri-o(3) = 6)) = FLW of Vs(2666 “thirteen” (G rs)) = word# 359 by rot. of Vs(666)
• “thirteen” δεκατρία (rs) = 2000 + 666
• TV of Vs(13) = 1342 = (676 “Triangle” משולש = Squ(26 = Pri-o(97 “number” νουμερο (o)))) + 666 = 1000 + 342 “riddles” (G Fo)
• “Six hundred threescore and six” χξϛ (r) = 18 = CW of reduced Vs(13)
• “thirteen” השלש עשר [7 = Pri-o(13) letters] = 1205 = (E ro) “In the beginning” 241 x 5 “the” ה = Pri(4) x Pri(54) – – – 4×54 = 6x6x6
• עון “iniquity” = 126 “thirteen” שלש עשרה (rs) – – – “iniquity” αδικια (rs) = 2330 = 10x Fibo(13)
• “thirteen” שלש עשרה (Fr) = 63 = mirrored triangular order of 666
• “thirteen” שלש עשרה (Fo) = 753 “Satan” Σατανας (Fo)
The values of the Greek spelling of “Six hundred threescore and six” χξϛ:
red = 18 = 6+6+6 = “six six six” שש שש שש (r) – – – ord = 42 “Satan” (H, G & E r) = 6×7 – – – 6+7 = 13 – – – std = 666
o+s = 708 “mystery” המולעת (Fs) = 6×13 w. 0 rem. – – – r+o+s = 726 = Pri(2) x Pri(3) x Pri(6) x Pri(6) – – – 2x3x6x6 = 6x6x6
And there are 3 = Tri-o(6) letters in this spelling of number 666.
The first mention of number 666 in the Bible is found in 1 Kings 10:14 “Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred threescore and six talents of gold,”. And we see the CW of this verse = 100 + 666, and W. from CW = 2300 + 666.
The values of the Hebrew spelling of number “six hundred threescore and six” שש מאות ששים ושש:
red = 44 “Satan” ןטש (o) – – – ord = 197 “the antichrist” (E ro)
std = 2303 = “twenty and seven” עשרים ושבע (Fo+Fs) – – – 27 “riddles” חידה
o+s = 2500 “six hundred threescore and six” (E s) – – – r+o+s = 2000 + (544 = Comp-o(666))
And there are 13 letters in the Hebrew spelling of number 666.
The values of the English spelling of “six hundred threescore and six”:
red = 133 = 13 w. ext… – – – ord = 313 (13 merged with its mirror) – – – std = 2500 + “666” (H o+s)
o+s = 2800 + 13 – – – r+o+s = 2946 = Comp(2521 = TV of Vs(932 “the tree of knowledge of good and evil” ערו בוט תעדה ץע))
And there are 26 (2×13) letters in this spelling of number 666.
Pri(666) = 1000 + 666 “Six hundred threescore and six” χξϛ + 1000 + 2303 “six hundred threescore and six” ששו םישש תואמ שש
666 = 600 + CW of Vs(4969 = Pri(666)).
The number of letters in the Greek & Hebrew spelling of number 666 is 3+13 = 16 “Satan” ןטש (rr).
The number of letters in the Greek, Heb & Eng spelling of number 666 is 3+13+26 = 42 “Six hundred threescore and six” χξϛ (o).
6606 = Pri-o(66169 = prime factor of 137035999 (9 digits of inv. α)).
“the number of the beast, Six hundred threescore and six” αριθμον του θηριου χξϛ
= 10 + 2303 “six hundred threescore and six” (H s) = 2000 + 313 “six hundred threescore and six” (E o).
If we check the Hebrew word for “evil” רע first found in Gen 6:5, we see it has the values of:
red = 9 “and” δε – – – ord = 36 “six six six” ειξ ειξ ειξ (r) [m] = triangular order of 666
std = 270 “six six six” שש שש שש (Fo) = Pri(2) x (3) x Pri(3) x Pri(3) x Pri(4) – – – 2x3x3x3x4 = 6x6x6
o+s = 306 = (36 = Tri-o(666)) w. 0 rem. = “the number of the beast” (E ro) – – – r+o+s = 200 + 115 “riddle” αινιγμα
And English reduced of “the evil” = 36 = Tri-o(666).
Starter 666 system on the Greek spelling of “Satan” Σατανας = 3000 + 726 “Six hundred threescore and six” χξϛ (r+o+s).
Another interesting connection is “Devil” διαβολος (Fo+Fs) = 3000 + 753 “Satan” Σατανας.
And the Full red (39), Full ord (120) & Full std (885) values of the Hebrew spelling of ןטש “Satan” = 400 + 666.
Antichrist represents Satan as the counterfeit of Jesus representing God. And we see clear connections to Satan and number 666.
We saw a lot of significant connections here. The patterns of 13 in the four verses that mentioned number 666.
And the ordinal value of the Hebrew spelling of “evil” רע being 36, and the triangular order of the infamous number 666.
The standard value of “evil” רע is 270 = perimeter of Tri(91 = Tri(13)).
Full ordinal value of “evil” ער has the value of = 91 = Tri(13). And the Full reduced value of רע “evil” = 19 = mirror of Tri(13).
Even the first verse with a center word valued at 36 is ordered at = 383 = Palin(48 “evil” (E o)).
We even see center words of verses ordered at 36 & 666 = 48 “evil” (E o).
And the 6th word of verse# 66 = 218 “codes” (E o+s).
John Tng found out 666 is the value of “profit”/“excellency” יתרון, and it is mentioned in Ecc 7:12 which is in chapter# 666.
He even found a double confirmation of this by triangulating down all the triangular numbers from 1 to 36.
Adding all the numbers from column 2 to 6 we got from triangulating down the 36 first triangles in the table
= 712 (Ecclesiastes 7:12 which has the Hebrew word with the value of 666 placed in chapter 666) = 500 + 212 “codes” קודים (o+s).
I noticed these connections in the numbers found when triangulating down 666: 666 = Tri(36) → 36 = Tri(8)
8 = Comp(3) = Fibo(6) = reduced value of the 36th word of the Bible (בין) = CL of reduced Vs(366) = word# 6 of reduced Vs(3666)
8+36 = 44 “Satan” ןטש (o) 8+36+666 = 10x 71 “Satan” Σατανας (ro) “Rav Shlomo Yehuda” (E sr36) = 712
John Tng continues on to connect 10 special triangles to number 1318 (Rev 13:18) in somewhat the same matter as above.
To start explaining this, we should consider a miracle from Jesus that is described in John 21.
There, Jesus orders his disciples to cast out a fishing net on the right side of their boat, and they catch a total number of 153 fish,
Truncating the number at each digit yields a triangular number. This number is 1 out of 10 special numbers with this property.
1 = Triangle 1
15 = Triangle 5
153 = Triangle 17 1+5+17 = 23 “riddles” חידות (r)
6 = Triangle 3
66 = Triangle 11
666 = Triangle 36 3+11+36 = 50 “riddles” חידות (o)
The second red column counts 10’s while the third red column counts 100’s. 23+50 = 73 “of wisdom” חכמה
666 seems to be closely related to the worship of the pagan Sun God, practiced in ancient Babylon. Michael Scheifler underlines extracts of Roy Allan Anderson in his book “Unfolding the Revelation” (Revised) by Roy Allan Anderson, pages 125-127, Published and copyrighted in 1953, it states as follows:
“The ancients claimed that God works by mathematics. Their religion was a mixture of religion, astrology, alchemy, physical mental science, and mathematics. Ancient astrology divided the starry heavens into 36 constellations. These were represented by different amulets called “Sigilla Solis,“ or the sun seal. These amulets were worn by pagan priests, and they had all the numbers from 1 to 36 engraved on them. By these figures, they claimed to be able to foretell future events. They were also usually made of gold, yellow being the sun color. They were always wrapped in yellow silk when carried, as it was thought that the bearer would then receive the beneficial powers believed to emanate from the jewel.
These drawings from photographs taken in 1910, show actual amulets then in the Berlin Museum. They reveal the veneration the ancients had for the sun-god. On the front side of No.1, we see the god of the sun standing on the lion. This indicated the sun’s position in the constellation of Leo during the warm days of August. On the back is inscribed “Nachyel,“ meaning “intelligence of the sun,“ and in 36 squares are arranged the numerals 1 to 36 (see table 1) in such a way that adding the numbers of any column either horizontally or vertically, and also the two diagonals crossing the square, the total is the same which is 111.
The sum of the six columns, added either horizontally or vertically, is 6 x 111, = 666.”
“This second illustration is also a solar seal, but it honors the star Basilisco, which was the small form of the Greek basileus (king), thus meaning the same as the Latin regulus. Regulus is the only first-magnitude star in the constellation of Leo. The sun and the moon are again clearly depicted on the amulet, and on the reverse side is the same arrangement of numerals, with the actual figure given of the total 666.”
Link: The Number of the Beast of Babylon 666 – The Book of Threes
The Yuan dynasty (1206-1368) iron magic square will sum to 111 when added vertically or horizontally either by columns or rows. 111×6 = 666. Currently found at the Shaanxi History Museum in Xi’an. It shows Arabic numbers from 1 to 36 arranged like this:
In English A=6 B=2×6 C=3×6 we see the following words/phrases have the value of 666:
a sun sigil = 666 [sigil is another term for “seal”] Witchcraft = 666 [Deu 18:10-12] Code of the Bible = 666
The Eden Snake = 666 Necromancy = 666 [Deu 18:10-12] New Age cult = 666
A Strange God = 666 [Gen 35:2] Sorceries = 666 [Rev 9:21] Babel religion = 666
The Devil God = 666 [Isa 14:14] Reveal evil = 666 Beast test = 666
The Earth God = 666 [2 Co 4:4] Other gods = 666
Named Lucifer = 666 Sharia laws = 666
Babylon Dogma = 666 Sanskrit = 666 (Hindu Holy texts)
Symbolical = 666 [Symbolical meanings are not only found in the Bible, but Satan also uses this in his religions & sects.]
You are God = 666 (A belief in Mystery Babylon) Confucius = 666 (often described as a system of social and ethical Philosophy)
Book of the Dead = 666 (Ancient Egypt had it and it was the most important spell book)
In English starter 36 system (A=36 B=37 C=38) we see the following words/phrases has the value of 666:
Satanic gematria = 666 Lucifer’s wisdom = 666
the sun religion = 666 Lucifer evidence = 666 Masonic Evidence = 666
False mysteries = 666 Buddha is perfect = 666 Freemason leader = 666
Third testament = 666 [2 Co 11:4] Represent Hindu = 666 A mystery circle = 666
Muslim religion = 666 Represent Tibet = 666 A sick community = 666
Kabbalah sorcery = 666 Satanic preacher = 666 Illuminati cult = 666
New Age ignorance = 666 (New Age is a modern form of spiritual and occult practices like contacting spirits in disguise as angels)
To understand these phrases, you need to understand that God tells us that all other gods and religions are inspired by Satan and his angels. “They provoked him to jealousy with strange gods, with abominations provoked they him to anger. They sacrificed unto devils, not to God; to gods whom they knew not, to new gods that came newly up, whom your fathers feared not.” [Deu 32:16-17]
The modern frontmen of the ancient mystery schools believe that the Christian Bible was a perversion of their religion.
They claim that the ancient religions had an esoteric version for the adepts & priests. While an exoteric version was given to the masses of people like you and me.
The esoteric meanings of these religions were kept hidden through symbolic language passed on from generation to generation, keeping the masses unaware of their real meaning. It is the secret societies like the Freemasons, Rosicrucian order and the infamous Illuminati who are some of these front-men on a quest to abolish Christianity through a
New World Order; that will be led by their long-awaited leader, the antichrist.
For more info check out the radio broadcast “Mystery Babylon” by Milton William Cooper on YouTube, or go to this link:
I will give a very short summation of this as you can read the information that is required to understand all details in the book “Who or What Is the PROPHETIC BEAST?” by Herbert W. Armstrong at this Link:
https://www.thetrumpet.com/literature/read/1290-who-or-what-is-the-prophetic-beast/190. Do not miss that information!
Daniel 7 has a vision that is linked to Revelation 13. So, to understand Rev. 13, you have to read Daniel 7 as it sheds light on the symbolic language used in both these chapters, including Rev 17.
“1And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.
2And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion:
and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority” [Rev 13:1-2]
Revelation 13 shows us two different beasts that symbolize kingdoms since in the vision of Daniel he is told:
“Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms” [Dan 7:23]
The first beast rises up from the sea (sea symbolizes a multitude of different people). An angel tells John, “And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.” [Rev 17:15]
“The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth” [Rev 17:9] This actually links this beast to the whore riding the 3rd beast of Revelation which is found in chapter 17.
It was like a leopard, bear and lion as this represents the fact that Romans occupied the land that these animals symbolized in the prophecy of Daniel, which were Greece (leopard), Persia (bear) and Babylon (lion).
“And four great beasts came up from the sea, diverse one from another.
The first was like a lion, and had eagle’s wings: I beheld till the wings thereof were plucked, and it was lifted up from the earth, and made stand upon the feet as a man, and a man’s heart was given to it.
And behold another beast, a second, like to a bear, and it raised up itself on one side, and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it: and they said thus unto it, Arise, devour much flesh.
After this I beheld, and lo another, like a leopard, which had upon the back of it four wings of a fowl; the beast had also four heads; and dominion was given to it.” [Dan 7:3-6]
Both the fourth beast of Dan 7 and the first beast of Rev 13 have 10 horns, giving us a clue that these two beasts are the same kingdom.
The 10 horns are ten diverse kings (or emperors, if you will) who rule from time to time through the kingdom’s duration.
“After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it: and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns.” [Dan 7:7]
“The ten horns are ten kings” [Dan 7:24]
“And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.” [Rev 13:3]
So the first beast is Rome becoming The Holy Roman Empire, and this wound was inflicted in the year 476 when the Vandal’s, Ostrogoth’s and Hun’s and conquered Italy. This “wound” was healed when Justinian was crowned the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire in the year 554 AD, after defeating a large-scale Frankish invasion that secured Italy and the empire.
Daniel 7 mentions Emperor Justinian as the horn who comes up after three fell; the three horns that fell was the Vandal’s, Ostrogoth’s and Hun’s.
“And of the ten horns that were in his head, and of the other which came up, and before whom three fell; even of that horn that had eyes, and a mouth that spake very great things, whose look was more stout than his fellows.” [Dan 7:20]
“And they worshiped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshiped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?” [Rev 13:4]
The beast or kingdom worships Satan, the dragon. Check Rev 12:9 for more on the dragon.
“And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.” [Rev 13:5]
The Kingdom is to have power for 42 months, and one day in prophetic sense can be 1 year or even 1000. But here, one day is one year and this is known as the day year principle.
1 month in the Hebrew calendar has 30 days – – – 30×42 = 1260
Herbert W. Armstrong points out that this is from the year 554 when the Empire was secured after its wound to the year 1814 when Napoleon was defeated. Napoleon enprisoned the Pope in 1812, and after that he dreamt of a ressurected Holy Roman empire with himself as the leader. And there is 1260 years between 554 AD to 1814 AD giving us a clear answer who the first beast of Rev 13 is.
There are no other empires in the last 2000 years that can say they lasted over 1000 years that I know. And let’s say there are then the other qualities described will not match the ones we are told in Daniel 7 & Revelation 13.
“The Holy Roman Empire” (E rs) [6+6+6 letters] = 2000 + 597 “the beast” θηριου [Rev 13:18].
The word “beast” can symbolize two things in Revelation: a kingdom [Rev 13:1], the antichrist [Rev 13:18. Rev 16:13].
English gematria (A=6 B=2×6 C=3×6) [The Sumerians did not use the base 10 as a numeral system, they used base 60.]
Second Rome = 666 (Rome became The Holy Roman Empire, or “Second Rome”)
Papal State = 666
Catholic US = 666
Vatican King = 666 (Because the Pope is a Sovereign King of a Kingdom, which is the Vatican)
Latin Boss = 666
Vatican Hill = 666 (Rome sits on 7 mountains)
Lady of Evil = 666 (Isis/Astarte)
Mary’s image = 666 (Because they worship Mary as their queen of heaven Isis)
Jorge Mario = 666 [The name of the current Pope]
Fallen Church = 666
Jesuit hand = 666 (Jesuits are the priesthood of the pope and their symbol is IHS – – – Isis, Horus, Seth)
Catholic Idol = 666
Catholic Dogma = 666
Catholic Liar = 666
A Babel of a Woman = 666 (Rev 17:4-5)
Two Babylons = 888 (a book about detailing the pagan origins of Catholicism)
English gematria (A=36 B=37 C=38)
Catholic Vatican = 666 TV of Rev 13:18 = 14191 = 14000 + 191 “Rome” (E sr36)
I Catholic Church = 666 (I = 1 in Latin) TV of Rev 13:18 = 14191 = 14000 + 191 “Rome and Revelation” (E o)
End Time Catholic = 666 “Rome” (E sr666) = 2711 = Pri(59 = Pri(6+6+6)) w. ext… = “eighteen x thirty and seven” (E s)
Catholic Anti-God = 666 Words ordered at 3 & 6 of Rev 13:18 = 2236 = 236 “Roman” (E sr36) w. ext…
Represent Latin = 666 “Roman kingdom” (E sr36) = 554 (the first year of the first beast)
r+o+s Isopsephy value of Rev 13:1 [first beast starts with this verse] = 16911 = 1691 “The Holy Roman Empire” (E o+s) w. ext…
rr+ro+rs value of Rev 13:11 [second beast starts with this verse] = 20444 = 2044 “The Catholic beast of Revelation” (E o+s) w. ext…
“the second beast of Revelation thirteen is the Vatican” (E o) = 512 = Cube(8 = Tri-o(36 = Tri-o(666)))
“the second beast of Revelation thirteen is the Vatican” (E rs) = 10171 = 10000 + Tri(6+6+6)
“The Holy Roman Empire” (E s) = 1471 = Pri(234 = 6+6+6 + 6x6x6)
“first beast of Revelation thirteen” (E s) = 2196 = Pri(2) x Pri(2) x Pri(3) x Pri(3) x Pri(19) – – – 2x2x3x3x19 = 6+6+6 + 666
“Rome becoming The Holy Roman Empire” (E rs) = 5196 = 3000 + 2196
“The Holy Roman Empire” (E s) = 1000 + 471 “Rome becoming The Holy Roman Empire” (E ro) = “thirteen” δεκατρείς (Sr+So+Ss)
“Catholica Ecclesia” (E r+o+s) [Latin for Catholic Church] = 666
“second beast of Revelation” (E rs) = 5000 + 664 “Vatican” (E s) “the place where all roads lead to” (E o+s) = 1814
“Rome becoming the Holy Roman Empire” (E ro+rs) = 5667 = 567 “Rome” (E rr+ro+rs) w. ext…
“Rome becoming the Holy Roman Empire” (E rr+ro+rs) = 4000 + 1814 (the last year of the first beast)
The words & phrases in starter 6 system were found on various websites like: http://landmarkbiblebaptist.net/666-888.html.
“The Holy Roman Empire is the first beast of Revelation”
red = 227 = Pri(50 = 37 + Pri-o(37)) – – – ord = 500 + 42 “six hundred threescore and six” (G o) – – – std = 3422 = Rec(6+6+6) w. ext…
o+s = 3964 = (662 = 62 “Torah” (E o) w. ext…)-gonal(4) = Pri(2) x Pri(2) x Pri(168) – – – 2x2x168 = 500 + 172 “codes” (E s)
rev ord = 673 = Happy&Lucky(6+6+6) – – – rev std = 7702 = (36 + 666 = words from order 3 to 5 in Vs(1260)) w. ext…
red Rev 13:18 = 403 (13×31) = CW of rev std Vs(2368 = 554 + 1814)
ord Rev 13:18 = 1000 + 227 “The Holy Roman Empire is the first beast of Revelation” (E r)
std Rev 13:18 = 10000 + (4191 “the Holy Roman Empire is the first beast of Revelation” (E r+o+s) = 4000 + CW of Eng Vs(1471))
The first beast of Rev 13 rules from 554 AD to 1814 AD which is a total of 1260 years.
554 = Soft ordinal value of verse# 666 – – – 1814 = 800 + word# 36 by rot. of Full std Vs(666)
Word# 1 + Word# 8 of Full std Vs(666) = 800 = 100x(8 = Tri-o(36 = Tri-o(666)))
1260 = 6 first words of Vs(36) = 1000 + FLL of rev std verses ordered at 554 & 1814
= (1026 = anagram of 1260) + CW of verses ordered at 554 & 1814
TV of Vs(554) = 4036 = 4000 + 36 [Verse# 554: ויקח אברהם את עצי העלה וישם על יצחק בנו ויקח בידו את האש ואת המאכלת וילכו שניהם יחדו]
TV of Vs(1814) = 4402 (42) [Verse# 1814: ולכל בני ישראל לא יחרץ כלב לשנו למאיש ועד בהמה למען תדעון אשר יפלה יהוה בין מצרים ובין ישראל]
Integration of verses ordered at 554 & 1814 [Gen 22:6 & Ex 11:7]
No.W = 37 = prime factor of 666 – – – No.L = 141 = Palin(24 “codes” κωδικες (r)) – – – No.W + No.L = Comp(137 “of God” (E s))
TV = 8438 = 8000 + CW of Vs(703 = Tri(37 “wisdom”)) + CW of Vs(2701 = Tri(73 “wisdom”))
FLW = 779 = 79 “knowledge” דעה w. ext…
CW = 13×18 [Rev 13:18 is the 666 beast verse] = Pri-o(1471) – – – digits from order 3 to 6 of the ordinal UC = 4224
FLCW = 1000 + 13 = Pri(171 = Tri(18)) = 113 “is the Holy Roman Empire” (E r) w. 0 rem.
1471 “The Holy Roman Empire” (E s) = Pri(13×18) = 1000 + anagram of (714 = ord Vs(2597)) = W#3 + W#6 of rev std Vs(2368)
“The Holy Roman Empire” (E rs) = 2597 = 2000 + 597 “the beast” θηριου = 2200 + W. surr. CW of Vs(1471)
= 200 + 3 W. surr. CW of Vs(1471) = 7x(371 = red Vs(1471) = “The Holy Roman Empire and triple six” (E o))
“Revelation thirteen” (E s) = 1417 = 1471 “The Holy Roman Empire” (E s) with mirrored last digits = 1000 + 4 CL of Rev 13:18
4266 “The Holy Roman Empire and six six six codes” (E o+s) = 3600 + 666
6471 “The Holy Roman Empire and six six six codes” (E rr+ro+rs) = 5000 + 1471
2639 “The Holy Roman Empire and triple six” (E s) = 2000 + 639 “evil” (E rr+ro+rs)
Verse# 1471 [Gen 48:19: וימאן אביו ויאמר ידעתי בני ידעתי גם הוא יהיה לעם וגם הוא יגדל ואולם אחיו הקטן יגדל ממנו וזרעו יהיה מלא הגוים]
No.W = 22 = Pri-o(73 = Pri-o(359 “Satan” ןטש)) – – – No.L = 87 “six six six” (E ro)
No.W + No.L = 109 = (19 “codes” (E r) = “of wisdom” חכמה (r)) w. 0 rem.
TV = 2675 = perimeter of Penta(500 + 36) = 4 digits of Hexagram(666) with mirrored last digits
FLW = 171 = Tri(6+6+6)
CW = 61 = Pri(19 “codes” (E r))
FLCW = 232 = Palin(33 “of” (E ro))
2 FLW = 261 = Pri(3) x Pri(3) x Pri(11) – – – 3x3x11 = Comp(73 = Pri-o(357 “Satan” שטן))
4 CW = 248 = perimeter of Squ(63 = Tri(6) + Tri(6) + Tri(6))
2 FLW + 4 CW = 509 = Pri(6+6+6) w. 0 rem.
CL = 6 – – – 2 FLL = 66 – – – UC = 15260… – – – 15260 = 14000 + 1260 – – – 4819 = Lucky(590 = 10x Pri(6+6+6))
reverse standard verse# 1471
TV = 8056 (856 = 400 + word# 3 + word# 6 of rev std Vs(666)) = 3800 + TV of 666 Holograph
Word# 4 = 188 = 6+6+6 w. ext… – – – Word# 6 = 188 = 6+6+6 w. ext… – – – 46 “codes” (E o) – – – Word# (10 = 3+7) = 37
First word = 539 = 500 + (39 “six hundred threescore and six” χξϛ (Isopsephy rev ord) = 36 with upsidedown digit)
Last word = 420 = 10x 42 “six hundred threescore and six” χξϛ (o) = “Satan” שטן (r+o+s)
CW = 860 = (E r) “and” 10 x 86 “Satan” שטן (ro+rs)
TV of Vs(1417 “Revelation thirteen” (E s)) + TV of Vs(1471 “The Holy Roman Empire” (E s)) = 5852 = Rec(76 “Bible codes” (E o))
= 2000 + 8 CL & 7/8 CW of ord Rev 13:18 & std Vs(666) = Total number of verses in the Torah
666 = 400 + 266 “Revelation thirteen” (E ro) = 200 + 7 CL & 8 CW of Vs(1471 “The Holy Roman Empire” (E s))
“The Holy Roman Empire codes of” (E s) = 1709 = Pri(42 “six hundred threescore and six” χξϛ (o)) w. 0 rem.
“The Holy Roman Empire codes of” (E o+s) = 1996 = 1000 + 666 w. upsidedown digits
66 + 600 “Thhe Holy Roman Empire codes of six hundred threescore and six” (E o) = 666 = 100 + last word of Full std Vs(666)
“The Holy Roman Empire codes of six hundred threescore and six” (E ro) = 777 (notice the use of reverse/opposite gematria here)
“The Holy Roman Empire codes of six hundred threescore and six” (sr18) = 1467 = Word# 3 + Word# 6 of Full std Vs(666)
“The Holy Roman Empire and number” (E r+o+s) = 2466 = 100x(6+6+6) + 666
“six hundred threescore and six” (E s) = 2500 = 100x(25 “Satan” (H ro) = factor of Vs(1471 “The Holy Roman Empire” (E s)))
= 10x 250 “The Holy Roman Empire is the first beast of Revelation” (E rr)
TV of Rev 13:18 = 14191 = 14000 + 161 “The Vatican is the second beast of Revelation” (E r) with an upsidedown digit
“The Holy Roman Empire” (E s) = 1471 = 1000 + 471 (4071 “The Vatican State” (E rs))
“the Catholic beast of Revelation” (E r+o+s) = 2166 = 6x6x6 w. ext… = 1500 + 666
“the Vatican beast of”
red = 63 = mirror of 36 “Revelation” Αποκαλυψις (r) = Tri(6) + Tri(6) + Tri(6) – – – ord = 171 = Tri(6+6+6)
std = 1251 = anagram of 1512 “Revelation” Αποκαλυψις – – – “Revelation” (E o+s) = 800 + 171
“Vatican beast of Revelation”
red = 97 “(The) Golden Ratio” יחס הזהב – – – ord = 259 = CW of Vs(6×66) – – – std = 1888 = (6+6+6 = CW of Vs(666)) w. ext…
“Catholic second beast of Revelation”
red = 131 = 13 <> mirror – – – ord = 320 “number” αριθμος (Fo) – – – std = perimeter of Octagram(111 = factor of 666) = 500 + 1260
o+s = 2080 (280 = CW of Vs(6+6+6)) = 2000 + 80 “codes” κωδικες (o) = Tri(64 “of wisdom” σοφια (o))
r+o+s = 2211 (222111 = Tri(666)) = 21 “six six six” εξ εξ εξ (r) w. ext…
“Vatican beast”
red = 36 = Tri-o(666) = “six six six” ειξ ειξ ειξ (r) – – – ord = 117 = Comp(86 “Satan” שטן (ro+rs)) – – – std = 972 = Rhombus Tri(6+6+6)
o+s = 1089 = 1000 + 89 “codes” (E ro)) – – – r+o+s = 1125 = Cube(5 = PP-o(37 “of wisdom”)) w. ext…
rr = 81 = mirrror of 6+6+6 = FLW of ord Vs(6+6+6) – – – ro = 207 = 27 “riddles” חידה w. 0 rem. – – – rs = 4257 = Deca(33 “of” (E ro))
ro+rs = 4464 = Exterior Nonagram(31 “God” אל) – – – rr+ro+rs = 4545 = Happy(671 = 500 + Tri(6+6+6))
“Catholic Vatican” (E sr36) = 666
“Vatican” (E sr36) = 453 = 400 + 53 “Torah” תורה (o) – – – “Vatican” (E sr666) = 4725 = Lucky(500 + 81 “codes” κωδικοι (o))
“the Pope” (E r) = 40 “thirty and seven” שלושים ושבע (Sr) = “the Vatican” (E r)
“the Vatican and” (E r) = 50 = 37 + its prime order = “riddles” חידות (o) = “Pegan Vatican” (E r)
“the Vatican and” (E o) = 122 “thirty and seven” שלשים ושבע (o)
400 + (932 “the Vatican and” (E s) = “the tree of knowledge of good and evil” עץ הדעת טוב ורע) = 666 + mirror
666 = 6x 111 “Vaticanvs” (Latin gematria) [Vaticanvs is Vatican in Latin]
“Catholic” in Latin is “Catholica” – – – “Catholica” (Latin gematria) = 251 = Pri(55 “Satan” (E o))
Βατικανο (Vatican in Greek) = 454 = 400 + Comp(37) – – – Βατικανο (Fr) = 111 = factor of 666
“Catholic Vatican” Καθολικο Βατικανο
red = 54 = Comp(37 = prime factor of 666) – – – ord = 149 = Pri(36) – – – std = 684 = 500 + 184 “thirty and seven” (E o)
o+s = 833 = 800 + 33 “the” (E o) – – – r+o+s = 887 = 87 “six six six” (E ro) w. ext…
rev std = 3737 – – – Full std = 7300
“Vatican” (E sr666) = 4725 = 4000 + 725 “Catholic Vatican” Καθολικο Βατικανο (sr37)
“Catholic Vatican” Καθολικο Βατικανο (sr36) = 709 = Pri(128 “thirty and seven” שלושים ושבע (o))
Pri(1315 “the mystery of” (E rs)) = 10789 “Catholic Vatican” Καθολικο Βατικανο (sr666)
CW of Vs(877 “the Vatican” (E s)) = 340 = 10x 34 “Babylon” בבל
CW of Vs(980 “the Vatican” (E o+s)) = 42 “six hundred threescore and six” χξϛ (o) = number of months that the first beast rules
CW of Vs(1020 “the Vatican” (E r+o+s)) = 473 = 400 + Pri-o(359 “Satan” שטן = prime factor of Vs(666))
“the Vatican and number”
red = 78 = mirror of 87 “six six six” (E ro) – – – ord = 195 “six six six” εξ εξ εξ – – – std = 1419 = 1000 + Happy+Lucky(37)
“Revelation thirteen eighteen” (E o+s) = 1999 = C.Tri(37) = 1000 + 666 wïth upsidedown digits
“Revelation” (E sr13+sr18) = 532 “Alpha” Αλφα – – – Revelation 13:18 is verse# 30927 = 3000 + mirror of 729 (α)
TV of Rev 13:18 = 14191 = 14000 + (191 = C.Tri(3) + Hexagram(6) = Palin(29 “and” ואת (o)) = Pri(44 “Satan” שטן (o)))
FLW of Rev 13:18 = 1475 (14775 = factor of 72973 (α) + 27182 (e) + 31415 (π) + 16180 (φ)) = “Alexander Marcussen” (E s)
CW of Rev 13:18 = 1050 “a hundred twenty and seven” שבע ועשרים ומאה [Est 8:9] = “the elect” εκλεκτους [Mark 13:22]
FLCW of Rev 13:18 = 2525 = 2000 + 525 “gematria codes” (E s)
W. up to CW of rev std Vs(554) = 2304 = 13×18 w. 0 rem. – – – W. from CW of std Vs(1814) = 2475 = 1000 + FLW of Rev 13:18
Mark 13:22 – – – 13 = Pri-o(37) – – – 22 = Pri-o(73)
No.W = 6+6+6 – – – No.L = 109 = (19 “codes” (E r) = “of wisdom” חכמה (r)) w. 0 rem. – – – No.W + No.L = 127 (i. α)
FLW = 1811 (181 = 6+6+6 <> mirror) – – – CW = 738 = perimeter of Nonagram(42 “six hundred threescore and six” χξϛ (o))
FLCW = 2549 = 2400 + Pri(36) = CW of Vs(36×666)
“Sacrum Romanum Imperium”
red = 103 (13) – – – ord = 274 = Semiprime(87 “six six six” (E ro)) – – – std = 1678 = Semiprime(482 = Semiprime(149 = Pri(36)))
o+s = 1952 = perimeter of Squ(400 + 89 “codes” (E ro)) – – – r+o+s = 2055 = Pri-o(1249 “antichrist” αντιχριστος (rr+ro+rs)) w. ext…
rr = 131 = 13 merged with mirror – – – ro = 293 = Pri(63 = Tri(6) + Tri(6) + Tri(6)) – – – rs = 3173 = 3000 + PP(6+6+6)
ro+rs = 3466 = 2800 + 666 – – – rr+ro+rs = 3597 = 3000 + 597 “the beast” θηριου
“Latin kingdom” (E r+o+s) = 666 – – – “thirteen x eighteen” (E rs) = 2000 + 693 “Roman beast” (E r+o+s)
“The Holy Roman Empire revealed” (E o+s) = 2303 “six hundred threescore and six” שש מאות ששים ושש [1 Ki 10:14]
“revealing the Holy Roman Empire” (E o) = 313 “six hundred threescore and six” (E o)
Verse order of Rev 13:18 is 30927 = 30000 + 927 “The Latin Kingdom” (E r+o+s)
“Rome becoming the Holy Roman Empire” (E s) = 1842 = 1800 + 42 “666” χξϛ (o) = “the wisdom of Revelation” (E s)
“a beast rise up out of the sea” θηριον αναβαινον εκ της θαλασσης (o+s) = 1942 = 100 + 1842
“having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns” εχον κεφαλας επτα και κερατα δεκα και επι των κερατων αυτοῦ δεκα διαδηματα (ro) = 946 = 3 FLW + 8 CW of Vs(1471 “The Holy Roman Empire” (E s))
“exposing The Holy Roman Empire” (E o+s) = 37×73 – – – “exposing The Holy Roman Empire” (E ro) = 373
“Roman beast of Revelation” (E ro+rs) = 5359 = 5000 + prime factor of Vs(666)
rev std Vs(666) = 3444 = 344 “Roman beast of Revelation” (E ro) w. ext…
3 FLW of Vs(666) = 1571 = 100 + 1471 “The Holy Roman Empire” (E s)
“The Holy Roman Empire six six six codes” (E o) = 422 – – – “The Holy Roman Empire six six six codes” (E ro) = 442
“Revelation thirteen codes of six hundred threescore and six” (E ro) = 777
“Vatican beast of Revelation” (E rr) = 146 “six hundred threescore and six” (E rr)
“Vatican beast of Revelation” (E ro) = 389 “six hundred threescore and six” (E ro)
“The Catholic Church” (E rs) = 4209 = 429 “Vatican six hundred threescore and six codes” (E o) w. 0 rem.
“the second beast” (E rr+ro+rs) = 4000 + 314 “Catholic” (E s)
“the Catholic Church is the harlot riding the beast” (E s) = 10x(13×18 = “The Catholic Church is the harlot riding the beast” (E rr))
“Catholic beast” (E s) = 622 “The Catholic Church and Revelation thirteen” (E ro)
“the Vatican and six six six” (E s) = 3059 (359 = prime factor of Vs(666))
“Catholic Vatican” (E o) = 141 = “this is the second beast of Revelation” (E r) = “the second beast of Revelation” (E rr)
“the beast” (E o+s) = 601 “The Holy Roman Catholic Church revealed in Revelation thirteen” (E o)
“the catholic church revealed in Revelation thirteen” (E r+o+s) = 3663
“Catholic beast of Revelation” (E ro) = 415 (4155 “Revelation thirteen codes of six hundred threescore and six” (E s))
“Vatican beast kingdom” (E r+o+s) = 1425 = 1000 + 425 (4225 “Revelation thirteen codes of six six six” (E o+s))
“Babylonian Vatican” (E r) = 66 = Hex(6) – – – “Babylonian Vatican” (E r+o+s) = 1800 “six six six” שש שש שש = “eighteen” δεκαοχτω
“Vatican six hundred threescore and six codes” (E s) = 3336 = 36 w. ext… = TV of Vs(37+73)
Bishop of Rome” Επίσκοπος Ρωμης [Pope is the bishop of Rome] = 1883 = 1000 + 883 “the antichrist” (E s)
“six six six in the titles of the Pope” (E r) = 151 = Pri(37) = reduced Vs(543 = Hexagram(6) + Hexagram(6) + Hexagram(6))
“six six six and the Pope” (E s) = 2600 = 100 + 2500 “six hundred threescore and six” (E s)
FLW of rev std Vs(666) = 651 “Bishop of Rome” (E o+s) – – – CW of rev std Vs(666) = 100 “Pope” (E sr13)
“number of the Catholic Church” (E o+s) = 1000 + FLCW of rev std Vs(666) “the Pope” (E s) = 400 + 6+6+6
“catholicism” (E s) = 463 = 400 + Tri(6) + Tri(6) + Tri(6) TV of Rev 13:18 = 14000 + 191 “Titles of the Pope” (E o)
TV of Rev 13:18 = 10000 + 4161 “number six hundred threescore and six and the Pope” (E r+o+s) with an upsidedown digit
Titles of the Pope in Latin using Latin gematria [replace the letter u with v as u was not used in Latin at the time of Jesus]
“Successor Principis Apostolorum” [Successor of the Prince of the Apostles] = 1363 = 1000 + 36 merged with mirror
“Summus Pontifex Ecclesiae Universalis” [Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church] = 2334 (234 = 6+6+6 + 6x6x6)
“Patriarcha Occidentis” [Patriarch of the West] = 803 = Comp(663 = Tri(6) + Tri(6) + Tri(6) w. ext…)
“Servus Servorum Dei” [Servant of the Servants of God] = 1500 + 21 “six six six” εξ εξ εξ (r) = 1000 + 521 “the beast” (E s)
“six six six” (E s) = 2127 = 100 + 2027 “Pontifex Maximus” [Supreme Pontiff]
“Episcopus Romanus” [Bishop of Rome] = 1111 = Palin(111 = factor of 666)
“Primatus Italiae” [Primate of Italy] = 1058 “thirty and seven” שלשים ושבע [Gen 25:17]
“Summus Pontifex Civitatis Vaticanae” [Sovereign of the Vatican City State] = 2235 = TriHex(30 = perimeter of Hex(6))
“Summus Sacerdos [Supreme Priest] = 2610 = perimeter of Hex(400 + 36) = 10x 261 “Vicar of Jesus Christ” (E ro)
“Sanctissimus Pater” [Most Holy Father] = 1102 = 2nd Penta(19 = midpoint of 37)
“Ecclesia Catholica Romana” [“Roman Catholic Church”] = 1000 + 502 “understanding” תבון (o+s) = 2x FLCW of rev std Vs(666)
English starter 666 of “evil” = 2000 + 708 “six hundred threescore and six” χξϛ (o+s)
Verse# 359 “Satan” שטן has a TV of 2510 = 10x Pri(55 “Satan” (E o)), and a CW of = 55 “Satan” (E o).
“six six six and the mark of the beast” (E o) = 352 “Satan” (E s) – – – “six six six” שש שש שש (o) = 126 “Lucifer” הילל (r+o+s)
1841 “antichrist” αντιχριστος = 1000 + Squ(29 “and” ואת (o)) = “six six six codes” (E rs)
TV of Vs(8819 “New Word Order” (E sr666)) = 2177 = 2000 + 177 “New World Order” (E ro)
TV of Vs(2166 “New Word Order Illuminati” (E s) = 1500 + 666) = 3566 = 100×29 “and” ואת (o) + 666
2647 “the Illuminati and the New World Order” (E s) = 1000 + 1647 “number of the beast” αριθμον του θηριου [Rev 13:18]
“Revealing” (E sr666) = 6078 = 678 “Illuminati” (E s) w. 0 rem. – – – “Freemasons” (E sr666) = 6765 = (E s) “Illuminati” 678-gonal(5)
Antichrist (A=6 B=12 C=18)
Son of Sin = 666
Image of Satan = 666
Devil’s Heir = 666
Enemy of Man = 666
Man of Riches = 666
A Man of Wars = 666
He is a Dramatic = 666
He is a Whore = 666
Accused Heaven = 666
A president = 666
Head of World = 666
Main Ruler = 666
The Peace Maker = 666
Word of Peace = 666
Alter laws = 666
in a hidden plan = 666
Anarchy King = 666
He is a Knight (mason) = 666
His Evil Hand = 666
Causes a War = 666
He murders = 666
Has No Love = 666
Odious Man = 666
Overtaken = 666
Curses God = 666 (Job 2:9)
Attack Heaven = 666
Accused Heaven = 666
Eden Tempted = 666 (Gen 3:1-6)
People Sin = 666
Atrocity = 666
Disaffection = 666
Treacheries = 666
Scorners = 666 (Prov 1:22)
Lucrative = 666
Vain Music = 666
Flood of Noah = 666
My Number = 666
Worship AAA = 666 (A=6)
Demonic Evil = 666
To Be of Evil = 666
Evil Plot = 666
Sin of Evil = 666
Wicked Will = 666
Bewitched men = 666
Blasphemed God = 666
Blaspheme Ye = 666
Corrupt = 666
Stubborn = 666
Hardened Heart = 666
Headstrong = 666
Lustful = 666
Eroticism = 666
Other Gods = 666 (Deu 20:3)
A Pagan Temple = 666
Believe In Man = 666
Falling Away = 666 (2 Thess 2:3)
Follow Man = 666
False Ways = 666 (Psalm 119:104)
A Babbling Church = 666
False Healers = 666
Fallen Church = 666
Mega Churches = 666
Lateran Pact = 666
Utah Church = 666 (Mormon Church)
A Christmas = 666
Santa Claus = 666
You Are God = 666 (New Age/Satanic belief)
A Perfected Man = 666
New Age Light = 666
New Age Healing = 666
New Age cult = 666
New Paradigm = 666
Aryan Vadas BC = 666 (Aryan Hindus religious texts)
Sanskrit = 666 (Hindu Holy texts)
Good and Bad Karma = 666
Satan Hindu = 666
Hindu Ganesha = 666
Confucius = 666
Buddha Falsified = 666
Babylon Dogma = 666
Satan Cult = 666
Wiccan Pagans = 666
Being Masonic = 666
Mason Pledge = 666
Mason Eagles = 666 (symbol of the highest degree in masonry)
Moslem Allah = 666
Allah is Lord = 666
Allah Wrong = 666
Sharia Laws = 666
Burka Cloth = 666
Islamic Leader = 666
Arab Suicides = 666
Witchcraft = 666 (Deut 18:10-12)
Hidden Evil’s = 666
Zodiac Wheel = 666
Cosmologic = 666
A Magic Power = 666
A Ancient Magick = 666
Cosmic Sign = 666
Sorceries = 666 (Rev 9:21)
Reverses = 666 (a doctrine in Satanism detailed by Aleister Crowley in Magick: Liber ABA, Book 4)
Six lines (Hexagam) = 666
Pentacle (Pentagram) Image = 666
Necromancy = 666 (Deu 18:10-12)
Symbolical = 666 (symbolical meanings are not only found in the Bible, Satan also uses this in his religions, organizations & sects)
Satanic Info = 666
Ape Descendant = 666
Humanity = 666 (as the current propaganda tells us: Neanderthals evolved into Homo sapiens and attained humanity)
Genetic Tree = 666 (a diagram and sequence of evolutionary relationships linking individual organisms and populations)
Speciation = 666 (is the development of a new species from an existing species)
Relatives = 666 (as a monkey or Neanderthal if you will is the relative of a man in the evolution lie)
Charles Darwin and the evolution theory = 100x(6+6+6) + 666
One Power = 666
Greedy Banks = 666
Outlaws = 666
Earth Slave = 666
The NWO EU = 666
New York = 666
NY: A Babylon = 666
Babylon US = 666
US of America = 666
Proof USA = 666
Dollar Sign = 666 (is a snake)
For Money = 666
Pay Taxes = 666
Vaccination = 666
Camps of Death = 666 (concentration camps)
Cage Humankind = 666
Die Hungry = 666
Slaughter = 666
A Martial Law = 666
Horrors = 666
Associates = 666 (In 1982, Henry Kissinger founded Associates, based in New York)
A Satanic Plan = 666
Bush/Bin Laden = 666
A War in Iraq = 666
Kissinger = 666 (Henry)
AAA Business = 666 (A=6)
A Rockefeller = 666
A Secret Pact = 666
A Club of Rome = 666
Skull – Bone = 666 (Skull & Bones is a secret society at Yale University, presidents and powerful people have been members there)
May First = 666 (The Illuminati was formed on the 1st May of 1776)
United States and Illuminati = 1776 (The Declaration of Independence in the USA was adopted by Congress on July 4, 1776)
Illuminat = 666 (Singular in German for a member of the Illuminati)
Antichrist Children Rapists = 1776
The Ones Who Program Humans = 1776
A.W’s Illuminati Protocols = 1776 (A.W = Adam Weishaupt; the founder of the Illuminati)
“Illuminati” (E o) = “Owl of Minerva” (E o) (is one of their symbols)
The Dragons = 666
A Demonic Force = 666
Pre-Adamites = 666
Angels Deceive = 666
Demon Inside = 666
A Demonic Force = 666
Pazuzu = 666 (demonic deity from Assyria and Babylon)
Wicked Beings = 666
WTC Attacked = 666 (World Trade Center)
A Airline Hijack = 666
A Skyjacking = 666
WTC Fireball = 666 (One of the news stations stated this)
WTC Base Fire = 666
Waco Texas = 666 (02.28.93 to 04.19.93 A siege in Texas that lasted 51 days between the FBI and Branch Davidians)
Satan’s seal = 666
Computer = 666 (If the Mark of the Beast is an RFID microchip then a computer is relevant. The first commercial computer was sold by Apple for exactly 666.66$)
Tracking Man = 666
Bio Implant = 666
Hate Christ = 666
Treaty Deal = 666
War for Peace = 666
Vatican USA = 666
Commercials = 666
Beast Test = 666
Dark Hidden Name = 666
Electric Chip = 666
Digital ID Chip = 666
American Beast = 666
A Chip Scanner = 666
Monetary = 666
Lucent Tech = 666 (Lucent (Lucifer) & their office was found at 666th fifth Avenue Manhattan)
= 3 CL of Vs(4969 = Pri(666))
Pri(666) = 4969 = 1800 + 2 FLW of verses ordered at Tri(666), Hex(666) & 1807 “Rav Shlomo Yehuda” (E s)
= 1800 + 4 CW of verses ordered at Tri(666), Hex(666) & 1918 “Rav Shlomo Yehuda Be’eri” (E s)
= 600 + (66 “number of the beast” (E r) = CW of Vs(4969 = Pri(666)))
= 400 + 266 “the number of the beast” αριθμον του θηριου (Fr)
= 100 + 4 CW of red Vs(34) + 4 CW of ord Vs(106) + 4 CW std Vs(1285) [“the Yanuka” = 34/106/1285]
= 200 + FLCL of Vs(500) + FLCL of Vs(4307) [“Rav Shlomo Yehuda six hundred threescore and six” = 500/4301]
= 600 + 66 “cult of Satan” (E rr)
= 500 + 166 “Illuminati codes” (E o) = “and if thou sell” ורכמת [Lev 25:14] = 100 + 566 “your soul” נפשכם (o+s) [1 Chr 22:19]
“conspiracy of the Illuminati” (E r+o+s) = 2400 + 666 – – – “all-seeing eye” (E o+s) [represents Satan] = 400 + 666
“Lucifer’s Illuminati” (E rs) = 2766 = 100x(21 = Tri(6)) + 666 – – – “Illuminati cult of Satan” (E ro+rs) = 100×36 + 666
“The Illuminati cult of Lucifer” (E ro+rs) = 4000 + 666
TV of Vs(11161 = PP(666)) = 5440 = 10x Comp-o(666)
FLW of Vs(8646 (886446 = Hex(666))) = 866 = (86 “Triangle” (E o) = factor of 430 “number” αριθμος) w. ext… = 200 + 666
2 FLW of Vs(222111 = Tri(666)) by rot. + 2 FLW of Vs(886446 = Hex(666)) = 1800 “six six six” שש שש שש
FLL + FLW of verses ordered at Tri(666), Hex(666) & 1807 “Rav Shlomo Yehuda” (E s) = 1466 = 800 + 666 [3 CW = 2606 (266)]
“six six six the mark of the beast” εξ εξ εξ το χαραγμα του θηριου = 2678 = 2000 + 678 “Illuminati” (E s)
The primary reasons of the golden ratio being connected to number 666 is seen in the 4 first digits of the golden ratio:
1618 (φ) = 6+6+6 + 100×16 “codes” םידוק (r)
= 100×9 “Phi” פי (r) + 4 CW of Vs(161803 (6 digits of φ)) = 2 FLW + 4 CW of Vs(161803 (6 digits of φ)) by rot.
666 “inverse” הפוך (Sr+So+Ss) = perimeter of Hex(112 “Alpha” אלפא) = perimeter of Tri(223 “inverse Alpha” (H s)) = (6 “and” ו = “Phi” Φι (r)) w. ext…
= 500 + CW of Vs(729735 (6 digits of α)) by rot. = CW of Vs(11518 (1518 = 1618-100)) = CW of Vs(11718 (1718 = 100+1618)).
Strong’s number of “Six hundred threescore and six” χξϛ is G5516. 516 “Golden Ratio” (E s) = W. surr. CW of Vs(161803 (φ)).
“Satan” Σατανας (Fo+Fs) = 3000 + 516 “Golden Ratio” (E s). “Satan” Σατανας (rr+ro+rs) = 2618 (φ x φ).
Triangle number 666 = 222111 = (21 “evil” (E r) = “φ” (o)) with extended digits.
“six hundred threescore and six” ששו םישש תואמ שש [1 Ki 10:14] = 2303 = 666 + TV Vs(1618 (φ)) = Fibonacci(13) w. 0 rem.
42 “Six hundred threescore and six” χξϛ (o) = CW of Vs(1618 (φ)) = “six six six codes” שיש שיש שיש קודים (rr).
The first word of Rev 13:18 (666 beast verse) = 809 = prime factor of 1618 (φ) = Pri(141 = FLCW of Vs(36 = CW of Vs(809)).
FLCL of Rev 1318 = 809 (φ/2) = CW of Vs(1639 = TV of Vs(1618 (φ)) with the two last digits ending with 39 instead of 37).
And we know 666 = Tri(36 “evil” רע (o)). Evil רע is pronounced as Ra, and “Ra” (E rs) = 809.
18 “six six six” שש שש שש (r) = 6+6+6 = “Six hundred threescore and six” χξϛ (r) = CW of ordinal Vs(16180 (φ)).
36 “six six six” ειξ ειξ ειξ (r) = Tri-o(666) = CW of Vs(809 = prime factor of 1618 (φ)) = CW of standard Vs(16180 (φ)).
Total value of Vs(16188 = 1618 (φ) with extended last digit) = 1710 = 10x(171 = Tri(18) = Lucky(36)).
While the CW of Vs(16188) = 186 = perimeter of Tri(63 = mirror of 36 = 3 CL of Vs(16188)). And the 4 CW = 1088 (18).
Verse# (6188 = 618 (φ) with extended last digit):
– No.W + No.L = 66 = Hex(6) = No.L of Vs(161803 (6 digits of φ)) = CL of Vs(13687 = Pri(1618 (φ)))
– TV = 3322 = (E rs) “evil” 555-gonal(4 “and” και (r)) = (322 = CW of Vs(500 “φ”)) w. ext…
– FLW = 422 = 42 “Six hundred threescore and six” χξϛ (o) w. ext…
– CW = 72 “riddles” הדיח (r+o+s)
– FLCW = 494 = Palin(59 = Pri(18 = 6+6+6)) = 2 FLW + 4 CW of Vs(1618 (φ))
– 2 FLW = 679 = Lucky(111) = Comp(555) – – – 111+555 = 666 = 13 + 666
– 4 CW = 706 = 76 “Bible codes” (E o) w. 0 rem.
– 2 FLW + 4 CW = 1385 “(of) knowledge” επιγνωσις (rr+ro+rs) = “six six six codes” ειξ ειξ ειξ κωδικοί (r+o+s)
Vs(11108) which is Vs(166618 (1618 ((φ))) by rotation:
– TV = 5066 = 100×44 “Satan” שטן (o) + 666
– FLW = 401 = Pri(80 “codes” κωδικες (o))
– CW = 584 = perimeter of Squ(147 = Pri-o(839 “Satan” Σατανας (r+o+s)))
– FLCW = 985 “the mystery” (E rs) = Pri(4) x Pri(46) – – – 4×46 = 184 “of God” (E o+s)
The first verse that has a word with a value of 618 (φ) is ordered at = 103 (13) = No.W + No.L of Vs(36 “six six six” ειξ ειξ ειξ (r)).
The sixth verse that has a word with a value of 618 (φ) is ordered at = 4409 = Pri(601 = Pri(111)). And 6×111 = 666.
The tenth (10 “Satan” (E r)) verse that has a word with a value of 618 (φ) is ordered at 5666 = 5000 + 666.
There are 6 “Phi” Φι (r) verses that has a word with a value of 1618 (φ), their verse orders added is
23825+25925+26598+26807+26813+28203 = (171 = Tri(18) = Lucky(36)) + 1000x(158 = Pri(2) x Pri(23) – – – 2×23 = “codes” (o)).
Ordinal verse# 36 “six six six” ειξ ειξ ειξ (r):
[הוכל שיח השדה טרם יהיה בארץ וכל עשב השדה טרם יצמח כי לא המטיר יהוה אלהים על הארץ ואדם אין לעבד את האדמ]
– No.W = 23 = Pri(10 “Satan” (E r))
– No.L = 80 “Satan” (E ro) = “codes” (G o)
– No.W + No.L = 13 “of God” אל (o) w. 0 rem. = 103 “a hundred thirty seven” εκατον τριαντα επτα (rr)
– TV = 774 = 74 “Lucifer” (E o) w. ext… = Comp(636).
– FLW = 57 “six six six” εξ εξ εξ (o) [“Hexagon number six hundred threescore and six” (E o) = 460 = FLCW of Vs(666)]
– CW = 21 “φ” (o) = Tri(6 “Phi” Φι (r)) [“Triangle number six hundred and sixty six” (Eng) = 4422 (s) = 6018 (rs)]
– FLCW = 78 = Tri(12 “six six six” שש שש שש (rr/ro/rs))
– 2 FLW = 119 = 19 “codes” (E r) w. ext…
– 3 CW = 83 = Pri(24 = 2x 12 “of” (E r)) = “wisdom” (E o)
– 2 FLW + 3 CW = 202 “6-6-6 codes” (E o) = Pri-o(73 “of wisdom” חכמה) w. 0 rem. = CW of Vs(161803 (6 digits of φ)) by rot.
– Ultra calculation ≈ 5.36 – – – 500 + 36
Letter# 618 (φ) of the Bible is the first letter of the word# (163 = 100 + mirror of 36 = Pri(39 “Satan” (H Fr)) = Lucky.Pri(13)).
The value of the word (מארת) where this letter is found is 641 = PP(55 “Satan” (E o)). And both its Full red & rev ord value = 36.
Letter# 1618 (φ) of the Bible is the third letter of word# 418 of the Bible. 418 = 400 + 6+6+6. The value of the word (ויהי) where this letter is found is 31 (mirror of 13). Its ordinal value is also 31, and the reduced value = 13. And the red, ord & std value = 336.
In the codes of God, it seems we find progentiors of the antichrist or types of antichrists that are connected to number 666.
to be clear, I do not believe the person this part of the chapter is about is the final antichrsit. I believed he was the final antichrist the six first months, but i found out that there was more information about the antichrist in the Bible that I had missed like Zecheriah 11.
A prodigy named Rav Shlomo Yehuda Be’eri appeared in Israel and started revealing himself in 2021-2022.
He is often referred to as Rav Shlomo Yehuda or just The Yanuka (a term from the Zohar (Talmud) meaning the Wunderkind).
It is claimed he learned the Torah and Talmud by memory at the age of 17. There has been several miracles attributed to him also, these being false miracles. At least five miracles has been attributed to him as of this date (11/8/2022), which are:
1. A man was in a wheelchair but can now walk. [claim from a Jew in Israel]
2. A man had a malignant tumor disappear. [claim from a Jew in Israel]
3. A man had intestinal pain disappear the day before his scheduled surgery. [claim from a Jew in Israel]
4. A man was told he would meet his soulmate that day, and he did. [claim from a Jew in Israel]
5. A man was released from prison just before the Sabbath, just as the Yanuka told him that he would be. [claim from a Jew in…]
Jews all over Israel have invited him to speak at their meetings and events. They proclaim him as the most humble Jew and a perfect follower of God. We must also know that the word “antichrist” in Greek has a Strong’s definition of “opposite to Christ; someone acting in place of (against) Christ”. Indicating that the antichrist will take the place of Jesus or emulate him.
Rav Shlomo Yehuda usually begins his speeches with a question to the public, while Jesus spoke in parables.
One Rabbi claims that Rav Shlomo Yehuda is the Messiah of the Jews whom they have been waiting for.
Because the Jews rejected Jesus Christ as the Messiah, and they have been waiting on their own messiah who is not Jesus Christ.
Other rabbis think that Rav Shlomo Yahuda is the one to bring the Jews of Israel together (because they are divided into factions).
Another Rabbi said “never before has so many Jews over Israel gathered to see a person”. When he arrives at events, people flock around the Yanuka to see him like he is some kind of superstar. And another Jew proclaims him to “be holy and pure”.
This can be seen on the featured video on his YouTube channel named “The Yanuka – Torah Scholars Pay Homage to the Grandeur of His Torah and the Unity He Radiates to All”. And by having this on his own YouTube channel, he elevates himself.
This guy hits the traits of the antichrist in Hollywood movies as being gifted, he plays the Piano well. And he is not rejecting the claim of being the Messiah. He stated in-front of a large Jewish congregation that “I also contain light for the Jewish people”.
He also proclaimed that “we don’t know the potential of each person”. Essentially hinting to the doctrine of man becoming a god.
Rabbi’s has proclaimed “His wisdom is more vast than the sea” & “Such a soul descends to the world once in several generations”.
The only thing that can seem contradict him being the antichrist is the statement on the internet of him being married.
However, it does not state that he is married to a woman. And the antichrist will not regard any women [see Dan 11:37].
A evil spirit is rising from a fire that the Yanuka ignited in a ritual. See the video: The lighting ceremony • Lag Ba’Omer 2022.
Rav Shlomo Yehuda started to hold Torah lectures at the age of 18 (6+6+6).
He is born in 1988 = 198 “thirteen” הרשע שלש (rr+ro+rs) w. ext… I could not find the exact date of his birth, which is strange.
Rav Shlomo Yahuda seems to be the guy who will be this coming false messiah who is really the final antichrist.
I would like to point out that the Talmud is an anti christian book that came from the Pharisees that killed Jesus.
It contains some of the most anti christian statements probably found in any book from ancient times.
And I have noticed that Rav Shlomo Yehuda likes to quote the Talmud in his speeches, but rarely does he quote the Torah compared to the Talmud; which has its origins in Babylon. When the majority of Jews were sent to Babylon in captivity under the time of the prophet Daniel over 2500 years ago. 70 Jews had a revelation about how Jews should live with Babylonians and what traditions they should keep while being captive there. Nothing was written from the revelation, but the laws and traditions that followed with this revelation were upheld by the Pharisees until the time of Jesus, centuries after their captivity in Babylon.
Jesus Christ himself was probably the biggest enemy ever of the tradition & laws that came from Babylon, and he often condemns the Pharisees in the New Testament; saying, “O generation of vipers” [Matt 12:34] and “Ye are of your father the devil” [John 8:44].
“1Then came to Jesus scribes and Pharisees, which were of Jerusalem, saying,
2Why do thy disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? for they wash not their hands when they eat bread.
3But he answered and said unto them, Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition?
4For God commanded, saying, Honour thy father and mother: and, He that curseth father or mother, let him die the death.
5But ye say, Whosoever shall say to his father or his mother, It is a gift, by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me;
6And honour not his father or his mother, he shall be free.
Thus have ye made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition.” [Matt 15:1-6]
“Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition,“ [Mark 7:13]
Rav Shlomo Yehuda has ties to Syria. His maternal grandfather, Rav Yehudah, is from Aleppo, Syria.
Daniel 8 speaks about Antiochus IV, a progenitor of the final antichrist. This chapter uses the double fulfillment principle in prophesy (a prophecy that is fulfilled two times both in the present and future). In Daniel 8, the prophecy about the goat was fulfilled with Alexander the Great. And after his death the Greek Empire was divided into four kingdoms; one of these kingdoms was the Seleucid Empire in the east.
Antiochus IV was a very evil man that killed a lot of Israelites. He also defiled the Temple of God, just like the Antichrist will do in the future. So he was a progenitor of the Antichrist.
Antiochus IV was a ruler of the Seleucid Empire from 175 BC to 164 BC, and Syria was a part of the Seleucid Empire!
The Yanuka is said to be partly raised in Spain, a nation that is a part of the resurrected Holy Roman Empire today (EU).
Rav Shlomo Yehuda – the Yanuka
His profile picture on YouTube
The first picture shows the face of Rav Shlomo Yahuda Be’eri called the Yanuka.
The last picture is the profile picture of his YouTube channel, illuminating him with light.
And the Illuminati always waited for the illumined man (the antichrist) according to William Milton Cooper.
Here is the name of his YouTube channel: שיעורי הינוקא – The Yanuka Rav Shlomo Yehuda
Meaning of his name in Hebrew:
Rav = Rabbi/teacher
Sholomo = peace
Yehuda = praise
He states his sole mission is peace.
The antichrist is supposed to bring peace, but soon after chaos will emerge.
“Rav Shlomo Yehuda Be’eri”
red = 100 = Squ(10 “Satan” (E r)) – – – ord = 226 “codes” (E sr37) – – – std = 1918 = 6+6+6 + 100×19 “codes” (E r)
ord + std = 2144 “mystery of God” (E o+s) – – – red + ord + std = 2244 “wisdom and knowledge” σοφια και γνωσις (o+s)
UC of std Vs(1918)/UC of ord Vs(226)/UC of red Vs(100) ≈ 2.1642896868
216 = 6x6x6 – – – 428 חידות “riddles” – – – 968 “evil” κακος (rs) – – – 68 “riddles” αινιγματα (o)
UC of red Vs(100)/UC of ord Vs(226)/UC of std Vs(1918) ≈ 3.26378 – – – 326 “Rav Shlomo Yehuda Be’eri” (E sr6) – – – 378 = Tri(27)
“Yanuka Rav Shlomo Yehuda”
red = 89 = PP(10 “and” (E r)) – – – ord = 260 = perim. of Squ(66 (6) = Tri(11 = Pri(6)) = Hex(6)) – – – std = 2879 = Pri(400 + 6+6+6)
ord + std = 3139 = Happy(474 “knowledge” דעת) – – – red + ord + std = 3228 (328 = FLW of Vs(1618 (φ)))
“the Yanuka Rav Shlomo Yehuda Be’eri”:
std = 3203 (323 = Palin(42 “Six hundred threescore and six” χξϛ (o)))
ord + std = 3535 = TV of Vs(271 = Pri(59 = Pri(18 “riddles” חידה (r)))) = 1000 + 2535 “the Antichrist” (E rr+ro+rs)
red + ord + std = 3669 = 3000 + 669 “son of perdition” (E sr36).
“Rabbi Shlomo Yehuda” (E ro+rs) = 4666 = 4000 + 666.
“the antichrist Rav Shlomo Yehuda” = 126/333/2682. UC of Vs(2682)/UC of Vs(333)/UC of Vs(126) ≈ 1.4266 (666 + 100xTri(16)).
“Rav Shlomo Yehuda” = 70/187/1807. Integration of red Vs(70 “the” ο), ord Vs(187 = 100 + “6-6-6” (E ro)) & std Vs(1807):
– No.W = 44 “Satan” שטן (o) – – – No.L = 161 = Palin(26 “codes” (E rr)) – – – No.W + No.L = 205 “Jesus Christ” Ιησους Χριστος (o)
– TV = 3123 = Lucky(407 “and” ואת) = 2000 + 666 + Pri(89 “codes” (E ro)) = TV of Vs(195 “six six six” εξ εξ εξ)
– FLW = 517 “Bible” ך“נת (o+s)
– CW = 152 = 100 + 52 “codes” קודים (o) = “thirty six” (E o) = CW of Vs(179 = Pri(42)) – – – W. surr. CW = 800 + 46 “codes” (E o)
– FLCW = 669 “son of perdition” (E sr36) = 400 + TV of red 666 Holograph
– 2 FLW = 1575 = Lucky(225 “six six six” ειξ ειξ ειξ)
– 3/4 CW = 998 עשרים ושבע “twenty and seven” – – – 27 “riddles” (H s) – – – 2 W. surr. CW = 1118 (18 “riddles” חידה (r))
– 2 FLW + 3/4 CW = 2573 = 2500 + 73 “of wisdom” חכמה
– 2 FLL + 2 FLW = 1666 = 1000 + 666 = “Rav Shlomo Yehuda Be’eri” (E sr73)
– 3/4 CL + 3/4 CW = 1000 + 468 “Bible codes” הצופן התנ“כי (ro+rs)
– 2 FLL + 2 FLW + 3/4 CL + 3/4 CW = 3134 “the constants of physics” (E sr137)
– W. up to CW = 100x 17 “Satan” שטן (r) – – – W. from CW = 1475 = Happy(217 = C.Hex(9 “and” δε)) = (149 = Pri(36))-gonal(5) [1475 = FLW of Revelation 13:18]
– Combo 1 = 316 “Satan” Σατανας (sr36) [this is the first word added of these verses]
– Combo 2 = 403 “Satan” שטן (o+s) = 13×31 [this is the second word added of these verses]
– Combo 3 = 125 “antichrist” αντιχριστος (Fr) [this is the third word added of these verses]
– Combo 4 = 654 “mystery” תעלומה (r+o+s) = “of God” אלהים (rr+ro+rs)
– Combo 5 = 86 “Triangle” (E o) = factor of 430 “number” αριθμος
– Combo 6 = 179 = Pri(42 “six hundred threescore and six” χξϛ (o))
– Combo 7 = 160 “codes” קודים
– Combo 8 = 660 = 10x 66 “gematria” גימטריא (o)
– Combo 9 = 226 “codes” (E sr37)
– Combo 10 = 332 = 32 “midst” בל w. ext…
– Combo 11 = 396 “seven hundred seventy and seven” (E ro)
– Combo 12 = 120 = Tri(15 = PP-o(137 (inv. α)) = “e” (r+o+s)) = “Pi” (E r+o+s) = 100 + 20 “and” και (o) = “Phi” (E o+s)
– Combo 13 = 666 = 100 + 4 CW of red Vs(34) + 4 CW of ord Vs(106) + 4 CW std Vs(1285) [“the Yanuka” = 34/106/1285]
– Combo 14 = 85 “physics” φυσικη (o)
– Combo 15 = 199 = 19 “codes” (E r) w. ext…
– Combo 16 = 134 “universe” יקום (rs) [16 “codes” םידוק (r)]
– Combo 17 = 659 = Pri(100 + 7+7+7) = 500 + PP(7) + PP(7) + PP(7)
– Combo 18 = 204 = 24 “codes” κωδικες (r) w. 0 rem.
– Combo 19 = 345 “God Almighty” ידש לא [Gen 28:3 = Vs(777)]
– Combo 20 = 396 “777” (E ro) = perimeter of Tri(133)
– Combo 21 = 130 “inverse Alpha” (E o) = 10x 13
– Combo 22 = 677 = 67 “codes of” (E o) w. ext… = prime factor of 6770 “Illuminati” (E sr666) [combo 666 by rot.]
– Combo 23 = 85 “physics” φυσικη (o) [23 “riddles” חידות (r) = “sin” חטאה] [2/3 ≈ 0.666]
– Combos added from order 3 to 6 = 1000 + 44 “Satan” שטן (o) – – – Words by rot. added from order 36 to 666 = 618 (φ)
– Combos added ordered at 13 & 18 = 870 “understanding” (E s) = 10x(87 “six six six” (E ro) = CW of 666 Holograph)
– UC of std Vs(1807)/UC of ord Vs(187)/UC of red Vs(70) ≈ 2.11404439218 – – – 2144 “Rav Shlomo Yehuda Be’eri” (E o+s)
392 “Triangle” (E s) = perimeter of Squ(99 = Comp(73 “number” (E o))) – – –18 = 6+6+6
“Rav Shlomo Yehuda” in reverse systems = 74/218/2900. Integration of rev red Vs(74), rev ord Vs(218) & rev std Vs(2900):
TV = 5521 (521 “the beast” (E s)) – – – Combo 8 = 360 “the beast” (E sr36) [T(8) = 36] – – – Combo 13 = 500 + 195 “six six six” εξ εξ εξ
Combo 18 (last combo) = 366 – – – Combos ordered at 13 & 18 = 1061 (1+10+105+15+153+3+36+6+66+666 [10 special triangles]).
“Rav Shlomo Yehuda is the Antichrist” = 144/369/2799. Integration of red Vs(144), ord Vs(369) & std Vs(2799):
TV = 4766 = 666 + 100×41 “riddles” חידה (Fr) – – – CW = 463 = Pri(91 = Tri(13)) – – – FLCW = 1108 = 18 w. ext… & 0 rem.
UC of std Vs(2799)/UC of ord Vs(369)/UC of red Vs(144) ≈ 3.923 – – – 3923 = Pri(545 “antichrist” αντιχριστος (sr36)).
Integration of red Vs(349 = Pri(70)), ord Vs(1109 = Pri(187)) & std Vs(15461 = Pri(1807))
– No.W = 40 “Bible codes” (E r) – – – No.L = 183 = 100 + (83 = Pri(24 = 2x 12 “of” (E r)) = “wisdom” (E o))
– No.W + No.L = 223 “inverse Alpha” הפוך אלפא
– TV = 3203 (323 = Palin(42 “Six hundred threescore and six” χξϛ (o)))
– FLW = 594 = 500 + 94 “codes” κωδικοι (ro)
– CW = 308 “riddles of” (E s) – – – W. surr. CW = 713 “wisdom” (E s)
– FLCW = 902 = 92 “electron” (E o) w. 0 rem.
– 2 FLW = 1511 “and a hundred and thirty and seven” ומאת ושלשים ושבע
– 3/4 CW = Lucky.Pri(46 “codes” (E o)) = 121 “antichrist” (E o) w. 0 rem. – – – 2 W. surr. CW = 1659 “of wisdom & knowledge” (E sr73)
– 2 FLW + 3/4 CW = 2532 “inverse Alpha” αντιστροφος Αλφα (o+s)
– 2 FLL + 2 FLW = 1629 = 1000 + 2 “α” (o+s) + 10 “e” (o+s) + 96 “π” (o+s) + 521 “φ” (o+s)
– 3/4 CL + 3/4 CW = 1000 + 313 “six hundred threescore and six” (E o) – – – 2 L. surr. CL + 2 W. surr. CW = 1988 [1988 is the year the Yanuka is born]
– 2 FLL + 2 FLW + 3/4 CL + 3/4 CW = 2942 = 2800 + 142 “riddle” (E s)
– W. up to CW = 1960 “six six six codes” שש שש שש קידים
– W. from CW = 1528 = 100×10 “and” (E r) + Tri(32 = Pri-o(127 (inv. α)))
– Ultra calculation = 1.20585597837500880149 – – – 1205 שלש עשרה “thirteen” – – – 859 = 500 + 359 “Satan” שטן
978 “three” שלוש (Fr+Fo+Fs) [3 = Tri-o(6)] – – – 375 (3375 “the Yanuka Rav Shlomo Yehuda” (E o+s))
“Rav Shlomo Yehuda six hundred threescore and six” = 203/500/4307. Integration of red Vs(203), ord Vs(500) & std Vs(4307):
CL = 800 + 36 – – – 3/4 CL = 914 “six hundred threescore and six” εξακοσια εξηντα και εξι (Fo)
CW = 1220 = perimeter of Squ(306) – – – 3/4 CW = 2452 = Pri(2) x Pri(2) x Pri(113) – – – 2x2x113 = 452 (4522 = Happy(666))
CL + CW = 2056 = Pri(2) x Pri(2) x Pri(2) x Pri(56) – – – 2x2x2x56 = 448 (48 “evil” (E o)) – – – 3/4 CL + 3/4 CW = 3366 = 36 w. ext…
“the son of sin” (E s) = 666 – (6+6+6) – – – “the son of sin” (E rr+ro+rs) = 1260 (days of the Tribulation) = 6 first words of Vs(36).
“Rav Shlomo Yehuda” (E s) = 1807 = TV of Vs(30918 (3918 = 2000 + 1918 “Rav Shlomo Yehuda Be’eri” (E s)))
= 1000 + 2 FLL + 3/4 CL of Vs(2221 = 4 digits of Tri(666)) + 2 FLL + 3/4 CL of Vs(8864 = 4 digits of Hex(666))
“Rav Shlomo Yehuda and six hundred threescore and six” (E o+s) = 3000 + 1807
TV of verses ordered at 3, 6 & 666 = 8309 = 7x 1187 (187 “Rav Shlomo Yehuda” (E o))
“antichrist” αντιχριστος (Fo+Fs) = 6747 = 6000 + W. surr. CW of Vs(1807)
“antichrist” αντιχριστος (sr666) = 6000 + (1475 = FLW of Rev 13:18) = Happy(1087 = anagram of 1807)
2127 “six six six” (E s) = Comp(1807 “Rav Shlomo Yehuda” (E s))
“Yanuka” (E ro+rs) = 1807
“the Yanuka” (E s) = 1000 + (285 = CW of Vs(1109 = Pri(187)) + CW of Vs(15461 = Pri(1807)))
“number” (E sr666) = 4063 = “Yanuka” (E sr666)
“Yanuka” (E rr+ro+rs) = 1800 + 42 “Six hundred threescore and six” χξϛ (o)
TV of Vs(6091 “the Yanuka” (E sr666)) = 3600 “six hundred and sixty six” (E rr+ro+rs) = Squ(60 “six six six” (E rr))
Word# 1 of Vs(15461 = Pri(1807)) = 780 = Tri(39 “Six hundred threescore and six” χξϛ (rs))
Word# 2 of Vs(15461) = 242 “riddles” (E s)
100x 3 = word# 6 of Vs(15461)
TV of Vs(15461) = (4 “and” και (r))gonal-359 “Satan” שטן
CW of rev std Vs(16561 = Pri(1918 “Rav Shlomo Yehuda Be’eri” (E s))) = 1000 + 270 “evil” רע
W. surr. CW of rev std Vs(16561) = Pri(36 “evil” רע (o))
UC of rev std Vs(16561) ≈ 120191142545413269
121 “antichrist” (E o) – – – 91 = Tri(13) – – – 42 “666” (G o) – – – 545 = Palin(64 “wisdom” (G o)) – – – 400 + 13 – – – 100 + Squ(13)
“the Yanuka” (E r) = 34 = No.W + No.L of the only verse made up of 666 [verse# 4009] = 2 FLL of Vs(10162)
“the Yanuka” (E o) = 106 = first word of the only verse made up of 666 [verse# 4009] = CW of Vs(10162)
“the Yanuka” (E s) = 1807 = TV of Vs(11060 = 10x 1106 (106))
“Yanuka” (E sr666) = 4063 = “number” (E sr666) = TV of Vs(4222 = 42 “Six hundred threescore and six” (G o) w. ext…)
And the first word with a value of 106 in the Bible is found in verse# 36.
Integration of Vs(666) & Vs(1807 “Rav Shlomo Yehuda” (E s)):
13th combo (and last combo) = 1006 = 106 “the Yanuka” (E o) with zero removed
430 “number” αριθμος = combo 3 which is the 666th combo by rotation
Combo 6 = 642 = 242 “riddles” (E s) + 100×4 “and” και (r) = ordinal value of Vs(10162 “Rav Shlomo Yehuda” (E sr666))
Combo 3 + Combo 6 is 430+642 = 1072 = 172 “codes” (E s) w. 0 rem.
TV = 5887 = 5000 + TV of Vs(3666)
TV of Vs(666) = 3590 = 1500 + 1918 “Rav Shlomo Yehuda Be’eri” (E s) + 172 “codes” (E s) = 3000 + ordinal value of Vs(36×666)
CW of Vs(666) = 6+6+6 = CW of Vs(13526 “Rav Shlomo Yehuda Be’eri” (E sr666)) W. from CW of Vs(270 “evil” רע) = 1918
Integrating verse# 666 with verse# 6 of chapter# 6 in book# 6 [Josh 6:6 = Vs(5956 = Happy(877 (87)))] gives these results:
– No.W = 34 “the Yanuka” (E r) – – – No.L = 100 + 34 – – – No.W + No.L = 168 Happy-o(1177 “antichrist” αντιχριστος (ro+rs))
– TV = 9277 = mirror of 729 (α) w. ext… = Pri(1149 = Pri(36 “six six six” ειξ ειξ ειξ (r)) w. ext…)
– FLL = 57 “Golden Ratio” (E r) [5956 = 3000 + 2956 “six six six the mark of the beast” εξ εξ εξ το χαραγμα του θηριου (o+s)]
– CL = 260 = Pri-o(1637 = TV of Vs(1618 (φ))) – – – L. surr. CL = 411 = 137×3 (13703 (inv. α))
– FLCL = 317 = Pri(67 “codes of” (E o))
– 2 FLL = 84 = Tri(7) + Tri(7) + Tri(7)
– 3/4 CL = 671 = Happy(96 “knowledge” (E o)) – – – 2 L. surr. CL = 1022 = 1000 + Pri-o(73 “wisdom” (H s))
– 2 FLL + 3/4 CL = 755 = 137 (inv. α) + 618 (φ) = 77-gonal(5 = Pri-o(7))
– FLW = 785 “wisdom” תושיה (o+s)
– CW = 275 = Happy-o(1841 “antichrist” αντιχριστος) – – – W. surr. CW = 1960 “six six six codes” שש שש שש קודים
– FLCW = 1060 = 10x 106 “the Yanuka” (E o)
– 2 FLW = 1847 = Happy(277 = Lucky-o(2001 “antichrist” αντιχριστος (o+s)))
– 3/4 CW = 2235 “the fine-structure constant” (E s) = perimeter of Tri(746 “mark”…) – – – 2 W. surr. CW = 3253 (302253 = Tri(777))
– 2 FLW + 3/4 CW = 4082 = Pri(2) x Pri(7) x Pri(38) – – – 2x7x38 = 532 “Alpha” Αλφα
– W. up to CW = 3582 = perimeter of Tri(1195 = 195 “six six six” εξ εξ εξ w. ext…)
– W. from CW = (E r) “and” 10 x 597 “the beast” θηριου
– Combo 1 = 359 “Satan” שטן = prime factor of Vs(666)
– Combo 2 = 451 = 400 + 51 “and” και (o+s)
– Combo 3 = 412 = Comp-o(510 “Phi” Φι)
– Combo 4 = 134 = 100 + 34 “the” το = “universe” םוקי (rs)
– Combo 5 = 279 “crown(ing)” עטר
– Combo 6 = 631 = 400 + Tri(7+7+7) = Pri(116 (16 “codes” (H r))) = Lucky(104 “of wisdom” (E o))
– Combo 7 = 275 = Happy-o(1841 “antichrist” αντιχριστος)
– Combo 8 = 517 “Bible” תנ“ך (o+s)
– Combo 9 = 662 = 62 “riddles” αινιγματα (rr) w. ext…
– Combo 10 = 829 = 100 + 729 (α)
– Combo 11 = 612 = (212 “physics” פיזיקה = “codes” קודים (o+s)) + 100×4 “and” και (r)
– Combo 12 = 971 “the Golden Section” (E o+s) = 800 + Tri(6+6+6)
– Combo 13 = 783 = Hepta(6+6+6) = “one thousand six hundred eighteen” (H, G & E o)
– Combo 14 = 167 = Pri(40 “Bible codes” (E r))
– Combo 15 = 377 = 37 “of wisdom” חכמה (o)
– Combo 16 = 737 = 73 “of wisdom” חכמה (s) merged with its mirror
– Combo 17 = 1020 “Revelation” (E r+o+s)
– Combo 18 = 346 “riddles” חידות (ro+rs)
– Combo 19 = 671 = Happy(96 = Comp(71 = Pri(21 “of” (E o))) = “knowledge” (E o)) = “and wisdom” ואת חכמה (rs)
– Combo 20 = 275 = Happy-o(1841 “antichrist” αντιχριστος = “Revelation” (E rs))
– Combo 21 = 467 = Pri(92 “riddles of” (E o) = 2x 46 “God” Θεος (o))
– Combos ordered at 3 & 6 = 1043 = 7x Pri(36)
– Combos added from order 13 to 18 = 1456 = 1000 + 456 “Alpha, e, Pi and Phi” (E o+s)
– Combos ordered at 13 & 18 = 1129 = 400 + 729 (α) = “codes” κωδικες (rs) = Pri(190 = Tri(19 “of wisdom” חכמה (r)))
– Combos added from order 13 to 18 = 3430 = 10x 7x7x7
– Combo 6 + Combo 6 + Combo 6 = 1893 = 100x(6+6+6) + 93 “codes of God” (E o)
– Words & letters added up to order 36 by rot. = 10697 = Happy(1544 = 1000 + Comp-o(666))
– UC of Vs(5956)/UC of Vs(666) ≈ 2.277533307
275 = Happy-o(1841 “antichrist”(G s)) – – – 307 “Yanuka Rav Shlomo Yehuda” (E ro) = CL + CW of Vs(3) + CL + CW of Vs(6)
Integration of the ordinal version of these two verses:
– L. up to CL = 666
– L. from CL = 772 = 72 “riddles
– Combo 13 = 108 = 18 w. 0 rem.” חידה (r+o+s)
– Combo 18 (6+6+6) = 94 “codes” κωδικοι (ro) = “riddles” αινιγματα (Fr)
– Combos ordered at 13 & 18 = 202 (22 = Pri-o(73 “of wisdom” חכמה)) = 2 FLW + 3 CW of ordinal Vs(36)
The reverse standard values of these two verses added = 11256
= 7000 + TV of 666 Holograph = (1256 = 1000 + Squ(16 “codes” קודים (r)) w. ext…).
And the UC of rev ord Vs(5956)/UC of rev ord Vs(666) = 6.65266703… ≈ 6.66 (rounded)
הוהי ןורא ינפל םילבוי תורפוש העבש ואשי םינהכ העבשו תירבה ןורא תא ואש םהלא רמאיו םינהכה לא ןונ ןב עשוהי ארקיו [Josh 6:6]
26 257 170 98 992 377 317 125 383 617 257 401 307 76 257 130 31 106 52 391 317
TV = 5687 = 5000 + 687 “Phi” (H, G & E s)
106 = עול “evil”/”wicked” = 16 “codes” םידוק (r) w. 0 rem. = Comp(78 = Tri(12 “of” (E r))) = “the Yanuka” (E o)
TV of Vs(666) = 1000 + 1807 “Rav Shlomo Yehuda” (E s) + (783 = word# 13 added of Vs(666) & Josh 6:6 = Hepta(18))
There are 8 letters in “thirty six” שלושים שש [Tri(8) = 36]. And we see word# 8 has the value of 36 in ordinal Vs(666).
“thirty six” שלושים שש (sr666) = 5445 = 545 “antichrist” αντιχριστος (sr36) w. ext…
– No.W = 13 “Bible” תנ“ך (rr) – – – No.L = 61 = Pri(19 “codes” (E r)) – – – No.W + No.L = 74 “In the beginning” (G o)
– TV = 3036 (336 “Alpha, e, Pi and Phi” (E s))
– FLL = 40 “Bible” תנ“ך (rs)
– CL = 80 “codes” κωδικες (o) – – – L. surr. CL = 205 (25 “codes” κωδικοι (r))
– FLCL = 10x 12 “of” (E r) = Tri(15 = PP-o(137 (i. α)) = “e” (E r+o+s)) = “Pi” (E r+o+s) = 100 + (20 “and” και (o)) = “Phi” (E o+s)
– 2 FLL = 60 “six six six” (E rr)
– 3/4 CL = 285 “fine-structure constant” (E o) – – – 2 L. surr. CL = 218 “codes” (E o+s)
– 2 FLL + 3/4 CL = 345 = perimeter of Tri(116 = 16 “codes” םידוק (r) w. ext…)
– FLW = 96 = Comp(71 = Pri(21 “of” (E o))) = “knowledge” (E o)
– CW = 308 “riddles of” (E s) – – – W. surr. CW = 234 (13×18) = 6+6+6 + 6x6x6
– FLCW = 404 = 44 “Satan” שטן (o) w. 0 rem.
– 2 FLW = 375 = perimeter of Tri(126 “and God” (E s) = “six six six” שש שש שש (o))
– 3/4 CW = 500 + 42 “Six hundred threescore and six” χξϛ (o) – – – 2 W. surr. CW = 595 = Palin(69 “the mark of the beast” (E r))
– 2 FLW + 3/4 CW = 917 = 500 + 417 “Satan” (E r+o+s)
– Word# 1 = 30 “codes” κωδικους (r)
– Word# 2 = 253 = Tri(22 = Pri-o(73 “of wisdom” חכמה))
– Word# 3 = 698 “hide” περικρυπτω (ro+rs) [word# 666 by rot.]
– Word# 4 = 423 = 3 digits of Cube(1618 (φ))
– Word# 5 = 262 = Palin(36 “six six six” שש שש שש (rr+ro+rs))
– Word# 6 = 205 = 25 “codes” κωδικοι (r) w. 0 rem.
– Word# 7 = 308 = 38 “Alpha” (E o) w. 0 rem.
– Word# 8 = 29 “and Phi” (E rr)
– Word# 9 = 99 “physics” (E o)
– Word# 10 = 521 “the beast” (E s) = ordinal value of Vs(666) [combo 36 by rot.]
– Word# 11 = 116 = 16 “codes” קודים (r) w. ext…
– Word# 12 = 26 = Comp-o(39 “number” דקפ (Fr))
– Word# 13 = 66 = 6 w. ext… = Tri(11 = Pri(6)) = Hex(6)
– Combos added up to order 5 (6+6+6th combo by rot.) = 1000 + 666
– Ultra calculation = 1901813161633112787… – – – 1918 “Rav Shlomo Yehuda Be’eri” (E s)
131 = Palin(23 “riddles” חידות (r)) – – – 616 = Palin(71 = Pri(21 “of” (E o))) – – -3000 + 127 (inv. α) – – – 87 “Phi” (E s)
“Rav Shlomo Yehuda” (E s) = 1807
= (187 “Rav Shlomo Yehuda” (E o) = 100 + 87 “six six six” (E ro) = “mark of the beast” χαραγμα του θηριου (o)) w. 0 rem.
ויאמר משה כן דברת לא אסף עוד ראות פניך [Exo 10:29 = verse# 1807]. Now let’s check the ordinal version of verse# 1807:
CL = 13 – – – 4 CL = 36 – – – CW = 13 – – – 3 CW = 94 = Happy(6+6+6) = Comp(69 “the mark of the beast” (E r))
– Combo 4 (13th combo by rot.) = 48 “evil” (E o) – – – Word# 5 which is also word# 113th by rot. = 13
“Rav Shlomo Yehuda” (E r) = 70. And in the reduced version of verse# 70 we see:
TV = 289 = Tri(17 “Satan” שטן (r))
3 is the value of word# 6 – – – words added from order 3 to 6 = 42 “Six hundred threescore and six” (G o) – – – CW = Tri(6 “Phi” (r))
Verse# 3003 (303 “six six six “(E ro)) is the first verse that has a ultra calculation starting with the digits of 1918. Calculation:
(40*6*1*400*5*300*80*50*20*10*40*70*30*5*3*200*5*5*6*1*6*80*200*60*5*30*1*10*80*200*10*60*9*40*1*5*6*1*30*20*40)/(12*407*435*30*145*208*12*351*31*360*50*12*90) ≈ 19186706428351285737771753 – – – 1918 “Rav Shlomo Yehuda Be’eri” (E s)
670 “antichrist” (E s) – – – 642 “six” שש (o+s) = 100×6 + 42 “six” שש (o) – – – 800 + 35 “riddles” (E r) – – – 12 “of” (E r) – – – 857 “energy” (E s)
Verse# 1918 [דחא דע םהב ראשנ אל םיב םהירחא םיאבה הערפ ליח לכל םישרפה תאו בכרה תא וסכיו םימה ובשיו]:
– No.W = 18 = 6+6+6 – – – No.L = 67 “codes of” (E o) – – – No.W + No.L = 85 “physics” φυσικη (o)
– TV = 3764 = 3000 + 764 “The Golden Ratio” (H & G Fo) = TV of Vs(22918 (2918 = 1000 + 1918 “Rav Shlomo Yehuda Be’eri”))
– FLW = 337 שאוֹל “Hell” – – – 2 FLW = 506 “Genesis one one” (E s) [TV of added of Vs(Tri(666)) & Vs(Hex(666)) = 100 + 3764]
– CW = 403 “Satan” (H o+s) – – – W. surr. CW = 138 “hiding” (E o+s) = 2x 69 “the mark of the beast” (E r) – – – 4 CW = Star(10 “and”)
– FLCW = 740 “riddles of” (E sr137) = 10x 74 “gematria” (E o) – – – 2 FLW + 4 CW = 1047 (147 = Squ(7) + Squ(7) + Squ(7))
– Word# 1 = 324 = Squ(6+6+6) – – – Word# 6 = 407 “Satan” (E o+s) – – – First CW = 48 “evil” (E o) – – – second CW = 355 – – – 13 = word# 18
Total value of 666 Holograph
4256 = 4000 + Squ(16 “codes” קודים (r))
= 2800 + TV of Vs(256 “evil” κακος (Fo)) + 27 “riddles” (H s) = 3000 + 1256 “the seal of the sun” (E o+s)
= TV of Vs(1234 “Chi Xi Stigma” Χι Ξι Στιγμα) + Pri(13) x Pri(18)
= 3369 (369 “Rav Shlomo Yehuda is the Antichrist” (E o)) + TV of Vs(3666)
= 3991 (391 “Six hundred threescore and six” χξϛ (Fo)) + FLW of Vs(1234 “Six hundred threescore and six” χξϛ (Fs))
= Pri(2)xPri(2)xPri(2)xPri(2)xPri(2)xPri(2)xPri(2)xPri(3)xPri(6) – – – 2x2x2x2x2x2x2x3x6 = 13×18 w. 0… + CW of Vs(1234)
= 422 (42 “Six hundred threescore and six” χξϛ (o)) + TV of Vs(6022 “Chi Xi Stigma” Χι Ξι Στιγμα (Fs))
= 500 + TV of Vs(1800 “six six six” שש שש שש) + 142 “riddle” (E s) = 430 “number” αριθμος + TV of Vs(4969 = Pri(666))
= 3600 + 87 “six six six” (E ro) + FLW of Vs(153 “the Illuminati” (E o))
= TV of Vs(6857 = Pri(883 “the Antichrist” (E s))) + CW of Vs(153 “the Illuminati” (E o))
= TV of Vs(891 “the Illuminati” (E s)) + Pri(322 = 7x 46 “codes” (E o))
= Pri(38 “uncover” גלה) x 5 “the” ה + TV of Vs(123 “conspiracy” (E o))
= 1000 + TV of Vs(359 “Satan” שטן) + 746 “the devil” (E o+s)
= Pri(188 = 6+6+6 w. ext…) + TV of Vs(403 “Satan” שטן (o+s))
= 65 “the dragon” התנין (o) + TV of Vs(75 “Lucifer” לליה) = TV of Vs(55 “Satan” (E o)) + (E o) “the” 33 x 43 “serpent” נחש (o)
= Pri(75 “Lucifer” לליה) x 5 “the” ה + TV of Vs(352 “Satan” (E s))
= 10x(118 = 6+6+6 w. ext… = “riddles” (E ro)) + TV of Vs(684 = 6+6+6 + 666)
= 1133 (13) + TV of Vs(195 “six six six” εξ εξ εξ) = 400 + TV of Vs(1800 “six six six” שש שש שש) + 242 “riddles” (E s)
= 134 “wisdom, knowledge and understanding” חכמה דעת ואת בין (o) + 4122 “six six six” (H, G & E s)
= 1000 + (597 “revealing” (E s) = “the beast” θηριου) + 1000 + TV of Vs(18 = 6+6+6)
= 92 “riddles of” (E o) + TV of Vs(136 “the beast” (E ro)) = TV of Vs(177 “the mark of the beast” (E o)) + 10x 83 “wisdom” (E o)
= 3666 + ord of Vs(23976 = 36×666) = TV of Vs(13666) + Hex(26 “codes” (E rr)) = CW of Vs(902 (92 “riddles of” (E o))) + 3666
= (3369 = Pri(3) x Pri(189) – – – 3×189 = 567 “thirteen” (E s)) + TV of Vs(3666 = 36 <> 666)
= TV of Vs(16663 = 13 surrounding 666) + 100×19 “and” (E o) + 75 “Lucifer” לליה
= (3x 666 = 21 (Tri(6)) first letters of Gen 1:1) + TV of Vs(877 “beast number” αριθμον θηριου)
= 4000 + 153 “the Illuminati” (E o) + FLW of Vs(1647 “the number of the beast” αριθμον του θηριου)
= 4000 + Tri(16 “codes” (H r)) + CW of Vs(1647) = (Octa(37 “of wisdom”) = 403 “Satan” ןטש (o+s) w. ext…) + FLCW of Vs(1647)
= (1400 + 666 = Pri(2) x Pri(175) – – – 2×175 = 350 “understand” שכל) + TV of Vs(313 “six hundred threescore and six” (E o))
= TV of Vs(2500 “six hundred threescore and six” (E s)) + (1646 = 1000 + Palin(74 “gematria” (E o)) = 1600 + 46 “codes” (E o))
= Tri(3) x Comp(6) + TV of Vs(471 “six six six” (E sr36) = “antichrist” (E sr36))
= 1223 “six hundred threescore and six” (E sr36) + TV of Vs(670 “antichrist” (E s))
= (E o) “codes” 46x(83 = Pri(2x 12 “of” (E r)) = “wisdom” (E o)) + CW of Vs(1223 “six hundred threescore and six” (E sr36))
= 530 “these things, even they shall understand” ויתבוננו + TV of Vs(270 “evil” ער)
= CW of Vs(270 “evil” רע) + 1800 “six six six” (H s) + 1841 “antichrist” αντιχριστος
= (717 = Palin(81 “iniquity” עוה) + TV of Vs(311 “evil” κακος) = TV of Vs(44 “Satan” (H o)) + Pri(311 “evil” κακος)
TV of Vs(1366 “evil” רע (sr666) = Tri(16 “codes” קודים (r)) w. ext…) + 1095 (195 “six six six” εξ εξ εξ)
= (2403 (243 “six six six” (E o+ro)) = 2000 + 403 “Satan” (H o+s)) + TV of Vs(609 “the antichrist” (E sr36))
= 2115 (215 “the Bible and” (E ro)) + (2141 = TV of Vs(5 “the” ה) = TV of Vs(1841 “antichrist” αντιχριστος) = Pri(Squ(6+6+6)))
= FLW of Vs(1841 “antichrist” αντιχριστος) + TV of Vs(1625 “seven hundred seventy and seven” שבע מאות ושבעים ושבע)
= 4000 + CW of Vs(1841 “antichrist” αντιχριστος) + (118 “riddles” (E ro) = 6+6+6 w. ext…)
= 2969 “six hundred threescore and six” (H & G s) + 100×36 “evil” רע (o) + 76 “Bible codes” (E o)
= 100 + TV of Vs(5469 “six hundred threescore and six” (H, G & E s)) + CW of 666 Holograph
= (ro+rs) שטן “Satan” 86 x 19 “and” (E o) + TV of Vs(2463 “Mystery Babylon” Μυστηριον βαβυλων)
= ה ”the” 5 x 666 + FLW of Vs(1960 “six six six codes” שש שש שש קודים)
= 3000 + 472 “Triangle number 666” (E o) + CW of Vs(1960) = 2500 + 46 “codes” (E o) + FLCW of Vs(1960)
= reduced value of Rev 13:18 + (3853 = Pri(500 + 36 “six six six” ειξ ειξ ειξ (r)))
= ordinal value of Rev 13:18 + 3035 “codes of knowledge” κωδικες της γνωσης (o+s)
= Happy order of the standard value of Rev 13:18 + (2083 = Lucky.Pri(73 = Pri-o(359 “Satan” שטן)) = Happy-o(13703 (inv. α)))
= TV of Vs(3379 “Triangle number six hundred threescore and six” (E s)) + 675 “codes of knowledge” κωδικες της γνωσης (Fo)
= 1735 “Satan” (E ro+rs) + TV of Vs(222111 = Tri(666)) by rot. = 3006 + 4 CW of Vs(Tri(666)) by rot.
= 1133 (13 “Bible” תנ“ך (rr)) + TV of red Vs(70) + TV of ord Vs(187) + TV of std Vs(1807) [see page 163]
= (3739 = Pri(500 + 23 “riddles” חידות (r))) + FLW of red Vs(70) + FLW of ord Vs(187) + FLW of std Vs(1807)
= 4104 (414 = Palin(51 “and” και (o+s))) + CW of red Vs(70) + CW of ord Vs(187) + CW of std Vs(1807)
= 87 “six six six” (E ro) + 100×35 “riddles” (E r) + FLCW of red Vs(70) + FLCW of ord Vs(187) + FLCW of std Vs(1807)
=(182 = Rec(13)) + TV of red Vs(100) + TV of ord Vs(226) + TV of std Vs(1918 “Rav Shlomo Yehuda Be’eri” (E s))
= 1000 + 851 “the mark of the beast” το χαραγμα του θηριου (sr36) + TV of Vs(1062 “antichrist” αντιχριστος (rs))
= 3500 + 2 FLW of rev ord Vs(926) + 2 FLW of rev std Vs(13526) [“Rav Shlomo Yehuda Be’eri” = 926 (sr36) = 13526 (sr666)]
= ordinal value of Vs(12191 “the mark of the beast” το χαραγμα του θηριου (sr666) [L. = 18]) + 3285 “secret riddles” (E rr+ro+rs)
= (193 = Happy.Pri(13)) + 4063 “Yanuka” (E sr666) [“the Yanuka” = 34/106/1285]
[“the Yanuka” (E sr666) = 6091 = 500 + TV of red Vs(34) + TV of ord Vs(106) + TV of std Vs(1285)]
[2 FLW of 666 Holograph = 1000 + 218 “Rav Shlomo Yehuda” (E ro)]
[“Rav Shlomo Yehuda” (E rr+ro+rs) = 3192 = 3000 + prime order of the 3/4 CW of 666 Holograph]
[2 FLW + 3/4 CW of reduced 666 Holograph = 187 “Rav Shlomo Yehuda” (E o)]
Notice that combo 13 of the 666 Holograph = 407 “and” ואת = “Satan” (E o+s)