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Here we see the 7 reflected verses of Genesis 1:1 & go into their total values.

7 reflected verses of Genesis 1:1

2946 = “the constants of physics” οι σταθερες της φυσικης = “Alpha” Αλφα (sr729) = 2800 + 146 “the Universe” (E o) = 500 + 888 “Jesus” (G s) + TV of Vs(172 “codes” (E s))
= 913 “In the beginning” + 2033 “777” (G sr73) = 774 “In the beginning” εν αρχηι + (2127 = 3 X Happy.Pri(30 “seven” שבע (ro)) = TV of Vs(7297 (α)))
= TV of Vs(461 “in the beginning” (E s)) + TV of Vs(158 = 100 + 58 “seal of” (E o) = 2X Pri(23) – – – 2X23 = 46 “God” (G o))
= (245 “the fine-structure constant” (G Fr) = “wisdom” (H ro+rs)) + TV of Vs(1 “α”) = Happy(183 “seven seven seven” שבעת שבעת שבעת (o)) + TV of Vs(500 “φ”)
= 1000 + 296 “the earth” + TV of Vs(841 “the Universe” ο συμπαν) = 1000 + 321 “the universe codes” (H s) + 1625 “777” (H s)
= 1000 + 534 חתם אלהים seal of God” + 1000 + CW of Vs(156 “Universe” יקום) = TV of Vs(771 “Universe” συμπαν) + 1044 (104 “of God” (E ro))
= TV of Vs(3209 “seven hundred seventy and seven” (H & G s)) = Pri(214 “the universe” היקום (o+s)) + TV of Vs(46 “codes” (E o))
= TV of Vs(4529 = 100X38 “Alpha” (E o) + 729 (α)) = (632 = 100 + (532 “Alpha” Αλφα = 7th gonal-27 “Phi” פי (o)) = “codes” (E sr37+sr73)) + TV of Vs(777)
2. 3404 = Tri(37) + Tri(73) = “riddles of seven hundred seventy and seven” (E s) = TV of Vs(61 “miracle” (E o)) + TV of Vs(47 “of God” (E o))
= TV of Vs(6691 (691 “the heaven, the earth” (H s)) = TV of Vs(19635 = 7X 2805 (285 “fine-structure constant” (E o))
= TV of Vs(17045 (1745 “heaven” (E rs))) = 1000 + 299 (3 digits of the speed of light) + TV of Vs(212 “the light” רואה = פיזיקה physics)
= TV of Vs(19635 = (E o) “The” 33 X 595 “gematria riddles” (E s)) = 1000 + TV of Vs(532 “Alpha” Αλφα = 7th gonal-27 “Phi” פי (o)) + 93 “codes of God” (E o)
= Pri(168 “Alpha” (E r+o+s) = Pri(2) X Pri(2)… 2X2X2X3X5 = “Phi”) + TV of Vs(220 “Bible codes” (E s)) = 500 + TV of Vs(27 חידה “riddles”) + 88 “of God” (E ro))
= 1800 + 46 “codes” (E o) + TV of Vs(172 “codes” (E s)) = 59 “God said” (E o) + TV of Vs(959 “Universe” (E s)) = 10X29 “and” ואת (o) + TV of Vs(291 “Earth” ארץ)
3. 1219 = 400 + 819 “the seal” σφραγιδα [Because this is Vs(86 “of God”)] = Pri(10 “Alpha” Αλφα (r)) X Pri(17 “the Universe” היקום (r))
= FLW of Vs(5 “the” ה) + FLW of Vs(448 “seal” חתם) = 3 CW of Vs(372 “seven” (H s) – – – 7 = Pri(5 “the” ה = PP-o(37 “seal” (E o))))
= Tri(42 “knowledge” דעת (o)) + CW of Vs(777) = TV of Vs(146 “the Universe” (E o)) + 21 “of ” (E o) + 777 = Pri-o(37 “seal”) X Pri-o(137 “of God”) + 777
= (23X37 = “Universe” (G o+s)) + CW of Vs(401 = Pri(80 “codes” (G o))) = CW of Vs(74 “seal” (G o) = 2X Pri(13) – – – 2X13 = “God”) + CW of 777 Holograph
4. 1601 = 161 “The Universe” היקום w. 0 rem. = Pri(253 = Star(7) = Tri(1 “α” (o) + 21 “φ” (o))) = 100X12 “and” ו (Fs) + CW of Vs(1 “α” )
= (E s) “wisdom” 713 + 888 “Jesus” (G s) = Count 401 “Aleph Tav” את as nr 1 & then count to number 801 “Alpha Omega” αω
= C.Hex(23 “Aleph Tav” את (o)) + CW of Vs(801 “Alpha Omega” αω) = (2X 43 “seal” = 86 “of God”) + 777 + CW of Vs(2368 “Jesus Christ” Ιησους Χριστος)
= 1114 (14 “midst (H o)) + FLW of Vs(137) = CW of Vs(137) + 396 “seven hundred seventy and seven” (E ro) + 777 = CW of Vs(137) + CW of Vs(729) + 396
= 686 (68 “seven hundred seventy and seven” (H r) merged with its mirror) + (“The” 5 X 183 “Seven Seven Seven” = FLCW of Vs(100 + 37 “seal” = “of God”))
= CW of Vs(112 “The Lord God” יהוה אלהים) + 1154 “The Lord God” Ο Κυριος Θεος = 889 (89 “codes” (E ro) = “the seal of God” (H o)) + CW of the 777 Holo.
5. 3428 = 3000 + 428 “riddles” חידות = (r) και “and” 4 X Pri(149 = Pri(36 “seven seven seven” (H r))) = CW of Vs(703 “and the earth”) + 3106 (316 = CW of Vs(777))
=  CW of Vs(961 = Squ(31 “Alphaאלפא (o)) + 3328 (328 = FLW of Vs(1618 (φ)))
= TV of Vs(1 “α”) + 727 (72 “The Golden Ratio” (E r) <> mirror) = 330 “the fine-structure constant” (E ro) + TV of Vs(112 “Alpha” אלפא)
= 1000 + 791 “treasure” (E s) + TV of Vs(1618 (φ)) = (3386 (386 = ord of Vs(1618 (φ))) = TV of Vs(161 “the Universe “ היקום)) + CW of Vs(1618 (φ))
= 1778 (178 = Comp(100 + 37 “seal” = 137 “of God”) + TV of Vs(841 “the Universe” ο συμπαν) = 7X(372 “seven”  שבע) + CW of Vs(841)
= 2656 (26 “God” (E o) – – – 56 “created” (E o)) + CW of Vs(113 “Universe” (E o)) = 2513 “Torah riddles” (E rs) + CW of Vs(1172 “the Universe” (E s))
= 1803 (183 “seven seven seven” שבעת שבעת שבעת (H o)) + 1625 “seven hundred seventy and seven” (H s) = 777 by rot. of Vs(777) + TV of Vs(1625)
= 232 “seven hundred and twenty nine” (H o) + TV of Vs(1625 “777” (H s)) = 2533 (253 = Star(7) = Tri(1 “α” + 21 “φ”)) + CW of Vs(1625 “777” (H s))
6. 4619 = 3000 + 1619 ”seven hundred seventy and seven” שבע מאות שבעים ושבע [modern] = 100X46 “codes” (E r) + 19 “codes” (E r)
= TV of Vs(729 (α)) + Comp(777) = 100X29 “and” ואת (o) + 1618 (φ) = (E s) “In the beginning” 461 X 5 “the” ה + TV of Vs(777)
= TV of Vs(401 תא = PP(38 ”Alpha” (E o))) + 3018 (318 “the fine-structure constant” (E o)) = 1000 + 523 ”777” (H Fo) + TV of Vs(1625 ”777” (H s))
7. 5191 = 5000 + 191 “The 7-7-7  Holograph” (H o) = 7X299 (729 (α)) + TV of Vs(112 “Alpha” ) = (H o) “seal” 43 X 41 “of God” (H o) + TV of Vs(395)
= TV of Vs(777) + TV Vs(191 = Palin(29 “and” ואת (o)) = “The 7-7-7 Holograph” השבע שבע שבע הולוגרף (o))
= 221 (21 = 7+7+7) + TV of Vs(1451 “The 7-7-7 Holograph” (H s)) = 1000X(7+7+7) + TV of 777 Holograph


– TV of verses reflecting the FLW of Gen 1:1 is 2946 + 5191 = 8000 + (100 + 37 “seal” (E o) = 137 “of God” (E s)) = 840 “In the beginning God created” (E s) + 7297 (α)
– TV of verses reflecting the FLCW of Gen 1:1 = 9738 = 7000 + 2738 (molecular weight of all Amino Acids)
– TV of Vs reflecting the words surr. the CW of Gen 1:1 is 1219 + 3428 = 4647 = 100X46 “codes” (E o) + 47 “of God” (E o) = TV of Vs(112 “Alpha”) + prime factor of its TV
– TV of Vs relfect. “God created” = 4623 “Proton” Πρωτονιο (Fr+Fo+Fs) = “the golden ratio codes” (E rr+ro+rs)
– TV of Vs relfecting 7, 37 by rot. & 73 by rot. of Gen 1:1 = 9500 + 314 “777” (E o) [m] (71 “seal” (E ro)) 701 X 14 “of God” אלהימ (r)
– TV of Vs reflecting 137 by rot. & 729 by rot. of Gen 1:1 is 2946 + 1601 = 4547 “prepare” κατασκευαζεται (rs) = 100X45 “treasure(s) אוצר (o) + 47 “of God” (E o))
– TV of Vs(395 “the heaven”) + TV of Vs(296 “the earth”) = 7000 + 1619 “seven hundred seventy and seven” שבע מאות שבעים ושבע [m] = 8000 + CW of Vs(172 “codes” (E s))
– TV of Vs ord. at: 86, 395 & 296 (86+395+296=777) = 9800 + 68 “seven hundred seventy and seven” (H r)
                                                                                              = Pri(2)X Pri(658) – – – 2X658 = (1316 = 1000 + CW of Vs(777) = FLCW of Vs(841 “the Universe” ο συμπαν))


– The center word is the only word made up of a prime (401 = Pri(80)))
– The center verse that reflects the center word is the only verse that is made up of a prime (1601 = Prime nr 253)
Adding the prime orders of the center word of Gen 1:1 & the center verse of the 7 reflected verses here is 80 + 253
= 333 “seven hundred seventy and seven” (E o) = FLW of Vs(232 “seven hundred and twenty nine” שבע מאות ועשרים ותשע (o))
= CW of Vs(13 “Alpha” אלפא (r)) = CW of Vs(19 “codes” (E r) = “and” (E o)) = CW of Vs(23 “Aleph Tav”/”riddles” (H o))
= CW of Vs(9453 = Tri(100 + 37 “seal” = 137 “of God”)) = CW of Vs(38 “Alpha” (E o)) + 37 + 137 = CW of Vs(31 “Alpha” אלפא (o)) + CW of Vs(777)
– The center words added of all the 7 reflected verses is 137+596+288+368+211+1023+346 = 2969 = 1600 + Squ(37) = “constants of physics” σταθερες της φυσικης (o+s)
= Pri(429 “Aleph Tav” את (r+o+s) = Factor of Vs(21616 = (1+7) X (1+37X73))) = 1000 + TV & CW of Vs(401 תא)
TV added of verses reflecting the mirrors of the 7 words is 3859+2193+2967+2063+1471+3127+2878 = 18558 = 500 + 18058 “777” (H & G Fo+Fs)
= mirror of (85581 = ויאמרand said” 257 X 333 “seven hundred seventy and seven” (E o)) = Pri(174 = 37 “seal” (E o) + 137 “of God” (E s)) X 18 “riddles” (H r)
TV added of verses reflecting the 7 words & their mirrors is 22408+18558 = 40966
= (o+s) “α” 2 X Pri(2314 = TV of Vs(777)) – – – (2X2314 = 4000 + 628 “the seal of God” החתם אלהים (o+s) = (H o) “the seal of God” 89 X 52 “codes” (H o)
= 1432 “Codes of ” κωδικοί της + TV of Vs(1625 “seven hundred seventy and seven” (H s)) = 3000 + 1628 “seven hundred seventy and seven” (H rs))














את Aleph Tav” = 5 (r)/23 (o)/401 (s) – – – red = 5 הthe” – – – ord = 23 “riddles” חידות (r) [m] – – – sta = 401 (41 “of God” אלהים (o))
23+401 = 424 = Palin(52 בן “Son”) – – – 5+23+401 = 400 + 29 “of God” (E r).
TV of Vs(401) + 1100 “in the midst” εν μεσωι = TV of Gen 1:1
FLW of Gen 1:1 = Lucky(180 = ord FLCW of Vs(401)) = (808 “In the beginning” (H ro+rs) = “word” λογωι [John 2:22]) + 401
All words except CW in Genesis 1:1 = 2300 = 3-D.Tri(23)
Palindrome nr 401 = 30103 = center of gravity in Tri(37) w. 0 rem.
Center of gravity in triangle nr 73 = 1201 = 800 + 401 “Aleph Tav” את
TV of Vs(23) = 1060 = Comp(882 = Comp(729 (α) = Squ(27 “Phi” פי (o)))) = “signature of God” (E o+s)
TV of Vs(401) = 1601 = Pri(22 = 1 “α” (o) + 21 “φ” (o)) = 100X12 “and” ו (Fs) + 401
2 FLL + 3 CL of Vs(401) = 276 = Tri(23)
Prime order of 401 = 80 “π” – – – Ordinal value of Vs(401) = 314 (π)
Words added up CW in Gen 1:1 = 1000 + 314 (ordinal value of Vs(401))
W. added from CW in Gen 1:1 = 1499 = 1000 + 1 of Vs(913) + 2 of Vs(203) + 3 of Vs(86) + 4 of Vs(401)
Occurrence nr 1000 + 314 (π) of “Aleph Tav” את in the Bible is found in verse nr = 2741 = Pri(401)
Verse orders added of the first verses with a FLW reflecting words up to CW in Gen 1:1 = 949 = Palin(104 “Aleph and Tav” (E o))
CW instead = 3986 = 3000 + words from CW in Vs(401)
Sum of these two is 949+3986 = 4935 = 4500 + 435 “Word” λογος (o+s)
– Verse orders added of the first verses with a FLW reflecting the 7 values of the 7 words in Gen 1:1 is 745 (913) + 1958 (203) + 134 (86) + 1149 (401) + 39 (395) + 393 (407) + 102 (296) = 4520 = 4000 + 520 “reward” שכר
CW instead is 405(913)+516(203)+27(86)+1(401)+186(395)+55(407)+178(296) = 1368 “a mystery” (E ro+rs) = 1000 + CW of Vs(401)
Sum FLW & CW here is 4520+1368 = 5888 = 1000X5 ה “of ” + 888 Jesus” Ιησους
= 58 “was” ην w. ext… = TV of Vs(24333 = (243 = CW of Vs(373 “Word” λογος)) w. ext…)
401 = Pri(80 “universe” συμπαν (o))
Prime factors added of the 7 words of Gen 1:1 = 751 “Bible codes” Βιβλικοι κωδικοι (Fo)
Tri(401) = 80601 = 1000X(79 = Pri(23)) + TV of Vs(401)
Square nr 401 = 160801 = 801 “Alpha Omega” ΑΩ + 1000X160 “codes” קודים
Number 401 = 137 by rot. of Vs(2741 = Pri(401)) = CW of Vs(2741 = Pri(401)) = 314 by rot. of Vs(401)
= 401 by rot. of Vs(703) = (203 = 37 by rot. of Gen 1:1) by rot. of Vs(37X73) = 137 by rot. of Vs(37X73)
CW of Vs(1 “α”) + CW of Vs(401 = Pri(80 “codes” κωδικες (o))) = 769 = Pri(137 (inverse α))
Total value of Vs(2741 = Pri(401)) = 10X 424 “Aleph Tav” את (o+s)
5 first digits added of Pi = 14 “midst” לב (o)
23 first digits added of Pi = 1868 = 1000 + 137+731 (mirrors) = The King of Kings” (E ro+rs) [title of Jesus in Rev 19:16]
401 first digits instead = 1757 = 1000 + (Palin(85 = CW of Vs(888 “Jesus”) = “Christ” (E ro)) = FLCW of Vs(358 “Messiah” משיח))
23 first digits + 401 first digits = 3625 = 2000 + 1625 “seven hundred seventy and seven” שבע מאות ושבעים ושבע
    = TV of Vs(11368 = 1000X11 “and” ואת + CW of Vs(401))
In verse nr 23 we see word nr 6 “and” ו (last word of this verse) has the value of = 368 = CW of Vs(401)
The number of occurrences of “Aleph Tav” את in my Bible database = 7366
    = 7000 + 366 “Messiah” (E r+o+s) = (736 = 400 + 366 “Bible codes” (E r+o+s)) w. ext…
The fifth occurrence is in Vs(16), 23rd occurrence is in Vs(53) and the 401th occurrence of “Aleph Tav” is in Vs(808),
    added gives: 53+808 = 861 = 400 + 461 “In the beginning” (E s) – – – 16+53+808 = 100 + 777
Occurrence nr 104 “Aleph and Tav” (E o) of 401 “Aleph Tav” את is found in the verse ordered at = 211 = Pri(48 “Universe” (H r))
– Occurrence nr 401 of ”Aleph Tav“ את is found in the verse ordered at = 808 “In the beginning” בראשית (ro+rs)
These verse orders added is 211+808 = 1019 “Torah” (E ro+rs) = Pri(172 “codes” (E s))
Word nr 104 “Aleph and Tav” (E o) of the Bible has letter nr 401 “Aleph Tav” את of the Bible, and these orders are mirrors
Aleph Tav” is the center word of Gen 1:1 while triangle nr 37 can be put in the center of Tri(73). added is 401+703 = 1104 (104)
Word nr 5 of the Bible starts with letter nr 17 “the Universe” היקום (r)
Word nr 23 of the Bible starts with letter nr 86 “of God” אלהים
Word nr 401 of the Bible starts with letter nr 1560 = 10X 156 “Universe” יקום
86+1560 = 1646 = 1500 + 146 “the Universe” (E o) = 1000 + CW of vs(13703 (inverse α))
17+86+1560 = 1663 = Lucky primes up to the order 17 “the Universe” היקום (r)
Adding letter nr 1 & 400 of the Bible is 2+100 = 102 “Genesis one one” אחד אחד בראשית (o) = “of God” του Θεου (o)
Total value of Genesis 1:1 = 2701 = 1701 “eight hundred and eighty eight” שמונה מאות שמונים ושמונה
    = 2000 + CW of Vs(23) + CW of Vs(401)
    = 2368 “Jesus Christ” Ιησους Χριστος + 333 “the Word” הדברים (r+o+s)
The center word of Gen 1:1 is the only word made up of prime (80)
The center verse of the 7 verses that reflects the values of the 7 words in Gen 1:1 is the only verse made up of a prime (253)
80 “Universe” συμπαν (o) = “codes” κωδικες (o)
253 = Comp(198 = sum primes up to number 37 “of wisdom” חכמה (o))
Their prime orders added is 80+253 = 333 “seven hundred seventy and seven” (E o) = “the Word” הדברים (r+o+s)
The three last digits of inverse Alpha 137.035999206 as of the year 2021 equals = 206 “Word” דבר [Isa 66:2]
Occurrence nr 5000 + 888 “Jesus” of “Aleph Tav” את is found in verse nr = “gematria codes” גימטריא קודים (Fs)
Occurrence nr 143 “the Son of God” בן האלהים [m] of את in the Bible is found in verse nr = 298 = ord of Gen 1:1
Occurrence nr 328 “the Son of God” לבר אלהין [Dan 3:25] of את in the Bible is found in verse nr
    = 704 “the Word” (H & G s) [םירבדה [Gen 15:1] – – – ο Λογος o [John 1:1]]
Occurrence nr 391 “Jesus” עשוהי of את is found in verse nr = 860 “The Holy Spirit” αγιος πνευμα
Occurrence nr 363 “(the) Messiah” המשיח of את is found in verse nr = 809 = Pri(141 “mystery” המולעת (Fo))
Sum verse order of occurrence nr 391 & occurrence nr 363 is 860+806 = 1669 = “137” (H o+s) – – – 137 “of God” (E s)
Occurrence nr 715 “Aleph Tav” (E s) of את is found in verse nr = 1596 “and seven seven seven” ואת שבעת שבעת שבעת
Occurrence nr 7 of את in the Bible is found in verse nr = 22 = 1 “α” (o) + 21 “φ” (o)
Occurrence nr 37 “seal” (E o) of את in the Bible is found in verse nr = 91 = Tri(13 “of God” אל (o))
Occurrence nr 73 (Pri(1 “α” (o) + 21 “φ” (o))) of את is found in verse nr = 138 “Alpha and Phi” Αλφα και Φι (sr7)
Adding verse orders of occur. nr 37 & 73 here = 229 “seven hundred seventy and seven riddles” שבע מאות ושבעים ושבע חידות (Fr)
Sum is 22+91+138 = 251 = Pri(55 “and” (E s)) = 100 + 151 “the Universe” (E ro)
53 “Torah”/”the Universe” (H o) is the verse order that has occurrence nr 23 “riddles” חידות (r) [m] of “Aleph Tav” את in the Bible
Occurrence nr 137 of את is found in verse nr = 292 “one hundred and thirty seven” (E o) – – – 137 (inv. α)
Occurrence nr 611 ”Torah“ תורה of את is found in verse nr = 1377 = 137 w. ext… = 100X6 ו “and” + 777
Occurrence nr (653 = Happy.Pri(27 “riddle(s)” הדיח)) of את is found in verse nr = 1505 “137” (H s) – – – 137 “of God” (E s)
Occurrence nr 3700 of את is found in verse nr 1762 “Inverse Alpha” (E sr137)
Occurrence nr 1370 (inv. α) of את is found in verse nr 2839 = Hepta(34 “Alpha” Αλφα (o))
Occurrence nr 3091 (TV of 777 Holograph) of את is found in verse nr = 6000 + 731 (mirror of 137)
In Vs(729 (α) = 700 + 29 “and” ואת (o) = Squ(27 “Phi” פי (o))) we find occurrence nr
= (709 “seven hundred seventy seven” (H, G & E o) = 400 + 309 “codes of God” (E s)
= CW of Vs(1505 “a hundred and thirty and seven” מאת ושלשים ושבע) = CW of Vs(4994 = TV of the 777 Holograph + its mirror))
Occurrence nr 729 (α) of את is found in the verse ordered at = 1625 “seven hundred seventy and seven” שבע מאות ושבעים ושבע
Occurrence nr 1618 (φ) of את is found in the verse ordered at = 3319 = Happy(501 = 1 “α” + 500 “φ”)
Occurrence nr 777 of את is found in the verse ordered at = 1712 = 1000 + CW of 777 Holograph
    = FLCW of Vs(10000 + 525 “gematria codes” (E s)) = FLCW of Vs(10000 + 552 “The enigma of ” (E r+o+s))
    = FLCW of Vs(10000 + 3024 “Alpha, Pi and Phi” Αλφα, Πι και Φι (rr+ro+rs))
    = TV of Vs(18276 = Tri(23) + 1000X18 “riddles” (H r)) = FLCW of Vs(21037 [21X37 = 777])
    = TV of Vs(26368 = 1000X(26 “The Lord” יהוה = “God” (E o)) + CW of Vs(401)) = TV of Vs(26000 + 713 “wisdom” (E s))
    = TV of Vs(27921 = 921 “The Lord God” Ο Κυριος Θεος (rr+ro+rs) + 1000X27 “riddles” חידה)
3327 = 327 thy crowned ךירזנמ w. ext… = verse order of occurrence nr 1625 “seven hundred seventy and seven” (H s)
    = TV of Vs(6887 = (687 = CW of Vs(37) + CW of Vs(73)) w. ext… = 5000 + “seven hundred seventy and seven” (H r+o+s))
Verse orders added here is 1712+3327 = 5039 = 539 “the seal of God” חתם האלהים w. 0 rem.
Occurrence nr 28 (Tri(7)) of את is found in verse nr = 79 = Pri(23 “physics” פיזיקה (r))
Occurrence nr 703 (Tri(37)) of את is found in verse nr = 1579 = Prime(250 “physics” פיזיקה (rs))
Occurrence nr 2701 (Tri(73)) of את is found in verse nr = 5971 = Lucky(712 = 500 + 212 “physics” פיזיקה)
Sum occurrences of 703 & 2701 = 10X(755 = 137 (inv. α) + 618 (φ))
Sum occurrences of 28, 703 & 2701 = 7629 = (729 (α) = 700 + 29 “and” ואת (r) = Squ(27 “Phi” פי (o))) + 100X69 “physics” (H Fr)
= 7000 + CW of Vs(1836 (mp/me) = the proton-to-electron mass ratio)
= TV of Vs(8178 = 7000 + 1178 “mystery” μυστηριον = 8000 + Comp(137 “of God” (E s)))
Occurrence nr 888 “Jesus” Ιησους of את is found in verse nr = 1906 “believe” πιστευω (o+s)
Occurrence nr 1480 “Christ” Χριστος of את is found in verse nr = 3038 “thirty and seven” (E ro+rs) – – – 37
Sum is 1906+3038 = 4944 = 494 “Alpha and Phi riddles” (E s) w. ext… = occurrence nr 729 (α) + occurrence nr 1618 (φ) of את
Occurrence nr 2368 “Jesus Christ” Ιησους Χριστος of את is found in verse nr = 5217 = 4000 + 1217 “the First and the Last” (E s)
Reduced value of Vs(5) = 485 “Testimony” תעודה
Ordinal value of Vs(23) = 222 = 2 “in” ב w. ext…
Standard value of Vs(401) = 1601 = 161 “the Universe” היקום w. 0 rem. = TV of Vs(13000 + 333 “777” (E o))
                                                               = TV of Vs(17000 + 450 “codes of God” (E r+o+s))
TV of Vs(23) + TV of Vs(401) = 729 (α) + 314 (π) + 1618 (φ) = “The enigma of ” (E rr+ro+rs) = 261 “the word” הדברים w. ext…
Red of Vs(5) + ord of Vs(23) + sta of Vs(401) = 3146 = 3000 + 146 “the universe” (E o) = TV of Vs(1722 (172 “codes” (E s)))
Occurrence nr 1601 (TV of Vs(401)) of את is found in verse nr = 3280 = 10X 328 “the Son of God” לבר אלהין [Dan 3:25]
Occurrence nr 801 “Alpha Omega” ΑΩ of “Aleph & Tav” את is found in verse nr = 1750 “Heaven” (H, G & E s) [שמים – – – ουρανος]
Occurrence nr 7297 (α) of את is in verse nr = 22989 = 989 “In the beginning” (H o+s) + 1000X(1 “α” (o) + 21 “φ” (o))
Occurrence nr (1777 = 1000 + 777) of את is found in verse nr = 3746 = 46 “codes” (E o) + 100X37 “of wisdom” (H o)
Occurrence nr (2777 = 2000 + 777) of את is found in verse nr = 6117 = 6000 + 117 “the seal of God” (E o)
Occurrence nr (3777 = 3000 + 777) of את is found in verse nr = 8194 = 8000 + 194 “seven hundred seventy and seven” (H o)
Occurrence nr (4777 = 4000 + 777) of את is in = 10157 = 7X 1451 “the 7-7-7 Holograph” השבע שבע שבע הולוגרף
Occurrence nr (5777 = 5000 + 777) of את is in = 15263 = Pri(1782 = 1400 + 382 “in the firmament” ברקיע)
Occurrence nr (6777 = 6000 + 777 = 67 “codes of” (E o)) of את is in verse nr = 20754 = 20000 + 754 “Jesus Christ” עשוהי המשיח
Pri(23) + Pri(401) is 79+2741 = 2820 “Jesus” ιησουν (o+s) [Act 11:17] = TV of Vs(1000 + 358 “Messiah” חישמ)
    = red+ord+sta value of Vs(777)

TV of Vs(27 “AZ” (o)) + TV of Vs(401 Aleph Tav”) = 5897 = Pri(777)

777 codes